Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit
Game mechanics • Newbie guide • In development • DDO Store • Social Media
Challenges • Classes • Collectables • Crafting • Enhancements • Epic Destinies • Favor • Feats
Glossary • Items • Maps • Monsters • Places • Quests • Races • Reincarnation • Skills • Spells
Please create an account or log in to remove ads, build a reputation, and unlock more editing privileges and then visit DDO wiki's IRC Chat/Discord if you need any help!
List of all the various forums, fansites, and Discord servers for DDO.
Current Forums[edit]
Forums dedicated to DDO other than, (Archived Forums) by SSG.
- DDO Vault - No Holds Barred Forums
- DDOwiki Forums
- Gaming StackExchange - Q&A type site for all games. DDO specific questions can be seen by following the link.
- reddit r/DDO - The subreddit for DDO Stormreach
- Steam community: DDO
Current Sites[edit]
- DDO Audit Real-time Population Data, Server Status, and LFM Viewer
- DDO Compendium Another community wiki, not to be confused with Turbine's old site
- DDO Players DDO news and articles
- DDO Tracker - A program to track characters, provide quest information, quest aids and puzzle solvers
- DDOwiki - Encyclopedia keeping the citizen of Stormreach informed since January 2006.
- Micki's Delirium Commentary on game play and raiding
Current Discords[edit]
- DDOwiki The very own DDOwiki Discord
- DDO Discord
- Dungeon & Dragons Online: Community Discord
- carpeDDom - a community for noobs and lore nerds
- Argonessen - community discord for Argonessen
- The Portable Hole - community discord for Khyber
- Orien (Raiding) Discord (ORD) - community discord for Orien
- Easily Distracted - community discord for Sarlona
- DDO Deutsch - German speaking DDO Discord
- Strimstream - Strimtom's Discord (content maker)
- Deathy's Dungeon - Deathy's Discord (content maker)
- Arcanaverse - Arcanaverse' Discord (content maker)
- Dragon's Claw Tavern (DCT) - community discord for DnD and DDO
Outdated Sites[edit]
- Bloodlickr DDO gaming adventures
- Cannith Crafting Planner - not updated since Update 32 Cannith Crafting Pass.
- The Cauldron of Night A sequel of "The Witching Hour" - not updated since Mar 2018 (Update 37.4)
- Citi Plays DDO Builds, Characters, and Commentary for Dungeons and Dragons Online
- The Damsels Of DDO Ladies play DDO
- DDM's Realm - DDO Walkthroughs, Guides, Spoilers, Database and more! No DDO update since 2016.
- DDO Brasil - DDO Brasil is a blog written in Portuguese aimed at the Portuguese and Brazilian community
- DDO Build Masters - DDO Build Masters is a blog for character builds and fast reaper TR paths
- DDOcast - Weekly audio podcast about the world of Dungeons and Dragons Online!
- DDOCentral - Blog that compiles all of the DDO-related blogs, websites, and social media resources.
- DDOracle is watching you - not updated since Jan 2019 (Update 41.1)
- DDOTrader - Site built to facilitate trading of DDO items. Seems to be online, but not in use currently.
- Erdrique's Blog Just a DDO Gamer's Ramblings… - not updated since Nov 2019 (Update 43.1)
- Even Now Funz and Failz in DDO
- Full Moon Fury The blog of Orien server guild, Full Moon Fury - not updated since Aug 2018 (Update 39)
- Grimorde's blog DDO player blog
- KorthosCast - DDO Podcast designed for new members and old members alike getting a perspective for the game.
- OurDDO - Former aggregate feed of DDO-related blogs that was designed to replace MyDDO, site suspended by hosting service as of July 2019 (Update 42.2)
- M3 ~ The Magnificent Misadventures of Mustardo - Web comic. Join Mustardo as he travels the world of Eberron in search of fame, fortune, and delicious booze. Last updated 2010.
- Return to House of Grouse Sequel to The House of Grouse - not updated since Jun 2019 (Update 42.1)
- The Moon Breaker The Moon Breaker Novels. DDO-specific storylines
- The Order of Syncletica The Monk's Dojo
- The Stormreach Campaign Chronicle of the legendary campaign book for DDO
- The Witching Hour The life and the dead of a D&D Character.
- YourDDO - YourDDO is a set of useful web tools created by Ague (Contribs • Message • Email) that include a Monster Manual reference, crafting planners, and a server status tool. - not updated since Nov 2017 (Update 36.4)