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Humans are the most adaptable of all the races and live in all sorts of environments. Although considered short-lived by the other races, humans have more ambition and drive than most, and with work, they can achieve success in whatever they set their minds to.

Humans start with a bonus feat and, on average, are able to learn more skills than other races as they level up.

Strength: Versatility, increased capacity to learn skills.

Weaknesses: None

Racial Traits[edit]


Further information: Deity feats


Dragonmark feats[edit]

Further information: Dragonmarks

There are four dragonmarks carried by Humans - Mark of Finding carried by House Tharashk; Mark of Making carried by House Cannith; Mark of Passage carried by House Orien; Mark of Sentinel carried by House Deneith.

Racial feats[edit]

Humans do not receive any Racial feats, but humans do get 1 bonus feat at level 1.

Racial past life feats[edit]


Human enhancements tree

Core abilities[edit]

Icon Enhancement Human Versatility.png
Human Versatility: Humans can select racial boosts that share cooldown with class action boost, but they grant extra uses per rest.

Choose one:

  • Icon Enhancement Human Versatility Attack.png Attack Boost: Activate to gain a +6 Action Boost bonus to hit for 20 seconds.
  • Icon Enhancement Human Versatility Defense.png Defense Boost: Activate to gain a +10 Action Boost bonus to Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating for 20 seconds.
  • Icon Enhancement Human Versatility Damage.png Melee & Ranged Power Boost: Activate to gain a +20 Action Boost bonus to Melee and Ranged Power for 20 seconds.
  • Icon Enhancement Human Versatility Saves.png Saves Boost: Activate to gain a +4 Action Boost bonus to all Saving Throws for 20 seconds. While under this effect you do not automatically fail Saving Throws on a roll of a Natural 1.
  • Icon Enhancement Skill Boost.png Skill Boost: Activate to gain a +4 Action Boost bonus to all skills for 20 seconds.
  • Icon Enhancement Human Versatility Spell.png Spell Power Boost: Activate to gain a +20 Action Boost bonus to Universal Spell Power for 20 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 No requirements
Human Adaptability.png
Human Adaptability: Select +1 to an ability score of your choice.
  • StrengthColored.png +1 Strength
  • DexterityColored.png +1 Dexterity
  • ConstitutionColored.png +1 Constitution
  • IntelligenceColored.png +1 Intelligence
  • WisdomColored.png +1 Wisdom
  • CharismaColored.png +1 Charisma
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 Requires: Human Versatility, 4th Level
Icon Enhancement Human Versatility.png
Human Versatility: Humans can select racial boosts that share a number of uses per rest, but are not linked with class action boost cooldowns.
Note: Choose another Action Boost that is not the same as the previous one.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 3 Requires: Human Adaptability, 7th Level
Human Adaptability.png
Human Greater Adaptability: Select +1 to another ability score of your choice. (You may not select the same ability score as Human Adaptability.)
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 4 Requires: Human Versatility, Human Adaptability, 11th Level
Icon Enhancement Human Versatility.png
Human Versatility: Humans can select racial boosts that share a number of uses per rest, but are not linked with class action boost cooldowns.
Note: Choose another Action Boost that is not the same as either of the previous two.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 6 Requires: Human Greater Adaptability, 16th Level

Tier One[edit]

Requires Human Versatility

Icon Enhancement Human Dragonmark Focus.png
Dragonmark Focus: Grants additional uses of dragonmarks and a bonus to the associated skill.

Choose one:

  • Icon Enhancement Tharashk Dragonmark Focus.png Tharashk Dragonmark Focus: +1/+2/+3 dragonmark use per day, +1/+2/+3 Search.
  • Icon Enhancement Cannith Dragonmark Focus.png Cannith Dragonmark Focus: +1/+2/+3 dragonmark use per day, +1/+2/+3 Repair.
  • Icon Enhancement Orien Dragonmark Focus.png Orien Dragonmark Focus: +1/+2/+3 dragonmark use per day, +1/+2/+3 Balance.
  • Icon Enhancement Deneith Dragonmark Focus.png Deneith Dragonmark Focus: +1/+2/+3 dragonmark use per day, +1/+2/+3 Intimidate.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 Requires: Least Dragonmark of Finding, Least Dragonmark of Making, Least Dragonmark of Passage, or Least Dragonmark of Sentinel
Icon Enhancement Skill Focus.png
Skill Focus: Humans are versatile and can excel at virtually any skill.
  • Icon Enhancement Athletic.png Athletic: +1/+2/+3 Balance, Jump, Swim, and Tumble.
  • Icon Enhancement Awareness.png Awareness: +1/+2/+3 Listen, Search, and Spot.
  • Icon Enhancement Focused.png Focused: +1/+2/+3 Concentration and Intimidate.
  • Icon Enhancement Negotiator.png Negotiator: +1/+2/+3 Bluff, Diplomacy, Haggle and Perform.
  • Icon Enhancement Nimble Fingers.png Nimble Fingers: +1/+2/+3 Disable Device and Open Lock.
  • Icon Enhancement Self Sufficient.png Self Sufficient: +1/+2/+3 Heal and Repair.
  • Icon Enhancement Stealthy.png Stealthy: +1/+2/+3 Hide and Move Silently.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Action Surge.png
Action Surge: Action Boosts also increase an ability score of your choice.
  • StrengthColored.png While under the effect of any Action Boost, you gain a +1/+2/+3 Action Boost bonus to Strength.
  • DexterityColored.png While under the effect of any Action Boost, you gain a +1/+2/+3 Action Boost bonus to Dexterity.
  • ConstitutionColored.png While under the effect of any Action Boost, you gain a +1/+2/+3 Action Boost bonus to Constitution.
  • IntelligenceColored.png While under the effect of any Action Boost, you gain a +1/+2/+3 Action Boost bonus to Intelligence.
  • WisdomColored.png While under the effect of any Action Boost, you gain a +1/+2/+3 Action Boost bonus to Wisdom.
  • CharismaColored.png While under the effect of any Action Boost, you gain a +1/+2/+3 Action Boost bonus to Charisma.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Improved Recovery.png
Improved Recovery: +20 Positive Healing Amplification
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements
Don't Count Me Out: Your range of unconsciousness extends by 5/10/20 hitpoints, and you gain a +3/+6/+10 bonus to Physical Resistance Rating while you are under 50% health.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

