Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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Risia Ice Games

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History shield-book-sword.png
This event was retired in 2020. It has been replaced by the Snowpeaks Festival.
If you can verify that the subject still exists, please edit this page and remove this template.
Official site ad for Risia Ice Games

Risia Ice Games is a special event introduced in February 2010 (Update 3) during the winter season.

The Risia Ice Games allows players to collect Ice Game Coins and turn them in to Jack Frostbite for various prize items, including crafting recipes and the ingredient Motes of Winter. These are then used to create special items or to adding ice-based effects on existing randomly-generated weapons.

All Coins, Ingredients and Recipes are freely tradable.

Risia Ice Game related items[edit]

Ice Game Coins[edit]

Coins all count as Collectables and go into your Collectable Bag. Collect them in quests by killing fire-based creatures, or by doing special mini-games in public instances.

Coins description:

  • Winterfestivalcoin white.png White Ice Game Coin - common in public instance/drop from normal mobs
  • Winterfestivalcoin blue.png Blue Ice Game Coin - uncommon in public instance/drop red named mobs
  • Winterfestivalcoin purple.png Purple Ice Game Coin - rare in public instance/drop from purple named mobs

For more detailed information on monster drop, see Monster coin drop.

Ice Skates (Boots)[edit]

Ice Skates (Store-purchased version)
Ice Skates (rented version)

Invest your 10 White Coins for 10-minute rent or DDO Points to get the Ice Skates or buy them off from the DDO Store. These help playing the Ice Games significantly and are mandatory for some games/methods.

  • Rental Skates that you get from an NPC and last for 10 minutes. Ned Chilblain (NPC in Harbor) sells them for 10 White Coins, Maglenna Lurelake (NPC in Eveninstar) sells them for 50 Motes of Winter.
  • Permanent (Bind To Account) Skates are available from the DDO Store
  • Maglenna Lurelake gives you a set of Rental Skates for free once per day.

Recipes and Ingredients[edit]

  • Winterrecipe.png Recipes - from Recipe #1-20 for turning-in (see below)
  • Moteofwinter.png Mote of Winter - various amount for turning in (see below)

How the games work, tips how to get Coins are documented on sub-pages.

Also, there are some tips to get Coins without Ice Skates and there is a supposedly-legit way of hopping instance to get more Coins per run. See following for details.

Harbor Ski Jump[edit]

Main article - /Harbor Ski Jump

Additional methods:

  • Boathouse Jump (doesn't require Ice Skates)
  • The Leaky Dinghy Jump

Bogwater Half Pipe[edit]

Main article - /Bogwater Half Pipe (doesn't require Ice Skates)

Instance Hopping[edit]

Main article - /Instance swapping
Script - /Swap Instance Script

Turning-in Rewards[edit]

Turn in your Coins to Jack Frostbite (near the Harbor lighthouse and in Bogwater Tavern), turning-in is exactly like Collectables.

Turn-in Random reward
Mote Recipe Candy Cane Potion Scroll (1-3 at a time) Wand Trinket
3 White Ice Game Coins

1 of the following:

Between 1 and 6
  • 1,3,6,7,8,16.
    • Six types, with even chances at each (1/6 = 16.67% chance at any particular recipe per turn-in)
Candy Cane Any of the Icy Potion rewards below Trinket (craftable +5, BtC)
2 Blue Ice Game Coins

1 to 3 of the following:

Between 1 and 20
  • All Recipes you can receive from White Coins
  • Plus 2,4,9,10,11,15
    • Twelve types, with even chances at each (1/12 = 8.33% chance at any particular recipe per turn-in)
Candy Cane Any of the Icy Potion rewards below
  • Any of the Scroll rewards below


Trinket (craftable +5, BtC)
1 Purple Ice Game Coin

1 to 3 of the following:

Between 12 and 37
  • All recipes you can get from Blue Coins
  • Plus 5,12,13,14,17,18,19,20
    • Twenty types, with even chances at each (1/20 = 5.00% chance at any particular recipe per turn-in)
Candy Cane Any of the Icy Potion rewards below Trinket (craftable +5, BtC)
Reward sub-table
Type Item
Scroll Scrolls of Cold Damage Spells are rewards for turning in coins

You receive between 1 and 3 of these at a time

Icy Potion Icy Potions are rewards for turning in coins

All Icy Potions can be rewards from White, Blue, or Purple coins
All Icy Potions are Caster Level 10

Type Item
Wand Wands of Cold Damage spells are rewards for turning in coins
Other These are rewards for turning in any coins
  • Recipes - See Below
  • Motes of Winter - More for blue, purple coins. Used in recipes below
  • Candy Cane - 30 charges of Heal Moderate Wounds (Heals 2d8+3 hit points for all characters including Warforged, who are resistant to other forms of healing)
  • Trinket (Craftable) - no Minimum Level, Binds to Character on Acquire, comes from Purple (often), Blue (rarely), and White (very rarely) coins.
    NOTE: Although these trinkets are BtC on Acquire, it's trivial to craft them so they become Bound to Account (and so can be transferred with a Shared Bank) by adding a ML 1 shard to them. This Level 1 Crafting can be done with 100% success by any character regardless of crafting experience; (Total cost = ~24 pp, 10 essences).

