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Item:Sentient Jewel

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One of the Sentient Jewels

Sentient Jewels contain the essence of sentience that is used to create a Sentient Weapon.

A Sentient Jewel is not the same as a Filigree, but is a prerequisite for adding those to a weapon.

Where to get Jewels?[edit]

Jewel Tobar the Smith Ravenloft Saga Other
Blackrazor White Plume Mountain
Covetous The Curse of Strahd
Dragon Party Favor turn-in (previously store code)
Furious Yes
Hopeful Yes Yes
Inquisitive Yes Yes
Kobold Party Favor turn-in
Lizardfolk Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Ultimate Edition
Resolute Yes Yes
Timid Vistani Totem turn-in
Wave White Plume Mountain
Whelm White Plume Mountain
Vaunt Arcane Assistant Vecna Unleashed Ultimate Edition

See also[edit]