Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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DDO Store

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The DDO Store was introduced onto the American servers as from Module 9 with the introduction of the Free To Play micro-transaction model.
Purchases are made using DDO Points. It can be accessed anytime in the game, even in dungeons and during quests, by clicking on the DDO Store icon DDO Point icon.png or by pressing Ctrl+s.

  • The DDO Store can be opened within the game client, or in an external browser, on all supported operating systems. To open the DDO Store using an external browser, select the option in the UI Settings in the Options panel.
    • The DDO Store continues to exclusively remain opened in an external browser on operating systems prior to Windows 7.
  • This page only lists items available on the live servers. Some extra items are occasionally available on Lamannia but these change every preview and have been omitted to avoid confusion.
  • Names of items listed may not be identical with the items delivered.
  • The DDO Store is character-sensitive, as it will only show items that the particular character accessing it is qualified for.
  • Bug: Some items will not appear for a character even if the ML is met. Example: Ruby Eye augments are ML1 and will not appear unless the character is at or near the level cap.
  • The DDO Store is also account-sensitive, and will not show items (including packs, races, classes) which are included with a VIP subscription.
  • All items obtain from the DDO Store should be considered Bound to Account unless their bound status is otherwise specifically stated.
  • Item availability, Class Restrictions, Pricing, Binding, etc. are subject to change at any time with or without notice.

Tip from Update 37 Release Notes
  • When redeeming a Store code at Character Selection, any character items will be delivered to the last character logged into, or, if no last character can be found, sent to a randomly-chosen character, to prevent items from failing to deliver. A message will display to let you know which character the items were sent to. Attempting to redeem a code that delivers an item specifically to a character will continue to not deliver the item if there are no characters on the account. We recommend logging into the character you want to receive character-specific items before redeeming character-specific codes, but this change serves as an additional layer of protection to avoid lost items.

Sales and promotions[edit]

For current store sales and promotion, see the DDO Store Sales and Promotions forum. For historical data about sales, DDO Store/Sales.

The following table list the major sales period for DDO which usually includes DDO Market expansion packs.

Sales Title Estimated Time Frame
Dungeons & Dragons Online Anniversary End of February - 1st week of March
Summer Sales Early June - Mid July
Black Friday Sales Wednesday Thanksgiving Week - Cyber Monday
December Deals Every week in December


Adventure Packs and Guest Passes[edit]

Adventure Packs are a compilation of Quests that are typically in the same story arc or Wilderness Adventure Area. (VIPs have access to all adventure packs for free (except the quests of Menace of the Underdark and Shadowfell Conspiracy expansions), however if a VIP downgrades to a Premium Account he will still need to purchase adventure packs to play them. Adventure packs are a lifetime purchase per account and are available on all servers.

Guest Pass

This is a tradable, clickable token that is bought by one character and can then be given to another character on a different account. The Guest Passes enable a character on an account which has not purchased an adventure pack to access that pack for a limited time, exactly as if they had purchased it.

  • Guest passes can only be bought by an account which currently has access to the adventure pack. Guest Passes are purchased for a specific pack and for a specific amount of time.
  • Guest pass timers does not start counting down until it is clicked, which activates the pass. It then counts down whenever that character is logged into the game (even in public areas!). Disconnecting or logging out will stop the timer, and it will resume upon re-login. Even if it is expired, it might be possible to reach the public areas of some adventure packs with a Bracelet of Friends or a Greater Bracelet of Friends (for example in Mists of Ravenloft).
  • A character can only have access to one Guest Pass at a time.
  • Currently, only 180 minute guest passes are available.
Adventure Pack Levels Pack 180 Min. Guest Pass
The Catacombs 3 to 4 250 DP 40 DP
Shan-To-Kor 3 to 5 250 DP 40 DP
Tangleroot Gorge 3 to 7 550 DP 85 DP
The Sharn Syndicate 4 350 DP 55 DP
Three-Barrel Cove 4 to 7, 25 695 DP 100 DP
Phiarlan Carnival 4 to 7 450 DP 70 DP
The Necropolis, Part 1 5 to 6 350 DP 55 DP
Delera's Tomb 5 to 11 850 DP 130 DP
Sentinels of Stormreach 6 to 8 450 DP 70 DP
Sorrowdusk Isle 6 to 10 450 DP 70 DP
Devil Assault 6 to 20 350 DP 55 DP
Temple of Elemental Evil 7, 30 650 DP 95 DP
The Necropolis, Part 2 8 to 9 350 DP 55 DP
The Ruins of Threnal 8 to 10 450 DP 70 DP
The Vault of Night 8 to 10 750 DP 115 DP
The Red Fens 9 450 DP 70 DP
The Restless Isles 9 to 10 350 DP 55 DP
The Demon Sands 10 to 12 950 DP 145 DP
The Necropolis, Part 3 11 to 12 350 DP 55 DP
Attack on Stormreach 13 450 DP 55 DP
The Ruins of Gianthold 13 to 25 950 DP 145 DP
Harbinger of Madness 15 450 DP 70 DP
The Necropolis, Part 4 14 to 17 850 DP 130 DP
The Vale of Twilight (with Subterrane) 16 to 17 850 DP 145 DP
The Reaver's Reach 17 250 DP 40 DP
Reign of Madness 17 450 DP 70 DP
The Path of Inspiration 17 to 19 350 DP 55 DP
The Dreaming Dark 18 to 20 350 DP 70 DP
Heart of Madness 18, 26 450 DP 70 DP
The Devils of Shavarath 19 to 20 550 DP 85 DP
Secrets of the Artificers 19 to 20 650 DP 100 DP
The Druid's Deep 17-25 550 DP 85 DP
Menace of the Underdark 19-21 2495 DP 100 DP1
The High Road of Shadows 18, 24 750 DP 115 DP
Shadowfell Conspiracy 16-19, 25-27 2495 DP -
Haunted Halls of Eveningstar 24 650 DP 100 DP
Shadow Under Thunderholme 25 550 DP 95 DP
Trials of the Archons 13, 30 495 DP 70 DP
The Devil's Gambit 14, 30 450 DP 70 DP
Against the Slave Lords 8, 31 595 DP 95 DP
Dragonblood Prophecy 10, 31 495 DP 70 DP
The Mines of Tethyamar 15, 31 725 DP 115 DP
Mists of Ravenloft 10, 30 2495 DP 199 DP
Disciples of Rage 14, 31 725 DP 115 DP
White Plume Mountain and Other Tales 6, 9, 21-32 725 DP 115 DP
Masterminds of Sharn 15, 32 2495 DP 100 DP
The Soul Splitter 17, 32 650 DP 100 DP
Keep on the Borderlands 1, 21, 22 995 DP 150 DP
The Lost Gatekeepers 3, 32 725 DP 115 DP
Fables of the Feywild 5-6, 32 2495 DP 100 DP
Peril of the Planar Eyes 12, 32 650 DP 100 DP
Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh 3, 32 1999 DP 100 DP
Hunter and Hunted 7, 32 595 DP 70 DP
The Isle of Dread 7, 33 3995 DP 100 DP
Grip of the Hidden Hand 16, 33 725 DP 115 DP
Vecna Unleashed 18, 34 1999 DP -
Slice of Life 18, 34 450 DP -
Fall of the Night Brigade 4, 34 695 DP -
Magic of Myth Drannor 13, 35 2995 DP -

1 This pass only grants access to the King's Forest area and the adventures within it. No corresponding passes for the other two areas in Menace of the Underdark currently exist.

Prices Current as of January 23, 2025.

Bonus Items[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Keep on the Borderlands Bonus Items 02995 2,995 DP A set of items to complement the Keep on the Borderlands Adventure Pack including the Borderlands Warrior cosmetic set (a helm, cloak, longsword, shield, and armor), the Steed of the Borderlands, and a Medium Ingredients Bag. All of the items will be delivered to each character on your account. The Bag is Bound to Character and The Cosmetics and Mount are all Bound to Account. NOTE: Items will deliver to your character after logging out and back in.
White Plume Mountain Bonus Items 01495 1,495 DP A set of items to complement the White Plume Mountain Adventure Pack including the Falconry Universal Enhancement tree, Cerulean Crown of Wave (Cosmetic Hat), Cerulean Crest of Wave (Cosmetic Armor), Cerulean Cloak of Wave (Cosmetic Cloak),Tiny Giant Crab Certificate (Cosmetic Pet), and 5 stones of 1000 Sentient XP. The Falconry Universal Enhancement tree is available for all characters on the account. The Cerulean Crown of Wave (Cosmetic Hat), Cerulean Crest of Wave (Cosmetic Armor), Cerulean Cloak of Wave (Cosmetic Cloak), and Tiny Giant Crab Certificate (Cosmetic Pet) are Bound to Account and are delivered to every character on the account. Sentient XP Stones are all delivered to the first character logged into after purchase and are Bound to Account. NOTE: Items will deliver to your character after logging out and back in..

Prices Current as of September 28, 2024


Challenge Pack Levels DDO Points Guest Pass Contents
Vaults of the Artificers 4 to 25 1295 DP 100 DP 12 challenges and Epic Level Items. These challenges can also be accessed for free with Challenge Tokens
Eveningstar Challenge Pack 15 to 30 695 DP - 6 challenges. These challenges can also be accessed for free with Challenge Tokens.
Item x1 x5 x10 x25 Benefits
Universal Challenge Token 20 DP 80 DP 150 DP 300 DP
  • Challenge Tokens are unbound, and thus may be given to friends to function similarly to guest passes.
  • This token acts as a ticket to give you one entry to any challenge in the Vaults of the Artificers Challenge Pack.
  • Valid for one entry.
  • Also redeemable at Cannith Supply Vaults within challenges for various power-ups and helpful items.

See Challenge Tools section for challenge tools.
Prices Current as of April 20, 2024

Character Slots and 32 Point Build[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Character Slot 00625 625 DP
  • Adds 1 character slot to each server, maximum of 30 slots.
    • Free To Play start with 3 Character Slots, per Server for free.
    • Premium players start with 5 Character Slots, per Server for free.
    • VIPs start with 11 Character Slots per Server, for free.
  • It is possible to have up to 38 character slots if you are Premium, have purchased 30 additional character slots prior to release of both expansions, and have pre-purchased the legendary edition of both expansions.
32 Point Build Characters 01495 1,495 DP
  • Grants the ability to create 32 Point Characters on all Servers.
  • Can also be gained for free by accumulating 1750 Total Favor on a single character on a per Server basis.

Prices Current as of February 18, 2015

Races and Classes[edit]


Race DDO Points Benefits
Warforged Race 00995 995 DP
Aasimar Race 01395 1,395 DP
Bladeforged Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Morninglord Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Purple Dragon Knight Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Shadar-kai Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Deep Gnome Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Aasimar Scourge of the Undead Iconic Hero 01295 1,295 DP
Tiefling Scoundrel Iconic Hero 01395 1,395 DP
Shifter Race 01595 1,595 DP
Razorclaw Shifter Iconic Hero 01395 1,395 DP
Tabaxi Race 01595 1,595 DP
Trailblazer Tabaxi Iconic Hero 01395 1,395 DP
Eladrin Race 01595 1,595 DP
Eladrin Chaosmancer Iconic Hero 01395 1,395 DP


Note - Two Classes (Artificer and Favored Soul) can be unlocked "for free" on a per-server basis by earning Favor.

Class DDO Points Benefits
Favored Soul Class 00995 995 DP
  • If you earn 2,500 Total Favor on a single character, you can create a Favored Soul only on that server without the need to purchase with DDO Points
  • Purchasing the Favored Soul class via the DDO Store unlocks the Favored Soul class on all servers.
Artificer Class 00995 995 DP
  • Unlocks the Artificer class on all servers.
  • If you earn 150 House Cannith Favor on a single character, you can create an Artificer only on that server without the need to purchase with DDO Points.
Alchemist Class 01495 1,495 DP
  • Unlocks the Alchemist Class on all servers.
  • VIPs get the Alchemist Class for free, however if you downgrade to a Premium Account you will need to purchase the class to play any Alchemist characters you have created.
  • Included with Update 45

Prices Current as of September 29, 2021.


Class DDO Points Benefits
Archetype - Dragon Lord Fighter icon.png
Archetype - Dragon Lord Fighter
00995 995 DP
  • Unlocks the Archetype - Dragon Lord Fighter on all servers.
  • Dragon Lord is free to VIP, and was unlockable for free by claiming it during the first month of Year of the Dragon, running from February 28th to March 26th, 2024.
Archetype - Wild Mage Sorcerer icon.png
Archetype - Wild Mage Sorcerer
00995 995 DP
  • Unlocks the Archetype - Wild Mage Sorcerer on all servers.
  • Wild Mage is free to VIP, and is included in the Collector's Edition and Ultimate Fan Bundle of Magic of Myth Drannor.

Prices Current as of April 21, 2024.

Shared Bank[edit]

Shared Bank store icon.png

Item Storage[edit]

A Shared Bank is currently the only way to trade bound to account items between characters on that account.

Item DDO Points Benefits
Shared Bank: Item Storage (30 Slots)1 1495 DP
  • 1 Before purchasing a 10-slot "upgrade" (995 pts), you must have the Shared Bank (30 Slots) account option (1495 pts), either purchased or by being a VIP.
    • VIPs get the 30-slot Shared Bank for free.
    • Premium players who were formerly VIPs will have withdrawal-only access to any items left in their Shared Bank Vault. In order to deposit items, they must purchase the Shared Bank Vault using DDO Points.
    • The initial number of slots was increased from 20 to 30 in the Update 43 Hotfix.

  • Upgrades #1(+) give your Account-based Shared Bank +10 additional item slots of storage space. You must have access to any previous "Shared Bank: Item Storage #" to purchase more additional space.
    • Note that when purchasing an upgrade, any previously-purchased upgrades will not be visible in the store, and any upgrades beyond what you are eligible for will not be sold to you. So, find the upgrade with the lowest numerical value, and purchase that - if you can't, it's probably not the lowest.

