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The Lost Gatekeepers

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The Gatekeepers have established a new grove outside Stormreach and some of the recently recruited initiates have gone missing. Throughout the five quests, clues will be found and followed to help rescue these would-be guardians of Eberron.

The Lost Gatekeepers adpack icon.jpg
725 DP Requires access to adventure pack: The Lost Gatekeepers

The Lost Gatekeepers adventure pack was introduced in Update 46.

Bug: Free to Play characters can currently access the first four quests even though the quest NPC has red chalice and red exclamation point. Free to Play players will need to use the slash command /death to recall out of the instance or purchase it.

Adventure pack[edit]


Quests can be found in The Gatekeepers' Grove.

The Lost Gatekeepers story arc is bestowed by Preceptor Kroth. After completing all of the quests, he will give an end reward for the entire chain.

Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
The Home of Memory3/323The Gatekeepers
Heart of the Problem3/323The Gatekeepers
Rosemary's Ballad3/323The Gatekeepers
The Sacred Bounty3/322The Gatekeepers
Housekeeping3/323The Gatekeepers
Total5 Quests14 
 ♣34,438Epic Casual
 ♦58,796Epic Normal
 ♥60,194Epic Hard
 ♠61,595Epic Elite