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In common DDO terms, a "monster" is anything that the players can fight (aka a "mob"). It could be a dragon or vampire, or it could be the local human priest or city officer - it doesn't have to be "monstrous" (in the general use of the term) to be considered a "monster".
- For a simple alphabetical listing, see the Category:Bestiary.
- There is a list of all known monsters in DDO, listed by type and race.
- For a list of known monsters sorted by quest see the Monster information project.
- See this page for detailed information for each monster type from the Monster Manual.
- Getting yellow or white damage numbers? Check out the Monster DR and weaknesses.
- See Named monsters and Raid bosses for detailed information of various boss monsters in game.
- Monster Champions are randomly selected from monsters on Hard and Elite difficulties who receive special buffs
- Monsters often have special attacks unavailable to player characters, see Monster attacks
Brief Monster Table by Type[edit]
Specific exceptions or examples are listed in parenthesis after the race. Click each race (or type) to go to its page, where you can find detailed descriptions and a list of all monsters of that race (or type).
Note that not all monster types are available for selection as a Ranger's Favored Enemy, nor are all found as Bane effects on weapons.
Notes re Ranger's Favored Enemies:
- 1) For Outsiders, a Ranger may select "Chaotic Outsider", "Evil Outsider", and/or "Lawful Outsider" (each separately). The "Race" category of the monster does not distinguish by alignment, so these Favored Enemies tend to overlap some Outsiders and miss others. Mephits are "True Neutral", not Chaotic, Evil or Lawful, and so are not covered by any of a Ranger's possible choices.
Note also that...
- Humanoid bane covers many of the above types. From the Hold Person spell, it includes Kobolds, Goblinoids, Troglodytes, all Player Races (except Warforged), "...and more." It is only found on randomly-generated weapons, and is not a possible choice for a Ranger's Favored Enemy.
- Incorporeal creatures fit multiple types above (e.g. Evil Outsider, Undead). Both Lesser and Greater Incorporeal Bane exist in game, on the Phase Hammer, Assassin's Kiss, and Epic Assassin's Kiss and on randomly generated Cannith Crafted weapons. Note that Incorporeal Bane does not imply Ghost touch.
- Natural bane, a designation found only on historic randomly-generated and historic Cannith Crafted weapons, covers all of Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Plants and Fey.
- Unnatural bane, a designation found on Hunter's Slayer, randomly-generated weapons, and Cannith Crafted weapons, covers all of Monstrous Humanoids, Aberrations, and Undead.
- Ooze bane does not make a weapon immune to breakage or splitting. (See Everbright)
- Note that several races are listed under multiple types. This is unavoidable, as certain factors cause monsters of the same race to fall under different types. For example, most blue dragons are Dragon type, but Auraxyllon and Eternity are undead, and so fall under the Undead type. The same goes for undead beholders, humans, and rats. Similarly, "Evil Outsiders" may or may not also be "Lawful Outsiders" or "Chaotic Outsiders", and so on.
- Note on choosing a bane weapon: The general rule of thumb is to choose the bane type that corresponds to that particular monster's type, not race. In the example above, Auraxyllon is affected by undead bane, but not by dragon bane, even though it is a blue dragon. Likewise, Death Knights are affected by undead bane, but not human bane. The exception to this rule is that monsters of any of the various outsider types can also be affected by lawful outsider bane or chaotic outsider bane if those monsters are lawful or chaotic, respectively.
External links[edit]
- D20 SRD: Monster page
- DDO bestiary
- For a spreadsheet listing of monsters you can also visit the DDO Creature Compilation at:
- For a discussion on creatures on the DDO forums or to find out more about the compilations you can visit: DDO Forums