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Secret of the Slavers' Stockade
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade is the 2nd quest in The Slave Lords and the Codex Page story arc![]() Completing everything in a story arc often yields a nice reward.. |
Slave Pits of the Undercity • Secret of the Slavers' Stockade • Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords |
Your search for the Slave Lords has led you to a fortress where the slavers organize their raiding parties.
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade | |
Heroic level: | 8 |
Epic level: | 31 (considered Legendary) |
Duration: | Very Long |
Heroic XP: | ♣3,900Solo/Casual ♦6,900Normal ♥7,300Hard ♠7,700Elite |
Epic XP: | ♣26,847Solo/Casual ♦45,885Normal ♥47,025Hard ♠48,165Elite |
Takes place in: | Slavers' Stockade |
Bestowed by: | Drevok the Gatekeeper |
NPC contact: | Drevok the Gatekeeper |
Quest acquired in: | The Gatekeepers' Grove |
Patron: | The Gatekeepers |
Base favor: | 6 |
Purchase: | Against the Slave Lords or VIP |
Extreme Challenge: | No |
Use the portal in the Gatekeepers' Grove to travel to the Slavers' Stockade and search for a clue to the location of the Slave Lords.
- This dungeon is guest-narrated by Travis Willingham.
Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!
- Speak to Renth
- Locate the entrance to the lower fortress
- Gain entrance to the outer courtyard
- Gain entrance to the inner wall
- Gain entrance to the parade grounds
- Gain entrance to the fortress
- Gain entrance to the slave pits
- Gain Access to the East Wing Guard Complex
- Open the locked control cage
- Open rows of cages (use 3 levers)
- Gain access to the dining hall
- Defeat Icar
- Locate and defeat the Slave Lord Markessa
- Explore the dungeon beneath
- Further explore Markessa's stronghold
- Clear the torture room of enemies
- Explore the cavern beneath the Slavers Stockade
- Traverse the chasm
- Explore Icar's encampment
- Defeat the hobgoblins at the outpost
- Defeat the hobgoblins at the kennels
- Defeat the hobgoblins at the barracks
- Continue exploring the dungeon beneath the fortress
- Continue pursuing Markessa
- Open Dungeon Cells
- Defeat Markessa
- Recover map
- (Optional) Explore the abandoned tower — no XP
- (Optional) Speak to Lady Morwin Elissar — no XP
- (Optional) Locate escaped hiding slaves (3 total) — Bonus (20%): Heroic( ♣780 ♦1,380 ♥1,460 ♠1,540 ) Legendary( ♣5,369 ♦9,177 ♥9,405 ♠9,633 )
- (Optional) Slay Blackthorn — Bonus (10%): Heroic( ♣390 ♦690 ♥730 ♠770 ) Legendary( ♣2,685 ♦4,589 ♥4,703 ♠4,817 )
- (Optional) or Allow Blackthorn to flee. — Bonus (5%): Heroic( ♣195 ♦345 ♥365 ♠385 ) Legendary( ♣1,342 ♦2,294 ♥2,351 ♠2,408 )
- (Optional) Defeat Guliyet — Bonus (10%): Heroic( ♣390 ♦690 ♥730 ♠770 ) Legendary( ♣2,685 ♦4,589 ♥4,703 ♠4,817 )
What to Expect
Secret doors can avoid some combat
Known Traps
- Note that some traps are randomly placed; the indicators on the maps do not show all of the traps in the quest.
- On Heroic Elite difficulty; Trap Spot and Search DC is 32.
- Fire, Electricity, Honey (yes, you read that right... see below)
- A room in the upper dungeon (at the end of the corridor jutting north on Map 1) has a collapsing floor and spikes underneath. There does not appear to be a control panel for this trap.
- There are four levers in this area, two are required to open the door to move forward, one will shut off the spikes, and one will lower a ladder needed to climb to the upper level.
- The lever to lower the ladder is on a walkway below the collapsing floor and above the spikes.
- One lever to open the door is on the upper level the other lever is on the wall at the floor level with the spikes.
- The lever to shut off the spikes is also on the upper level.
- Magnetic traps can suck people to the ceiling if wearing metal armor. This is easily dealt with by removing metal armor until past the trap.
Tips and Misc
- At the top of the abandoned tower you find Lady Morwin Elissar who will provide you the task to locate escaped hiding slaves.
- Except for XP there is no additional reward attached to this, so one does not have to go back to her after the objective is achieved.
- The slaves for the optional task are placed in random locations.
- In the last room of the upper level you will encounter Icar and a group of 7 hobgoblins (Slavers and Sentries). Icar has approximately 4,500 HP on Heroic Elite, and approximately 192,000 HP on Epic Elite.
- There are two chests in the room, one with Slavers' crafting materials and one with standard loot.
- When you enter the cavern area in the lower dungeon, the first large room you encounter will be a large cave (this is where you receive the objective to Traverse the Cavern).
- On Heroic Elite, you will trigger Yellow Dungeon Alert (possibly worse on large groups) shortly after entering. There are many kobolds on the ledges and in the water below.
