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Update 8 Release Notes

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Welcome to the Release Notes for Dungeons & Dragons Online! These release notes were posted on Monday, December 13th, 2010.

News & Notes[edit]

Of Special Note[edit]

Festivult Returns![edit]

The Festival of the Twelfth Moon has returned! Gather Coins and bring them to the Festivult Jester in exchange for Eberron holiday treats! Read more about how you can participate in the festival by clicking here!

Risia Ice Games[edit]

From December 13th through December 15th, visit the Harbor and the Bogwater Tavern in House Phiarlan for wintry fun with the Risia Ice Games! Gather white, blue, and purple coins by testing your skills on the Ice Jumps! or fight fiery foes, as fire-based creatures can also drop the coins!

Increase your ice jumping skills with ice skates! Available for rent at the lighthouse, or get a permanent pair from the DDO Store!

Bring your coins to the Harbor lighthouse and speak with Jack Frostbite to exchange them for winter crafting recipes, ingredients, and frosty gifts! You can stop by the Risian Altar at the lighthouse to add some snowy fun to your randomly generated treasure!

The Ice Games will appear throughout the winter season!

General Ice Games Changes[edit]

When you are in a party, Ice Games Coins will now distribute randomly to a party member.

New Adventure Pack: Attack on Stormreach[edit]

The saga of the siege on Lordsmarch Palace in Stormreach continues as the plot expands to include the powerful green Hag, a primary leader from Droaam, the kingdom of monsters. Four adventures launching from the Lordsmarch plaza will send players over, under and around Stormreach, eventually leading to an ancient giant's ruin where monstrous deeds are underway.

  • Defend against waves of attackers to help protect a city ward!
  • Go on a covert mission to stop a Droaam navy blockade!
  • Beat back a surprise attack beneath the city!
  • Infiltrate abandoned giant ruins to confront the powerful and deadly leader of the Droaam invasion

This level 13 adventure pack includes 4 hand crafted adventures! Available to VIPs for free, and available in the DDO Store on December 15th! Visit the Lordsmarch Plaza to begin your adventures!

Armor Appearance Kits[edit]

New cosmetic armors are coming to the DDO Store! Tired of the same old armor? Looking for something with a little more flair? New Armor Appearance Kits are the answer! Like cosmetic hats, the cosmetic armor kit attaches to existing armor sets so you don’t lose the benefits of your real armor. Armor Appearance Kits can be purchased in the DDO Store! Not sure that the robe you are eyeing is exactly what you are looking for? No worries! You can sample the Armor Appearance Kits in designated trial zones prior to purchasing a permanent application. Armor Appearance Kit "dressing rooms" can be found in:

  • The Hammer and Chain in the Harbor
  • Second Gauntlet Goods in House Kundarak
  • The Lion's Head Armory in House Deneith

Armor Appearance Kits can be toggled on and off in case you feel like changing to the old look of your armor, but it is not removable.

The first Armor Appearance Kits are now available! Each set will have variations, color options, and each color option has unique accessories attached. Unbound armor that has an Armor Appearance Kit applied to it will become bound to account, while already-bound armor will retain its current binding.

Introducing Cookie Jars![edit]

Are you overflowing with Festivult treats? There's a new type of storage container available in the DDO Store: cookie jars! These jars can help you store and track your Festivult cake and cookie collection. These jars can hold the following types of edible Festivult items:

  • Cookies
  • Jelly cakes
  • Cupcakes

Available in both small and large sizes for all your holiday treat tracking needs!

UI Improvements[edit]

General Changes[edit]

  • If a player does not own a shared bank, closing the shared bank window will no longer close the character bank. If players do own the shared bank, both windows will still close.
  • A below-deck hookpoint on Stormglory Bolt airships has been moved so that mailboxes can be placed on it properly.
  • The scroll bar that appears in the vendor UI has been altered to fit better when an item bar is overfilled.
  • Feats that may have related feats, such as Weapon Focus, will now show up in the advancement summary screen as expandable lists.
  • During character generation, races will now list all racial feats in the Stats panel. This change will give players a better understanding of the differences between the races when creating characters along a premade path.
  • A visual effect now plays when switching between characters.
  • The "sell junk" icon has been updated to be more clear.
  • Values are now left aligned in the Inventory UI.
  • Shadows will no longer flicker when objects appear in the distance under DirectX 10.
  • Device Workstations have improved UI elements to make them more friendly to aspiring rogues.


