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All wands cast the spell listed at the minimum possible caster level and ability score, unless otherwise specified. Wands found in random loot are generated with a random amount of charges (max 50), wands purchased from vendors always have their full 50 charges. After the last charge is used the wand is destroyed.

This is a list of known wands found in the game by spell level.

Availability legend

Level 1 wands
WandMarketHouse JHouse PTwelveHouse K
Wand of Bless
Wand of Bless (5th)
Wand of Burning Hands
Wand of Burning Hands (3rd)
Wand of Burning Hands (5th)
Wand of Charm Person
Wand of Chill Touch
Wand of Chill Touch (3rd)
Wand of Chill Touch (5th)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds
Wand of Detect Secret Doors
Wand of Detect Secret Doors (5th)
Wand of Detect Secret Doors (10th)
Wand of Electric Loop
Wand of EnfeeblementIcon tooltip.pngCasts Ray of Enfeeblement
Wand of Expeditious Retreat
Wand of Expeditious Retreat (5th)
Wand of Expeditious Retreat (10th)
Wand of Inflict Light Wounds
Wand of Mage Armor
Wand of Mage Armor (5th)
Wand of Magic Missile
Wand of Magic Missile (3rd)
Wand of Magic Missile (5th)
Wand of Magic Missile (7th)
Wand of Magic Missile (9th)
Wand of Niac's Cold Ray
Wand of Niac's Cold Ray (3rd)
Wand of Niac's Cold Ray (5th)
Wand of Protection from Evil
Wand of Protection from Evil (5th)
Wand of Protection from Evil (10th)
Wand of Remove Fear
Wand of Repair Light Damage
Wand of Shield
Wand of Shield (5th)
Wand of Shield (10th)
Wand of Shield of Faith
Wand of Shield of Faith (6th)
Wand of Shield of Faith (12th)
Wand of Shocking Grasp
Wand of Shocking Grasp (3rd)
Wand of Shocking Grasp (5th)
Wand of Sleep
Level 2 wands
WandMarketHouse JHouse PTwelveHouse K
Wand of Aid
Wand of Bear’s Endurance
Wand of Bear’s Endurance (6th)
Wand of Blur
Wand of Blur (5th)
Wand of Blur (10th)
Wand of Bull's Strength
Wand of Bull's Strength (6th)
Wand of Cat's Grace
Wand of Cat's Grace (6th)
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds
Wand of Deific Vengeance
Wand of Deific Vengeance (6th)
Wand of Deific Vengeance (10th)
Wand of Eagle's Splendor
Wand of Eagle's Splendor (6th)
Wand of False Life
Wand of False Life (10th)
Wand of Fox's Cunning
Wand of Fox's Cunning (6th)
Wand of Ghoul Touch
Wand of Hold Person
Wand of Inflict Moderate Wounds
Wand of Invisibility
Wand of Knock (10th)
Wand of Lesser Restoration
Wand of Melf's Acid Arrow
Wand of Nimbus of Light
Wand of Nimbus of Light (5th)
Wand of Owl's Wisdom
Wand of Owl's Wisdom (6th)
Wand of Remove Paralysis
Wand of Repair Moderate Damage
Wand of Resist Energy
Wand of Resist Energy (7th)
Wand of Resist Energy (11th)
Wand of Scorching Ray
Wand of Scorching Ray (7th)
Wand of Scorching Ray (11th)
Wand of Sound Burst
Wand of Web
Level 3 wands
WandMarketHouse JHouse PTwelveHouse K
Wand of Acid Blast
Wand of Cure Serious Wounds
Wand of Dispel Magic
Wand of Dispel Magic (10th)
Wand of Dispel Magic (15th)[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"Wand of Dispel Magic (15th)" has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!]
Wand of Fireball
Wand of Fireball (6th)
Wand of Fireball (8th)
Wand of Fireball (10th)
Wand of Flamearrow
Wand of Inflict Serious Wounds
Wand of Lightning Bolt
Wand of Lightning Bolt (6th)
Wand of Lightning Bolt (8th)
Wand of Magic Circle Against Evil
Wand of Mass Aid
Wand of Prayer
Wand of Protection from Energy
Wand of Protection from Energy (10th)
Wand of Recitation
Wand of Remove Blindness
Wand of Remove Curse
Wand of Remove Disease
Wand of Repair Serious Damage
Wand of Searing Light
Wand of Slow
Wand of Suggestion
Wand of Waterbreathing
Level 4 wands
WandMarketHouse JHouse PTwelveHouse K
Wand of Charm Monster
Wand of Cure Critical Wounds
Wand of Fear
Wand of Force Missiles
Wand of Force Missiles (9th)
Wand of Force Missiles (13th) [unverified]
Wand of Holy Smite
Wand of Holy Smite (10th)
Wand of Ice Storm
Wand of Inflict Critical Wounds
Wand of Mass Shield of Faith
Wand of Neutralize Poison
Wand of Phantasmal Killer
Wand of Repair Critical Damage
Wand of Stoneskin
Level 5 wands
WandMarketHouse JHouse PTwelveHouse K
Wand of Cone of Cold
(These are only available from the Risia Ice Games)

Named wands[edit]

For a list of named wands, see: Category:Named wands. Category:Eternal wands lists wands which can regenerate charges over time.


This category has only the following subcategory.