- There are 10–12 Virulent Grey Oozes in the water as well, but they may not be visible until you descend to that level. You can kill the oozes at range from the ledges above, which may be a good idea as they have 700–800 HP each on Heroic Elite.
- To open the exit door you will need to use two levers, located at opposite ends of the room on the lower level.
- When you exit the cavern, there is a group of kobolds around the first bend of the tunnel.
- The first door in the tunnel (on your left shortly past the cavern) contains nothing but a group of Large Attack Dogs. Opening the door will aggro them and cause several giant rats to spawn in the tunnel behind you. The dogs and rats may attack each other, but they will probably mostly aggro on the party.
- When you approach the door near the end of the tunnel, you will trigger a DM Voice-over saying "A rumbling sound can be heard from the corridor above." A boulder will move down the tunnel towards you a few seconds afterwards. It knocks you down, but on Heroic Elite does not appear to do any damage.
- You will trigger another DM announcement at the next door, saying "A soft buzzing sound can be heard as you approach the door." Past the door are jets that shoot you with honey, it does not appear possible to avoid them.
- The honey gives you a 10-minute debuff, Covered in Honey: −70% movement speed, −20% attack speed, −4 to AC, −2 to Reflex saves, −25% fortification, and prevents jumping or tumbling.
- In order to avoid the bees when you get coated in honey, do not step on any of the boards around the bee hives.
- In the next room is a pool of water (up the stairs to the platform) and a group of giant rats. You can remove the honey debuff by entering the water. You can sneak up the stairs past the rats with Invisibility and a Move Silently skill of 19 (on Heroic Elite).
- Markessa, the final boss, is a powerful spell caster who can cast Melf's Acid Arrow, Fireball, Lightning Bolt and what appears to be a short range force attack similar to Eldritch Strike from the Eldritch Knight enhancement tree. She has hobgoblin and kobold casters with her.
- Minor bug: Note that this quest WILL allow you to enter Part 3 without having officially completed this part by picking up the map on Markessa's table, thereby forfeiting completion XP and requiring a do-over for the arc-end reward. So, "read" (click) the map on the table or you don't get XP credit for this quest.
Secret doors
- Near shrine immediately upon entering lower dungeon. The only things in the room past the secret door are two arcane collectibles and a large group of kobolds. There are no quest or optional objectives, so feel free to skip it unless you really want the collectible items.
- Near Markessa's double and another at the end of the corridor
Bonus XP
- Aggression bonus: 34 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣390 ♦690 ♥730 ♠770 )
- Onslaught bonus: 67 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣585 ♦1,035 ♥1,095 ♠1,155 )
- Conquest bonus: 100 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣975 ♦1,725 ♥1,825 ♠1,925 )
- Tamper bonus: 8 or more traps disarmed +10% Bonus.( ♣390 ♦690 ♥730 ♠770 )
- Neutralization bonus: 10 or more traps disarmed +20% Bonus.( ♣780 ♦1,380 ♥1,460 ♠1,540 )
- Ingenious Debilitation bonus: 12 or more traps disarmed +30% Bonus.( ♣1,170 ♦2,070 ♥2,190 ♠2,310 )
- Perception bonus: 2 or more secret doors discovered +10% Bonus.( ♣390 ♦690 ♥730 ♠770 )
- Mischief bonus: 47 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣312 ♦552 ♥584 ♠616 )
- Vandal bonus: 62 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣390 ♦690 ♥730 ♠770 )
- Ransack bonus: 76 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣585 ♦1,035 ♥1,095 ♠1,155 )
- Notes: Note that the watermarks are adjusted when you enter the lower dungeon.
- Chests: Multiple. Often there's one chest with loot and a second chest with ingredients (Chain Links or Frayed Leather).
- 1+1 for killing Gorbin Stanworth
- 1+1 for killing Kairn
- 1+1 for killing Icar
- 1+1 near Tawny Owlbear
- 1+1 for killing Blackthorn
- 1+1 for killing Guliyet
- 1+1 for killing Markessa's double
- 1 for killing Minotaur Warden (no ingredients)
- 2 for killing Markessa ((Named items including Slave Rags and Executioner's Helm)
- Collectables: 11
- Scroll rack — upper fortress, in the room north of the parade grounds
- Reagents Cabinet — upper fortress, in north room, past the "bear"
- Adventurer's Pack — upper fortress, in central room
- Reagents Cabinet — upper fortress, in small room south of 4-way intersection
- Reagents Cabinet — lower fortress, in secret room by first set of shrines
- Scroll rack — lower fortress, in secret room by first set of shrines
- Adventurer's Pack — lower fortress, in small side room
- Alchemy Table — lower fortress, in northwest room
- Fungus — lower fortress, in water cavern with 2 levers
- Scroll rack — in side rooms next to slave cells
- Scroll rack — in side rooms next to slave cells
- Scroll rack — upper fortress, in the room north of the parade grounds
NPC end rewards
No reward when turning in the quest.
