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Dodge bonus

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The dodge mechanic works as a miss chance - a simple percentile chance to completely avoid physical attacks. You will see a "Dodge" hover over your character anytime it helps you dodge an attack.

Dodge chance mechanic[edit]

This check is done independent of the miss chance resulting from Armor Class and other measures of not getting hit, such as Concealment or Incorporeality.

The dodge chance is made up from the following major components

  • 1. Dodge Cap
  • 2. Dodge Bonus (passive)
  • 3. Dodge Bonus (temporary)

Dodge Cap[edit]

The dodge cap is a restriction on how much of your passive dodge bonus (dodge bonus obtained from items, enhancements, feats, epic destinies and other effects) is applied for use as a dodge chance to avoid an attack. This cap is made up also of two consecutive parts; Maximum Dodge Bonus (the maximum amount of passive dodge bonus that can be applied for defense when attacked), and Maximum Dexterity Bonus restrictions (a set of reductions of the dodge cap to a lower level depending on criteria met).

The Maximum Dodge Bonus begins at 25%. This Maximum Dodge Bonus amount can be increased through various means (see Increasing Maximum Dodge). If applicable, this Maximum Dodge Bonus may be subject to being capped (reduced) to functioning at a lower limit depending on the lower of Maximum Dexterity Bonus amount found on any armor and tower shields that has been equipped. i.e. your Dodge Chance Max % is equal to your Maximum Dex Bonus.

Dodge Bonus (passive)[edit]

The passive dodge bonus obtained from items, enhancements, feats, epic destinies and other effects, are added together to form your total passive dodge bonus (As of Update 19, dodge bonuses on items no longer stack, only the best applies.). Note that this amount can be much higher than your Dodge cap under certain circumstances. Whilst subject to the Dodge Cap, Players may still be able to benefit from this excess passive dodge bonus, if they are able to increase their Maximum Dodge Bonus (and if required, Maximum Dexterity Bonus) in the middle of battle, where the new higher cap would permit more passive dodge bonus to be applied for defence against attacks.

Dodge Bonus (temporary)[edit]

A temporary dodge bonus (such as Uncanny Dodge (see below)), grants a dodge bonus that is added on top of your applicable passive dodge bonus for defence (after any applicable reductions such as Maximum Dexterity Bonus limits from armor or tower shields) and is not subject to the dodge cap that limits your passive dodge bonus.

Dodge Hard Cap[edit]

Any combined amount of applicable dodge bonus (from any combination of passive and temporary bonus) that is in excess of 95%, will be capped to a maximum of 95%. This hard cap on Dodge was introduced as of Update 42 Patch 4.

Sources of dodge[edit]

Unless specifically stated, all sources of Dodge bonus listed should be considered to be of the passive bonus type.


Iconic Past Life Feats[edit]

  • Shadar-Kai passive: 1% dodge per past life, up to 3%.

Legendary feats[edit]

Monk stances[edit]

  • Lesser Ocean Stance: +3% Dodge, +2 Dodge Cap
  • Ocean Stance: +6% Dodge , +4 Dodge Cap
  • Greater Ocean Stance: +9% Dodge, +6 Dodge Cap
  • Ultimate Ocean Stance: +12% Dodge, +8 Dodge Cap

Epic Destinies[edit]


Class enhancements[edit]