Tier Two[edit]

Requires 5 APs spent in tree

Icon Enhancement Human Lesser Dragonmark.png
Lesser Dragonmarks: Humans have access to the Dragonmarks of Finding, Making, Passage and Sentinel. Also allows you to use your Least Dragonmark an extra time per rest.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Least Dragonmark of Finding/Making/Passage/Sentinel, Dragonmark Focus
Icon Enhancement Skill Focus.png
Skill Focus: Humans are versatile and can excel at virtually any skill.
Note: Cannot choose the same one as selected in the previous tier.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: Skill Focus (Tier 1)
Icon Enhancement Action Surge.png
Action Surge: Action Boosts also increase an ability score of your choice.
Note: Cannot choose the same one as selected in the previous tier.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: Action Surge (Tier 1)
Icon Enhancement Human Fighting Style.png
Fighting Style: Humans are adept at many different fighting styles.

Choose one:

  • Icon Enhancement Ambidexterity.png Ambidexterity: You gain +1 to hit when dual-wielding or fighting unarmed. Rank 2: Also gains +1% Dodge. Rank 3: Also gains +1 damage.
  • Icon Feat Two Handed Fighting.png Great Weapon Aptitude: +5/10/20% Strikethrough chance.
  • Icon Enhancement Shield Mastery.png Shield Mastery: +5%/10%/15% Shield Armor Class and +1/2/3 Tower Shield Maximum Dexterity Bonus.
  • Icon Enhancement Sniper.png Sniper: You gain +1d6/+2d6/+3d6 Ranged Sneak Attack. Your Point Blank Shot and Ranged Sneak Attack range is increased by 2/4/6 meters.
  • Icon Enhancement Traditionalist Caster.png Traditionalist Caster: +3/+6/+10 Universal Spell Power when wielding an Orb or Staff.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: Varies

Tier Three[edit]

Requires 10 APs spent in tree

Icon Enhancement Human Lesser Dragonmark.png
Greater Dragonmarks: Humans have access to the Dragonmarks of Finding, Making, Passage and Sentinel. Also allows you to use your Least and Lesser Marks an extra time per rest.

Choose one:

AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Least Dragonmark of Finding/Making/Passage/Sentinel, Lesser Dragonmarks
Icon Enhancement Skill Mastery.png
Skill Mastery: +1 to all skills.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Skill Focus (Tier 2)
Icon Enhancement Action Surge.png
Action Surge: Action Boosts also increase an ability score of your choice.
Note: Cannot choose the same ones as selected in the previous tiers.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Action Surge (Tier 2)
Icon Enhancement Improved Recovery.png
Improved Recovery: +20 Positive Healing Amplification
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Improved Recovery (Tier 1)
Icon Enhancement Heroism.png
Heroism: Spell Like Ability: Cast the Heroism spell. Effects that grant extra Action Boost uses give you additional uses per rest of this ability.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

Tier Four[edit]

Requires 15 APs spent in tree

Icon Enhancement Action Surge.png
Action Surge: Action Boosts also increase an ability score of your choice.
Note: Cannot choose the same ones as selected in the previous tiers.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 15 Requires: Action Surge (Tier 3)
Icon Enhancement Improved Recovery.png
Improved Recovery: +20 Positive Healing Amplification
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 15 Requires: Improved Recovery (Tier 3)
Icon Enhancement Greater Heroism.png
Greater Heroism: Spell Like Ability: Cast the Greater Heroism spell. This ability shares a common pool of uses per rest with the Heroism ability. Effects that grant extra Action Boost uses give you additional uses per rest of this ability.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 15 Requires: Heroism