Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Update 22 Patch 2 Release Notes

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Welcome to the Release Notes for Dungeons & Dragons Online! These notes were posted on Wednesday, July 16th, 2014.

Of Special Note[edit]

Spellsinger and Warchanter Improvements[edit]


  • Some enhancements have changed locations or become multiple choice with other enhancements.
  • Music of the Sewer offers: +1 bonus to Difficulty Checks for Enchantment, Evocation, and Illusion spells. Fascinate now affects Oozes.
  • Music of the Dead now offers an additional +1 bonus to Difficulty Checks Enchantment, Evocation, and Illusion spells.
  • Music of the Makers now offers a +1 bonus to Difficulty Checks for Enchantment, Evocation, and Illusion spells.
  • Virtuoso now offers a +1 bonus to Difficulty Checks for Enchantment, Evocation, and Illusion spells.
  • Sonic Blast is now a Tier One enhancement SLA that blasts enemies with loud high-pitched sounds, dealing 1d2+2 sonic damage plus 1d2+2 sonic damage per 2 caster levels. (Maximum sonic damage 5d2+10.) The target must make a successful Will save to avoid be dazed for a short period of time, or until they take damage.
  • Willful is a new Tier Two enhancement that offers +1/2/3 Will Saving Throws.
  • Tier Two has a new SLA enhancement that selects either Suggestion or Reverberate. Suggestion: Influences the actions of an enemy, allowing you to suggest it to fight as your ally for 30+2 seconds per caster level. A successful will save negates this effect. Reverberate: Wrack the target's body with internal sonic booms, dealing 1d10 sonic damage +1 per three caster levels (up to caster level 18) every 2 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. This spell can stack on the target up to 3 times, increasing the damage with each stack.
  • Wand and Scroll Mastery now offers a +1/2/3 to the Save DC's of your offensive wands. Wand Heightening has been cut from tier 1 and the bonuses added to Wand and Scroll Mastery in tier 2.

Tier Three now offers a Shout SLA: Emits an ear-splitting yell that does 4 to 6 Sonic damage per caster level to all targets in its path. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage. D&D Dice: Deals 1d3+3 sonic damage per caster level, up to caster level 15.

  • Frolic is now a Tier Four enhancement.
  • The duration of Song of Arcane Might has been increased to 24 seconds + 30 seconds per bard level.
  • There is a new Tier Five enhancement selection that offers either a Mass Hold or Horn of Thunder SLA. Mass Hold: Casts Hold Monster on multiple targets. Affected enemies become paralyzed and can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. Horn of Thunder: Blast your foes with 1d4 Sonic and 1d4 Electric damage per caster level. Creatures making a Reflex save take half damage. Max caster level: 25
  • Sustaining Song once again affects multiple allies, and now scales with Spell Power.
  • Maestro now adds +4 Charisma and +25 Universal Spell Power.
  • Song of Capering now has an extremely short casting time.


  • Warchanter's Positive Spell Power buffs have been increased to 5/10/15.
  • The first core ability is now a multi-selector with Skaldic Rage, and a new ability called Skaldic Constitution that offers a +1 Constitution bonus.
  • Weapon Training is now the second core enhancement.
  • Song of Heroism now offers an additional +1 damage when Inspire Courage is performed.
  • Fighting Spirit now offers a +20 Hit Point boost.
  • Victory Song now also provides +20 Hit Points, and adds an additional +1 damage to Inspire Courage.
  • The sixth core ability Warmaster now offers +2 Strength and Constitution in addition to +25 Hit Points. Inspire Heroics provides you and a targeted ally with a +5 Music Bonus to attack and damage, +15 Music Bonus to Physical Resistance and +15 Music Bonus to Resist Acid, Cold, Electric, and Fire damage.
  • Boast's temporary Hit Point boost is now 25/50/100.
  • Words of Encouragement now offers +5/10/15 Positive Spell Power.
  • Arcane Shield Chant provides a +1/3/5 Music Bonus to Energy Resistance.
  • Iced Edges now provides 1d3/1d4/1d6 extra Cold damage.
  • Ironskin Chant now offers you and nearby allies DR 2/4/6/- and +2/4/6 Music Bonus to PRR.
  • Frozen Fury now makes a melee attack with +1/2/3[w] damage.
  • Frozen Fury's duration now scales with bard level.
  • Inspire Recklessness is now Reckless Chant, and allows you and nearby allies to gain +2/4/6 Music Bonus to Universal Spell Power and a +2/4/6 Music Bonus to Doublestrike and Doubleshot.
  • Armorer has moved down to become a Tier 4 enhancement, and offers medium armor proficiency and the ability to cast arcane spells in medium armor without arcane spell failure.
  • There is a new Multiple Choice selection available:
    • Rallying Cry: Action Boost: You and all allies within range of your songs gain +10/15/20% Action Boost bonus to movement speed, and a +1 Morale Bonus to Saving Throws for 20 seconds. This ability can be used while feared, and dispels fear effects.
    • Expeditious Chant: You and nearby allies gain +10/15/20% Action boost bonus to Movement Speed.
  • Northwind now works as follows: When you score a vorpal hit, your enemy briefly becomes frozen solid, with no saving throw. The cooldown has been increased.
  • A new Tier Five enhancement is available called Chant of Power: You and nearby allied gain +2/4/6% melee damage, ranged damage, and spell critical chance.
  • Howl of the North is now a +1 critical damage multiplier on attack rolls of 19 or 20.
  • Tier 5 Spinning Ice: Attack all enemies around you with +2/3/4[W] damage. Eac
  • Tier 5 Kingly Recovery: Target ally or self heals 10,000 HP. Removes ability score damage, death penalty effects, negative levels, and the conditions blinded, dazed, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, and stunned. 1/2/3 uses per rest.
  • Victory Song is no longer removed on entering quests, death, or resting, and is now a passive bonus rather than a toggle

