Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Tabaxi Trailblazer

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Tabaxi Trailblazer is a playable iconic hero race, a catlike humanoid with supernatural powers. It was introduced in U54: The Isle of Dread expansion. You can buy it from the DDO Store for 1395 DDO points, or from DDO Market as part of the ultimate the Isle of Dread bundle.

Tabaxi Trailblazers start in Sharn with one level of Monk.

Base stats:[edit]

  • +2 DEX

Starting Feat

  • Feline Agility: After standing still for 6 seconds, when you move again you gain a +20% Action Boost bonus to Movement Speed for 6 seconds.

Iconic Past Life Feats[edit]

  • Iconic Past Life Stance: +1 to Trip DCs per stack of this Past Life, up to 3.
  • Passive Bonus: +1 to Saving Throws vs. Traps per stack of this Past Life, up to 3.


Item Race Type Enhancements
Feline-Faced Buckle
Feline-Faced Buckle.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Belt 
Trailblazer's Footwraps
Trailblazer's Footwraps.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Boots 
Ringed Bracer
Ringed Bracer.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Bracers 
Trailblazer's Tattered Scarf
Trailblazer's Tattered Scarf.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Cloak 
Trailblazer's Outfit
Trailblazer's Outfit.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Clothing 
Trailblazer's Outfit (cosmetic)
Trailblazer's Outfit (cosmetic).png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Cosmetic Armor 
Trailblazer's Tattered Scarf (cosmetic)
Trailblazer's Tattered Scarf (cosmetic).png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Cosmetic Cloak 
Trailblazer's Resilient Hood (cosmetic)
Trailblazer's Resilient Hood (cosmetic).png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Cosmetic Headwear 
Cloth Half-Sleeve
Cloth Half-Sleeve.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Gloves 
Shaded Lenses
Shaded Lenses.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Goggles 
Trailblazer's Resilient Hood
Trailblazer's Resilient Hood.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Helmet 
Navigator's Medallion
Navigator's Medallion.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Necklace 
Trailblazer's Branch
Trailblazer's Branch.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Quarterstaff 
Claw-Carved Band
Claw-Carved Band.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Ring 
Vineweave Ring
Vineweave Ring.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Ring 
Heirloom Map Case
Heirloom Map Case.png
Tabaxi Trailblazer Trinket 
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Tabaxi Trailblazer enhancements tree

Core abilities[edit]

Icon Instinct.png
Instinct I: +1% Dodge, +1 Maximum Dexterity Bonus in Light Armor. You gain Dexterity to Hit with Quarterstaff, Dagger, Handaxe, Handwraps, Kama, Light Hammer, Light Mace, Light Pick, Rapier, Short Sword, Sickle, or while Unarmed or in a Druid animal form.
AP Cost: 1 Level: 1 Progression: 0 No requirements
Icon HW Ability Score.png
Ability Score Increase I: +1 Dexterity/+1 Wisdom
AP Cost: 2 Level: 4 Progression: 1 Requires: Instinct I
Icon Instinct.png
Instinct II: +1% Dodge, +2% Dodge bypass
AP Cost: 1 Level: 7 Progression: 3 Requires: Ability I
Icon HW Ability Score.png
Ability Score Increase II: +1 Dexterity/+1 Wisdom
AP Cost: 2 Level: 11 Progression: 4 Requires: Instinct II
Icon Instinct.png
Instinct III: +1% Dodge and Dodge Cap, +2% Dodge bypass
AP Cost: 1 Level: 16 Progression: 6 Requires: Ability II

Tier One[edit]

Requires 1 AP spent in tree

Icon Sharp Claws.png
Sharp Claws: +[1/2/3] to Attack.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Low Blows.png
Low Blows: +[1/2/3] Trip DCs. Doubled if you have a Quarterstaff equipped.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Enhancement Acrobatic.png
Acrobatic: +[1/2/3] Balance, Jump, and Tumble. +[2/4/6] Armor Class while Tumbling.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Land On Your Feet.png
Land On Your Feet: You don't take falling damage.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon Sneaky Strikes.png
Sneaky Strikes I: +1 Sneak Attack Die
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements

Tier Two[edit]

Requires 5 APs spent in tree

Icon Staff Deflection.png
Staff Deflection: While holding a Quarterstaff, when Deflect Arrows triggers you gain a +10% Action Boost bonus to Doublestrike for 6 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon Wayfinders Weapons.png
Wayfinder's Weapons: Wooden Weapons you are wielding are immune to damage. (Known Issue: In this build, Hunt Down appears in this spot. This is unintended.)
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon High Places.png
High Places: After falling for at least 1.5 seconds, when you land you gain +2 Critical Hit Confirmation, +2 Critical Hit Damage, and +25% Armor Piercing for 20 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon Deflect Arrows.png
Deflect Arrows: You gain the benefits of the Deflect Arrows feat, knocking aside one incoming projectile that would have struck you every 6 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon Slip Out of Danger.png
Slip Out of Danger: +[2/4/6] Saves vs. Traps. Rank 3: You gain +1 to Reflex Saves.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements

Tier Three[edit]

Requires 10 APs spent in tree

Icon Attune.png
Attune: +1 Ki Regeneration on melee attacks, +1 Passive Ki Regeneration
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon Great Weapon Aptitude.png
Great Weapon Aptitude: +[5/10/20]% Strikethrough
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Two Handed Fighting
Icon Improved Nimble Cat.png
Improved Instincts: You gain Dexterity to Damage with Quarterstaff, Dagger, Handaxe, Handwraps, Kama, Light Hammer, Light Mace, Light Pick, Rapier, Short Sword, Sickle, or while Unarmed or in a Druid animal form.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon Focused Agility.png
Focused Agility: Your Feline Agility now only requires you to stand still for 3 seconds, and lasts for 9 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon Sneaky Strikes.png
Sneaky Strikes II: +1 Sneak Attack Die.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

Tier Four[edit]

Requires 15 APs spent in tree

Icon Wide Sweep.png
Wide Sweep: Deals +10%/+30%/+50% Damage. Quarterstaff Melee Attack: Enemies who are hit must make a Balance check (DC 14 + Max(DEX,WIS) Mod + Trip bonuses) or be Tripped for 20. Shares cooldown with Great Cleave.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 15 No requirements
Icon Springing Pounce.png
Springing Pounce: You gain the Spring Attack feat. When you use it while holding a Quarterstaff, you gain Feline Agility and deal bludgeoning damage equal to your Jump score to all enemies Spring Attack hits. This damage scales with 200% Melee Power.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 15 No requirements
Icon Cats Eye.png
Cat's Eye: You have True Seeing, which cannot be dispelled from you.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 15 No requirements
Icon Fast Sprinter.png
Fast Sprinter: Your Feline Agility now grants 30% Action Boost Bonus to Movement Speed and lasts for 18 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 15 Requires: Focused Agility
Icon Escape Artist.png
Escape Artist: When you tumble, you gain 25% Incorporeality and 25% Concealment for 20 seconds. This can only trigger once per minute.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 15 No requirements

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