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Monster DR and weaknesses

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Monsters may be resistant to or fully protected from some forms of attack and vulnerable to others.

For reference, "normal" damage is shown with red numbers. Resistances (via DR) are indicated by yellow damage numbers: this means some of your damage is being reduced and it might be possible for you to overcome this by changing weapon type. To see what damage type you need to use, check the Combat Log. Full protection is indicated by white zero damage numbers. Some forms of damage are particularly effective against a monster and this is indicated by purple damage numbers. Green damage numbers indicate that the monster is actually healed by that type of damage; you see this occasionally with Summoned Fire Elementals being attacked by fire, for example.

Reading the DR Type:

  • The number listed is the amount of damage that an attack is reduced. After the slash (/), the damage type listed is the type of attack that will bypass the DR. For example, "DR 10/Good" will take 10 off every attack unless that attack has the "Good" descriptor attached to it. If there's a dash (-) after the slash, "DR/-", the DR simply cannot be bypassed; it's effective against all attack types.
  • "or" means one, or the other, of the DR overcoming types listed, such as "/silver or good" to overcome devils. Silver weapons will do it, and Good weapons will too.
  • "+" means that both (or all) listed damage types must be on a weapon to "break" the DR of the monster in question. If the DR is "/Silver+Good", then a silver weapon won't do it unless it's also Good, and vice versa.

Alignment is listed here so that you can tell which alignment-based weapon enchantments will add extra damage; alignment-based damage is not required to break DR unless it is mentioned in the "DR" column.


Link Name Type Race Alignment Weak Resistant Immune Healed DR
4Auraxyllon Undead Blue Dragon Lawful Evil Electricity
Link 4Aussircaex Dragon White Dragon Lawful Neutral Fire Cold
Link... 4Aussiroth Dragon White Dragon Lawful Neutral Fire Cold
Link 4Eternity (not weakened) 1 Undead Blue Dragon Neutral Evil All 1000/-
Link 4Eternity (weakened) 1 Undead Blue Dragon Neutral Evil
Link 4Grundaussir Dragon White Dragon Chaotic Evil Fire Cold
Link 4Rhindvutha Dragon Black Dragon Chaotic Evil Acid
Link 4Sinvala Dragon Black Dragon Chaotic Evil Acid
Link 4Varath Dragon Black Dragon Chaotic Evil Acid
Link 4Velah (epic) Dragon Red Dragon Chaotic Evil Fire
Link 4Velah (non epic) Dragon Red Dragon Chaotic Evil Cold Fire
Link 4Yorgulhar Dragon Blue Dragon Lawful Evil Electricity