Named Chest Drop
Last Edited | Item | Type | Enhancements | ML | Bind | Quests |
Slave Master's Cloak (edit) | Cloak |
8 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade, End chest |
Slave Rags (edit) | Outfit |
8 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade, End chest |
Executioner's Helm (edit) | Helm |
8 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade, End chest |
Five Rings (edit) | Ring |
8 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade, Small chest |
Mutilator of Minds (edit) | Orb |
8 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade, End chest |
Legendary Executioner's Helm (edit) | Helm |
28 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade, End chest |
Legendary Slave Master's Cloak (edit) | Cloak |
28 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade, End chest |
Legendary Slave Rags (edit) | Clothing |
28 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade, End chest |
Legendary Mutilator of Minds (edit) | Orb |
28 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade, End chest |
Legendary Five Rings (edit) | Ring |
28 | Bound to Account on Acquire![]() |
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade, Small chest |
Based on [[Category:Secret of the Slavers' Stockade loot]] ( t • e • h )
Name ( picture ) | CR | Type | Race |
Blackthorn ( view • edit ) | ♦11Normal ♥13Hard ♠16Elite ●♦34Epic Normal ●♥38Epic Hard ●♠43Epic Elite | Giant | Ogre |
Boulder ( view • edit ) | ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Construct | Inanimate Object |
Darkfang Stalker ( view • edit ) | ♦6Normal ♥8Hard ♠11Elite ●♦29Epic Normal ●♥33Epic Hard ●♠37Epic Elite | Vermin | Spider |
Enraged Caveling ( view • edit ) | ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ●♦33Epic Normal ●♥37Epic Hard ●♠41Epic Elite | Construct | Golem |
Giant Black Rat ( view • edit ) | ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Animal | Rat |
Gorbin Stanworth ( view • edit ) | ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ●♦33Epic Normal ●♥37Epic Hard ●♠41Epic Elite | Humanoid | Human |
Grey Rat ( view • edit ) | ♦6Normal ♥8Hard ♠11Elite ●♦29Epic Normal ●♥33Epic Hard ●♠37Epic Elite | Animal | Rat |
Guliyet ( view • edit ) | ♦11Normal ♥13Hard ♠16Elite ●♦34Epic Normal ●♥38Epic Hard ●♠43Epic Elite | Reptilian | Kobold |
Hobgoblin Overseer ( view • edit ) | ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite ●♦32Epic Normal ●♥36Epic Hard ●♠40Epic Elite | Goblinoid | Hobgoblin |
Hobgoblin Sentry ( view • edit ) | ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Goblinoid | Hobgoblin |
Hobgoblin Slaver ( view • edit ) | ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Goblinoid | Hobgoblin |
Icar ( view • edit ) | ♦11Normal ♥13Hard ♠16Elite ●♦34Epic Normal ●♥38Epic Hard ●♠43Epic Elite | Humanoid | Human |
Kairn ( view • edit ) | ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ●♦33Epic Normal ●♥37Epic Hard ●♠41Epic Elite | Orc | Half-Orc |
Kobold Overseer ( view • edit ) | ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite ●♦32Epic Normal ●♥36Epic Hard ●♠40Epic Elite | Reptilian | Kobold |
Kobold Slavehunter ( view • edit ) | ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Reptilian | Kobold |
Kobold Slaver ( view • edit ) | ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Reptilian | Kobold |
Large Attack Dog ( view • edit ) | ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Animal | Dog |
Markessa ( view • edit ) | ♦11Normal ♥13Hard ♠16Elite ●♦34Epic Normal ●♥38Epic Hard ●♠43Epic Elite | Elf | Elf |
Minotaur Warden ( view • edit ) | ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ●♦33Epic Normal ●♥37Epic Hard ●♠41Epic Elite | Monstrous Humanoid | Minotaur |
Orc Ravager ( view • edit ) | ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Orc | Orc |
Orc Warchanter ( view • edit ) | ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite ●♦32Epic Normal ●♥36Epic Hard ●♠40Epic Elite | Orc | Orc |
Packhunter Worg ( view • edit ) | ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Magical Beast | Wolf |
Slaver Cleric ( view • edit ) | ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite ●♦32Epic Normal ●♥36Epic Hard ●♠40Epic Elite | Humanoid | Human |
Slaver Cohort ( view • edit ) | ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Humanoid | Human |
Slaver Factotum ( view • edit ) | ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite ●♦32Epic Normal ●♥36Epic Hard ●♠40Epic Elite | Humanoid | Human |
Tawny Owlbear (monster) ( view • edit ) | ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ●♦33Epic Normal ●♥37Epic Hard ●♠41Epic Elite | Magical Beast | Owlbear |
Virulent Grey Ooze ( view • edit ) | ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ●♦31Epic Normal ●♥35Epic Hard ●♠39Epic Elite | Ooze | Gray Ooze |
- The Slave Lords and the Codex Page chain quests
- Epic quests
- Very long quests
- Slavers' Stockade quests
- The Gatekeepers' Grove quests
- The Gatekeepers patron quests
- Pay to Play quests
- Minor game bugs
- Quests by name
- Quests with maps
- Quests with more than one map
- Level 31 quests
- Compendium:Level 8 (31 epic) quests
- Level 8 quests
- Quests with 6 base favor reward
- Against the Slave Lords quests
- Quests with collectables/11