General Hireling Changes[edit]

  • Hireling bars will now remain visible when summoning hirelings at different screen resolutions, and the docked and undocked bars will now behave more consistently.
  • Hirelings get a little more chatty when they go incap, die, get resurrected, or see you taking loot (maybe?).
  • Hirelings now pay attention to speed boosts and should have an easier time keeping up with players.
  • Hirelings should fall into pit traps much less often in the Rainbow in the Dark quest.
  • Some hirelings have been improved to have better defenses.
  • The Large Hirelings Contracts Folder will now show the correct short and long descriptions of various hirelings.
  • The hireling Flower has learned to use her Turn Undead ability more than once.


  • Missiles fired (including spells that fire missiles) will now hit player targets from all ranges, no longer going through the target player when at close range.
  • Blinding sickness and sun burst "blindness" effects are no longer permanent on players, but are still permanent on monsters.
  • Stunning will no longer work on bosses, raid bosses or creatures of the wrong genus.


  • Rogue traps will now despawn after two and a half minutes.
  • Trapmaking recipes now yield increased results. Recipes that used to give 10 items now give 25, and recipes that used to give 5 now give 15. Grenade recipes now require 25 vials. Spell Trap recipes now require only one scroll.
  • Returning throwing weapons (both named and otherwise) can now be bound and attuned in the Stone of Change.


  • Party members will receive a message when a randomly distributed item, such as an epic scroll, is randomly distributed to a player.
  • Doublestrike item properties will now be properly applied.
  • The DC of the Stone Prison effect on Stonedust Handwraps has been raised.
  • Guild Vendor potions are now bound to character instead of bound to account.
  • Silver Flame healing potions no longer affect a player's constitution.
  • Several Epic items, and one named item, have been buffed based on player feedback:
    • Epic Brimstone Verge now has a Greater Evocation Focus and a higher DC.
    • Epic Cacophonic Verge now has a Great Evocation Focus and a higher DC.
    • Epic Illusionist's Robe now has Intelligence +7 and Greater Illusion Focus.
    • Epic Robe of Dissonance now binds properly and has a minimum level.
    • Epic Shimmering Pendant now has Perform +15 and a higher caster level on its Suggestion effect. The recharge functionality of its charges will also now work properly.
    • Epic Souleater now has a Red Augment Slot, Vampirism, a +2 profane bonus to Strength, and a higher hit dice limit on its Trap the Soul effect.
    • Epic Utility Vest now has an Exceptional Intelligence +2 and an increase of its skill bonuses (Disable Device and Open Lock) to +20.
    • Epic Winter's Wrath now has a higher DC.
    • Wand of Blasting now has a higher DC.
  • Bracelet of Friends and Greater Bracelet of Friends have been fixed to function as advertised.
  • Epic Scrolls are now immediately given to a random party member instead of being a (ninja) lootable bag.
  • Tendon Slice weapons will no longer affect red named or raid boss movement speeds.
  • Half-orcs should see fewer seams in their armor.
  • Guild Augment Crystals that boost saves, hit points and spell points have had their descriptions changed to accurately reflect that they can be slotted in all items except for weapons.
  • Silver Flame Lesser Healing potions have had their descriptions corrected.
  • Characters will no longer accidentally apply their xp boosts or jewels of fortune to another character if they had them selected while drinking the exilir or jewel.
  • Bracelets of Friends can no longer be used in the Risia Ice Games.


  • Stunned monsters should no longer move around.
  • Droaam Vanguards and Warpriests have been made less difficult on normal, and made more difficult on hard.
  • Monsters will no longer occasionally get stuck spawning repeatedly.
  • The AI has been improved for cornered archers and casters.
  • Duergar now occasionally carry the spoils of their mining for the enjoyment of aspiring gemologists.
  • Earth elementals will no longer move forward while earth grabbing.
  • Maruts will spam stun and blind effects a little less frequently after they rage out.