Risian Altar Crafting[edit]

Risian Altar, festival crafting station

The Risian Crafting Altar is located in the southeast corner of The Harbor, on the north side of the ice rink (which only appears during Risia) at the end of the long dock that leads to to the lighthouse island and Korthos.

As of Update 12 Patch 1, the Risian Altar features the Barter Crafting UI.

Weapons with the Craftable property, that is, which have been disjuncted for Cannith Crafting, cannot be Festival crafted.

Recipes 1-2: Eternal Wand of Frost[edit]

Recipe # From Coin(s): Description
Recipe 1/20 White, Blue, Purple

Eternal wand of Ray of Frost

Recipe 2/20 Blue, Purple

+1 Caster Level upgrade of Eternal wand of Ray of Frost (Max CL:5)

  • Eternal Wand of Ray of Frost + 50 Motes of Winter + this recipe card

Eternal Wand Details: The wand created from recipe 1/20 is titled "+1 Eternal Wand of Ray of Frost" and casts the spell Ray of Frost. The damage rating is 1d3 +1 per caster level and has a caster level of 1. After full upgrades to caster level 5 using multiple recipe 2/20's, it becomes a "+5 Eternal Wand of Ray of Frost." The wand is also automatically bound to character (not account) when equipped. It is not bound when created. The wand is Exclusive (you can only have 1 in your inventory) and attempting to create a 2nd while the first is still in your inventory will fail, show an error informing the reason, and not consume any ingredients.

The spell's full damage description is stated as "1d3 +1 per caster level (max 5)." The 5 refers to the maximum caster level bonus. Maxing out the caster level through multiple recipe 2/20 transmutations will result in a max hit of 8. This damage can be further improved by the Wizard Wand and Scroll Mastery enhancement chain. For example, Wizard Wand and Scroll Mastery I gives a 25% effectiveness bonus to the wand resulting in a max hit of 10.

The wand starts out with improved glaciation III and is no-longer possible to upgrade this using Festival Glaciation. (It used to be possible before 2013 Ice Games.)

Recipes 3-5: Weapon's Cold-damage[edit]

Recipe # From Coin(s): Description Cumulative
Recipe 3/20 White, Blue, Purple

Cold Touch weapon upgrade

  • Randomly generated* (aka Non-Named) weapon (any type, including handwraps, bows, returners, etc.) + 100 Motes of Winter + this recipe card
  • note that returning throwing weapons used to not work, but do now (as long as they are randomly generated)
  • 16.67% chance per 3 White Coins, 8.33% chance per 2 Blue Coins, 5.00% chance per 1 Purple Coin
Recipe 3 + 100 motes
Recipe 4/20 Blue, Purple

Frost weapon upgrade

  • Randomly generated* (aka Non-Named) weapon with Cold Touch + 100 Motes of Winter + this recipe card
  • 8.33% chance per 2 Blue Coins, 5.00% chance per 1 Purple Coin
Recipes 3 & 4 + 200 Motes (2 steps)
Recipe 5/20 Purple

Icy Burst weapon upgrade

  • Randomly generated* (aka Non-Named) weapon with Frost + 100 Motes of Winter + this recipe card
  • 5.00% chance per 1 Purple Coin (20 recipes, each with same chance. Also supported by actual results DDO Forums)
Recipes 3, 4 & 5 + 300 Motes (3 steps)

(what players often refer to as an "Icy Burst kit" on /trade channels)


Weapons with Festival Cold Touch or Festival Frost are still considered randomly generated.
Composed weapon affixes Riptide (Tidal + Frost) and Wintry (Freezing Ice + Icy Burst) contain Frost and Icy Burst but are ignored by the recipes, so you can add Festival Cold Touch to either and upgrade it to Festival Frost and then to Festival Icy Burst, while maintaining the original Frost or Icy Burst effects. Boreal weapons can also be upgraded without issues.
Weapons with normal Cold Touch, Frost, or Icy Burst effects have the old effect removed when the recipe upgrades it.
Weapons with Glaciation (Festival or normal) have the Glaciation effect removed if you apply Festival Cold Touch (or vice-versa).
Originally Posted by (former developer) Feather_of_Sun Source on January 2, 2013

Frost/Icy Burst won't change the level of an item that hasn't first been disjuncted at a crafting station to be made Craftable for Cannith Crafting.