Shared Bank: Item Storage I (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage II (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage III (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage IV (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage V (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage VI (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage VII (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 8 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 9 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 10 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 11 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 12 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 13 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 14 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 15 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 16 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 17 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 18 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 19 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 20 (+10 Slots) 995 DP
Shared Bank: Item Storage 21 (+10 Slots) 995 DP

Prices Current as of May 4, 2019

Platinum Vault[edit]

Item DDO Points Max Platinum Benefits
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault1 495 DP 50,000 pp
  • VIPs get the Shared Bank: Platinum Vault for free.
  • Allows you to use the bank to share platinum between all of your characters on a given server
  • Total Maximum platinum: 5,500,000 pp
  1. VIPs get the Shared Bank for free.
  2. Must have the Shared Bank: Platinum Vault account option, either purchased or by being a VIP.
  3. Must have access to the previous Shared Bank: Platinum Vault to get this additional space.
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 12 95 DP 100,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 23 195 DP 250,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 33 295 DP 500,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 43 395 DP 1,000,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 53 495 DP 2,500,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 63 495 DP 4,000,000 pp
Shared Bank: Platinum Vault Upgrade 73 495 DP 5,500,000 pp

Prices Current as of February 6, 2015

Crafting Storage[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade I (+250 Slots)1 795 DP
  • You can put anything into your Crafting Storage that goes into bags, quivers, or cookie jars, including augments, with the exception of Bound to Character items.
  • Max item stack size depends on the item.
  • Premium players get 12 slots automatically.
    • Premium players Total Maximum: 2012.
  • VIP players get 45 slots automatically.
    • VIP players Total Maximum: 2045.
  1. Must have the Shared Bank: Item Storage (20 Slots) account option, either purchased or by being a VIP.
  2. Must have access to the previous Crafting Storage Upgrade to get this additional space.
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade II (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade III (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade IV (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade V (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade VI (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade VII (+250 Slots)2 795 DP
Shared Bank: Crafting Storage Upgrade VIII (+250 Slots)2 795 DP

Prices Current as of August 30, 2016

Veteran Status[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Veteran Status Characters (Level 4) 00995 995 DP
  • Allows you to make new characters to start the game at level 4 instead of level 1.
  • Unlocks for all servers.
  • Can also be unlocked for free by getting more than 1000 Total Favor on a single character on a per server basis.
  • Characters created by this method receive the Veteran Status II starter items according to their class.
Veteran Status Characters (Level 7) 01495 1,495 DP
  • Allows you to make new characters to start the game at level 7 instead of level 1.
  • Unlocks for all servers.
  • Can also be unlocked for free by getting more than 3000 Total Favor on a single character on a per server basis.
  • Characters created by this method receive the Veteran Status II starter items according to their class.
  • You can not purchase Veteran Status II until you have purchased Verteran Status I

Prices Current as of August 25, 2012

Enhancement Trees[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Harper Agent store icon.png
Harper Agent Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Customize any character with the Harper Agent enhancement tree! Wiley and versatile Harper Agents can enhance their melee, magic, or ranged capabilities. This purchase allows you to use the Harper Agent enhancement tree on characters on any server.
  • Can also be unlocked for free by getting more than 310 Harper Favor on a single character on a per server basis
  • VIPs get the Harper Agent Enhancement Tree for free.
Vistani Knife Fighter icon.png
Vistani Knife Fighter Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Deadly Vistani Knife fighters use their blades to fight both in melee and at range. This purchase allows you to use the Vistani Knife Fighter enhancement tree on characters on any server.
Falconry Universal Enhancement Tree Icon.png
Falconry Universal Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Call forth your trained bird of prey to harry, attack, and hunt your foes! This purchase allows you to use the Falconry Universal enhancement tree on characters on any server.
Inquisitive Universal Enhancement Tree Icon.png
Inquisitive Universal Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Curious Inquisitives can transform any light or heavy crossbow into a pair of crossbows, one in each hand, and excel at both shooting first and asking questions later. This purchase allows you to use the Inquisitive Universal enhancement tree on characters on any server.
Feydark Illusionist Tree.jpg
Feydark Illusionist Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Summon a familiar and bewilder your foes with deadly illusions and tricks! This purchase allows you to use the Feydark Illusionist Universal enhancement tree on characters on any server.
  • Can also be unlocked for free by getting 135 The Summer Court Favor on a single character on a per server basis
  • Included with the Fables of the Feywild Collector's and Ultimate Fan Bundles.
Horizon Walker Universal Enhancement Tree Icon.png
Horizon Walker Universal Enhancement Tree
00495 495 DP
  • Trained to traverse multiple planes, these bow wielding hunters excel at finding and destroying their marked prey regardless of it's plane of origin. This purchase allows you to use the Horizon Walker Universal enhancement tree on characters on any server.

Prices Current as of April 28, 2022

Epic Destinies[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Monster Manual Volume 9 icon.png
Epic Destiny - Machrotechnic
00995 995 DP
  • The Machrotechnic wields the devastating power of both the lightning strike and the destructive sonic boom that follows. With mastery over arcane and mechanical devices, the Machrotechnic can wield a variety of devices to enhance themselves and their allies against harm or interfere with their foes. This purchase allows you to use the Epic Destiny - Machrotechnic on characters on any server.
  • Included with the Vecna Unleashed Standard Edition, Collector's Edition and Ultimate Fan Bundle.

Prices Current as of April 21, 2024

Monster Manuals[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Monster Manual Volume 1 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 1
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 2 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 2
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 3 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 3
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 4 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 4
00595 595 DP
  • Volume 4 includes 10 creatures.
  • 1 exclusive creature companion as a special reward you can unlock:Air Elemental.
  • Rewards XP and Astral Shards
Monster Manual Volume 5 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 5
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 6 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 6
00595 595 DP
  • Volume 6 includes 10 creatures.
  • 1 exclusive creature companion as a special reward you can unlock: Hellpup.
  • Rewards XP and Mysterious Remnants
Monster Manual Volume 7 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 7
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 8 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 8
00595 595 DP
Monster Manual Volume 9 icon.png
Monster Manual Volume 9
00595 595 DP

Prices Current as of April 20, 2024

Astral Shards[edit]

Item ×10 ×20 ×30 ×50 ×65 ×100 ×140 ×200 ×265 ×500 ×1000 ×2000 Benefits
Astral Shard store icon.png
Astral Shards
75 DP 150 DP 195 DP 325 DP 395 DP 595 DP 795 DP 1,135 DP 1,495 DP 2,795 DP 5,395 DP 9,995 DP Astral Shards are a form of currency that can be used instead of platinum for many items and services in game. For example, they can be used to purchase various character respecs, equipment repairs, and certain vendor items like gold seal hirelings.

Prices Current as of November 6, 2016

Additional Upgrades[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
StoreIcon HallOfHeroes.jpg
Hall of Heroes Passport
00795 795 DP
  • VIPs get Hall of Heroes Passport free.
  • Grants all of your characters access to fast travel between campaign settings by way of the Hall of Heroes.
  • Iconic Hero characters get individual access to the Passport. All other characters must have this feature on their account to use the Passport.

Prices Current as of August 26, 2013


Alignment change[edit]

Can ONLY be used in a Tavern. CANNOT be use on the Heart of Wind (Airship you appear on after Lesser/Greater Reincarnation, or when utilizing Veteran Status).

Item DDO Points Classes Benefits
Alignment Change Lawful Goodness store icon.png
Lawful Goodness
495 DP All but Brd, Brb, Drd Allows you to change your alignment to Lawful Good.
Alignment Change Neutral Goodness store icon.png
Neutral Goodness
495 DP All but Pal and Mnk Allows you to change your alignment to Neutral Good.
Alignment Change Chaotic Goodness store icon.png
Chaotic Goodness
495 DP All but Pal, Mnk, and Drd Allows you to change your alignment to Chaotic Good.
Alignment Change Lawful Neutrality store icon.png
Lawful Neutrality
495 DP All but Brd, Brb, Pal Allows you to change your alignment to Lawful Neutral.
Alignment Change True Neutrality store icon.png
True Neutrality
495 DP All but Pal and Mnk Allows you to change your alignment to True Neutral.
Alignment Change Chaotic Neutrality store icon.png
Chaotic Neutrality
495 DP All but Pal and Mnk Allows you to change your alignment to Chaotic Neutral.

Prices Current as of 11 September, 2016

Epic Destiny Tools[edit]

Usable only by characters Level 20+

Tome of Destiny[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Tome of Destiny +1 (Historic) 3495 DP This magical tome grants your character bonus a +1 bonus to Permanent Destiny Points to spend exclusively on Epic Destiny Trees. Note that this will not stack with other (Historic,Feywild, etc) typed bonuses to Permanent Destiny Points but will stack with any other types.
Tome of Destiny +1 (Feywild) 3495 DP
Tome of Destiny +1 (Dread) 3495 DP

Prices Current as of July 4, 2023

Tome of Fate[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Tome of Fate +1 595 DP This magical tome permanently increases your character’s Fate Point total by +X (X being the tome being used) allowing you to unlock or upgrade Twist of Fate slots sooner than you would otherwise be able to. Note that only the most powerful version of a tome will apply (using two +1 tomes will only provide one +1 total inherent bonus to Fate Points)
Tome of Fate +2 995 DP
Tome of Fate +3 1295 DP
Upgrade Tome of Fate (+1 to +2) 595 DP IMPORTANT: REQUIRES a +1 inherent bonus to Fate Points to use (Tome of Fate +1). For level 20+ use. Permanently increases a +1 inherent bonus to Fate Points to a +2 inherent bonus to Fate Points.
Upgrade Tome of Fate (+2 to +3) 595 DP IMPORTANT: REQUIRES a +2 inherent bonus to Fate Points to use (Tome of Fate +2). For level 20+ use. Permanently increases a +2 inherent bonus to Fate Points to a +3 inherent bonus to Fate Points.

Prices Current as of March 17, 2019

Feat & Spell Swap[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Flawed Siberys Dragonshard 60 DP Feat swap for levels 1 to 4
Imperfect Siberys Dragonshard 75 DP Feat swap for levels 5 to 8
Siberys Dragonshard 90 DP Feat swap for levels 9 to 12
Exceptional Siberys Dragonshard 105 DP Feat swap for levels 13 to 16
Flawless Siberys Dragonshard 120 DP Feat swap for levels 17 to 20
Spell Swap Elixir: Blood of Dragons 150 DP Bard, Favored Soul, Sorcerer, and Warlock. Freely exchange spells at a trainer for 1 hour.
  • Siberys Dragonshards can be found in game from Breakables, Collectable Objects or from Chest Loot. You combine the shards at a Stone of Change into the required shard that you want.
  • Siberys Dragonshards bought from the DDO Store as of the 11th of November 2009 do not stack with shards that are found or crafted in game.
  • If you do the quest given by Lockania in the Marketplace at Hall of the Mark, once completed you will have a free feat swap, this quest can only be done once per character per life.

Prices Current as of July 10, 2015

Name Changes[edit]

These items let you change Character or Creature companion names.

Item DDO Points Benefits
Name Change Parchment (First Name) 995 DP
  • Allows you to permanently change your character's first name.
  • Name can only be reverted or changed by using another Name Change Parchment.
Name Change Parchment (Surname) 495 DP
  • Allows you to permanently change your character's surname.
  • Name can only be reverted or changed by using another Name Change Parchment.
Pet Name Certificate 250 DP
  • Allows you to permanently change your pet's name.
  • Name can only be reverted or changed by using another Name Change Parchment.
Creature Companion Name Certificate 75 DP
  • Allows you to permanently change your creature companion's name.
  • Name can only be reverted or changed by using another Name Change Parchment.
  • Does not work on artificer iron defenders.

Prices Current as of July 10, 2015


Item DDO Points Benefits
Lesser Heart of Wood 895 DP Allows you to undergo Lesser Reincarnation.
+1 Lesser Heart of Wood 1195 DP Allows you to undergo Lesser Reincarnation and lets you switch one class level.
+3 Lesser Heart of Wood 1395 DP Allows you to undergo Lesser Reincarnation and lets you switch three class levels.
+5 Lesser Heart of Wood 1595 DP Allows you to undergo Lesser Reincarnation and lets you switch five class levels.
+20 Lesser Heart of Wood 2495 DP Allows you to undergo Lesser Reincarnation and lets you switch twenty class levels.
Epic Heart of Wood 1295 DP Allows you to undergo Epic Reincarnation, which starts you back at Level 20. Must be Level 30 to use.
Heroic True Heart of Blood 1495 DP Allows you to undergo Racial Reincarnation, which starts you back at Level 1.
Iconic Heroes cannot use this to reincarnate. Must be Level 20 to use.
Heroic True Heart of Wood 1495 DP Allows you to undergo Heroic True Reincarnation, which starts you back at Level 1.
Iconic Heroes cannot use this to reincarnate. Must be Level 20 to use.
Iconic True Heart of Wood 1495 DP Allows you to undergo Iconic True Reincarnation with your Iconic Hero character. Must be Level 30 to use.
Wish for Aasimar Memories 995 DP Grants you the Aasimar Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Dragonborn Memories 995 DP Grants you the Dragonborn Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Drow Memories 995 DP Grants you the Drow Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Dwarf Memories 995 DP Grants you the Dwarf Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Eladrin Memories 995 DP Grants you the Eladrin Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Elf Memories 995 DP Grants you the Elf Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Gnome Memories 995 DP Grants you the Gnome Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Half-Elf Memories 995 DP Grants you the Half-Elf Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Half-Orc Memories 995 DP Grants you the Halfling Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Halfling Memories 995 DP Grants you the Half-Orc Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Human Memories 995 DP Grants you the Human Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Shifter Memories 995 DP Grants you the Shifter Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Tabaxi Memories 995 DP Grants you the Tabaxi Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Tiefling Memories 995 DP Grants you the Tiefling Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.
Wish for Warforged Memories 995 DP Grants you the Warforged Racial Past Life instead of your current race on your next Racial Reincarnation.

Lesser Heart of Wood can drop as random treasure.
Lahar, found in the Twelve, offers Heroic True Heart of Wood and Heroic True Heart of Blood in exchange for 20 Tokens of the Twelve. Warning: The version he gives you is BtC.
Epic Heart of Wood and Iconic True Heart of Wood can also be obtained through Commendation of Valor (4200:1).

Prices Current as of September 29, 2021

Stat & XP Tomes[edit]

AP Tomes[edit]

Persists through Reincarnation.
AP Tomes does not stack together, only the highest bonus will count.

Item DDO Points Benefits
Tome of Racial AP +1 1995 DP
  • Grants a permanent +1 inherent bonus to Racial Enhancement Points.
  • The Mists of Ravenloft Ultimate Fan Bundle grants one of these to each character.
Tome of Racial AP (+1 to +2) 500 DP
  • Requires a previous +1 (for +1 to +2 upgrade).
Tome of Racial AP +2 2495 DP
  • Grants a permanent +2 inherent bonus to Racial Enhancement Points.
Tome of Racial AP +3 2995 DP
  • Grants a permanent +3 inherent bonus to Racial Enhancement Points.
  • The Magic of Myth Drannor Ultimate Fan Bundle grants one of these to each character.
Tome of Universal Enhancement +1 (Sharn) 3495 DP
  • Grants a permanent +1 inherent bonus to Universal Enhancement Points.
Tome of Universal Enhancement +1 (Morgrave) 3495 DP
  • Grants a permanent +1 inherent bonus to Universal Enhancement Points.
  • The Vecna Unleashed Ultimate Fan Bundle grants one of these to each character.

Prices Current as of April 20, 2024

Stat Tomes[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
+1 Tome of Ability1 405 DP Tomes do not stack together. You may use more than one tome, however only the highest bonus will count for any one ability. For example, if you buy a +1 Tome of Strength at level 3, then a +2 Tome of Strength at level 7, you would only get an additional +1 bonus to Strength (+2 total) at level 7.

The availability of tomes shown to a character is dependent on previous tomes used.

  1. Applies to one of the following ability stat: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma.
  2. This item is one tome for all 6 ability scores and cannot be separated.
  3. Requires a previous +1 (for +1 to +2 upgrade) or +2 (for +2 to +3), etc., inherent bonus to the specific stat in order to use this item (i.e. Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma).
  4. Actually a package of 6 tomes, 1 specifically for each of the six ability stats. The 6 Tomes are Bound to Account, so they can be split up and applied to different characters on that account, if desired. Requires a previous +1 (for +1 to +2 upgrade) or +2 (for +2 to +3), etc., inherent bonus to all stats (from using tomes or upgrade tomes) in order to use this item. Applies to all six ability stats.

† Limited time availability.