1 Appears only during the Mabar Endless Night Festival.

Link Name Type Race Alignment Weak Resistant Immune Healed DR
Link... 4Abishai (Black) Evil Outsider Devil (Abishai) Lawful Evil Cold Acid, Fire Good
Link... 4Abishai (Blue) Evil Outsider Devil (Abishai) Lawful Evil Acid, Cold Electricity, Fire Good
Link... 4Abishai (Green) Evil Outsider Devil (Abishai) Lawful Evil Cold Acid, Fire Good
Link... 4Abishai (Red) Evil Outsider Devil (Abishai) Lawful Evil Acid, Cold Fire Good
Link... 4Abishai (White) Evil Outsider Devil (Abishai) Lawful Evil Acid Cold, Fire Good
Link... 4Acid-Scar Troglodyte Reptilian Troglodyte Chaotic Evil Acid
Link 4Acidstone Elemental Earth Elemental Earth Elemental True Neutral Fire Acid DR/-
Link... 4Adamant Earth Elemental Earth Elemental Earth Elemental True Neutral Adamantine and DR/-
Link 4Adamantine Defender Construct Iron Defender True Neutral All Adamantine
Link 4Air Elemental Air Elemental Air Elemental True Neutral DR/-
4Ancient Arachnid Vermin Arachnid True Neutral Electricity Acid Pierce
Link... 4Ancient Iron Defender Construct Iron Defender True Neutral Electricity Adamantine
4Ancient Warforged Living Construct Warforged True Neutral Acid, Cold, Fire
Link 4Animated Armor Construct Animated Object True Neutral All Adamantine
4Animated Statue Construct Animated Object Lawful Neutral Adamantine
4Arcanaloth Evil Outsider Yugoloth Neutral Evil Electricity, Fire Acid
Link 4Arcane Ooze Ooze Arcane Ooze True Neutral Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic Acid
Link 4Bearded Devil Evil Outsider Devil (Bearded Devil) Lawful Evil Acid, Cold Fire Silver or Good
Link 4Bezekira Evil Outsider Devil (Bezekira) Lawful Evil Fire Good
Link 4Blackbone Skeleton Undead Skeleton Neutral Evil Cold, Fire Bludgeon
Link 4Bladesworn Warforged Living Construct Warforged Neutral Evil None or Adamantine
Link... 4Blight Ooze Ooze Gray Ooze True Neutral Cold, Fire
Link... 4Blight Troglodyte Reptilian Troglodyte Chaotic Evil Cold, Fire
Link 4Bralani Good Outsider Eladrin (Bralani) Chaotic Good Cold, Fire Electricity Cold Iron or Evil
Link... 4Brimstone Skeleton Undead Skeleton Neutral Evil Acid, Cold Bludgeon
Link... 4Brimstone Zombie Undead Zombie Neutral Evil Acid Slash
Link 4Cacodemon Evil Outsider Demon (Cacodemon) Chaotic Evil Acid, Cold, Fire Good
4Cinderspawn Undead Fire Elemental Chaotic Evil Cold Fire DR/-
4Cinderspawn (Greater) Undead Fire Elemental Chaotic Evil Cold Fire DR/-
Link 4Clay Golem Construct Golem (Clay Golem) True Neutral Alignment, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Force, Light, Sonic Acid Adamantine + Bludgeon
Link... 4Corrupted Fire Elemental Fire Elemental Fire Elemental Neutral Evil Cold Fire DR/-
Link 4Crimson Foot Spider Magical Beast Arachnid True Neutral Electricity Acid Pierce
4Daelkyr Evil Outsider Daelkyr Chaotic Evil Byeshk + Lawful
Link 4Devourer of Dreams Evil Outsider Quori (Cinderspawn) Lawful Evil Acid, Cold, Fire Crystal + Good
Link 4Djinn Chaotic Outsider Djinn Chaotic Neutral Acid
Link 4Doomsphere Undead Beholder varies Fire Cold, Electricity
Link 4Dream Crawler Evil Outsider Quori (Phase Spider) Lawful Evil Acid, Cold, Fire
Link 4Dream Reaver Aberration Dream Reaver Lawful Evil Acid, Cold, Fire, Sonic
Link 4Dream Scourge (Green) Evil Outsider Quori (Shadow) Lawful Evil Electricity Cold, Fire Acid Good
Link 4Dream Scourge (Red) Evil Outsider Quori (Shadow) Lawful Evil Cold Acid, Electricity Fire Good
Link 4Dream Scourge (White) Evil Outsider Quori (Shadow) Lawful Evil Fire Acid, Electricity Cold Good
Link 4Dream Stealer Evil Outsider Quori (Wraith) Lawful Evil Acid, Cold, Fire Crystal or Good
Link 4Drowned Zombie Undead Zombie Neutral Evil Cold, Electricity Fire Slash
Link 4Earth Elemental Earth Elemental Earth Elemental True Neutral DR/-
Link 4Efreeti Evil Outsider Efreet Lawful Evil Cold Fire
Link... 4Entombed Zombie Undead Zombie Neutral Evil Cold Slash
Link... 4Eternal Skeleton Undead Skeleton Neutral Evil Electricity, Fire Cold Bludgeon
Link 4Fen Cat Magical Beast Razor Cat True Neutral Acid Bludgeon
Link... 4Fiendish Bat Magical Beast Bat Neutral Evil Cold, Fire
