Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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Update 25 named items

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The Temple of Elemental Evil Part One and Part Two[edit]

Standard named items[edit]

The following items are found in the rare encounter and end chests in both Temple of Elemental Evil Part One and Temple of Elemental Evil Part Two, as well as in the pyramid chest of part 2. The drop rate is higher in the rare encounter chests than the end chests Part One and Pyramide Chest. Drop rate in end chest Part Two is very high.



Upgradeable items (used in ToEE Crafting)[edit]

Standard named items (which drop from Part 2 only)[edit]



The Temple of Elemental Evil reward list[edit]

The reward list will contain a choice of base ToEE Crafting weapons and the below item. It will not contain Heart Seeds or Commendations of Valor

Drop locations[edit]

Originally Posted by SteelStar (Contribs • Message• SteelStar) Source on April 27, 2015

String exceeds 1,000 character limit for automatic parsing of {{BB code}}, passing quote through:
There's a lot of different loot that drops in a lot of different places in TOEE. The distribution is a bit different than a lot of other dungeons in DDO.

For the upgradeable Elemental Weapons, those are found in each dungeon's End Chest, in Random Encounter chests, and the Arc Reward List (when you complete both dungeons). If you've been playing TOEE, you've probably seen a lot of these so far. The drop rate for each kind of weapon is roughly equal. If you're looking for one of a particular element, you may want to search Random Encounters in the particular Node for that element.

For the upgradeable Elemental Armors, you'll want to search Random Encounters in the Elemental Nodes of Part 2.

For the Mythic Named Weapons, they can be found in Random Encounters within the Temple (but not inside the Nodes, I believe) as well as the end chests for either part - However, your odds are much higher on Random Encounter chests than the end chests.

The Mushroom Cap is the only item unique to the End Chest of Part 2.

(Additionally, +6 to +7 Upgrade Tomes can only be found in the End Chests for either Part 1 or Part 2).

Crafting related[edit]

See also[edit]