+2 Tome of Ability1 645 DP
+3 Tome of Ability1 945 DP
+4 Tome of Ability1 1245 DP
+5 Tome of Ability1 1445 DP
+6 Tome of Ability1 1645 DP
+7 Tome of Ability1 1845 DP
+8 Tome of Ability1 2045 DP
+1 Tome of Supreme Ability2 1595 DP
+2 Tome of Supreme Ability2 2495 DP
+3 Tome of Supreme Ability2 3495 DP
+4 Tome of Supreme Ability2 4545 DP
+5 Tome of Supreme Ability2 4845 DP
+6 Tome of Supreme Ability2 5145 DP
+7 Tome of Supreme Ability2 5445 DP
+8 Tome of Supreme Ability2 5745 DP
Upgrade Tome of Ability (+1 to +2)3 345 DP
Upgrade Tome of Ability (+2 to +3)3 545 DP
Upgrade Tome of Ability (+3 to +4)3 845 DP
Upgrade Tome of Ability (+4 to +5)3 945 DP
Upgrade Tome of Ability (+5 to +6)3 1045 DP
Upgrade Tome of Ability (+6 to +7)3 1145 DP
Upgrade Tome of Ability (+7 to +8)3 1295 DP
Upgrade Tome of Supreme Ability (+1 to +2)4 1395 DP
Upgrade Tome of Supreme Ability (+2 to +3)4 2045 DP
Upgrade Tome of Supreme Ability (+3 to +4)4 3045 DP
Upgrade Tome of Supreme Ability (+4 to +5)4 3045 DP
Upgrade Tome of Supreme Ability (+5 to +6)4 4045 DP
Upgrade Tome of Supreme Ability (+6 to +7)4 4345 DP
Upgrade Tome of Supreme Ability (+7 to +8)4 5345 DP

Single stat tomes and Single stat Upgrade Tomes can also be gained from chest and end quest rewards.
Tomes obtained from the DDO Store are bound to account.
Tomes are persistent through True Reincarnation.
Prices Current as of September 29, 2021

Skill Tomes[edit]

Item ×1 ×6 Benefits
Tome of Skill (+1 to Any Skill Except UMD)1 245 DP 945 DP
  • +1 and +2 Tomes will be applied at level 1 and higher
  • +3 Tomes will be applied at level 3 and higher
  • +4 Tomes will be applied at level 7 and higher
  • +5 Tomes will be applied at level 11 and higher
  • Bonuses from tomes persist through reincarnation.
  • You may use more than one tome, however only the highest bonus will count.

For example, if you buy a +1 at level 1, then a +3 at level 3, you would only get another +1 at level 3.

  1. Applies to one of the following ability skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Haggle, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Repair, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble
  2. Applies ONLY to Use Magic Device.
Tome of Skill (+2 to Any Skill Except UMD) 1 395 DP 1045 DP
Tome of Skill (+3 to Any Skill Except UMD) 1 545 DP 1845 DP
Tome of Skill (+4 to Any Skill Except UMD) 1 745 DP 2545 DP
Tome of Skill (+5 to Any Skill Except UMD) 1 945 DP 3045 DP
Upgrade Tome of Skill (+1 to +2, No UMD)1 195 DP 695 DP
Upgrade Tome of Skill (+2 to +3, No UMD)1 295 DP 995 DP
Upgrade Tome of Skill (+3 to +4, No UMD)1 295 DP 995 DP
Tome of Skill (+1 to Use Magic Device) 2 745 DP
Tome of Skill (+2 to Use Magic Device) 2 945 DP
Tome of Skill (+3 to Use Magic Device) 2 1245 DP
Tome of Skill (+4 to Use Magic Device) 2 1545 DP
Tome of Skill (+5 to Use Magic Device) 2 2045 DP
Upgrade Tome of Skill (+1 UMD to +2 UMD)2 495 DP

Prices Current as of March 17, 2019

XP Tomes[edit]

Persists through Reincarnation and stacks with all XP bonuses. Does not affect characters level 20 or higher. Can only be used once per character.
XP Tomes does not stack with each other, only the highest bonus will count.

Item DDO Points Benefits
Lesser Tome of Learning 995 DP
  • Permanent XP boost in standard Heroic (non-Epic) quests.
  • 25% bonus XP the first time you complete a given quest, and 10% every time after.
Tome of Learning Upgrade - Lesser to Greater 600 DP
  • Upgrades your Lesser Tome of Learning to a Greater one. (You must have a Lesser tome effect on you to use this item.) This item is currently BtA, according to Turbine Support.
Greater Tome of Learning 1595 DP
  • Permanent XP boost in standard Heroic (non-Epic) quests.
  • 50% bonus XP the first time you complete a given quest, and 20% every time after.
Lesser Tome of Epic Learning 795 DP
  • Permanent XP boost in Epic (non-Heroic) quests.
  • 15% bonus XP the first time you complete a given quest, and 5% every time after.
  • Does not affect characters that are below level 20.
Tome of Epic Learning Upgrade - Lesser to Greater 500 DP
  • Upgrades your Lesser Tome of Epic Learning to a Greater one. (You must have a Lesser Epic tome effect on you to use this item.)
Greater Tome of Epic Learning 1295 DP
  • Permanent XP boost in Epic (non-Heroic) quests.
  • 25% bonus XP the first time you complete a given quest, and 10% every time after.
  • Does not affect characters that are below level 20.

Prices Current as of July 10, 2015

Storage and Bags[edit]

Character Bank[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Character Bank Upgrade 1 (+20 Slots) 595 DP
  • Upgrades your character's individual bank account (not the shared bank) with 20 additional item slots of storage space.
  • This is in addition to the bank slots you can gain from House Kundarak Favor.
  • Remains even if you undergo a True Reincarnation.
  • IMPORTANT: This only affects the purchasing character's bank and does not affect or upgrade your shared account bank.
Character Bank Upgrade 2 (+20 Slots) 595 DP
Character Bank Upgrade 3 (+20 Slots) 595 DP
Character Bank Upgrade 4 (+20 Slots) 595 DP

Prices Current as of July 4, 2023

Inventory Space[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Inventory Space Upgrade, + 20 Slots 595 DP
  • Upgrades your character's inventory with 1 additional tab, which is 20 additional item slots of storage spaces.
  • Remains even if you undergo a True Reincarnation.
  • Up to three Inventory Space Upgrades can be purchase (as of U22.2).
  • IMPORTANT: This only affects the purchasing character's inventory.
Inventory Space Upgrade, + 20 Slots 595 DP
Inventory Space Upgrade, + 20 Slots 595 DP
Originally Posted by 404error Source

The backpack slot does stay after you TR.

  • Prices Current as of July 21, 2014

Storage Bags[edit]

All bags bought in the DDO Store are Bound To Character with an exception of Dimensional Augment Bag which is Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire

Collectable Bags
Item DDO Points Capacity Stack Size Alternative Acquisition
Small Collectables Bag 95 DP 12 1,000
Medium Collectables Bag 295 DP 30 1,000
Large Collectables Bag 395 DP 80 1,000
Huge Collectables Bag 595 DP 200 1,000 None
Gem Bags
Small Gem Bag 95 DP 6 1,000
Medium Gem Bag 295 DP 12 1,000
Large Gem Bag 395 DP 30 1,000
Huge Gem Bag 595 DP 90 1,000 None
Ingredients Bags
Tiny Ingredients Bag 95 DP 12 1,000
Small Ingredients Bag 195 DP 30 1,000
Medium Ingredients Bag 295 DP 45 2,500 None
Large Ingredients Bag 395 DP 80 2,500
Extra Large Ingredients Bag 495 DP 150 5,000 None
Huge Ingredients Bag 595 DP 250 5,000 None
Gargantuan Ingredients Bag 695 DP 500 10,000 None
Colossal Ingredients Bag 795 DP 1000 10,000 None
Augment Bags
Small Augment Bag 295 DP 10 100
Medium Augment Bag 495 DP 20 100 None
Large Augment Bag 695 DP 40 100 None
Huge Augment Bag 795 DP 80 100 None
Gargantuan Augment Bag 995 DP 150 100 None
Colossal Augment Bag 1195 DP 300 100 None
Dimensional Augment Bag (BtA) 1595 DP 500 100

Prices Current as of May 12, 2019

Cookie Jars[edit]

Cookie jars store Cookies, Jellies and Cupcakes that are gained from handing in Festival Coins during Festivult. Cookie Jars are Bound To Character.

Item DDO Points Capacity Stack Size Benefits
Small Cookie Jar 295 DP 38 50 Store cookies and cakes in one inventory slot. Bound To Character.
Large Cookie Jar 495 DP 38 250 Store cookies and cakes in one inventory slot. Bound To Character.

Prices Current as of September 14, 2014

Hireling Folders[edit]

Hireling Contracts Folders allow you to store unused Hirelings into a type of Bag thus only using one inventory slot. To use a hireling you must drag it out of the bag and into your normal inventory.
There are no in-game NPC that sells Hireling Contract Folders. Hireling Contracts Folders are Bound To Character.

Item DDO Points Capacity Stack Size Benefits
Small Hireling Contract Folder 95 DP 2 Types 10 Total capacity: 20. Bound To Character.
Medium Hireling Contract Folder 195 DP 5 Types 10 Total capacity: 50. Bound To Character.
Large Hireling Contract Folder 395 DP 10 Types 12 Total capacity: 120. Bound To Character.
Huge Hireling Contract Folder 595 DP 20 Types 15 Total capacity: 300. Bound To Character.

Prices Current as of July 10, 2015


Quivers are Bound To Character.

Item DDO Points Capacity Stack Size Alternative acquisition
Thin Quiver 30 DP 3 Types 400 Also can be purchased from certain vendors.
Wide Quiver 30 DP 6 Types 200 Also can be purchased from certain vendors.
Medium Thin Quiver 60 DP 3 Types 600
Medium Wide Quiver 60 DP 8 Types 200
Large Thin Quiver 120 DP 3 Types 1000 A similar quiver is also sold by the House Deneith Favor Vendor, Tarvin d'Deneith, if you have the required 150 House Deneith favor.
Large Wide Quiver 120 DP 10 Types 250 A similar quiver is also sold by the House Deneith Favor Vendor, Tarvin d'Deneith, if you have the required 75 House Deneith favor.
Very Large Thin Quiver 240 DP 4 Types 1500
Very Large Wide Quiver 240 DP 20 Types 300

Prices Current as of March 10, 2011


Item DDO Points Benefits
Fast Horse - Bay 1995 DP

Grants access to a fast mount token that can be redeemed to add the mount to your character's mount stable. Single use. Bound to Character.

Fast Horse - Buckskin 1995 DP
Fast Horse - Chestnut 1995 DP
Fast Horse - Dun 1995 DP
Fast Horse - Palomino 1995 DP
Fast Horse - Sorrel 1995 DP
Bone Devil Armored Nightmare 2495 DP

Prices Current as of September 14, 2024

XP and Loot Boosts[edit]

XP Boosts[edit]

See XP Tomes for Tome of Learning.

Experience Elixir
Item x1 x5 x10 x25 Benefits
Lesser Experience Elixir 60 DP 240 DP 900 DP 10% bonus to XP for 3 hours
Medium Experience Elixir1 95 DP 380 DP 1425 DP 10% bonus to XP for 6 hours
Greater Experience Elixir 250 DP 1000 DP 1750 DP 3750 DP 20% bonus to XP for 3 hours.
Major Experience Elixir1 350 DP 1395 DP 2450 DP 5250 DP 20% bonus to XP for 6 hours.
Excellent Experience Elixir 350 DP 1395 DP 30% bonus to XP for 3 hours.
Superior Experience Elixir 495 DP 1995 DP 30% bonus to XP for 6 hours.
Sovereign I Experience Elixir 595 DP 2395 DP 4195 DP 50% bonus to XP for 3 hours.
Sovereign II Experience Elixir 795 DP 3195 DP 5595 DP 50% bonus to XP for 6 hours.
Guild Renown Elixir
Lesser Guild Renown Elixir 75 DP 300 DP 1125 DP 20% bonus to Guild Renown for 3 hours.
Medium Guild Renown Elixir 150 DP 600 DP 2250 DP 50% bonus to Guild Renown for 3 hours.
Greater Guild Renown Elixir 250 DP 1000 DP 3750 DP 75% bonus to Guild Renown for 3 hours.
Major Guild Renown Elixir 350 DP 1400 DP 5250 DP 100% bonus to Guild Renown for 3 hours.
Superior Guild Renown Elixir 595 DP 2250 DP 9850 DP 200%2 bonus to Guild Renown for 3 hours.
Sovereign Guild Renown Elixir 1195 DP 5550 DP 16795 DP 200%2 bonus to Guild Renown for 6 hours.
Crafting Experience Elixir
Lesser Crafting Experience Elixir 10 DP 40 DP Grants a 10% bonus to Crafting XP for 15 minutes that you are logged in.
Medium Crafting Experience Elixir 20 DP 80 DP Grants a 15% bonus to Crafting XP for 15 minutes that you are logged in.
Greater Crafting Experience Elixir 30 DP 90 DP Grants a 20% bonus to Crafting XP for 15 minutes that you are logged in.
Major Crafting Experience Elixir 40 DP 160 DP Grants a 25% bonus to Crafting XP for 15 minutes that you are logged in.
Note: You can trade Eberron Dragonshards to collectors for Experience Elixirs.
Note: You can trade Vaults of the Artificers (Cannith Challenges) heroic challenge rewards for Experience Elixirs, Guild Renown Elixirs, and Crafting Experience Elixirs.

Prices Current as of June 15, 2020

Slayer Count Boost[edit]

Item x1 x5 Benefits
Lesser Slayer Count Boost 60 DP 240 DP Grants a 50% bonus to slayer quest kill count for 60 minutes.
Medium Slayer Count Boost 120 DP 360 DP Grants a 100% bonus to slayer quest kill count for 60 minutes.
Greater Slayer Count Boost 180 DP 720 DP Grants a 150% bonus to slayer quest kill count for 60 minutes.
Major Slayer Count Boost 240 DP 960 DP Grants a 200% bonus to slayer quest kill count for 60 minutes.

Prices Current as of July 4, 2023

Loot Boost[edit]

Elixir of Hidden Potential[edit]

Item 1 hour 6 hour Benefits
Lesser Elixir of Hidden Potential 45 DP 80 DP This item adds 3 to your dice rolls for getting a 4th affix on random treasure you get from chests.
Greater Elixir of Hidden Potential 50 DP 85 DP This item adds 6 to your dice rolls for getting a 4th affix on random treasure you get from chests.
Sovereign Elixir of Hidden Potential 55 DP 95 DP This item adds 9 to your dice rolls for getting a 4th affix on random treasure you get from chests.

Only affects the loot for the player who has the effect and not party members.

Prices Current as of September 29, 2021

Treasure Hunter's Elixirs[edit]

See Treasure Hunter's Elixirs for additional information.

Item ×1 ×5 ×10 Benefits
Lesser Treasure Hunter's Elixirs 20 DP 95 DP 150 DP Adds +5 to your dice rolls when rolling treasure you get from chests for 3 hours of in-game time.
Moderate Treasure Hunter's Elixirs 125 DP 200 DP Adds +10 to your dice rolls when rolling treasure you get from chests for 3 hours of in-game time.
Greater Treasure Hunter's Elixirs 190 DP 300 DP Adds +15 to your dice rolls when rolling treasure you get from chests for 3 hours of in-game time.

Has no effect on the drop rate of named items or chance to get an item with "extra lucky affix" or an Augment Slot.

Prices Current as of July 4, 2023

Healing & Magic[edit]

Healing Items[edit]

Potions and rods are usable by any character and any race including Warforged.

