Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Year of the Dragon

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Dungeons and dragons online logo - year of the dragon.png

Year of the Dragon is a year-long event in celebration of Dungeons & Dragons' 50th anniversary. Each month, enjoy a giveaway of FREE dragon-themed gifts!

The event was first announced in January 2024 producer letter and started in February 2024, lasting until February 2025.


  • On the last Wednesday of every month, new drops are released.
  • They remain available to redeem for free only until the next offering debuts.
  • Talk to Xatheral in Eberron Hall of Heroes (big white dragon in the bottom floor) to claim your gift.
  • For cosmetic items, as long as you claim them during the designated time, you can talk to Estraz to claim more copies, even past the deadline.
  • If you have an unclaimed gift, you may notice an icon in your buff bar.
    Icon Year of the Dragon.png


Date/Month Name Notes, descpiption
28th February 2024 Dragon Lord Archetype
27th March 2024 "Gift of the Silver Dragon" Free New Adventure Pack Bonus: VIPs get Daily Gold Rolls from 3/27-4/24
24th April 2024 "Curate your Xpack cache" Claim free Expansion Pack (excluding Vecna Unleashed) (Have them all? Get an Elixir of Discovery)
29th May 2024 Ground Bound Green Dragon Mount BtA, to all characters on server via Mount Stable UI, log out and log back in may be required
26th June 2024 Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion BtA, to all characters on server via Creature companion UI, log out and log back in may be required
31st July 2024 Blue Draconic Wings cosmetic
28th August 2024 Draconic Raiders Reward Box
25th September 2024 Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic
30th October 2024 Horde of Discovery (selector box)
27th November 2024 Pick of the Dragons Lair (selector box)
25th December 2024 Dragon Path aura footprints
25th January 2025 Armor of the Dragon Cult
26th February 2025 Dragon Disciple archetype

See also[edit]