Year of the Dragon: Through 26th November, claim your free Hoard of Discovery! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Type: Dragon (List)

Race: Blue Dragon (List)

Monster Manual classification: Unknown

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Boss: Red Named - Quest Boss

CR: Challenge Level + 4


Special Qualities: 

  • See Invisibility
  • Healed by negative energy
  • Freezing Aura: reduces movement by 25%, attack rate by 15%, gives vulnerability to cold, gives -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and reflex saves from the cold, and cannot tumble.
  • Wings and tail can pass through the columns to nail players hugging too closely to the protective columns.
  • Immune to electric


Description: The Spectral Dragon, Eternity, can be defeated to acquire Spectral Dragon Scales for cosmetic items during The Night Revels. She is no longer Undead as of 2018. You can't add her to Monster Manual.

Eternity in old Mabar[edit]

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Eternity from old Mabar dungeon

Eternity in the old Mabar Endless Night Festival used to yield Signets of the Endless Night. The mechanics to defeat the dragon was a bit different.

  • Resists/Immunities: - When the light in the chamber is off, ~100 resistance to all elements (CR21 version tested). When the light is on, it has none.
  • DR: - When the light in the chamber is off, DR/1000. When the light is on, none.