News & Notes[edit]

Airships and Amenities[edit]

  • Airship Amenity Deeds can now appear in quest arc End Reward lists.
  • Amenity buffs are now based on the level of the guild whose airship is being used.
  • You can now name your guild's airship! Your airship can be named for free when first purchased, and can be renamed once for free by using the rename option available in the Airship Vendor UI in the Airship Showroom in the Harbor.
  • The Sign of the Silver Flame buff now gives its correct 5/10/15 Light and Fire Spell Power and Fire Resistance.
  • The Hag Apothecary tooltip now states what the amenity does.
  • Guild XP buffs are no longer dispellable by enemies.
  • When placing or removing an amenity, the UI will now close to allow the player to go right to the amenity.
  • The Banquet Hall Spirit Binder is no longer being paid off by the Rusty Nail, and will now correctly bind characters to their airship.
  • Platinum Deposits are now limited to just under one million plat at a time.
  • White Airship Sail dyes now properly dye the sails white.
  • Several typos have been fixed in amenity descriptions.


  • The "Bardic Music" effect bonus type has been renamed "Music."
  • Ten Thousand Stars is once again available as a Class Feat for Monks.


  • Kensei
    • The Agility enhancement no longer incorrectly increases the Dodge cap when each tier is taken individually.
  • Nature's Warrior
    • The Nature's Warrior enhancements now properly add their Hit Point benefits.
  • Ravager
    • The combat text for the second and third levels of the Barbarian "Do You Like Pain?" enhancement now lists its correct percentage chance.
  • Swashbuckler
    • Coup de Grace now works properly with Fascinate and other stun effects which are removed on damage.
    • The icon indicating that a character is successfully Swashbuckling no longer occasionally incorrectly disappears.
    • Exploit Weakness no longer displays "floaty text" above an enemy during combat.
    • The Fast Movement text now accurately reflects that it gives +1% movement speed per bard level.
  • Warpriest
    • The Magic Backlash ability no longer triggers when the character is being healed (through the Monk's Fist of Light ability, for example.)

Epic Destinies[edit]

  • The Draconic Incarnation Tier 3 ability Energy Burst now works correctly with the Go out with a Bang enhancement (allowing you to select any Energy Burst type.)


  • Fixed an issue that could cause an "invalid advancement data" message during character creation when trying to select Single Weapon Fighting at the same level that the Balance skill was increased to meet the feat's requirement.
  • The Epic Feat Hellball no longer does cold damage.
  • The Epic Skills feat now properly displays under the Epic Feats subheading.


  • Sovereign Guild Renown Elixirs now correctly state that the character gets a +200% Renown Bonus for the next six hours.
  • Stacks of Superior Guild Renown Elixirs no longer incorrectly display as Major Guild Renown Elixirs in inventory.
  • St. Mu'Ray's Fire is now Bound to Account, rather than Bound to Character.
  • The Green Gelatinous Cube Creature Companion Certificate is no longer bound, and can be traded.
  • The Epic Pouch of Jerky's description now matches its actual effect.
  • Madstone Rage now provides its proper 20% Melee Haste bonus.
  • Anniversary Cards can now go into the Bag Deposit Box.

Monster Manual[edit]

Quests, Events, and Adventure Areas[edit]

  • Quest Ransack is now properly applying on Heroic Casual difficulty.
  • The Dreaming Dark
  • The King's Forest
    • The Saboteur no longer displays quest dialogue after being killed.
  • Risia Ice Games
    • The tooltip has been fixed for the Snowball barter item.
  • Secrets of the Artificers
  • Sentinels of Stormreach
  • Three-Barrel Cove
    • Fixed an issue where Fearless Frida's quest chalice failed to display correctly.
    • Nadine Shipton's transportation text no longer states that Three-Barrel Cove is (CR 5-7).
    • Lacerator's chest now only spawns when Lacerator does in the Heroic wilderness area.
    • Fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck in Three-Barrel Cove or Barrel's Bottom.
    • Airships now explode correctly when destroyed by a ballista.
    • A Legend Revisited
      • The mini-kobolds have been sent to mine mini-Crystals in a far off land.
    • Ghost of a Chance
      • The Epic end reward list no longer gives low-level items, and gives more random items
    • Precious Cargo
      • Repairing your helm before a pirate airship boards no longer causes the dungeon to become incompletable.
      • Stained-Tusk no longer walks away from his post while using a turret when enemies are near.
      • Commodore Tew can now be affected by things that harm undead.
    • Prove Your Worth
      • The Epic end reward list no longer gives low-level items, and gives more random items.
  • Web of Chaos


  • Completing Epic quests now adds two Heart Seeds into the End Reward list for that quest once a character has reached level cap. This only applies to quests where Commendations of Valor currently appear, including Epic Quests on Normal, Hard, or Elite that are not ransacked.


  • Shout and Greater Shout now deal 1d3+3 damage per caster level instead of the fixed damage they used to deal.
  • Shout's range has been increased to match that of Greater Shout.
  • Shout now costs 15 Spell Points.
  • Greater Shout now has a 30 Spell Point cost.


  • Damage in the Weapon Stats panel is now in accurate dice format.
  • Green and Purple Augment Slot upgrades in the Magma Forge now have their correct icons.
  • The Adventure Compendium now shows the correct levels in the wilderness tab.
  • Uncompleted Optional objectives in the XP Panel are now more clear that they have not been completed.

Known Issues[edit]

Known issues are now available:

Source: Official U22.2.0 release notes on

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