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Death penalty

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Upon being returned to life by most means, you gain a temporary debuff that gives you negative levels and a penalty to saving throws versus Fear. Multiple deaths in a short time add additional penalties. The maximum total penalty you can accumulate rises as you gain levels.

Resting at a shrine removes all death penalties completely, as does being healed with Unyielding Sovereignty or similar ability.

  • First death since resting: (Level 3+)
    • Touched by Death
    • "Your recent deaths have left a mark on your soul. For the next minute you have a negative level and penalty to Will saves against Fear effects. These will degrade over time, but cannot otherwise be removed except by resting or effects that specifically remove the trauma of death."
    • This has a one-minute duration after which it is removed.
  • Second death since resting: (Level 5+)
    • Marked by Death
    • "Your recent deaths have left a mark on your soul. For the next two minutes you have two negative levels and penalty to Will saves against Fear effects. These will degrade over time, but cannot otherwise be removed except by resting or effects that specifically remove the trauma of death."
    • This has a one-minute duration, after which it turns into Touched by Death, for a total debuff of 2 minutes.
  • Third death since resting: (Level 7+)
    • Scarred by Death
    • "Your multiple recent deaths have left a mark on your soul. For the next three minutes you have three negative levels and penalty to Will saves against Fear effects. These will degrade over time, but cannot otherwise be removed except by resting or effects that specifically remove the trauma of death."
    • This has a one-minute duration, after which it turns into Marked by Death, for a total debuff of 3 minutes.
  • Fourth death since resting: (Level 9+)
    • Claimed by Death
    • "Your repeated recent deaths have left a mark on your soul. For the next four minutes you have four negative levels and penalty to Will saves against Fear effects. These will degrade over time, but cannot otherwise be removed except by resting or effects that specifically remove the trauma of death."
    • This has a one-minute duration, after which it turns into Scarred by Death, for a total debuff of 4 minutes.
  • Fifth or subsequent deaths since resting: (Level 11+)
    • Owned by Death
    • "Your many recent deaths have left a mark on your soul. For the next five minutes you have five negative levels and penalty to Will saves against Fear effects. These will degrade over time, but cannot otherwise be removed except by resting or effects that specifically remove the trauma of death."
    • This has a one-minute duration, after which it turns into Claimed by Death, for a total debuff of 5 minutes.