Item ×1 ×10 ×25 ×50 ×100 Benefits
Vintage Bottle of Old Sully's Grog 5 DP This item can be used to complete a special quest and earn you a great one time reward.
Can also be used to heal 4 to 11 HP.
Light Heal Potion1 30 DP 60 DP 90 DP 120 DP Heals your character 4-11 HP per use.
Moderate Heal Potion1 50 DP 100 DP 150 DP 200 DP Heals your character 11-21 HP per use.
Serious Heal Potion (CL7)1 75 DP 150 DP 225 DP 300 DP Heals your character 16-31 HP per use.
Critical Heal Potion 100 DP 200 DP 300 DP 400 DP Heals your character 11-39 HP per use.
Enhanced Critical Heal Potion 125 DP 250 DP 375 DP 500 DP Heals your character 24-49 HP each use.
Superior Heal Potion 150 DP 300 DP 450 DP 600 DP Heals your character 62-80 HP per use.
Light Heal Rod 95 DP Heals target 6-11 HP per use, 50 charges.
Moderate Heal Rod 195 DP Heals target 11-21 HP per use, 50 charges.
Serious Heal Rod 250 DP Heals target 16-31 HP per use, 50 charges.
Critical Heal Rod 300 DP Heals target 21-41 HP per use, 50 charges.
Enhanced Critical Heal Rod 375 DP Heals target 24-49 HP per use, 50 charges.
Superior Healing Rod 450 DP Heals target 62-80 HP per use, 50 charges.
Elixir of Angels Tears 50 DP 400 DP 750 DP Elixir removes many harmful status effects and heals 5-19 HP. Does not remove curse effects.
Greater Elixir of Angels Tears 70 DP Elixir removes many harmful status effects and heals 26-51 HP. Does not remove curse effects.
Scroll of Heal 175 DP Heals target for a total of 150 HP (40 HP more than a standard Scroll of Heal) and removes many harmful effects. Warforged characters will be healed for less (up to 50% less depending on their enhancements, etc.) Level: 11+, Classes : Clr, Fvs, Drd
Gold Seal Elixir of Lesser Healing 25 DP 75 DP 100 DP Immediately heals 10 HP, plus 2 to 4 additional HP every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 15 seconds.2
Gold Seal Elixir of Moderate Healing 50 DP 150 DP 195 DP Immediately heals 20 HP, plus 4 to 8 additional HP every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 15 seconds.2
Gold Seal Elixir of Improved Healing 100 DP 300 DP 395 DP Immediately heals 30 HP, plus 6 to 12 additional HP every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds.2
Gold Seal Elixir of Greater Healing 150 DP 450 DP 595 DP Immediately heals 50 HP, plus 10 to 20 additional HP every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds.2
Gold Seal Elixir of Superior Healing 200 DP 600 DP 795 DP Immediately heals 80 HP, plus 16 to 32 additional HP every 2 seconds for the following 10 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds. 2
Gold Seal Elixir of Sovereign Healing 250 DP 750 DP 995 DP Immediately heals 130 HP, plus 26 to 52 additional HP every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds.2

1.Similar healing potions can also be purchased at certain vendors for gold or be gained from chest loot/breakables.
2.Heals warforged and pale masters by the same amount. Gold Seal healing elixirs can be used twice as often as regular healing elixirs.
Prices Current as of July 1, 2013

Spell Points[edit]

Item ×10 ×25 ×50 ×100 Benefits
Light SP Potion 95 DP 195 DP 350 DP 595 DP Restores 52-70 spell points per use.
Medium SP Potion 150 DP 295 DP 495 DP 850 DP Restores 105-145 spell points per use.
Greater SP Potion 195 DP 395 DP 695 DP 1195 DP Restores 205-300 spell points per use.
Major SP Potion 250 DP 495 DP 850 DP 1495 DP Restores 405-600 spell points per use.
Superior SP Potion 295 DP 595 DP 995 DP 1795 DP Restores 605-800 spell points per use.

Mnemonic enhancement potions can be gained from chests, quest rewards or purchasing them off the Auction House.
Prices Current as of June 27, 2012

Rest & Resurrection[edit]

These items have one use only, and are not usable in raids or public areas.

Item ×1 ×3 ×5 Benefits
Siberys Spirit Cake 195 DP 495 DP 795 DP Casts a Resurrection spell on yourself (even when dead) or another character, returning the target to life with half hit points. Also resurrects any hirelings of the target player who are nearby.
Greater Siberys Spirit Cake 295 DP 750 DP 1195 DP Casts a True Resurrection spell on yourself (even when dead) or another character, returning the target to life with full hit points. Also resurrects any hirelings of the target player who are nearby.
Supreme Siberys Spirit Cake 350 DP Casts a True Resurrection spell on yourself (even when dead) or another character, returning the target to life wherever accepted with full hit points, AND also replenishes 405 to 600 spell points. Also resurrects any hirelings of the target player who are nearby.
Figgy Pudding Spirit Cake 350 DP Casts a True Resurrection spell on yourself (even when dead) or another character, returning the target to life wherever accepted with full HP. Also bestows 405 to 600 SP and grants +2 stacking bonuses to all stats(ability scores) for 10 minutes. Also resurrects any hirelings of the target player who are nearby and gives them 600 additional spell points.
Ethereal Rest Shrine 695 DP Summons one Ethereal Rest Shrine at your location.
Rest of the Eladrin 195 DP Replenishes all spell points and chargeable abilities, some hit points, and removing all harmful status effects.

Note: You can trade Eberron Dragonshards to collectors for similar items.
Prices Current as of September 14, 2024

Attack Spells[edit]

All items below can also be purchased from certain vendors or be gained from quest rewards.

Item ×1 ×10 Classes Benefits
Scroll of Cometfall 30 DP Clr, FvS. Contains 10 single-use scrolls.
Scroll of Enervation 30 DP Sor, Wiz Contains 10 single-use scrolls.
Wand of Charm Person 95 DP Brd, Sor, Wiz 50 charges.
Wand of Magic Missile 125 DP Sor, Wiz 50 charges, 5th Level.
Wand of Web 125 DP Sor, Wiz. 50 charges.
Wand of Flame Arrow 150 DP Sor, Wiz 50 charges.
Wand of Slow 150 DP Brd, Sor, Wiz. 50 charges.
Wand of Suggestion 150 DP Brd, Sor, Wiz. 50 charges.
Wand of Lightning Bolt 200 DP Sorcerer, Wiz 50 charges.
Wand of Fireball 200 DP Sor, Wiz 50 charges.
Wand of Force Missile 200 DP Sor, Wiz 50 charges.

Prices Current as of March 8, 2011


Item ×1 ×5 Benefits
Lasting Neutralize Poison Potion 45 DP Lasts for 10 minutes and lasts through death, rests, and entering a dungeon.
Lasting Remove Fear Potion 30 DP Lasts for 10 minutes and lasts through death, rests, and entering a dungeon.
Lesser Restoration Potion1 60 DP
Remove Blindness Potion1 45 DP
Remove Curse Potion1 45 DP
Remove Disease Potion1 30 DP
Remove Paralysis Potion1 30 DP
Mummy Rot Cure Elixir 95 DP Elixir instantly cures all forms of mummy rot as well as any other diseases and curses.
Remove Negative Level Potion 45 DP This potion removes one negative level from your character when used.
Greater Remove Negative Level Potion 45 DP This potion removes all negative levels from your character when used. Contains 1 single-use potion.
Greater Elixir of Angel's Tears 70 DP Elixir removes many harmful status effects and heals 14-49 HP.

1.Similar potions can also be purchased at certain vendors or be gained from chest loot/breakables.
Prices Current as of April 29, 2011

Fast Travel[edit]

Item ×1 ×10 Classes / Level Benefits
Bracelet of Friends 90 DP All Summon a single party member to your location (10 charges).
Greater Bracelet of Friends 150 DP All Summon all party members to your location (10 Charges).
Lesser Pendant of Travel 150 DP All Increases run speed by 50%, useable only in non-hostile areas (20 charges).
Rod of Teleport 395 DP All Teleport to Harbor, Marketplace, the four Houses and The Twelve (50 Charges).
Rod of Greater Teleport 495 DP All Teleport (50 charges).
Scroll of Expeditious Retreat 20 DP Brd, Sor, Wiz Contains 10 single-use scrolls.
Scroll of Longstrider 40 DP Ranger Contains 10 single-use scrolls.
Haste Potion ** ** All **See General Buffs for pricing and stack size.
Boots of Lesser Striding and Springing 95 DP All / 4+ Boots, 10% Striding, +3 Jump. Can be sold to vendors. Available in game. Bound to character.
Boots of Striding and Springing 195 DP All / 9+ Boots, 20% Striding, +5 Jump. Can be sold to vendors. Available in game. Bound to character.

Prices Current as of February 28, 2012

Food Items[edit]

Item ×10 Benefits
Tasty Ham 95 DP Heals for 50 hit points over 1 minute and can be eaten outside of taverns.
Tasty Ham Oil 95 DP Warforged only. Heals for 50 hit points over 1 minute and can be eaten outside of taverns.
Savory Turkey 150 DP Heals 50 hit points over 1 minute and gives various morale bonuses for 10 minutes (this effect lasts through death, rests and entering a dungeon). Can be used outside of taverns.
Spiced Wass-Oil 150 DP Warforged only. Heals 50 hit points over 1 minute and gives various morale bonuses for 10 minutes (this effect lasts through death, rests and entering a dungeon). Can be used outside of taverns.

Prices Current as of September 14, 2024

Undead Healing[edit]

Item ×10 ×25 ×50 ×100 Benefits
Serious Inflict Potion 75 DP 150 DP 225 DP 300 DP Heals Pale Master Wizard characters (including Warforged) 8-29 HP per use.
Harms non-Pale Master Wizards.
Critical Inflict Potion 100 DP 200 DP 300 DP 400 DP Heals Pale Master Wizard characters (including Warforged) 11-39 HP per use.
Harms non-Pale Master Wizards.
Enhanced Critical Inflict Potion 125 DP 250 DP 375 DP 500 DP Heals Pale Master Wizard characters (including Warforged) 14-49 HP per use.
Harms non-Pale Master Wizards.

Prices Current as of November 9, 2011


Stat Buffs[edit]

Item ×5 ×10 Stat Benefits
Long Lasting Bear's Stamina Potion 60 DP Constitution Lasting Potions provides +2 bonus to your character’s Ability score that stacks with other enchanted bonuses.
Lasts for 60 minutes each use, pauses in public areas, and lasts through death, rests, and entering a dungeon.
Long Lasting Bull’s Might Potion 60 DP Strength
Long Lasting Cat's Agility Potion 60 DP Dexterity
Long Lasting Eagle’s Majesty Potion 60 DP Charisma
Long Lasting Fox’s Shrewdness Potion 60 DP Intelligence
Long Lasting Owl’s Knowledge Potion 60 DP Wisdom
Long Lasting Elixir of Supreme Ability 195 DP 320 DP All

Prices Current as of September 14, 2024

Defense Buffs[edit]

Potions and Elixirs lasts for 10 minutes and lasts through death, rests, and entering a dungeon.

Item ×1 ×5 ×10 Classes / Level Benefits
Lasting Barkskin +2 Potion 45 DP +2 natural armor bonus.
Lasting Barkskin +3 Potion 60 DP +3 natural armor bonus.
Lasting Potion of Shield of Faith +2 45 DP +2 deflection bonus.
Lasting Potion of Shield of Faith +3 60 DP +3 deflection bonus.
Lasting Potion of Protection from Evil +2 45 DP +2 deflection bonus to armor class and a +2 resistance bonus to saves.
Lesser Anti-Beholder Crystal 75 DP Trinket. 20 absorption 'charges' that absorb beholder eye beams When the charges are gone, the crystal disappears.
Anti-Beholder Crystal 50 DP Trinket. 25 absorption 'charges' that absorb beholder eye beams. When the charges are gone, the crystal disappears.
Anti-Mummy Elixir 195 DP 1495 DP Immunity to mummy rot, mummy despair (fear), and mummy's anti-healing curse.
Elegant Diamond Necklace Gift 195 DP Necklace absorbs energy drain and negative energy attacks. Recharges on rest. Binds on Equip
Lily Petals of Natural armor 150 DP AoE +3 natural armor bonus.
Scroll of Blur 20 DP Brd, Sor, Wiz Contains 10 single-use scrolls.
Scroll of Displacement 30 DP Brd, Sor, Wiz Contains 10 single-use scrolls.
Scroll of Fire Shield 30 DP Sor, Wiz Contains 10 single-use scrolls.
Scroll of Invisibility 30 DP Brd, Sor, Wiz Contains 10 single-use scrolls.
Scroll of Stoneskin 30 DP Sor, Wiz Contains 10 single-use scrolls.
Scroll of Mass Camouflage 30 DP Rgr Contains 10 single-use scrolls.
Scroll of Spell Resistance, Mass 30 DP Clr, FvS Contains 10 single-use scrolls.
Wand of Mage Armor 95 DP Sor, Wiz 50 charges.
Chocolate Covered Humbug 75 DP Gives you a stoic heart and protects you from Otto's dancing spells as well as command and hold spells for 10 minutes. This effect is Lasting and lasts through death and rests and cannot be dispelled.

Prices Current as of September 14, 2024

General Buffs[edit]

Item ×1 ×5 ×10 ×25 Classes Benefits
Lasting Aid Potion 60 DP Lasts for 10 minutes and lasts through death, rests, and entering a dungeon.
Lasting Heroism Potion 75 DP Lasts for 10 minutes and lasts through death, rests, and entering a dungeon.
Lasting Potion of Jumping (+20) 45 DP 75 DP 185 DP Lasts for 10 minutes and lasts through death, rests, and entering a dungeon.
Lasting Potion of Tumbling (+20) 45 DP Lasts for 10 minutes and lasts through death, rests, and entering a dungeon.
Lasting Water Breathing Potion 60 DP Lasts for 10 minutes and lasts through death, rests, and entering a dungeon.
Haste Potion 120 DP 200 DP 450 DP
Potion of Rage 60 DP
Bouquet of Flowers Gift 150 DP 20 charges of Good Hope. Binds on Equip
Box of Chocolates Gift 150 DP Grants beneficial buff spells. 10 chocolates(uses). Equips to Trinket Binds on Equip
Lesser Efficacy 25 DP Spell casters
Improved Efficacy 35 DP Spell casters
Superior Efficacy 45 DP Spell casters
Scroll of Aid, Mass 20 DP Clr, FvS.
Scroll of True Seeing 30 DP Clr, FvS, Sor, Wiz
Scroll of Greater Heroism 50 DP Brd, Sor, Wiz.
Wand of False Life 125 DP Sor, Wiz 50 charges.

Prices Current as of September 14, 2024

Resist Potions[edit]

Item ×5 ×10 ×25 Item ×5 ×10 ×25
Lasting Potion of Resist Acid (+10) 45 DP Lasting Potion of Resist Acid (+20) 75 DP
Lasting Potion of Resist Cold (+10) 45 DP Lasting Potion of Resist Cold (+20) 75 DP
Lasting Potion of Resist Electricity (+10) 45 DP Lasting Potion of Resist Electricity (+20) 75 DP
Lasting Potion of Resist Fire (+10) 45 DP 85 DP 180 DP Lasting Potion of Resist Fire (+20) 75 DP 140 DP 295 DP
Lasting Potion of Resist Sonic (+10) 45 DP Lasting Potion of Resist Sonic (+20) 75 DP
Long Lasting Potion of 10 Magical Resistance 295 DP 495 DP Long Lasting Potion of 10 Physical Resistance 295 DP 495 DP

Lasting Potions Lasts for 10 minutes and lasts through death, rests, and entering a dungeon.

Prices Current as of September 14, 2024



Ammo can also be purchased from certain vendors for in game currency.

Ammo Type Standard Ammo +1 Ammo +2 Ammo +3 Ammo +4 Ammo
Arrow (Ammo for bows) 30 DP 50 DP 75 DP 100 DP 125 DP
Bolt (Ammo for crossbows) 30 DP 50 DP 75 DP 100 DP 125 DP

Prices Current as of March 10, 2011

Item ×25 Benefits
Sun Flasks 50 DP Lob flasks at your friends or hurl them at undead to have a chance at doing upwards of 50 damage per flask.

Prices Current as of March 10, 2011


All armor below can also be purchased from certain vendors for gold or can be gained as quest rewards and loot.

Armor Types +1 Armor +2 Armor +3 Armor +4 Armor
Chain Shirt 50 DP 95 DP 140 DP 200 DP 250 DP
Studded Leather Armor 50 DP 95 DP
Breastplate 50 DP 95 DP 140 DP 200 DP 250 DP
Chainmail 50 DP 95 DP 140 DP 200 DP 250 DP
Scalemail 40 DP 75 DP
Half Plate 40 DP 75 DP
Full Plate 50 DP 95 DP 140 DP 200 DP 250 DP
Docent 50 DP 95 DP 140 DP 200 DP 250 DP
Robe of Armor 50 DP 95 DP 140 DP 200 DP 250 DP
Heavy Steel Shield 50 DP 95 DP 140 DP 200 DP 250 DP
Heavy Wooden Shield 50 DP 95 DP
Wooden Tower Shield 50 DP 95 DP
Item DDO Points Benefits
Festival Luck Charms 95 DP +1 Luck bonusIcon tooltip.pngGood Luck: This item gives a +1 Luck bonus to all saves and skill checks. to Reflex saves and a +7 bonus to the swim skill when worn. Equips to trinket slot. Only available in the DDO Store.