Quest & Adventure Area Changes[edit]

General Quest Changes[edit]

  • Epic difficulty is now selectable in the portal UI once the instance resets.
  • Added color blindness support to many of the puzzle wheels in the game, as well as the ancient Doomsday Device in the Stormreaver raid.
  • Trap boxes will no longer replay their discovered fxs when players re-approach them if they've already disabled. They will continue to do so if they have not yet been disabled.
  • Fixed stuck spots in the following quests:
    • Bargain of Blood
    • Bastion of Power
    • A Small Problem
    • Stealer of Souls
  • Grammar lessons have been given to NPCs in the following quests and locations:
    • The Grotto
    • The Chronoscope
    • Vault of Night
    • The Airship Showroom
    • Gianthold
    • The Marketplace

The Catacombs[edit]

  • Brother Kewl no longer has clones.

Deception in Stormreach[edit]

Eyes of Stone[edit]
  • Several graphical issues have been fixed.
  • Several monsters have been taught how to properly walk through doors.
  • Exploding barrels will no longer leave strange graphical effects in the air after they explode.
Diplomatic Impunity[edit]
  • Droaam soldiers now stand down after being given the order to do so.
  • Vinethrashers no longer play action text after they are dead.
  • The focus orb of the quest entrance has been corrected.

Depths of Doom[edit]

  • Moved the boxes slightly so their loot doesn't get lost in the dirt pile.

Devil Assault[edit]

The Chronoscope[edit]
  • The Hellfire Crossbow now has a chance to drop in the Steam Tunnel section of the raid.
  • Veheer now bestows all his buffs at once.

Gianthold Tor[edit]

  • Gianthold Tor now requires only nine of each relic in order to access the quest.

Phiarlan Carnival[edit]

Under the Big Top[edit]
  • Physics problems have been fixed.

Reaver's Refuge[edit]

Eerie Forest[edit]
  • Fixed a bug that caused mysterious hireling deaths.
Enter the Kobold[edit]
  • Several exploits have been fixed.
Monestary of the Scorpion[edit]
  • Removed an invisible wall blocking players from reaching a chest.

Red Fens[edit]

  • Ravenwing now acknowledges that you have completed the quest chain in his action dialogue.
  • Grounded some fences that were trying to fly away in the landscape.

Stormcleave Outpost[edit]

  • Several spelling errors have been corrected.

Three Barrel Cove[edit]

Two-Toed Tobias[edit]
  • Fixed a blocked ladder.

Vale of Twilight[edit]

The Shroud[edit]
  • Divine Intervention will no longer prevent the death gate in the Shroud from sending players into the final phase of the raid.


  • The Emissary is now a rare spawn in Lost Seekers: Venn's Trail.

Zawabi's Refuge[edit]

Offering of Blood[edit]
  • Scorpion pits have been adjusted to have less of an impact on Dungeon Alert once the player has moved away from the pit area.

Skills, Feats, and Abilities[edit]


General Spell Changes[edit]

  • The Lionheart Paladin spell now lasts for one minute per level.
  • Ice Storm has been upgraded to become a lingering area of effect spell that lasts 30 seconds, does 3d6 blunt damage and 2d6 cold damage every two seconds, and slows all enemies within the area.
  • Spell crits are now rolled each time a damage effect is applied rather than only when a spell is cast.
  • Sound Burst now functions again when soft targeted or untargeted.
  • The effect icon for Expeditious Retreat now shows the correct description.
  • Ray of Fatigue, Waves of Fatigue and the Waves of Exhaustion speed effect will now bounce off of raid bosses.


New Racial Enhancements[edit]