Recipes 6-14: Glaciation[edit]

Update 14 change: Update 14 replaced spell-boosting effects with Spell Power instead. The recipe effects and levels below have been updated with this change.

Note: It is not possible for non-weapon Glaciation items to be re-created with these recipes (previously you could use the recipes to upgrade any random-gen item with Glaciation already on it, to make powerful Glaciation rings/hats/etc.; the current recipes work only on weapons.) Midwinter Festival can add Glaciation to armor, robes, and shields.

Recipe # From Coin(s): Description Cumulative Item Minimum Level
Recipe 6/20 White, Blue, Purple
  • Non-Named Weapon + 45 Motes of Winter + this recipe card = Festival Glaciation 30
  • 45 Motes + Recipe 6
  • ML1
Recipe 7/20 White, Blue, Purple
  • Non-Named Weapon with Festival Glaciation 30 + 62 Motes of Winter + this recipe card = Glaciation 36
  • 107 Motes + Recipes 6, 7
  • ML2
Recipe 8/20 Blue, Purple
  • Non-Named Weapon with Festival Glaciation 36 + 90 Motes of Winter + this recipe card = Glaciation 42
  • 197 Motes + Recipes 6-8
  • ML4
Recipe 9/20 Blue, Purple
  • Non-Named Weapon with Festival Glaciation 42 + 122 Motes of Winter + this recipe card = Glaciation 48
  • 319 Motes + Recipes 6-9
  • ML6
Recipe 10/20 Blue, Purple
  • Non-Named Weapon with Festival Glaciation 48 + 125 Motes of Winter + this recipe card = Glaciation 54
  • 444 Motes + Recipes 6-10
  • ML8
Recipe 11/20 Blue, Purple
  • Non-Named Weapon with Festival Glaciation 54 + 180 Motes of Winter + this recipe card = Glaciation 60
  • 624 Motes + Recipes 6-11
  • ML10
Recipe 12/20 Purple
  • Non-Named Weapon with Festival Glaciation 60 + 202 Motes of Winter + this recipe card = Glaciation 66
  • 826 Motes + Recipes 6-12
  • ML12
Recipe 13/20 Purple
  • Non-Named Weapon with Festival Glaciation 66 + 245 Motes of Winter + this recipe card = Glaciation 72
  • 1,071 Motes + Recipes 6-13
  • ML14
Recipe 14/20 Purple
  • Non-Named Weapon with Festival Glaciation 72 + 250 Motes of Winter + this recipe card = Glaciation 78
  • 1,321 Motes + Recipes 6-14
  • ML16

Bug: Update 16 wiped off some Festival Glaciation effects from items created on previous events (possibly just the Glaciation VIII and IX effects). Players must create an in-game help ticket to get a refund. Pre-U16 amount of Motes and Recipes are archived here.

Originally Posted by (former developer) Feather_of_Sun Source on November 24, 2012

A bug in Update 16 caused this item effect to delete itself from items. We've taken steps to ensure that a similar bug can't happen again.

I've spoken to our In-Game Support team lead, and if you submit an In-Game Support help ticket, they should be able to provide a reimbursement package of Festival Glaciation recipes and the number of Motes of Winter required to fully upgrade an item to whichever Glaciation amount you would like to. You will be able to put Festival Glaciation back on your item when the Risia Ice Games return this winter. We apologize for the trouble this bug has caused, and hope that you'll enjoy what we have in store for the upcoming Winter events.

Base Glaciation items for these recipes must be weapons that are randomly generated. Only benefit to doing this is to create ones with (slightly) lower minimum levels (the item's minimum level will be increased to what a random item with only the Glaciation effect on it would be if the item's minimum level was lower than that before the upgrade: so, it is possible to take an item with Major Ice Lore on it and add some Glaciation and be lower than if that item was randomly-generated, but adding just the Glaciation to a blank weapon is no better than finding a randomly-generated weapon with just the Glaciation on it).

New for 2010: Note that adding Cold Touch/Frost/Icy Burst to a Glaciation weapon replaces the Glaciation. See this thread.
Originally Posted by (former developer) Feather_of_Sun Source on January 2, 2013

String exceeds 1,000 character limit for automatic parsing of {{BB code}}, passing quote through:
Festival Glaciation mutations will only adjust an item's Minimum Level if the item's level is below what is appropriate for the amount of Spell Power you are placing on it.

The relationship of single-element Spell Power totals to Minimum Level progression is as follows:

In other words, if you find a randomly-generated weapon in treasure that has Spell Power on it, it will have the amount of Spell Power listed below that matches it's Minimum Level.

