Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Respec is an MMO term that means changing ("respecifying") part or all of a character's current build.

In DDO it is possible to respec:

  • Enhancements via the Enhancement Tree display.
    • Enhancements can be reset using Currency or Astral Shards while in a public area. The platinum cost is determined by the number of action points currently spent, as well as a multiplier determined by the number of enhancement resets that have been done recently
    • When resetting enhancements, all enhancements can be reset at once or enhancement trees can be reset individually
  • Spells (for Bards, Favored Souls, Sorcerers, and Warlocks) by talking to the relevant class trainer
    • This requires a Currency payment that increases with level and can only be done once every three days
    • Each spell respec allows only a single swap, unless the character uses Blood of Dragons
  • Feats by talking to Fred
    • This requires payment with either gold and Dragonshard or Astral Shards, detailed here. Once per life a feat swap can be done for free by completing the Hall of the Mark quest from Lockania. Only one feat can be respecced every three days.
  • Skills, stats, classes (including all class abilities) by Lesser/Epic Reincarnation (LR/ER)
    • Prior to Update 20, respec could also be undertaken by Greater Reincarnation, but this functionality was rolled into Lesser Reincarnation
  • Alignment by DDO Store item
  • Race and Gender through True Reincarnation (Heroic (HR), Iconic (IR) and Racial (RR) Reincarnations)
    • Prior to Update 20 race, but not gender, could be changed via a True Reincarnation
Enhancements Spells Feats Skills Stat
Build point
Class Race Alignment Appearance Cost Notes
Class trainers yes yes - - - - - - - - Currency -
Fred - - yes - - - - - - - various Siberys Dragonshards or
Astral Shards or
Hall of the Mark quest
+X Lesser Reincarnation yes yes yes yes yes 28 → 32 up to X levels - - yes From 895 DDO points Available in +0, +1, +3, +5, or +20 level change varieties.
+X Greater Reincarnation yes yes yes yes yes 28 → 32 up to X levels - - yes - Functionality rolled into LR with Update 20.
Existed in +0, +1, +3, or +5 level change varieties.
Epic Reincarnation** yes yes yes yes yes 28 → 32 - - - yes 1295 DDO Points or
4,200 Commendations of Valor or
42 Heart Seeds
Heroic Reincarnation*** yes yes yes yes yes 28 → 34
32 → 34
34 → 36
full levels yes yes yes 1495 DDO points or
20 Tokens of the Twelve
Iconic Characters must undergo IR instead
Racial Reincarnation*** yes yes yes yes yes 28 → 34
32 → 34
34 → 36
full levels yes yes yes 1495 DDO points or
20 Tokens of the Twelve
Iconic Characters must undergo IR instead
Iconic Reincarnation*** yes yes yes yes yes 28 → 34
32 → 34
34 → 36
full levels yes yes yes 1495 DDO points or
4,200 Commendations of Valor or
42 Heart Seeds
non-Iconic Characters cannot undergo IR
* Build Point Upgrade: Going from 28 to 32 point builds via Lesser or Epic Reincarnation requires the 32-point build option to be unlocked (either through 1750 favor on a per-server basis or purchased from the DDO Store for 1,495 DDO Points)
** Epic Reincarnation: Acts as a Lesser Reincarnation with the added bonus of going from Level 30 to Level 20.
*** Forms of True Reincarnation: Character loses all XP, quest flags, raid completions and favor. This is closer to remaking the character from scratch than respeccing.