Link... 4Fiendish Gnoll Gnoll Gnoll Chaotic Evil Cold, Fire
Link 4Fiendish Lion Magical Beast Lion Neutral Evil Cold, Fire
Link 4Fiendish Scorpion Magical Beast Fiendish Scorpion Neutral Evil Cold, Fire
4Fiendish Spider Magical Beast Fiendish Spider Neutral Evil Cold, Fire
Link 4Fiendish Troglodyte Reptilian Troglodyte Chaotic Evil Cold, Fire
Link... 4Fiendish Troll Giant Troll Chaotic Evil Acid Cold, Fire
Link... 4Fire Bat Magical Beast Bat Neutral Evil Cold Fire
Link 4Fire Elemental Fire Elemental Fire Elemental True Neutral Cold Fire DR/-
Link 4Fire Giant Giant Giant (Fire Giant) Lawful Evil Cold Fire
Link... 4Fire Hardened Earth Elemental Earth Elemental Earth Elemental True Neutral Fire DR/-
Link 4Fire Mephit Fire Outsider Mephit True Neutral Cold Fire
Link 4Fire Reaver Evil Outsider Demon (Fire Reaver) Chaotic Evil Cold Acid Fire Cold Iron + Good
Link 4Firebrand Gnoll Gnoll Gnoll Chaotic Evil Fire
Link 4Flesh Golem Construct Golem (Flesh Golem) True Neutral Acid, Alignment, Cold, Fire, Force, Light, Sonic Electricity Adamantine
Link 4Flesh Render Evil Outsider Demon (Flesh Render) Chaotic Evil Acid, Cold, Fire Cold Iron + Good
Link 4Frost Beholder Aberration Beholder (Chaos) Lawful Evil Fire Cold
Link 4Frost Giant Giant Giant (Frost Giant) Chaotic/Neutral Evil Fire Cold
Link... 4Frostmarrow Skeleton Undead Skeleton Neutral Evil Fire Cold Bludgeon
Link 4Gelatinous Cube Ooze Gelatinous Cube True Neutral Electricity
Link 4Ghaele Good Outsider Eladrin (Ghaele) Chaotic Good Cold, Fire Electricity Cold Iron + Evil
Link 4Ghostly Skeleton Undead Skeleton Neutral Evil Cold Good
Link 4Giant Skeleton Undead Skeleton (Giant) Neutral Evil Cold Bludgeon
Link 4Granite Gargoyle Monstrous Humanoid Gargoyle Chaotic Evil Adamantine
Link 4Gray Ooze Ooze Gray Ooze True Neutral Cold, Fire
Link... 4Greater Clay Golem Construct Golem (Clay Golem) True Neutral Alignment, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Force, Light, Sonic Acid Adamantine
4Green Hag Evil Outsider Hag Neutral Evil Acid, Electricity, Fire
Link 4Hell Hound Evil Outsider Hellhound Lawful Evil Cold Fire
Link 4Hezrou Evil Outsider Demon (Hezrou) Chaotic Evil Cold, Fire Electricity Good
4Horned Devil Evil Outsider Devil (Horned Devil) Lawful Evil Acid, Cold Fire Silver + Good
Link 4Ice Flenser Evil Outsider Demon (Ice Flenser) Chaotic Evil Fire Acid Cold Cold Iron + Good
Link 4Ice Mephit Air Outsider Mephit True Neutral Fire Cold
Link 4Ice Spider Vermin Arachnid True Neutral Fire Cold
Link... 4Infernal Mephit Fire Outsider Mephit Neutral Evil Cold Fire
Link 4Iron Golem Construct Golem (Iron Golem) True Neutral Acid, Alignment, Cold, Electricity, Force, Light, Sonic Fire Adamantine
Link 4Jarilith Evil Outsider Demon (Jarilith) Chaotic Evil Cold, Fire Electricity Cold Iron
4Lantern Archon Good Outsider Eladrin (Ghaele) Chaotic Good Cold, Fire Electricity Cold Iron + Evil
Link 4Lava Mephit Fire Outsider Mephit True Neutral Cold Fire
Link 4Lich Undead Lich Neutral Evil Fire Cold, Electricity Bludgeon
Link 4Lich (Greater) Undead Lich Lawful/Neutral Evil Cold, Electricity Bludgeon
Link... 4Lightning Iron Golem Construct Golem (Iron Golem) True Neutral Acid, Alignment, Cold, Force, Light, Sonic Electricity Fire Adamantine
Link... 4Living Chained Lightning Ooze Spell True Neutral Electricity
Link... 4Living Delayed Blast Fireball Ooze Spell True Neutral Cold Fire
Link... 4Living Firestorm Ooze Spell True Neutral Cold Fire
Link... 4Living Meteorswarm Ooze Spell True Neutral Cold Fire
Link 4Magefire Cannon Construct Animated Object True Neutral Acid, Cold, Fire
Link 4Marilith Evil Outsider Demon (Marilith) Chaotic Evil Cold, Fire Electricity Cold Iron + Good
Link 4Marut Construct Inevitable Lawful Neutral varies Chaotic
Link 4Menechtarun Hyena Animal Hyena True Neutral Cold, Fire
4Menechtarun Scorpion Vermin Scorpion True Neutral Fire, Sonic
Link 4Mind Flayer Aberration Mind Flayer Lawful Evil Byeshk
4Monastery Drow Elf Drow Elf Lawful/Neutral Evil Fire
Link... 4Mountain Gnoll Gnoll Gnoll Chaotic Evil Fire
Link 4Mudman Earth Elemental Muckman True Neutral Fire
