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Morgrave University

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The forefront of academic research and advancement located in the City of Towers, Sharn.


Name Location Description
Mimi Falco Roll Call Morgrave University Student 
Percula Flintmail Roll Call Morgrave University Student 
Serafina Shay Roll Call Morgrave University Student 
Dane Finkle Roll Call Morgrave University Student 
Professor Fordola Banna Sharn - Clifftop Tower District Morgrave University patron representative.
Chance Craven Roll Call Morgrave University Student 
Aliyah Arthos Roll Call Morgrave University Professor
Falin d'Phiarlan Lordsmarch Palace <Professor of Religious Studies>
Thaddeus Donbury Lordsmarch Palace <Planar Theorist>
Alban Kimble Lordsmarch Palace <Assistant Bursar>
Electa Poole Lordsmarch Palace <Museum Curator>
Burwick Borley Lordsmarch Palace <Morgrave University Vice-Chancellor>

Favor Ranks

Completing tasks and missions for the various patrons will increase your favor, which is a measure of how valuable the different patrons find your character. At each new rank, the patron representative will provide a character with a reward.

Representative: Professor Fordola Banna

  • 0 Favor: Freshman
    No reward
  • 75 Favor: Prefect
    +2 Bonus to Search and Spellcraft skills.
  • 150 Favor: Teaching Assistant
    +5 Hit Points.
  • 400 Favor: Research Assistant
    +2 saves versus Magical Beasts (the chat bubble says "Fey Creatures" but the character sheet indicates Magical Creatures).
  • 450 Favor: Honorary Professor
    +2 Bonus to Use Magic Device skill.
  • ? Favor:
    Currently unreachable.
Patron mail:

Patron quests

Quest name Heroic Epic Max favor Adventure pack Acquired in Bestowed by ♣Casual ♦Normal ♥Hard ♠Elite
34 27 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Geth ♦16,069 ♥16,436 ♠16,803
6 27 12 Free Searing Heights Lady Sera Jaymes ♣1,141
12 32 15 Peril of the Planar Eyes Lordsmarch Plaza Thaddeus Donbury ♣1,788
12 32 18 Peril of the Planar Eyes Lordsmarch Plaza Alban Kimble ♣2,940
12 32 15 Peril of the Planar Eyes Lordsmarch Plaza Falin d'Phiarlan ♣1,788
12 32 18 Peril of the Planar Eyes Lordsmarch Plaza Electa Poole ♣2,940
16 33 18 Grip of the Hidden Hand Morgrave University - Lower Quad Joslyn D'Sivis ♣2,479
16 33 18 Grip of the Hidden Hand Morgrave University - Lower Quad Harper Price ♣2,479
16 33 18 Grip of the Hidden Hand Morgrave University - Lower Quad Teo Gandrin ♣2,479
16 33 21 Grip of the Hidden Hand Morgrave University - Lower Quad Borgo Makkan ♣3,170
16 33 21 Grip of the Hidden Hand Morgrave University - Lower Quad O'loria ♣3,151
18 34 18 Free Sharn - Clifftop Tower District Frelda Brumlyn ♣2,069
18 34 18 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Elise Dunber ♣3,336
18 34 21 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Kion ♣4,428
18 34 18 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Halman Best ♣2,868
18 34 15 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Holtz ♣1,682
18 34 18 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Burnorh Galmok ♣3,429
18 34 15 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Calliope Feldren ♣1,682
18 34 18 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons High Priestess Valeria ♣3,336
18 34 15 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Erryn Riston ♣1,516
18 34 21 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Malfresia Galarya ♣4,428
18 34 21 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Vigilance ♣4,677
18 34 18 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Zarnoth the Vigilant ♣3,336
18 34 18 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Creighton Ebinor ♣3,336
18 34 18 Slice of Life Morgrave University - Upper Commons Fred ♣2,587
18 34 18 Slice of Life Morgrave University - Upper Commons Gwen Toriun ♣2,389
18 34 18 Slice of Life Morgrave University - Upper Commons Varia Wordbringer ♣2,587
18 34 21 Vecna Unleashed Morgrave University - Upper Commons Jer'Can ♣4,552
Total 28 quests 28 Epic 510 total 21214