  • New Enhancements tied to the Half-Elf Dilettante feats have been added:
    • Barbarian:
      • Half-Elf Barbarian Toughness I
        • Prereqs: Level 3, Half-Elf Barbarian Dilettante, Toughness, 7 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Grants you 10 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat.
      • Half-Elf Barbarian Toughness II
        • Prereqs: Level 8, Half-Elf Barbarian Dilettante, Toughness, Half-Elf Barbarian Toughness I, 26 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants you 10 additional hit points if you have the Toughness feat, bringing the total increase to 20 hit points.
      • Half-Elf Barbarian Constitution I
        • Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Barbarian Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Constitution score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.
    • Bard:
      • Improved Bard Dilettante I
        • Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Bard Dilettante, 15 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 2, so you are now treated as a third level bard instead of first level.
      • Improved Bard Dilettante II
        • Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Bard Dilettante, Improved Bard Dilettante I, 34 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 3, so you are now treated as a sixth level bard instead of third level.
      • Improved Bard Dilettante III
        • Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Bard Dilettante, Improved Bard Dilettante II, 53 AP Spent
        • Cost: 3 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 4, so you are now treated as a tenth level bard instead of sixth level.
      • Half-Elf Bard Charisma I
        • Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Bard Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Charisma score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.
    • Cleric:
      • Improved Cleric Dilettante I
        • Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante, 15 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 2, so you are now treated as a third level cleric instead of first level.
      • Improved Cleric Dilettante II
        • Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante, Improved Cleric Dilettante I, 34 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 3, so you are now treated as a sixth level cleric instead of third level.
      • Improved Cleric Dilettante III
        • Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante, Improved Cleric Dilettante II, 53 AP Spent
        • Cost: 3 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 4, so you are now treated as a tenth level cleric instead of sixth level.
      • Half-Elf Cleric Wisdom I
        • Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Cleric Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Wisdom score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.
    • Favored Soul:
      • Improved Favored Soul Dilettante I
        • Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Favored Soul Dilettante, 15 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 2, so you are now treated as a third level favored soul instead of first level.
      • Improved Favored Soul Dilettante II
        • Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Favored Soul Dilettante, Improved Favored Soul Dilettante I, 34 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 3, so you are now treated as a sixth level favored soul instead of third level.
      • Improved Favored Soul Dilettante III
        • Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Favored Soul Dilettante, Improved Favored Soul Dilettante II, 53 AP Spent
        • Cost: 3 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 4, so you are now treated as a tenth level favored soul instead of sixth level.
      • Half-Elf Favored Soul Charisma I
        • Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Favored Soul Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Charisma score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.
    • Fighter:
      • Half-Elf Armor Mastery I
        • Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, 14 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Gives you the ability to move better in armor, increasing the Maximum Dexterity Bonus on your armor by +1. You may still be restricted by your tower shield's max Dex bonus.
      • Half-Elf Armor Mastery II
        • Prereqs: Level 11, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, Half-Elf Armor Mastery I, 36 AP Spent
        • Cost: 4 AP
        • Benefit: Gives you the ability to move better in armor, increasing the Maximum Dexterity Bonus on your armor by an additional +1. You may still be restricted by your tower shield's max Dex bonus.
      • Half-Elf Strategy (Trip) I
        • Prereqs: Level 3, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, 7 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 bonus to the DC of your Trip and Improved Trip feats.
      • Half-Elf Strategy (Trip) II
        • Prereqs: Level 8, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, Half-Elf Strategy (Trip) I, 26 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus on the DC of your Trip and Improved Trip feats, bringing the total increase to 2.
      • Half-Elf Strategy (Stunning Blow) I
        • Prereqs: Level 3, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, Stunning Blow, 7 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 bonus to the DC of your Stunning Blow feat.
      • Half-Elf Strategy (Stunning Blow) II
        • Prereqs: Level 8, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, Stunning Blow, Half-Elf Strategy (Stunning Blow) I, 26 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus on the DC of your Stunning Blow feat, bringing the total increase to 2.
      • Half-Elf Strategy (Sunder) I
        • Prereqs: Level 3, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, 7 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 bonus to the DC of your Sunder and Improved Sunder feats.
      • Half-Elf Strategy (Sunder) II
        • Prereqs: Level 8, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, Half-Elf Strategy (Sunder) I, 26 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants an additional +1 bonus on the DC of your Sunder and Improved Sunder feats, bringing the total increase to 2.
      • Half-Elf Fighter Strength I
        • Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Fighter Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Strength score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.
    • Monk:
      • Half-Elf Improved Recovery I
        • Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Monk Dilettante, 14 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: You heal for 10% more any time you receive positive energy healing such as that from cure spells and cure potions.
      • Half-Elf Improved Recovery II
        • Prereqs: Level 11, Half-Elf Monk Dilettante, Half-Elf Improved Recovery I, 36 AP Spent
        • Cost: 4 AP
        • Benefit: You heal for 20% more any time you receive positive energy healing such as that from cure spells and cure potions.
      • Improved Monk Dilettante I
        • Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Monk Dilettante, 15 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Your defensive skills have improved, and you are now able to add up to 3 points of your wisdom bonus to your armor class when you are defensively centered.
      • Improved Monk Dilettante II
        • Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Monk Dilettante, Improved Monk Dilettante I, 34 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Your defensive skills have improved, and you are now able to add up to 4 points of your wisdom bonus to your armor class when you are defensively centered.
      • Improved Monk Dilettante III
        • Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Monk Dilettante, Improved Monk Dilettante II, 53 AP Spent
        • Cost: 3 AP
        • Benefit: Your defensive skills have improved, and you are now able to add up to 5 points of your wisdom bonus to your armor class when you are defensively centered.
      • Half-Elf Monk Wisdom I
        • Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Monk Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Wisdom score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.
    • Paladin:
      • Half-Elf Follower of the Silver Flame
        • Prereqs: Level 3, Half-Elf Paladin Dilettante, 6 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: You are one of the Purified, a true believer in the Silver Flame. Burn the corruption and taint of evil from all Eberron. Grants proficiency with and a +1 bonus to hit with longbows, the favored weapon of the clergy of the Silver Flame.