  • Artificer
    • Arcanotechnician
      • Master Defender (Tier 5): Your Iron Defender provides you 1%/2%/3% Dodge and he gains +2/+4/+6 Strength, Dexterity and Constitution.
  • Barbarian
    • Occult Slayer
      • Uncanny Dodger (Tier 1): +1%/+2%/+3% Dodge.
  • Bard
    • Swashbuckler
      • Confidence (Core, Lv 1): +1% Dodge, +1 Reflex Save, and +1 to the Max Dex Bonus of your Armor per Swashbuckler Core Ability you have.
      • Uncanny Dodge (Core, Lv 6): No dodge bonus, but you gain the Uncanny Dodge feat. You also gain 1% Doublestrike, 1% Doubleshot, and +1 Attack Damage while Swashbuckling.
      • On Your Toes (Tier 1): +1%/2%/3% Dodge.
      • Swashbuckling Style (Tier 3, Multi-selector): Skirmisher: While Swashbuckling with a Buckler in your off hand you gain 10% Dodge, and you may use a Buckler and still benefit from the Single Weapon Fighting line of feats.
  • Druid
    • Nature's Warrior
      • Flight (Tier 2): Use Wild Empathy to gain +20% Dodge for [10/20/30] seconds. (Temporary)
      • Improved Dodge (Tier 3): +1/+2/+3 Dodge while in any Bear or Wolf form.
  • Fighter
    • Kensei
      • Reed In The Wind (Tier 1): Melee Attack: Deals +10%/+20%/+30% Damage. If you successfully damage your target you gain a +3%/6%/9% Insight bonus to Dodge for 6 seconds.
      • Improved Dodge (Tier 2): +1%/+2%/+3% Dodge when wearing light or no armor. NOTE: Does not stack with Tempest(Rgr): Improved Dodge!
  • Monk
    • Ninja Spy
      • Acrobatic (Tier 1): +1/+2/+3 Balance, Jump, and Tumble. +1%/+2%/+3% Dodge.
    • Shintao
      • Reed in the Wind (Tier 1): Melee Attack: Deals +10%/+20%/+30% Damage. If you successfully damage your target you gain a +3%/+6%/+9% Insight bonus to Dodge for 6 seconds.
  • Ranger
    • Tempest
      • Improved Dodge (Tier 2): +1%/+2%/+3% dodge when wearing light or no armor.
      • Elaborate Parry (Tier 4): For the next 6/12/18 seconds, you gain Dodge, Maximum Dodge and maximum dexterity bonus to light armor, equal to your Dexterity Modifier.
  • Rogue
    • Assassin
      • Nimbleness (Core, Lv12): On Sneak Attack: Up to once every 2 seconds, you gain 1% dodge for 6 seconds. This effect can stack up to 10 times.
    • Thief-Acrobat
      • Shadow Dodge (Tier 3): +1%/2%/3% Dodge, +1/+2/+3 Dexterity, +1/+2/+3 Maximum Dexterity Bonus w/ light armor.
  • Sorcerer
    • Air Savant
      • Elemental Apotheosis: Air (Core, Lv 20): +3 dodge plus bunch of other really cool stuff.
      • Acrobatic (Tier 1): Rank 3 gives 1% dodge bonus.
  • Wizard
    • Pale Master
      • Bone Armor (Tier 2): While under the effect of Shroud of the Wraith, you gain 1%/2%/3% Dodge.

Racial enhancements[edit]

  • Drow
    • Ambidexterity (Tier 2): Rank 2 gives 1% dodge bonus.
    • Improved Dodge (Tier 3): +1%/+2%/+3% Dodge when wearing light or no armor.
  • Elf / Sun Elf
    • Skill (Tier 4): +3% dodge, +3% Doubleshot, +3% Doublestrike, and bypass 3% dodge.
  • Halfling
    • Heroic Companion (Tier 2): Action Boost: Grants an ally 0/+2%/+4% Dodge, +0.25/+0.5/+1[W], +2/+4/+6 to hit and saving throws, and 0/0/+10 Physical Resistance Rating.
    • Improved Dodge (Tier 3): +1%/+2%/+3% Dodge when wearing light or no armor.
    • Halfling Agility (Tier 4): Up to once per second when you are hit, you gain 1% dodge until you are missed. This effect can stack up to 5 times.
  • Shadar-kai
    • Improved Dodge (Tier 3): +1%/+2%/+3% Dodge when wearing light or no armor.
  • Tabaxi
    • Nimble Cat (Tier 1/2/3): +1% Dodge per tier.

Reaper enhancements[edit]

  • Grim Barricade
    • Reaper's Defense V: +1 Dodge, +1 PRR and MRR
    • Reaper's Evasion: +1/2/3 Dodge while in Reaper Difficulty (3x, up to +9)

Increasing maximum dodge[edit]

Your chance to dodge attacks is restricted in three ways:

The lower limit of the three applies. These are ways to increase (or decrease) the maximum amount of dodge bonus that you can get.

See also: Max dodge breakdown / discussion as of Update 37

Class enhancements[edit]

Bard Swashbuckler

  • Roll with the Punches (Core, Lv 18): +5 Insight Bonus to Character Dodge Cap.

Fighter Kensei

  • Ascetic Training (Tier 2, Multi-selector): Agility: +1/+2/+3 to dodge cap, Concentration, Reflex Saves. NOTE: Stacks with Ninja Spy(Mnk): Agility!
  • Athletic Mastery: (Tier 3): +1/+2/+3 Maximum Dexterity bonus and Dodge cap. works with all armor types

Monk Henshin Mystic

  • Embrace the Void: Gain 1/2/3 Meditation use per rest, +1/+2/+3 to Dodge Cap, and regenerate Ki faster while meditating. While you are meditating, you generate a protective shield which can absorb up to 25/50/100 damage, and is refreshed every 3 seconds.
  • Cauldron of Flame (Core, level 18): Fire Ki Spell-Like Ability. While inside the range of the ability and wielding a quarterstaff you gain +15% Dodge that ignores Dodge Cap.