Link 4Mummy Undead Mummy Lawful Evil Fire DR/-
Link 4Mummy (Greater) Undead Mummy Lawful Evil Fire DR/-
4Night Hag Evil Outsider Hag Neutral Evil Cold, Fire Cold Iron
Link 4Ochre Jelly Ooze Ochre Jelly True Neutral Electricity
Link 4Orthon Evil Outsider Devil (Orthon) Lawful Evil Acid, Cold Fire Silver or Good
Link... 4Paragon Kobold Reptilian Kobold (Paragon) Lawful Evil Epic
Link 4Pit Fiend Evil Outsider Devil (Pit Fiend) Lawful Evil Acid, Cold Fire Silver + Good
Link 4Planar Gateway Construct Inanimate Object Lawful Evil All DR/-
Link 4Pyrodemon Evil Outsider Demon (Pyrodemon) Chaotic Evil Cold Acid Fire Good
4Quorforged Iron Golem Construct Golem (Iron Golem) Neutral Evil Adamantine
Link 4Rakshasa Evil Outsider Rakshasa Lawful Evil Pierce + Good
Link 4Razor Cat Magical Beast Razor Cat True Neutral Cold Bludgeon
Link 4Scrag Giant Troll Chaotic Evil Acid, Fire
Link... 4Shambling Zombie Undead Zombie Neutral Evil Acid Slash
Link 4Skeleton Undead Skeleton Neutral Evil Cold Bludgeon
Link 4Stone Golem Construct Golem (Stone Golem) True Neutral All Adamantine
Link 4Stone Guardian Giant Giant Chaotic Evil All Adamantine
Link 4Stone Scorpion Construct Golem (Stone Scorpion) True Neutral All
Link 4Storm Giant Giant Giant (Storm Giant) Lawful Evil/Neutral Electricity varies
Link 4Succubus Evil Outsider Devil (Succubus) Lawful Evil Acid, Cold Fire Cold Iron or Good
4Sulatar Drow Elf Drow Elf Neutral Evil Fire
Link 4Summoned Fire Elemental Fire Elemental Fire Elemental True Neutral Cold Fire DR/-needs verification
4Superior Sentinel Guardian Construct Animated Object True Neutral Force Cold, Fire, Sonic Acid, Electricity
Link 4Thaarak Hound Evil Outsider Hellhound Chaotic Evil Cold, Fire Acid Lawful
Link 4Tiefling Native Outsider Tiefling Lawful Evil Electricity, Fire
Link 4Troll Giant Troll Chaotic Evil Acid, Fire
Link 4Vampire Undead Vampire Chaotic Evil Light Cold, Electricity Silver
Link 4Vampire (Greater) Undead Vampire Chaotic/Lawful Evil Light Cold, Fire, Electricity Silver
Link 4Vine Stalker Plant Vine Stalker True Neutral Electricity
Link... 4Vinetrasher Wildman Monstrous Humanoid Wildman Chaotic Neutral Electricity, Fire
4Warforged (generic) Living Construct Warforged varies None or Adamantine
Link... 4Warforged Titan Construct Warforged Titan True Neutral All Adamantine
Link 4Watcher Construct Construct Animated Object True Neutral Force Cold, Sonic
Link 4Water Elemental Water Elemental Water Elemental True Neutral DR/-
Link 4Wheep Undead Wheep Lawful Evil Pierce
Link 4Wildman Monstrous Humanoid Wildman Chaotic Evil Electricity, Fire
Link 4Will-o'-Wisp Aberration Will o' Wisp Chaotic Evil Force Cold, Fire, Sonic Acid, Electricity
Link 4Windlasher Gnoll Gnoll Gnoll Chaotic Evil Electricity
Link 4Winter Wolf Magical Beast Wolf Neutral Evil Fire Cold
Link... 4Worg Sentinel Magical Beast Wolf Neutral Evil Cold, Electricity
4Xorian Flenser Evil Outsider Demon (Xorian Flenser) Chaotic Evil Fire Acid Cold Byeshk
4Xorian Reaver Evil Outsider Demon (Xorian Reaver) Chaotic Evil Cold Acid Fire Byeshk
Link 4Xorian Render Evil Outsider Demon (Xorian Render) Chaotic Evil Acid, Cold, Fire Byeshk
Link 4Zombie Undead Zombie Neutral Evil Slash

Vampires are weak to Light damage.
Will-o'-Wisps are weak to Force damage.
Beholders of 'Beholder (Chaos)' race don't have an anti-magic cone.
Watcher Constructs and Superior Sentinel Guardians are weak to Force damage.
All Golems have magic immunity (50% spell absorption for all energy damage types including alignment, force and light damage) with Quorforged Iron Golems being the only exception.

The following monsters have DR/Magic:

  • Dragons
  • Fiendish monsters
    • Fiendish Bats
    • Fiendish Gnolls
    • Fiendish Lions
    • Fiendish Troglodytes
    • Fiendish Trolls
      • Exception: Fiendish Scorpions and Fiendish Spiders don't have DR/Magic.
  • Gargoyles
  • Granite Gargoyles
  • Mephits
  • Undead (some)
    • Liches
    • Incorporeal Undead (all)
      • Quells
      • Shadows
      • Spectres
      • Umbral Gargoyles
      • Umbral Worgs
      • Wheeps
      • Wraiths

See also[edit]