      • Half-Elf Follower of the Sovereign Host
        • Prereqs: Level 3, Half-Elf Paladin Dilettante, 6 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: You are a Vassal of the Sovereign Host, a true believer in the Doctrine of Universal Sovereignty. As is the world, so are the gods. As are the gods, so is the world. Grants proficiency with and a +1 bonus to hit with longswords, the favored weapon of the clergy of the Sovereign Host.
      • Improved Paladin Dilettante I
        • Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Paladin Dilettante, 15 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Your Lesser Divine Grace has improved, and you are now able to add up to 3 points of your charisma bonus to your saves. Also increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 1, so you are now treated as a second level paladin instead of first level.
      • Improved Paladin Dilettante II
        • Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Paladin Dilettante, Improved Paladin Dilettante I, 34 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Your Lesser Divine Grace has improved, and you are now able to add up to 4 points of your charisma bonus to your saves. Also increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 1, so you are now treated as a third level paladin instead of second level.
      • Improved Paladin Dilettante III
        • Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Paladin Dilettante, Improved Paladin Dilettante II, 53 AP Spent
        • Cost: 3 AP
        • Benefit: Your Lesser Divine Grace has improved, and you are now able to add up to 5 points of your charisma bonus to your saves. Also increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 1, so you are now treated as a fourth level paladin instead of third level.
      • Half-Elf Paladin Charisma I
        • Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Paladin Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Charisma score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.
    • Ranger:
      • Half-Elf Desert Lore I
        • Prereqs: Level 4, Half-Elf Ranger Dilettante, 11 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: You gain energy resistance 2 versus fire, or improve your existing resistance by 2.
      • Half-Elf Desert Lore II
        • Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Ranger Dilettante, Half-Elf Desert Lore I, 34 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Your energy resistance versus fire is increased by 2, bringing the total increase to 4.
      • Half-Elf Tundra Lore I
        • Prereqs: Level 4, Half-Elf Ranger Dilettante, 11 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: You gain energy resistance 2 versus cold, or improve your existing resistance by 2.
      • Half-Elf Tundra Lore II
        • Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Ranger Dilettante, Half-Elf Tundra Lore I, 34 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Your energy resistance versus cold is increased by 2, bringing the total increase to 4.
      • Half-Elf Swamp Lore I
        • Prereqs: Level 4, Half-Elf Ranger Dilettante, 11 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: You gain energy resistance 2 versus acid, or improve your existing resistance by 2.
      • Half-Elf Swamp Lore II
        • Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Ranger Dilettante, Half-Elf Swamp Lore I, 34 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Your energy resistance versus acid is increased by 2, bringing the total increase to 4.
      • Improved Ranger Dilettante I
        • Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Ranger Dilettante, 15 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Your Lesser Bow Strength has improved, and you are now able to add up to 4 points of your strength bonus to attacks with bows. Also increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 1, so you are now treated as a second level ranger instead of first level.
      • Improved Ranger Dilettante II
        • Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Ranger Dilettante, Improved Ranger Dilettante I, 34 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Your Lesser Bow Strength has improved, and you are now able to add up to 6 points of your strength bonus to attacks with bows. Also increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 1, so you are now treated as a third level ranger instead of second level.
      • Improved Ranger Dilettante III
        • Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Ranger Dilettante, Improved Ranger Dilettante II, 53 AP Spent
        • Cost: 3 AP
        • Benefit: Your Lesser Bow Strength has improved, and you are now able to add up to 8 points of your strength bonus to attacks with bows. Also increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 1, so you are now treated as a fourth level ranger instead of third level.
      • Half-Elf Ranger Dexterity I
        • Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Ranger Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Dexterity score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.
    • Rogue:
      • Half-Elf Improved Trap Sense I
        • Prereqs: Level 3, Half-Elf Rogue Dilettante, 7 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Grants an extra +2 bonus to saves against traps.
      • Half-Elf Improved Trap Sense II
        • Prereqs: Level 8, Half-Elf Rogue Dilettante, 36 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants an additional +2 bonus to saves against traps, bringing the total increase to 4.
      • Improved Rogue Dilettante I
        • Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Rogue Dilettante, 14 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Your offensive skills have improved, and you now deal 2d6 Sneak Attack damage. This does not stack with the Rogue Sneak Attack class feature.
      • Improved Rogue Dilettante II
        • Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Rogue Dilettante, Improved Rogue Dilettante I, 52 AP Spent
        • Cost: 4 AP
        • Benefit: Your offensive skills have improved, and you now deal 3d6 Sneak Attack damage. This does not stack with the Rogue Sneak Attack class feature.
      • Half-Elf Rogue Dexterity I
        • Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Rogue Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Dexterity score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.
    • Sorcerer:
      • Improved Sorcerer Dilettante I
        • Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Sorcerer Dilettante, 15 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 2, so you are now treated as a third level sorcerer instead of first level.
      • Improved Sorcerer Dilettante II
        • Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Sorcerer Dilettante, Improved Sorcerer Dilettante I, 34 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 3, so you are now treated as a sixth level sorcerer instead of third level.
      • Improved Sorcerer Dilettante III
        • Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Sorcerer Dilettante, Improved Sorcerer Dilettante II, 56 AP Spent
        • Cost: 3 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 4, so you are now treated as a tenth level sorcerer instead of sixth level.
      • Half-Elf Sorcerer Charisma I
        • Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Sorcerer Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Charisma score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.
    • Wizard:
      • Improved Wizard Dilettante I
        • Prereqs: Level 5, Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante, 15 AP Spent
        • Cost: 1 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 2, so you are now treated as a third level wizard instead of first level.
      • Improved Wizard Dilettante II
        • Prereqs: Level 10, Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante, Improved Wizard Dilettante I, 34 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 3, so you are now treated as a sixth level wizard instead of third level.
      • Improved Wizard Dilettante III
        • Prereqs: Level 15, Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante, Improved Wizard Dilettante II, 56 AP Spent
        • Cost: 3 AP
        • Benefit: Increases your caster level in your dilettante class by 4, so you are now treated as a tenth level wizard instead of sixth level.
      • Half-Elf Wizard Intelligence I
        • Prereqs: Level 9, Half-Elf Wizard Dilettante, 30 AP Spent
        • Cost: 2 AP
        • Benefit: Grants a +1 increase to your Intelligence score. This counts as a class based ability score enhancement.