Prices Current as of September 14, 2024


All weapons below can also be purchased from certain vendors for gold or can be gained as quest rewards and loot.
Class and Feat restrictions apply. Bound To Character.

Weapon Type +1 Weapons +2 Weapons +3 Weapons +4 Weapons +5 Weapons
Simple Weapons 95 DP 140 DP 195 DP 250-3501 DP
Martial Weapons 95 DP 140 DP 195 DP 250-3502 DP
Exotic Weapons 50 DP 95 DP 140 DP 195 DP 250-3503 DP
Specialty Weapons 100 DP - 200 DP4 200 DP - 275 DP5

1. 350 DP: +5 Heavy Mace
2. 350 DP: +5 Greatsword, Greataxe, Longbow, Rapier, Longsword.
3. 350 DP: +5 Khopesh, Great Crossbow.
4. Specialty Weapons +1: Min. lv 4. Available in the following enhancements: Acid, Adamantine, Blessed Cold Iron, Blessed Silver, Flaming, Frost, Shock.
5. Specialty Weapons +3: Min. lv 9. Available in the following enhancements: Acid Burst, Flaming Burst, Force, Icy Burst, Shocking Burst.
Specialty Weapons: Rune Arm (ML5) and Greater Rune Arm (ML13): Available in the following enhancements: Acid, Fire, Ice, Force, Radiant, Lightning.
Prices Current as of November 11, 2011

Spell Components[edit]

All spell components can also be purchased from certain vendors for in game currency or be gained from quest rewards.

Level Arcane Spell Components ×50 ×250 ×500 Divine Spell Components ×50
Level 1 Pinches of Fine Sand 20 DP 80 DP 140 DP Small Candles 20 DP
Level 2 Eyelashes in Gum Arabic 20 DP 80 DP 140 DP Pinches of Bull Dung 40 DP
Level 3 Balls of Bat Guano and Sulfur 40 DP 160 DP 280 DP Hollow Reeds 40 DP
Level 4 Hearts of Hens 40 DP 160 DP 280 DP Diamond Dust 40 DP
Level 5 Crystal Cones 60 DP Mushroom Powder and Saffron 60 DP
Level 6 Crushed Black Pearls 60 DP Mercury and Phosphorous 60 DP
Level 7 Powdered Ruby 60 DP Sprinkles of Holy Water and Diamonds 60 DP
Level 8 Bits of Sunstone 60 DP Bits of Sunstone 60 DP
Level 9 Snakeskin Gloves 60 DP Sacred Relics 60 DP
- Pouch of Granite and Diamond Dust
80 DP Black Onyx Gem
(Create Undead)
80 DP
- Large Diamond
(Death Pact)
80 DP
Level Artificer Spell Components ×50 Bard Spell Components ×50 Paladin Spell Components ×50 Ranger Spell Components ×50
Level 1 Scrap Metal from a Forge 20 DP Pork Rinds 20 DP Powdered Silver 20 DP Chameleon Tails 20 DP
Level 2 Two-Headed Coin 40 DP Bone Bits 40 DP Eagle Feathers 40 DP Cat Hair 40 DP
Level 3 Pinch of Powdered Adamantine 40 DP Licorice Roots 40 DP Phials of Holy Water 40 DP Unicorn Tail Hairs 40 DP
Level 4 Piece of a War Machine 60 DP Small Hard Rods 60 DP Consecrated Gem Dust 60 DP Nymph Tears 60 DP
Level 5 Glob of Elemental Grease 60 DP Drops of Sweet Oil 60 DP
Level 6 Crystallized Residuum 60 DP Tuning Forks 60 DP

Omnispell Components[edit]

Item ×50 Benefits
Omnispell Dust 50 DP
  • Can be used in place of the material component of any spell that requires standard spell components.
  • Cannot be used for spells that require a special rare component (like Stoneskin).
Omnispell Stone 95 DP
  • Can be used in place of the material component of any spell that requires a special, non-standard spell component (like Stoneskin).
  • Cannot be used for spells that require standard components.

Prices Current as of September 28, 2024

Questing Tools[edit]

Item ×1 ×5 ×10 ×25 Benefits
Bell of Opening 40 DP 240 DP Capable of unlocking any locked door or chest except those that are magically warded against lock picking.
Secret Door Divining Rod 30 DP 250 DP Works like the Detect Secret Doors spell, allowing you to immediately discover hidden doors for 60 minutes.
Wand of Detect Secret Doors 125 DP Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard. 50 charges.
Hard Difficulty Unlock 15 DP Allows one-time passage into any quest that still has Hard Difficulty locked.
Elite Difficulty Unlock 25 DP Allows one-time passage into any quest that still has Elite Difficulty locked.
Summoned Repair Shop 95 DP Summons an Efreeti Blacksmith into your quest who will expertly repair any items you have for a price.
+1 Thieves' Tools 50 DP Rogue. Allows a rogue to attempt to disarm a trap or pick a lock. Available in-game from vendors.
+2 Thieves' Tools 75 DP Rogue. Allows a rogue to attempt to disarm a trap or pick a lock. Available in-game from vendors.
+1 Healer's Kits 20 DP Allows you to attempt to revive an unconscious ally each use. Available in-game from vendors.
+2 Healer's Kits 35 DP Allows you to attempt to revive an unconscious ally each use. Available in-game from vendors.
+1 Repair Kits 20 DP Allows you to attempt to revive an unconscious war forged ally each use. Available in-game from vendors.
+2 Repair Kits 35 DP Allows you to attempt to revive an unconscious war forged ally each use. Available in-game from vendors.
Enchanted Repair-All Kit 95 DP This small tool kit can expertly repair all of your damaged equipment instantly without a chance of causing permanent item wear and without platinum cost. Consumed on use. 1 use.
Raid Timer Bypass 150 DP This item allows you to bypass the special 3 day timer that prevents reentry into a successfully completed raid. This item is good for one raid timer bypass only.
Legendary Raid Timer Bypass 150 DP This item allows you to bypass the 3 day timer that prevents reentry into a successfully completed Legendary raid (CR 31+.) Once used, this item will allow you to reacquire any one Legendary raid quest before the reentry timer has finished counting down. This item is good for one Legendary raid timer bypass only and is auctionable and tradable.
Item Restoration Oil 150 DP This magical oil not only repairs an object but restores it completely, removing all permanent item wear and returning the object's durability to its original state. Only items with permanent item wear can be restored. 1 use.
Bigby's Guiding Hand 195 DP 650 DP This item creates a glowing, pointing hand at the location of the caster, pointing in the direction the caster is facing. Marks the map with an X of the same color. Once placed, lasts for an hour and cannot be moved or dismissed. It is available in blue, green, orange, purple, red, white, and yellow.

Prices Current as of September 14, 2024

Challenge Tools[edit]

Item ×1 ×3 ×5 ×10 Benefits
One Minute Of Time 50 DP 200 DP Adds one minute of time to your challenge's quest clock. Can only be used once per party per challenge. Useable in any type of challenge.
Anti-Crystal Blast Charge 10 DP This explosive device can be used to clear away unwanted crystals. Destroys all crystals regardless of color, so use with care.
Useable in collection challenges.
Touring Tonic 10 DP 30 DP This special beverage will bring you there instantly from anywhere inside the quest! Useable in any challenge, but not in other quests.
Turret Requisition 25 DP Use this requisition form to gain access to another defense turret that can be placed where you want to defend your extractors.
Useable in extraction challenges.
Kobold Butter Bait 10 DP Use this special bait to draw new kobold scavengers to non-desecrated camp sites. Useable in extraction challenges.
Kobold Gem of Disguising 25 DP Use this special gem to produce a magical effect that allows you to disguise yourself as a kobold worker! While disguised you appear to be carrying purple crystals and will automatically attract the notice of enemies in the area. The effect disappears if you attack. Useable in collection challenges.
Kobold Gem of Elemental Protection 25 DP Use this special gem to produce a magical effect that boosts nearby kobold workers' defenses against elemental energy damage.
Emits the effect in a very large radius around you and affects all friendly kobolds within that area. Useable in collection challenges.
Kobold Gem of Flame Guard 25 DP Use this special gem to produce a magical effect that grants nearby kobold workers a protective flame shield that damages any who attack them. Emits the effect in a very large radius around you and affects all friendly kobolds within that area. Useable in collection challenges.
Kobold Gem of Shadow Fade 25 DP Use this special gem to produce a magical effect that grants nearby kobold workers evasion and invisibility.
Emits the effect in a very large radius around you and affects all friendly kobolds within that area. Useable in collection challenges.
Kobold Gem of Save Boosting 25 DP Use this special gem to produce a magical effect that boosts the saves of nearby kobold workers.
Emits the effect in a very large radius around you and affects all friendly kobolds within that area. Useable in collection challenges.
Power-Up Requisition 25 DP Use this requisition form to increase the number of temporary power-ups you can have on your kobold workers in the Labor Shortage challenge.
Skeleton Key Crest 50 DP This 'universal' crest will fit into any crest slot, regardless of its type. Useable in assassination challenges.
Supply Crate Order 25 DP Use to summon a supply crate somewhere in your challenge. Supply crates contain potent power-ups that will help you in your challenge. They may also contain various other useful items. Useable in extraction and collection challenges.
Time Requisition 25 DP Give this requisition form to the foreman to increase the time on the challenge's quest clock by one minute. Useable in any challenge with a foreman. Only useable once per party per challenge.

See Challenges section for Universal Challenge Token.
Prices Current as of November 18, 2018



Main article: Augment Slot
Item DDO Points Benefits
Colorless 50 DP - 195 DP Upgrades any item that has a properly matching Augment Slot.
Blue 50 DP - 195 DP Upgrades any item that has a properly matching Augment Slot.
Red 50 DP - 195 DP Upgrades any item that has a properly matching Augment Slot.
Yellow 50 DP - 195 DP Upgrades any item that has a properly matching Augment Slot.
Ruby Eye 395 DP Upgrades any item that has a properly matching Augment Slot.

Prices Current as of April 23, 2014

Augment Tools[edit]

Item ×1 ×5 ×10 Benefits
Bonepicker 150 DP 195 DP A tool for removing Isle of Dread augments from Dinosaur Bone items.
Jeweler's Tool Kit 150 DP 595 DP 995 DP Use this item to safely unslot an Augment from an item, returning it to your inventory. This process will consume these tools, but will not affect the item or the recovered Augment.
Sentience Toolkit 150 DP 195 DP 245 DP A tool for removing sentient jewels and filigree from weapons. Note: To remove a sentient jewel, you must first remove all filigree.

Prices Current as of July 4, 2023

Cannith Crafting[edit]

Crafting Experience Elixirs, Boosters, Essences, Fragments are use for Cannith Crafting. Items are Bound to Account.

Item ×1 ×5 ×10 ×25 Benefits
Lesser Crafting Experience Elixir| 10 DP 40 DP Grants a 25% bonus to Crafting XP for 30 minutes that you are logged in.
Medium Crafting Experience Elixir 20 DP 80 DP Grants a 50% bonus to Crafting XP for 30 minutes that you are logged in.
Greater Crafting Experience Elixir 30 DP 90 DP Grants a 75% bonus to Crafting XP for 30 minutes that you are logged in.
Major Crafting Experience Elixir 40 DP 160 DP Grants a 100% bonus to Crafting XP for 30 minutes that you are logged in.
+20% Crafting Success Booster 75 DP Boosts your chance of success for one craft attempt by 20%.
+25% Crafting Success Booster 95 DP Boosts your chance of success for one craft attempt by 25%.
+30% Crafting Success Booster 125 DP Boosts your chance of success for one craft attempt by 30%.
+35% Crafting Success Booster 150 DP Boosts your chance of success for one craft attempt by 35%.
Customizable Trinket 150 DP Upgraded through the crafting system. Can have only two effects on it at a time.
Remote Item Deconstruction 50 DP Deconstruct items in quests or anywhere else. Upon use, the deconstruction window opens and lasts for two minutes.
Crafting Dissolver 25 DP Used in deconstruction crafting recipes to dissolve effects off of items and reduce them to their base magical essences.
Mark of House Cannith 195 DP Used in special crafting recipes, allows you to lower the min. lv. usage requirement on a craftable item once you have enough crafting skill to use them. Available in game from the House Cannith Favor vendor, Visgard d'Cannith.
Mark of the Silver Flame 195 DP Used in special crafting recipes. Contains 1 ingredient. Available in game from the Silver Flame Favor vendor, Salariin Founts.
Mark of the Yugoloth 195 DP Used in special crafting recipes. Contains 1 ingredient. Available in game from the Yugoloth Favor vendor, Azdaf the Wary.
Rare Collectables Voucher 245 DP Use this item to select which type of Rare Collectable you would like. After choosing you will receive five of the chosen Rare Collectable in your inventory. Collectables can be used in Cannifth crafting, or turned in to collectors. One use.
Random Collectables Crate 45 DP A crate containing a random selection of collectables. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is guaranteed to be at least uncommon in rarity. Any of the stacks can be rare!.
Tier 1 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 1 collectables, suitable for levels 1-5. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!
Tier 2 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 2 collectables, suitable for levels 6-10. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!
Tier 3 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 3 collectables, suitable for levels 11-15. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!
Tier 4 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 4 collectables, suitable for levels 16-20. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!
Tier 5 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 5 collectables, suitable for levels 21-25. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!
Tier 6 Collectables Crate 95 DP A crate containing a random selection of Tier 6 collectables, suitable for levels 25 & up. Each crate contains at least three stacks of collectables, one of which is at least uncommon. Any of the stacks can be rare!

Used in special crafting recipes, these Marks can be obtained in game from the Silver Flame Favor vendor only after you have earned enough favor to earn their Third Tier Favor Reward. Contains 1 ingredient.

Prices Current as of April 20, 2024

Item ×25 ×100 ×500 ×1,000 Benefits
Cannith Essencess 55 DP 125 DP 895 DP Cannith Essences for use in Cannith crafting. Used in Cannith crafting recipes to make shards. The shards are then used to apply effects to equipment. Essences that are auctionable, tradable, and vendorable.
Siberys Dragonshard Fragments 60 DP These crystal fragments are used in many basic crafting recipes.
Khyber Dragonshard Fragments 60 DP 180 DP 300 DP These shards are used to bind items to your character with the Eldritch Crafting Device.

Siberys Dragonshard Fragments and Khyber Dragonshards can also be obtained in game.
Prices Current as of November 18, 2018

Shroud Ingredients[edit]

Green Steel Item ingredients are available from chest rewards in The Shroud. Items from DDO Store are Bound to Account.

Green Steel Ingredients
Item DDO Points Item DDO Points
Small Devil Scale 60 DP Small Glowing Arrowhead 60 DP
Small Gnawed Bone 60 DP Small Length of Infernal Chain 60 DP
Small Sulfurous Stone 60 DP Small Twisted Shrapnel 60 DP
Eberron Energy Cell1 60 DP Shavarath Low Energy Cell 60 DP
Depleted Shavarath High Energy Cell 200 DP Depleted Shavarath Medium Energy Cell 100 DP
Yellow Dopant (Greensteel Ingredient) 395 DP
Item ×1 ×5 ×100 Benefits
Legendary Greensteel Extractor 195 DP 395 DP 750 DP Use this item to safely unslot a Legendary Greensteel Augment from a Legendary Greensteel item, returning it to your inventory. This process will consume the Extractor, but will not affect the item or the recovered augment.