Monk Ninja Spy

  • Agility: +1/+2/+3 Maximum Dodge bonus, Concentration and Reflex Saves.

Monk Shintao

  • Meditation of War (Tier 5, Multi-selector): Earth Stance: This actually gives you a penalty of -5% Dodge Cap. You also gain +10 Insight bonus to Physical Resistance and +3% Insight bonus to Maximum Hit Points.
  • Meditation of War (Tier 5, Multi-selector): Water Stance: +5 Insight bonus to Maximum Dodge Bonus. You deal 10% less damage with attacks.

Ranger Tempest

  • Improved mobility (Tier 3): +1/+2/+3 dodge cap while wearing light or no armor. -1/-2/-3 armor check penalty in light armor.
  • Elaborate Parry (Tier 4): For the next 6/12/18 seconds, you gain Dodge, Maximum Dodge and maximum dexterity bonus to light armor, equal to your Dexterity Modifier.

Rogue Assassin

  • Light Armor Mastery (Tier 5): You gain 1/2/3 to Maximum Dodge. While wearing light armor, gain 2/4/6 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus of your armor, -2/4/6 armor check penalty, and gain 2/4/6 Physical Resistance Rating.
  • Measure the Foe (Tier 5): Gain +6 Melee Power, +2 Dodge, +2 Maximum Dodge, +1 to hit and +1 to the DC's of your Assassinate abilities for every 4/2/1 seconds you remain stealthed. This effect stacks up to five times, and lasts 10 seconds after you come out of stealth.

Rogue Thief-Acrobat

  • Tumbler (Core, Lv 6): You can pass through enemies when you tumble. +2 maximum dodge.
  • Kip Up (Core, Lv 12): You are immune to most knockdown effects and slippery surfaces. +2 maximum dodge.
  • Cartwheel Charge (Core, Lv 18): After tumbling, you gain a +2 Morale bonus to Strength and Dexterity for 12 seconds. +2 maximum dodge. +20% Doublestrike with quarterstaff.
  • Spinning Staff Wall (Tier 5): While wearing cloth or light armor, gain +5% Dodge, +5 maximum dodge, and +5 Maximum Dexterity Bonus with Light Armor.

Universal Tree Enhancements[edit]

Horizon Walker

  • Dauntless Marking (Core 4) "[...] You also gain +3 Maximum Dodge."

Racial enhancements[edit]

Gnome / Halfling / Deep Gnome

  • Nimble Reaction (Tier 3): +1/+2/+3 Maximum Dodge Bonus and Armor Maximum Dexterity Bonus (cap).


  • Nimble Cat (Tier 3): +1 Maximum Dodge Bonus at tier 3.

Legendary feats[edit]

Monk stances[edit]

  • Lesser Ocean Stance: +3% Dodge, +2 Dodge Cap
  • Ocean Stance: +6%, +4 Dodge Cap
  • Greater Ocean Stance: +9%, +6 Dodge Cap
  • Ultimate Ocean Stance: +12%, +8 Dodge Cap

Reaper enhancements[edit]

  • Grim Barricade
    • Reaper's Defense VI: +1 Dodge Cap, +2 PRR and MRR
    • Reaper's Heightened Evasion: +1 Dodge Cap while in Reaper Difficulty (up to +2)

Guild buffs[edit]

  • Fencing Master: +2% Guild bonus to Maximum Dodge and Max Dex Bonus.


Monster dodge and dodge bypass[edit]

Some monsters have the ability to dodge player attacks. Some characters and monsters have the ability to bypass a portion of enemy dodge. See Dodge bypass for more information.

Dodge in earlier versions of the game[edit]

Dodge bonus to Armor Class[edit]

Previous to Update 14, Dodge used to be considered a bonus type, generally applying to armor class and sometimes reflex saves. In some very rare areas where the devs forgot to update the bonus types, there are still a few abilities/items that display as dodge bonuses to armor class in the breakdown, but officially the system has been discontinued, so they should be considered bugs.

Examples are:

  • Eldritch Shield Ritual and Eldritch Armor Ritual (Technically should count as bonuses types equal to their name per a dev post)
  • Favored Defense I to III +1-3 (Ranger only, vs. favored enemies)
  • Fighter's Mobility I to II +1-2 (fighter only, only while tumbling; requires Mobility feat)

Dodge stacking[edit]

The Dodge bonus always stacks, except the ones you get from items. As of update 19, only the highest item-based Dodge bonus will apply.

Prior to update 19, there were some issues with stacking sometimes. Depending on the order you equip your dodge items, the final result may not be correct. A workaround for it was stripping off and re-equipping in a different order. (DDO Forums)