General Enhancement Changes[edit]

  • Half Elf Dilettante feats will no longer be able to be swapped for non-Dilettante feats.
  • The Drow Spell Resistance line of enhancements has been removed. Drow will now inherently possess Spell Resistance equal to 10 + Character Level.
  • The Drow Ranged Attack and Damage lines of enhancements have been removed. Shuriken have been added to the Drow Melee lines, which have been renamed "Drow Racial Weapon Attack" and "Drow Racial Weapon Damage".
  • The Archmage Arcane Blast ability will no longer set things like webs or destructables on fire.

Sound Updates[edit]

  • The Master Volume control in the Options panel under Audio can be used to affect overall volume.
  • The Persistent Sound checkbox in the Options panel under Audio can now be checked to allow sounds to continue to play if the game focus is lost or minimized.

Other changes[edit]

  • A stuck spot in House Deneith has been fixed.
  • Veteran status characters who opt to go to Korthos beach will no longer be bound to the Marketplace when on the beach (they will be bound to Korthos like everyone else).
  • Grounded a floating door, unearthed a submerged ladder, and busted through some invisible walls in the Market.
  • Several half-orc hairstyles have been adjusted so they fit more properly on their heads.
  • The Coinlords used the money they earn from Auction fees to commission new flags to fly in and around the Lordsmarch Plaza.
  • The Favored Soul trainer in Jorasco no longer nervously paces away while you try to speak with him. but is very sad that Keeper took away his coffee stash.
  • The Vampire infestation has been addressed: you can now see your character in mirrors when in first-person mode.

Known Issues[edit]

Known issues are now available:

Source: Official U8.0.0 release notes on

Modules and Updates