1. Can be purchased from a vendor in Altar of Fecundity chamber in Meridia.
Prices Current as of August 25, 2012

Trap Parts[edit]

Trap Parts are used by Rogues who have the Trapmaking feat.
See Trapmaking for more information.

Item ×10 ×100 Classes Benefits
Crude Vial for Trap Making 95 DP 95 DP Rogue Vials are used to make grenades.
Simple Vial for Trap Making 95 DP 95 DP Rogue Vials are used to make grenades.
Unadorned Vial for Trap Making 95 DP 95 DP Rogue Vials are used to make grenades.
Acid Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Cold Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Electrical Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Fire Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Force Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Magical Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Mechanical Trap Parts 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.
Sonic Trap Part 95 DP Rogue Parts are used to make traps.

Vials and trap parts can also be obtained in game.
Prices Current as of November 20, 2011

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Cosmetics & Pets[edit]

Cosmetic Gear[edit]

Custom Cosmetics[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Glamered Weapon Aura 95 DP Use this glamer on any glamered weapon created by the the Mirror of Glamering (except bows, crossbows, hand wraps, shields, or thrown weapons) to change the weapon's visual effect. Choose from exclusive new Fire, Cold, Acid, and Lightning effects.
Mirror of Glamering 245 DP Use this item with any armor, docents, helmet, or goggles, shields to create a cosmetic version of that item. Single use: the Mirror of Glamering is destroyed when used, but the original armor, docents, helmet, or goggles, shields remain intact. The resulting cosmetic item is Bound to Account and all racial requirements are retained.

Prices Current as of September 15, 2018


395 DDO Points 595 DDO Points 795 DDO Points
  • Black Cosmetic Cloak
  • Blue Cosmetic Cloak
  • Green Cosmetic Cloak
  • Grey Cosmetic Cloak
  • Red Cosmetic Cloak
  • White Cosmetic Cloak
  • Black and Blue Patterned Cosmetic Cloak
  • Black and Green Patterned Cosmetic Cloak
  • Black and Red Patterned Cosmetic Cloak
  • Blue and White Patterned Cosmetic Cloak
  • Ranger's Cosmetic Cloak
995 DDO Points
  • Vampire's Cosmetic Cloak

Cosmetic Armor[edit]

Heavy Armor[edit]

495 DDO Points 595 DDO Points 695 DDO Points
  • Crimson Noble Heavy Armor
  • Crimson Royal Heavy Armor
  • Dark Noble Heavy Armor
  • Red Crest Heavy Armor with Spiked Plate
  • Violet Leaf Heavy Armor with Banded Mail
  • Crimson Noble Heavy Armor with Golden Pauldrons
  • Dark Noble Heavy Armor with Golden Pauldrons
  • Dark Leaf Heavy Armor
  • Black Cannith Heavy Armor with Star Cuirass
  • Blue Bull Heavy Armor with Star Cuirass
  • Crimson Bull Heavy Armor with Tempered Pauldrons
  • Dark Leaf Heavy Armor with Spiked Plate
  • Sage Royal Heavy Armor
  • Yellow Whorl Heavy Armor with Warden Plate
795 DDO Points 895 DDO Points 995 DDO Points
  • Black Bull Heavy Armor with Bronze Cuirass
  • Dark Whorl Heavy Armor with Warden Plate
  • Dark Spider Heavy Armor with Webbed Leather
  • Dragon Knight Heavy Armor
  • Dragon Knight Heavy Armor with Spiked Pauldrons
  • Turquoise Spiral Heavy Armor with Steel Cuirass
  • Dark Beast Heavy Armor
  • Dark Spiral Heavy Armor with Chainmail Garb
  • Dark Beast Heavy Armor with Clawed Pauldrons

Medium Armor[edit]

495 DDO Points 595 DDO Points 695 DDO Points
  • Crimson Royal Medium Armor
  • Red Crest Medium Armor with Spiked Plate
  • Violet Leaf Medium Armor
  • Dark Leaf Medium Armor
  • Black Cannith Medium Armor with Star Cuirass
  • Dark Leaf Heavy Armor with Spiked Plate
795 DDO Points 895 DDO Points 995 DDO Points
  • Black Bull Medium Armor with Battle Sash
  • Crimson Noble Medium Armor
  • Crimson Noble Medium Armor with Golden Pauldrons
  • Dark Noble Medium Armor
  • Dark Noble Medium Armor with Golden Pauldrons
  • Dark Spider Medium Armor with Webbed Leather
  • Dragon Knight Medium Armor
  • Dragon Knight Medium Armor with Padded Pauldrons
  • Dark Beast Medium Armor
  • Dark Spiral Medium Armor with Chainmail Garb
  • Dark Beast Medium Armor with Clawed Pauldrons
  • Garb of the High ForestIcon tooltip.png
    Leaves of the Forest shown.jpg

Light Armor[edit]

495 DDO Points 595 DDO Points 695 DDO Points
  • Crimson Royal Light Armor
  • Red Crest Light Armor with Utility Pack
  • Violet Leaf Light Armor
  • Dark Leaf Light Armor
  • Black Cannith Light Armor with Star Cuirass
  • Crimson Noble Light Armor
  • Crimson Noble Light Armor with Golden Pauldrons
  • Dark Leaf Light Armor with Utility Pack
  • Dark Noble Light Armor
  • Dark Noble Light Armor with Golden Pauldrons
795 DDO Points 895 DDO Points 995 DDO Points
  • Black Bull Light Armor with Scale Guard
  • Dark Plains Light Armor with Studded Guard
  • Dark Spider Light Armor with Webbed Leather
  • Dragon Knight Light Armor
  • Dragon Knight Light Armor with Padded Pauldrons
  • Dark Beast Light Armor
  • Dark Spiral Light Armor with Chainmail Garb
  • Dark Beast Light Armor with Clawed Pauldrons
  • Scoundrel's LeathersIcon tooltip.png
    Leathers of the Woodsman shown.jpg


495 DDO Points 595 DDO Points 695 DDO Points
  • Crimson Royal Robe with Scroll Pack
  • Red Crest Robe with Horned Skull
  • Violet Leaf Robe
  • Dark Leaf Robe
  • Black Cannith Robe with Scroll Pack
  • Crimson Noble Robe
  • Crimson Noble Robe with Golden Pauldrons
  • Dark Leaf Robe with Jeweled Sash
  • Dark Noble Robe
  • Dark Noble Robe with Golden Pauldrons
795 DDO Points 895 DDO Points 995 DDO Points
  • Black Bull Robe with Shoulder Guard
  • Dark Plains Robe with Shoulder Guard
  • Dark Spider Robe with Webbed Leather
  • Dragon Knight Robe
  • Dragon Knight Robe with Padded Pauldrons
  • Dark Beast Robe
  • Dark Spiral Robe with Crested Cuirass
  • Dark Beast Robe with Fur Shawl
  • Phoenix Robe


495 DDO Points 595 DDO Points 695 DDO Points
  • Crimson Royal Outfit
  • Red Crest Outfit with Saffron Garb
  • Red Leaf Outfit with Cloth Shirt
  • Violet Leaf Outfit
  • Cyan Cannith Outfit with Cerulean Garb
  • Dark Leaf Outfit
  • Dark Noble Outfit
  • Black Cannith Outfit with Talisman Guard
  • Crimson Noble Outfit with Golden Pauldrons
  • Crimson Noble Outfit
  • Dark Noble Outfit with Golden Pauldrons
  • Dark Leaf Outfit with Cloth Shirt
  • Sage Royal Outfit
795 DDO Points 895 DDO Points 995 DDO Points
  • Dark Whorl Outfit Jeweled Sash
  • Dragon Knight Outfit
  • Dragon Knight Outfit with Cloth Shirt
  • Swashbuckling Outfit 1
  • Dark Beast Outfit
  • Dark Spiral Outfit with Talisman Guard
  • Dark Beast Outfit with Talisman Guard
  • Ninja Outfit
  • Shadowfell Regalia
  • Vampire's Cosmetic Outfit 1

1 Can be equipped on Bladeforged and Warforged. Need to use Show All Items button to display items for Forged characters.

Warforged Clothing[edit]

495 DDO Points 595 DDO Points 695 DDO Points
  • Crimson Royal Warforged Clothing
  • Crimson Royal Warforged Clothing with Tortoise Plate
  • Gold Crest Warforged Clothing with Tortoise Plate
  • Red Leaf Warforged Clothing
  • Red Leaf Warforged Clothing with Spiked Mail
  • Violet Leaf Warforged Clothing
  • Violet Leaf Warforged Clothing with Bladed Mail
  • Gold Cog Warforged Clothing
  • Gold Cog Warforged Clothing with Tortoise Plate
  • Dark Leaf Warforged Clothing
  • Dark Leaf Warforged Clothing with Etched Mail
  • Orange Cog Warforged Clothing
  • Orange Cog Warforged Clothing with Tortoise Plate
  • Black Cannith Warforged Clothing with Gold Pauldrons
  • Blue Steam Warforged Clothing
  • Blue Steam Warforged Clothing with Utility Gear
  • Dark Cog Warforged Clothing
  • Dark Cog Warforged Clothing with Tortoise Plate
  • Dark Steam Warforged Clothing
  • Dark Steam Warforged Clothing with Utility Gear
  • Gold Steam Warforged Clothing
  • Gold Steam Warforged Clothing with Utility Gear
795 DDO Points 895 DDO Points 995 DDO Points
  • Blue Blade Warforged Clothing
  • Blue Blade Warforged Clothing with Etched Guard
  • Dark Blade Warforged Clothing
  • Dark Blade Warforged Clothing with Etched Guard
  • Dark Spider Warforged Clothing with Webbed Leather
  • Dark Whorl Warforged Clothing with Warden Plate
  • Dragon Knight Warforged Clothing
  • Dragon Knight Warforged Clothing with Spiked Pauldrons
  • Gold Blade Warforged Clothing
  • Gold Blade Warforged Clothing with Etched Guard

Prices Current as of August 6, 2024

Hats & Helmets[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Bunny Hat 250 DP Jump +5
Nothing Up My Sleeve (hidden effect): Bluff +3 and Use Magic Device +3 when wielding a wand or scroll (competence bonuses)
Makes your current hat look like this one.
Charming Festival Mask 150 DP 8 Charges of Charm Person, does not recharge
Festival Mask I 150 DP Haggle +7, Perform +5, Diplomacy +5; Makes your current hat to look like this one.
Festival Mask II 150 DP Haggle +7, Perform +5, Diplomacy +5; Makes your current hat look like this one
Fiendish Rabbit Helm 250 DP Jump +5, (Bunny Slayer hidden effect, Intimidate +5 and Greater Animal Bane when wielding Greatclub);
Makes your current hat look like this one.
Glowing Circlet 250 DP Concentration +5; Makes your current hat look like this one.
Green Party Hat 150 DP Balance +5, Jump +5
Gold Party Hat 150 DP Haggle +7, Perform +5
Gold Skull Helm 250 DP Intimidate +5; Makes your current hat look like this one.
Lucky Green Hat 95 DP Will Save +1
Ninja Mask 200 DP Move silently +5; Makes your current hat look like this one.
Pirate Bandana 150 DP Haggle +10
Red Party Hat 150 DP Bluff +5, Intimidate +5
Secretive Hood - Indigo 150 DP Search +5, Spot +5
Secretive Hood - Black 150 DP Hide +5, Move Silently +5
Silver Party Hat 150 DP Concentration +5, Diplomacy +5
Spooky Mask 150 DP Haggle +5, Intimidate +5
Three-cornered Hat 95 DP Makes your current hat look like this one.
Top Hat 150 DP Perform +5, Diplomacy +5; Makes your current hat look like this one.

Prices Current as of September 14, 2024

Pirate Hats and Dyes[edit]

Pirate Hat
Item DDO Points Benefits
Corsair's Skullcap 200 DP Pirate hat with customizable effect slots.
Captain's Chapeau 300 DP Pirate hat with customizable effect slots.
Dread Admiral's Tricorne 400 DP Pirate hat with customizable effect slots.
Pirate Hat Dye
Black-As-My-Heart Pirate Hat Dye 150 DP Changes pirate hat color.
Blood-'n-Guts-Red Pirate Hat Dye 95 DP Changes pirate hat color.
Envious-Green Pirate Hat Dye 95 DP Changes pirate hat color.
Pretty-Polly-Pink Pirate Hat Dye 150 DP Changes pirate hat color.

See Treasure of Crystal Cove Pirate Hat for more information about Pirate Hats.
Prices Current as of September 14, 2024

Cosmetic Headwear[edit]

This <<Item name>> can be equipped in the Cosmetic Headwear slot and can be toggled on or off by clicking on the head of the paper doll figure in the Inventory Panel. Has unlimited uses.

Item DDO Points Benefits
Cosmetic Headwear: Pirate Hat 250 DP Change your helmet's appearance.
Cosmetic Headwear: Ornate Helm - Black & Gold 250 DP Change your helmet's appearance.
Cosmetic Headwear: Ornate Helm - Silver & Gold 250 DP Change your helmet's appearance.
Cosmetic Headwear: Winged Helm - Black & Gold 250 DP Change your helmet's appearance.
Cosmetic Headwear: Winged Helm - Silver & Gold 250 DP Change your helmet's appearance.
Cosmetic Headwear: Jeweled Helm - Black 250 DP Change your helmet's appearance.
Cosmetic Headwear: Jeweled Helm - Silver 250 DP Change your helmet's appearance.
Cosmetic Glowing Eyes: Celestial Blue 350 DP Change your goggles' appearance.
Cosmetic Glowing Eyes: Epic Violet 350 DP Change your goggles' appearance.
Cosmetic Glowing Eyes: Infernal Fire 350 DP Change your goggles' appearance.
Cosmetic Glowing Eyes: Primal Green 350 DP Change your goggles' appearance.
Cosmetic Glowing Eyes: Radiant Yellow 350 DP Change your goggles' appearance.
Cosmetic Glowing Eyes: Lich White 350 DP Change your goggles' appearance.

Prices Current as of September 14, 2024


Item DDO Points Classes Benefits
+3 Marketplace Shield (Angular) 150 DP Bbn, Ftr, Pal, Rgr, Fvs This shield can be used in a crafting recipe to give its appearance to the more powerful Battered Marketplace Shield.
+3 Marketplace Shield (Round) 150 DP Bbn, Ftr, Pal, Rgr, Fvs This shield can be used in a crafting recipe to give its appearance to the more powerful Battered Marketplace Shield.
+3 Phiarlan Shield (Angular) 150 DP Bbn, Ftr, Pal, Rgr, Fvs This shield can be used in a crafting recipe to give its appearance to the more powerful Battered Phiarlan Shield.
+3 Phiarlan Shield (Round) 150 DP Bbn, Ftr, Pal, Rgr, Fvs This shield can be used in a crafting recipe to give its appearance to the more powerful Battered Phiarlan Shield.
+3 Stormreach Shield (Angular) 150 DP Bbn, Ftr, Pal, Rgr, Fvs This item can be used in a crafting recipe to give its appearance to the more powerful Battered Guardian Shield.
+3 Stormreach Shield (Round) 150 DP Bbn, Ftr, Pal, Rgr, Fvs This item can be used in a crafting recipe to give its appearance to the more powerful Battered Guardian Shield.

Prices Current as of April 6, 2011

Hair Dyes and Hair Styles[edit]

Hair Dyes Hair Styles
Standard colors
40 DDO Points
Exclusive colors
95 DDO Points
Female Styles
75 DDO Points
Male Styles
75 DDO Points

Prices Current as of February 13, 2017.