130 Spell Power - No Minimum Level/Minimum Level 1
136 Spell Power - Minimum Level 2
142 Spell Power - Minimum Level 4
148 Spell Power - Minimum Level 6
154 Spell Power - Minimum Level 8
160 Spell Power - Minimum Level 10
166 Spell Power - Minimum Level 12
172 Spell Power - Minimum Level 14
178 Spell Power - Minimum Level 16
184 Spell Power - Minimum Level 18
190 Spell Power - Minimum Level 20
196 Spell Power - Minimum Level 21
102 Spell Power - Minimum Level 22
108 Spell Power - Minimum Level 23
114 Spell Power - Minimum Level 24
120 Spell Power - Minimum Level 25

What does that mean for Festival Glaciation recipes? Answer: They will only affect my item's level if I place a higher amount of Spell Power than is normally found in random treasure on an item of that level.

Example: I have a Min Level 14 Combustion scepter. Because it's a Min Level 14 item, it has 72 Fire Spell Power. I can add all the Festival Glaciation up to 72 Cold Spell Power without changing my scepter's level. If I increase it further to 78, the item's level raises to 16.

Since this matches what you all are used to seeing in treasure throughout the game, it shouldn't be very different or unusual. Hope this helps clarify things.

Recipes 15-16: Snowballs[edit]

Recipe # From Coin(s): Description
Recipe 15/20 Blue or Purple

To make 10 Snowballs:

  • 10 Murky Water (drink from tavern vendor) + 10 Motes of Winter + this recipe card
Recipe 16/20 White, Blue, or Purple Coins

To make 20 Snowballs:

  • 1 Vial of Pure Water (Collectable) + 10 Motes of Winter + this recipe card

Recipes 17-20: Snow Elemental Gem[edit]

Combine 1 each of recipes 17-20 to create the recipe card for "Secret Recipe".

The snow elemental is Caster Level 10, and counts as your 1-allowed "summoned" creature.

Recipe # From Coin(s): Description Cumulative
Recipe 17/20 Purple To make Secret Recipe, combine:
  • Recipe 17/20 + Recipe 18/20 + Recipe 19/20 + Recipe 20/20
Recipe 18/20
Recipe 19/20
Recipe 20/20
Secret Recipe - To make Winter Surprise, combine:
  • Secret Recipe
    • 1 Festival Twig + 2 Lumps of Coal +
      20 Snowballs (see above #15/16) +
      50 Motes of Winter + This Recipe Card =
      Winter Surprise (Snow Elemental Gem)
Total materials to make 1 Snow Elemental Gem (either):
  • (A). 20 Murky Water (drink from tavern vendor) + 70 Motes of Winter +
    2 Recipe 15/20 + 1 Festival Twig + 2 Lumps of Coal + Recipe 17/20 +
    Recipe 18/20 + Recipe 19/20 + Recipe 20/20
  • (B). 1 Vial of Pure Water (Collectable) + 60 Motes of Winter +
    Recipe 16/20 + 1 Festival Twig + 2 Lumps of Coal + Recipe 17/20 +
    Recipe 18/20 + Recipe 19/20 + Recipe 20/20



  • Feb 3rd - ?
  • Dec 13th - 16th, Dec 23rd - Jan 2nd



  • The 2012 Ice Games run Feb 6th to Feb 14th 2012.


January 7, 2013 - 27th: Jack Frostbite now uses the same barter UI for coin turn-ins as the Jester of Festivult does.


  • January 17, 2014 to February 17th, 2014 (DDO Forums)


  • January 22, 2015 to February 15th, 2015 (DDO Forums)


  • January 21, 2016 to February 7, 2016


  • January 19, 2017 to ?


  • January 25, 2018 to February 7, 2018


  • January 30, 2020 to February 11, 2020


  • December 12 through January 5
    • This was the event's final run; it was replaced by the Snowpeaks Festival the following year.
Current: Anniversary Party • Festival of the Traveler • Mimic Hunt • Treasure of Crystal Cove • Night Revels • Festivult • Snowpeaks Festival • Hardcore League • Bonus Days • Year of the Dragon • Lanterns in the Mists
Forum Only: Extra Life • Movember
Prior: Illithid Invasion • Risia Ice Games • Midwinter Festival • Mabar Endless Night Festival • Festivult (history) • The Marketplace Bazaar History • Build Your Guild • DeGenev Brothers • Special event history
Anniversaries: Anniversary Card Collection • 10th Anniversary • 11th Anniversary • 12th Anniversary • 13th Anniversary • 14th Anniversary • 15th Anniversary • 16th Anniversary • 17th Anniversary • 18th Anniversary