Hair Reversions[edit]

Item 1X 5X Benefits
Hair Dye Reversion Tonic 10 DP 35 DP Changes the color of your character's hair back to the original color he or she had at character creation.
Hair Style Reversion Tonic 10 DP 35 DP Changes the style of your character's hair back to the original style he or she had at character creation.
Double Duty Hair Reversion Tonic 15 DP 60 DP Changes both the color and style of your character's hair back to the original color and style he or she had at character creation.

Prices Current as of March 28, 2011


Ownership Certificates[edit]

Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own <<Creature type>> companion. Companions follow you around, can learn tricks, and can be given cosmetic gear to wear.
This <<Creature type>> comes with four tricks already trained. If you have other <<companion of same type> already and have purchased tricks for them from the DDO Store, this <<Creature type>> will learn those tricks as well.
This certificate is auctionable and tradable.

Item DDO Points Benefits
Black Cranium Rat Creature Companion 195 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Black Cranium Rat companion.
Gray Cranium Rat Creature Companion 195 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Gray Cranium Rat companion.
Purple Cranium Rat Creature Companion 195 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Purple Cranium Rat companion.
Red Kobold Shaman Creature Companion 295 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Red Kobold Shaman companion.
Pale Blue Kobold Shaman Creature Companion 295 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Pale Blue Kobold Shaman companion.
Pale Green Kobold Shaman Creature Companion 295 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Pale Green Shaman companion.
Bronze Golem Creature Companion Certificate 395 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Bronze Golem companion.
Iron Golem Creature Companion Certificate 395 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Iron Golem companion.
Steel Golem Creature Companion Certificate 395 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Steel Golem companion.
Junior Flamerender Creature Companion 295 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Junior Flamerender companion.
Junior Frostrender Creature Companion 295 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Junior Frostrender companion.
Junior Fleshrender Creature Companion 295 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Junior Fleshrender companion.
Pink-Gray Rust Monster Creature Companion 395 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Pink-Gray Rust Monster companion.
Rust Monster Creature Companion 395 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Rust Monster companion.
Fire Bat Creature Companion 295 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Fire Bat companion.
Poison Bat Creature Companion 295 DP Using this certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your very own Poison Bat companion.
Golden Earth Elemental Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Golden Earth Elemental companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Stone Earth Elemental Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Stone Earth Elemental companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Granite Gargoyle Creature Companion 495 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Granite Gargoyle companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Magma Gargoyle Creature Companion 495 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Magma Gargoyle companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Shadow Gargoyle Creature Companion 495 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Shadow Gargoyle companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Gray Wraith Creature Companion 295 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Gray Wraith Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Forest Wraith Creature Companion 295 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Forest Wraith Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Lake Water Elemental Creature Companion 195 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Lake Water Elemental Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Sea Water Elemental Creature Companion 195 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Sea Water Elemental Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Tropical Water Elemental Creature Companion 195 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Tropical Water Elemental Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Brown Bear Cub Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Brown Bear Cub companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Panda Bear Cub Creature Companion 495 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Panda Bear Cub companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Ice Mephit Creature Companion 350 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Ice Mephit Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Lightning Mephit Creature Companion 350 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Lightning Mephit Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Ooze Mephit Creature Companion 350 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Ooze Mephit Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Iridescent Scorpion Creature Companion 295 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Iridescent Scorpion Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Jeweled Scorpion Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Jeweled Scorpion Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Beholderling Creature Companion 495 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Beholderling Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Frost Beholderling Creature Companion 495 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Frost Beholderling Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Poison Dart Frog Creature Companion 295 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Poison Dart Frog Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Pond Frog Creature Companion 295 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Pond Frog Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Red-eyed Tree Frog Creature Companion 295 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Red-eyed Tree Frog Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Fire Elemental Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Fire Elemental Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Pink Fire Elemental Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Pink Fire Elemental Companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Creature Companion Mystery Basket 395 DP Using this basket in game will grant you one new companion certificate, randomly selected from six possible pets, all to this basket. Possible companions: Desert Tressym, Eveningstar Tressym, Gray Tabby Tressym, Savanna Tressym, Tuxedo Tressym, Pseudodragon (5% chance)
Cyan Gelatinous Cube Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Cyan Gelatinous Cube companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Green Gelatinous Cube Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Green Gelatinous Cube companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Blue and Gold Macaw Parrot Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Gold Macaw parrot companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Crested Cockatoo Parrot Creature Companion 495 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Crested Cockatoo parrot companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Military Macaw Parrot Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Military Macaw parrot companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Scarlet Macaw Parrot Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Scarlet Macaw parrot companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Cannith Iron Defender Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Cannith Iron Defender companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Golden Iron Defender Creature Companion 495 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Golden Iron Defender companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Silver Iron Defender Creature Companion 395 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Silver Iron Defender companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Fiendling Creature Companion 495 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Fiendling companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Magma Fiendling Creature Companion 495 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Magma Fiendling companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.
Shadow Fiendling Creature Companion 595 DP Certificate allows you to form a permanent bond with your own Shadow Fiendling companion. Comes with four tricks already trained.

Prices Current as of August 6, 2024


When you teach a <<Companion type>> this trick, any other <<companion of same type>> you own at the time will learn as well. This item is auctionable, tradable, and vendorable. One use.

Item DDO Points Benefits
Panther Treat - Teach Bat with Paw 195 DP Use this treat to teach your panther cub companions the 'Bat' trick.
Spider Treat - Teach Backflip 150 DP Use this treat to teach your spider companions the 'Backflip' trick.
Wolf Pup Treat - Teach Chew 50 DP Use this treat to teach your wolf pup companions the 'Chew' trick.
Wolf Pup Treat - Teach Dance 195 DP Use this treat to teach your wolf pup companions the 'Dance' trick.
Wolf Pup Treat - Teach Lay Down 95 DP Use this treat to teach your wolf pup companions the 'Lay Down' trick.
Wolf Pup Treat - Teach Sit 95 DP Use this treat to teach your wolf pup companions the 'Sit' trick.
Cranium Rat Treat - Teach Attack 50 DP Use this treat to teach your rat companions the 'Attack' trick.
Cranium Rat Treat - Teach Clean 25 DP Use this treat to teach your rat companions the 'Groom' trick.
Cranium Rat Treat - Teach Dance 95 DP Use this treat to teach your rat companions the 'Dance' trick.
Cranium Rat Treat - Teach Mope 25 DP Use this treat to teach your rat companions the 'Mope' trick.
Cranium Rat Treat - Teach Sleep 50 DP Use this treat to teach your rat companions the 'Sleep' trick.
Kobold Treat - Teach Dance 150 DP Use this treat to teach your kobold companions the 'Dance' trick.
Kobold Treat - Teach Fall Down 95 DP Use this treat to teach your kobold companions the 'Fall Down' trick.
Kobold Treat - Teach Sleep 50 DP Use this treat to teach your kobold companions the 'Sleep' trick.
Kobold Treat - Teach Tail Stand 150 DP Use this treat to teach your kobold companions the 'Tail Stand' trick.
Golem Treat - Teach Super Punch 95 DP Use this treat to teach your golem companions the 'Super Punch' trick.
Golem Treat - Teach Float in Space 95 DP Use this treat to teach your golem companions the 'Float in Space' trick.
Render Treat - Teach Dance 150 DP Use this treat to teach your render companions the 'Dance' trick.
Render Treat - Teach Face Plant 95 DP Use this treat to teach your render companions the 'Face Plant' trick.
Render Treat - Teach Sleep 50 DP Use this treat to teach your render companions the 'Sleep' trick.
Gelatinous Cube Treat - Teach Jump 95 DP Use this treat to teach your gelatinous cube companions the 'Jump' trick.
Gelatinous Cube Treat - Teach Roll 195 DP Use this treat to teach your gelatinous cube companions the 'Roll' trick.
Rust Monster Treat - Teach Jump 50 DP Use this treat to teach your rust monster companions the 'Jump' trick.
Rust Monster Treat - Teach Spin Move 150 DP Use this treat to teach your rust monster companions the 'Spin Move' trick.
Rust Monster Treat - Teach Sleep 50 DP Use this treat to teach your rust monster companions the 'Sleep' trick.
Bat Treat - Teach Double Loop 150 DP Use this treat to teach your bat companions the 'Double Loop' trick.
Bat Treat - Teach Sleep 50 DP Use this treat to teach your bat companions the 'Sleep' trick.
Bat Treat - Teach Tired of Flying 50 DP Use this treat to teach your bat companions the 'Tired of Flying' trick.
Earth Elemental Treat - Teach Freeze 50 DP Use this treat to teach your earth elemental companions the 'Freeze' trick.
Earth Elemental Treat - Teach Collapse 50 DP Use this treat to teach your earth elemental companions the 'Collapse' trick.
Earth Elemental Treat - Teach Pound Ground 150 DP Use this treat to teach your earth elemental companions the 'Pound Ground' trick.
Gargoyle Treat - Teach Hop 50 DP Use this treat to teach your gargoyle companions the 'Hop' trick.
Gargoyle Treat - Teach Fall Down 50 DP Use this treat to teach your gargoyle companions the 'Fall Down' trick.
Gargoyle Treat - Teach Dance 150 DP Use this treat to teach your gargoyle companions the 'Dance' trick.
Wraith Treat - Teach Yell 50 DP Use this treat to teach your wraith companions the 'Yell' trick.
Wraith Treat - Teach Dance 150 DP Use this treat to teach your wraith companions the 'Dance' trick.
Water Elemental Treat - Teach Cry 50 DP Use this treat to teach your water elemental companions the 'Cry' trick.
Water Elemental Treat - Teach Dive 150 DP Use this treat to teach your water elemental companions the 'Dive' trick.
Bear Cub Treat - Teach Dance 150 DP Use this treat to teach your bear cub companions the 'Dance' trick.
Bear Cub Treat - Teach Roar 50 DP Use this treat to teach your bear cub companions the 'Roar' trick.
Bear Cub Treat - Teach Roll Over 95 DP Use this treat to teach your bear cub companions the 'Roll Over' trick.
Bear Cub Treat - Teach Sleep 50 DP Use this treat to teach your bear cub companions the 'Sleep' trick.
Mephit Treat - Teach Dance 95 DP Use this treat to teach your mephit companions the 'Dance' trick.
Mephit Treat - Teach Land 95 DP Use this treat to teach your mephit companions the 'Land' trick.
Mephit Treat - Teach Shriek 50 DP Use this treat to teach your mephit companions the 'Shriek' trick.
Scorpion Treat - Teach Dance 95 DP Use this treat to teach your scorpion companions the 'Dance' trick.
Scorpion Treat - Teach Tail Stand 150 DP Use this treat to teach your scorpion companions the 'Tail Stand' trick.
Scorpion Treat - Teach Jump 50 DP Use this treat to teach your scorpion companions the 'Jump' trick.
Beholder Treat - Teach Attack 50 DP Use this treat to teach your beholder companions the 'Attack' trick.
Beholder Treat - Teach Dance 95 DP Use this treat to teach your beholder companions the 'Dance' trick.
Beholder Treat - Teach Sleep 50 DP Use this treat to teach your beholder companions the 'Sleep' trick.
Beholder Treat - Teach Stare 50 DP Use this treat to teach your beholder companions the 'Stare' trick.
Frog Treat - Teach Dance 95 DP Use this treat to teach your frog companions the 'Dance' trick.
Fire Elemental Treat - Teach Groove 95 DP Use this treat to teach your fire elemental companions the 'Groove' trick.
Fire Elemental Treat - Teach Spin 95 DP Use this treat to teach your fire elemental companions the 'Spin' trick.
Pseudodragon Treat - Teach Crash Landing 95 DP Use this treat to teach your pseudodragon companions the 'Crash Landing' trick.
Pseudodragon Treat - Teach Dance 195 DP Use this treat to teach your pseudodragon companions the 'Dance' trick.
Owlbear Treat - Teach Dance 150 DP Use this treat to teach your owlbear companions the 'Dance' trick.
Owlbear Treat - Teach Roll Over 95 DP Use this treat to teach your owlbear companions the 'Roll Over' trick.
Owlbear Treat - Teach Sleep 50 DP Use this treat to teach your owlbear companions the 'Sleep' trick.
Owlbear Treat - Teach Try to Fly 95 DP Use this treat to teach your owlbear companions the 'Try to Fly' trick.
Parrot Treat - Teach Dance 50 DP Use this treat to teach your parrot companions the 'Dance' trick.
Parrot Treat - Teach Fling Insult 150 DP Use this treat to teach your parrot companions the 'Fling Insult' trick.
Parrot Treat - Teach Loop de Loop 95 DP Use this treat to teach your parrot companions the 'Loop de Loop' trick.
Parrot Treat - Teach Talk Like a DM 195 DP Use this treat to teach your parrot companions the 'Talk Like a DM' trick.

Prices Current as of July 26, 2014


Once used from your inventory, this item will be permanently given to the chosen companion but can have its appearance toggled on and off.
Companions can own multiple pieces of gear but can only wear or use one piece at a time. This item is auctionable, tradable, and vendorable.

Item DDO Points Benefits
Blue Collar for Companions 50 DP A fancy blue collar. Only usable with creature companions.
Red Collar for Companions 50 DP A fancy red collar. Only usable with creature companions.
Yellow Collar for Companions 50 DP A fancy yellow collar. Only usable with creature companions.
Blue Sparkling Dust for Companions 195 DP Magical sparkling dust that emanates from a companion and leaves a trail behind. Only usable with creature companions.
Gold Sparkling Dust for Companions 195 DP Magical sparkling dust that emanates from a companion and leaves a trail behind. Only usable with creature companions.
Green Sparkling Dust for Companions 195 DP Magical sparkling dust that emanates from a companion and leaves a trail behind. Only usable with creature companions.
Red Sparkling Dust for Companions 195 DP Magical sparkling dust that emanates from a companion and leaves a trail behind. Only usable with creature companions.
White Banded Top Hat for Companions 95 DP A special version of a classic top hat with a white band. Only usable with creature companions.
Cap'n's Pirate Hat for Companions 150 DP A black pirate captain's hat. Only usable with creature companions.

Prices Current as of July 27, 2013

Guilds & Airships[edit]

Airship Color Changes[edit]

Elemental Ring Hull Paint Interior Stain Sail Cloth
295 DDO Points 295 DDO Points 295 DDO Points
  • Brown
  • Brown
  • Standard (Tan)
495 DDO Points 495 DDO Points 495 DDO Points 495 DDO Points
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Orange-Red
  • Purple
  • Red
  • White
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Green
  • Maple
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Maple
  • Purple
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Purple
  • Red
  • White

Prices Current as of March 21, 2011

Guild Miscellaneous[edit]

See XP and Loot Boosts for Guild Renown Elixirs

Item ×1 ×5 Benefits
Guild Airship Beacon 10 DP 40 DP Summons a portal to take you to your airship.
Official Guild Charter 150 DP Grants the ability to found one guild.

Prices Current as of July 08, 2011


Hirelings bought from the DDO store are Gold Seal contracts, which allow you to use more than 1 hireling. This could allow up to the maximum size limit of a standard quest party, which would be up to 5* if soloing.

(* Raids allow 12 player characters, but do not allow Hirelings.)

Gold Seal contracts can also be purchase at hireling vendors with Astral Shards.

Unlike normal hirelings, Gold Seal hirelings may be summoned anywhere in a quest, not just at the entrance. Each hireling can only be summoned once per party i.e. only one copy of the same hireling can be used at time.

Expires one hour after first use. Timer will pause if hireling is put in the bank.

Hireling Level DDO Points
Level 1 10 to 20 DP
Levels 2 to 4 10 to 30 DP
Levels 5 to 8 15 to 30 DP
Levels 9 to 12 20 to 40 DP
Levels 13 to 16 20 to 40 DP
Levels 17 to 20 20 to 40 DP
Epic Levels 1 to 4 30 to 40 DP
Epic Level 30 40 DP

See: Hirelings
Prices Current as of July 4, 2023

Seasonal Items[edit]

Traveler's Scavenger Hunt[edit]

Item 1X 3X 5X 10X Benefits
Blessing of the Traveler 200 DP
Token of the Traveler 20 DP 50 DP 80 DP 150 DP Participate in the Egg Hunt festival event. Hand in this ticket to Taj in the Marketplace and start a game of festival Egg Hunting.

See Traveler's Scavenger Hunt for more information.
Prices Current as of March 18, 2011

April Fools[edit]

Item ×1 ×5 ×10 Benefits
Button of Winning 25 DP 95 DP 150 DP *April Fools' Item* Press this magic button to win DDO! Can only be purchased by winners. This item is auctionable, tradable, and vendorable..

Prices correct as of April 25, 2013

Treasure of Crystal Cove[edit]

Item 1X 3X 5X 10X Benefits
Butter-Rum Coffee 95 DP Get special HP and SP regen in public areas restores uses of bard songs and cleric turn undead attempts. Removed on rest or when leaving a public area. Lasts 10 minutes. Can cause fatigue when the effects wear off.
Pirate's Grog 25 DP Causes humanoids that you kill anywhere in game to have a chance of dropping doubloons and map pieces. Lasts one hour.
Pirate's Port 10 DP 25 DP Instantly brings you back to Crystal Cove's entrance. This item also has a very small chance of dropping in game from any of the pirate enemies in Smuggler's Rest.
Treasure Compass 50 DP Grants your character access to the special Crystal Cove area during Euphonia's Treasure Challenge. This item also has a small chance of dropping in game from any of the pirate enemies in Smuggler's Rest.
Crystal Barrel Requisition 50 DP Use this form to increase your kobold barrel cap.
Incense Torch Requisition 50 DP Use this form to increase your incense torch cap.
Kobold Worker Requisition 50 DP Use this form to increase your kobold worker cap.
Kobold Teleporter Requisition 50 DP Use this form to get another kobold teleporter.

See Treasure of Crystal Cove for more information.
Prices Current as of December 7, 2023

Night Revels[edit]

Item 1X 5X 10X Benefits
Draught of Midnight 25 DP This potion will cause CR 2 and higher undead that you kill anywhere in game to have a chance of dropping motes.
The higher the level of undead versus your level, the more motes will drop. Lasts 60 minutes.
Elixir of Spooky Luck 25 DP 125 DP Drinking this elixir grants your character an additional +10% bonus to the chance of finding Night Revels Keys and Darkest Chocolates from every chest you loot.
The effect lasts for the next hour that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.)
Greater Elixir of Spooky Luck 45 DP Drinking this elixir grants your character an additional +15% bonus to the chance of finding Night Revels Keys and Darkest Chocolates from every chest you loot.
The effect lasts for the next hour that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.) Single use.
Lasting Night Revels Key 45 DP This key grants your character access to any one of the special Night Revels dungeons in Delera's Graveyard while the Night Revels are active. The Lasting Night Revels Key never expires, but is consumed when used.
Potion of the Party Pooper 50 DP Ward against annoying jack-o'-lantern and skull heads.Remove and ward against the jack-o'-lantern and skull head grenades. Lasts one hour.
Night-Black Coffee 95 DP Gives special HP and SP regen in public areas and restores uses of bard songs and cleric turn undead attempts.
Removed on rest or when leaving a public area. Lasts 10 minutes.
Pumpkin Grenade 50 DP Gives other characters jack-o'-lanterns on their heads for several minutes.
This effect can be removed and guarded against by the Potion of the Party Pooper.
Skull Grenade 50 DP Give other characters big skulls on their heads for several minutes.
This effect can be removed and guarded against by the Potion of the Party Pooper.

See The Night Revels for more information.
Prices Current as of December 7, 2023

Mimic Hunt[edit]

Item 1X 5X 10X Benefits
Mimic Bait 29 DP 129 DP 195 DP Using the Mimic Bait during the Mimic Festival guarantees that the next chest you open will be a Mimic, giving you and your party a chance at additional rewards. Only has an effect when the Mimic Festival is running.

See Mimic Hunt for more information.
Prices Current as of November 18, 2018

Snowpeaks Festival[edit]

Item 1X 5X 10X Benefits
Frozen Key 45 DP This key grants your character access to The Snowpeaks dungeon and is consumed when you enter. Bring this key to Flurry in the Eberron Hall of Heroes to gain access to the dungeon and find out more information.
Elixir of Frosty Luck 25 DP 125 DP Drinking this elixir grants your character an additional +10% bonus to the chance of finding Snowpeaks coins and keys from every chest you loot. The effect lasts for the next hour that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.) Single use.
Greater Elixir of Frosty Luck 45 DP Drinking this elixir grants your character an additional +15% bonus to the chance of finding Snowpeaks coins and keys from every chest you loot. The effect lasts for the next hour that you are logged in and in a quest. (The effect timer pauses while you are in public areas.) Single use.

Prices Current as of December 7, 2023

Winter Festival[edit]

Item x1 x5 x10 x25 x50 Benefits
Butter-Rum Coffee 90 DP Better than normal HP and SP regeneration in public areas. Restores bard songs and cleric turn undead attempts. Beneficial effects removed on rest or leaving a public area. Lasts 10 min. Can cause fatigue when the effects wear off.
Candy Cane 95 DP This cane can heal the wielder 5-19 hit points each charge. Contains 30 charges. Slower to cast than a standard wand. Like a wand, this cane disappears after all charges are used. Usable by all classes
Chocolate Covered Humbug 75 DP Gives you a stoic heart and protects you from Otto's dancing spells as well as command and hold spells for 10 minutes. This effect is Lasting and lasts through death and rests and cannot be dispelled.
Snowballs 25 DP Pelt your enemies with damaging snowballs. Each ball does more cold damage than a frost arrow, and has a 5% chance to freeze the target momentarily. Especially handy against fire enemies. 25 uses.
Ice Skates1 95 DP You'll need these skates to take full advantage of Stormreach's winter sports fun! Gives a small bonus to the Jump skill.
Missile-toe1 10 DP 90 DP Eating these berries gives you an amazing boost of forward momentum even if you are standing still. Using them is like having the abundant step Monk ability and is incredibly useful when doing the ski jump in the Risian Games.
Ski Lift Hot Cocoa1 10 DP 40 DP This hot cocoa will bring you to the top of the ski jump instantly from any public area. Not usable in quests.
Eveningstar Hot Cider1 10 DP 40 DP This hot cider will bring you to the start area of the ice skating track instantly from any public area! Not usable in quests.
Midwinter Spirit Token 20 DP 180 DP This special ticket will grant you a timed effect which will allow you to participate in one skating race on the ice track in Eveningstar.
  1. The Winter Festival events which the items associated with no longer exist in game and can still be found in the DDO store.

See Winter Festival for Risia Ice Game Event.
Prices Current as of December 7, 2023

Bundled Offers[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
10th Anniversary of Free to Play Launch Bundle 3995 DP Includes Supreme +8 Ability Tome, Shared Bank upgrade, and Heroic True Heart of Blood. Limit of one per account, and all content is Bound to AccountIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account: This item is Bound to Account
Heroic Otto's Irresistible Box 1 4995 DP 1 Heroic Stone of Experience (2 million XP), 5 Superior Experience Elixirs, 5 Major Slayer Count Boosts, 5 Huge Jewel of Fortune, 5 Siberys Spirit Cakes, 3 Greater Siberys Spirit Cakes, 1 Complete Reincarnation Timer Reset

Your choice of one of the following:
Cyan Gelatinous Cube-let Creature Companion Cyan Gelatinous Cube Creature Companion (Only available in Otto's Irresistible Box) or 65 Astral Shards
Otto's box and the Stone of Experience inside are tradable. The other items inside are not.

Epic Otto's Irresistible Box 1 4995 DP 1 Stone of Epic Experience, 5 Superior Experience Elixirs, 5 Major Slayer Count Boosts, 5 Huge Jewel of Fortune, 5 Siberys Spirit Cakes, 3 Greater Siberys Spirit Cakes, 1 Complete Reincarnation Timer Reset

Your choice of one of the following:
Red Gelatinous Cube-let Creature Companion (Only available in Otto's Irresistible Box) or 65 Astral Shards
Otto's box and the Stone of Experience inside are tradable. The other items inside are not.

Improved Epic Otto's Irresistible Box 1 6995 DP 1 Stone of Improved Epic Experience (4 million XP), 5 Superior Experience Elixirs, 5 Major Slayer Count Boosts, 2 Greater Elixirs of Discovery, 5 Siberys Spirit Cakes, 3 Greater Siberys Spirit Cakes, 1 Complete Reincarnation Timer Reset, 1,300 Commendations of Valor

Your choice of one of the following:
Orange Gelatinous Cube-let Creature Companion (Only available in Otto's Irresistible Box) or 65 Astral Shard Otto's box and the Stone of Experience inside are tradable. The other items inside are not.

Starter Pack 2024 1599 DP 3 Greater Siberys Spirit Cakes, 5 Sovereign I Experience Elixir, Huge Ingredients Bag, Permanent Level 3 Gold Seal Cleric Hireling, Elieri Thistledown. The Huge Ingredients bag and the Box itself are Bound to Character, all other items are Bound to Account.
Tenser's Weapon Box 1 3995 DP 10 units of 10000 Sentient Experience, 20 Sentience Toolkits, 2 Glamered Weapon Auras, 5 Mirrors of Glamering, 2 Lasting Olis of Strengthening. Tenser's Box is tradeable, but the contents, once opened, are not.
Wish of Inheritance 2995 DP This Single-use item allows you to temporarily change the binding status of one item from Bound to Character to Bound to Account until re-equipped. Cannot be used on non-equippable items such as the Cursed Blade of Jack Jibbers
Traveler's Terrific Trunk 3695 DP 5 Mysterious Remnant Boosts +30%, 50 Bigby's Guiding Hand, Traveler's Cosmetic Outfit (unbound), 1000 Omnispell Stones, 2500 Omnispell Dusts, 5 Sovereign I Experience Elixirs, 5 Major Slayer Count Boosts, 100 Astral Shards
+20 Lesser Heart of Wood
with a bonus +5 Lesser Heart of Wood 1
2495 DP Allows you to undergo Lesser Reincarnation and lets you switch twenty class levels and switch five class levels.
Social Bundle 1 200 DP Includes Bracelet of Friends, Savory Turkey, Spiced Wass-Oil, and Bouquet of Flowers Must be Level 3+ to purchase.
Otto's Irresistible Box 1 4995 DP 1 Stone of Experience, 5 Superior Experience Elixirs, 5 Major Slayer Count Boosts, 5 Huge Jewel of Fortune, 5 Siberys Spirit Cakes, 3 Greater Siberys Spirit Cakes

Your choice of one of the following:
Cyan Gelatinous Cube Creature Companion (Only available in Otto's Irresistible Box) or 65 Astral Shards

Bigby's Handy Box 1 3995 DP 1 Stone of Experience, 5 Sovereign I Experience Elixirs, 3 Siberys Spirit Cakes

Your choice of one of the following:
100 Gold Seal Elixirs of Superior Healing, 25 Superior SP Potions, or a Red Gelatinous Cube Creature Companion.

  1. Limited time availability

Prices Current as of October 30, 2024

Patron Coffer[edit]

Item DDO Points Benefits
Astral Traveler's Coffer 1995 DP Contains the Cosmetic Astral Traveler Greatsword, Solar Flare Glamered Weapon Aura, a Model Githyanki Astral Ship Certificate Creature Companion, and 10 slots of account storage. To gain access to the cosmetics, speak with Zeanna in the Eberron Hall of Heroes. The Creature Companion will be delivered directly to your pet stable the next time you log into a character.
Greater Astral Traveler's Coffer 3995 DP Contains everything in the Astral Traveler's Coffer as well as the Astral Traveler's Plate Armor, Astral Traveler's Plate Helm, Astral Traveler's Cloak, and 20 character storage on one character of your choice. To gain access to the cosmetics and character storage, speak with Zeanna in the Eberron Hall of Heroes. The Creature Companion will be delivered directly to your pet stable the next time you log into a character.
Superior Astral Traveler's Coffer 7995 DP Contains everything in the Greater Astral Traveler's Coffer and Astral Traveler's Coffer as well as the Astral Traveler's Riding Drake and 20 slots of account storage for a total of 30! To gain access to the cosmetics and character storage, speak with Zeanna in the Eberron Hall of Heroes. The Creature Companion and Mount will be delivered directly to your pet/mount stable the next time you log into a character.
Mechanized Warrior's Coffer 1995 DP Contains the Mechanized Warrior Greataxe, Mechanized Empowerment Glamered Weapon Aura, a Warforged Pseudodragon Creature Companion, and 10 slots of account storage. To gain access to the cosmetics, speak with Zeanna in the Eberron Hall of Heroes. The Creature Companion will be delivered directly to your pet stable the next time you log into a character.
Greater Mechanized Warrior's Coffer 3995 DP Contains everything in the Mechanized Warrior's Coffer as well as the Mechanized Warrior's Plate Armor, Mechanized Warrior's Plate Helm, Mechanized Warrior's Cloak, and 20 character storage on one character of your choice. To gain access to the cosmetics and character storage, speak with Zeanna in the Eberron Hall of Heroes. The Creature Companion will be delivered directly to your pet stable the next time you log into a character.
Superior Mechanized Warrior's Coffer 7995 DP Contains everything in the Greater Mechanized Warrior's Coffer and Mechanized Warrior's Coffer as well as the Warforged Steed Mount and 20 slots of account storage for a total of 30! To gain access to the cosmetics and character storage, speak with Zeanna in the Eberron Hall of Heroes. The Creature Companion and Mount will be delivered directly to your pet/mount stable the next time you log into a character.
Standard Underdark Coffer 1995 DP A Patron Coffer containing some cosmetics and a cosmetic pet themed around an Underdark Warrior! Contains the Underdark Warrior's Cosmetic Khopesh, Dark Fire Glamered Weapon Aura, the Underdark Warrior's Panther Cub Certificate, and 10 slots of account storage. To gain access to the cosmetics, speak with Zeanna in the Eberron Hall of Heroes. The Panther Cub will be delivered directly to your pet stable the next time you log into a character.
Greater Underdark Coffer 3995 DP A Patron Coffer containing more cosmetics and a cosmetic pet themed around an Underdark Warrior! Contains everything in the Underdark Warrior's Coffer as well as the Underdark Warrior's Cosmetic Plate Armor, Underdark Warrior's Cosmetic Helmet, and 20 character storage on one character of your choice. To gain access to the cosmetics and character storage, speak with Zeanna in the Eberron Hall of Heroes. The Panther Cub will be delivered directly to your pet stable the next time you log into a character.
Superior Underdark Coffer 7995 DP A Patron Coffer containing an entire set of cosmetics, a cosmetic pet, and mount themed around an Underdark Warrior! Contains everything in the Greater Underdark Coffer and Underdark Coffer as well as the Underdark Warrior's Cosmetic Cloak, Mount Certificate: Underdark Warrior's Panther, and 20 slots of account storage for a total of 30! To gain access to the cosmetics and character storage, speak with Zeanna in the Eberron Hall of Heroes. The Panther Cub and Mount will be delivered directly to your pet/mount stable the next time you log into a character.

Patron Coffer have a Limited time availability.

Prices Current as of May 25, 2024


Item DDO Points Benefits
White Abishai Cookie 95 DP The rarest cookie in the abishai set, this gingerbread confection casts a fireshield spell on you. More importantly, if you eat all five abishai cookies in the set in quick succession you will get bonuses to attack, damage, armor class, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma that stack with most other bonuses and last for 10 minutes.
Potion of Wonder x25 25 DP You may get a great buff or get knocked off your feet by a blast of spell energy. Not for high pressure situations. 25 uses.

Prices Current as of September 14, 2024