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Fountain of Necrotic Might

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Fountain of Necrotic Might

Fountain of Necrotic Might is a crafting device located in Upper Necropolis.


Update 12 - Heroic raid item upgrades[edit]

Introduced in Update 12, it is now possible to upgrade named treasure from Ascension Chamber raid.

  • Gather Seals of the Black Abbot from playing Hard or Elite difficulty.
  • Place a seal and the named item in the Fountain to upgrade the named item to a more powerful form.
  • You can preview the available upgrades by visiting the fountain and clicking the list interface.

Most existing items can be changed into the Update 12 upgradeable versions by inserting the item and 5 Shreds of Tapestry into the Fountain.

  • Be warned not all "upgradeable" loot are necessarily an "upgrade" from the pre Update 12 versions. Review the stats of the old versus new versions in the Ascension Chamber loot history page to be sure you wish to get the new version before you do so.
  • Warning: When converting old versions of items into new versions - if the item is exclusive, the upgrade won't immediately work. It will instead destroy the item and generate an "essence" of the item, which will go into your ingredient bag. You then need to take the essence out of your bag, then place it back into the altar, to get the new version of your item.

Update 23 - Epic item upgrades[edit]

Most Update 23 Epic items (both the quest and raid items) has "Upgradable - Primary/Secondary Augment" listed on them. It is possible to upgrade and add Augment Slots to them. Notably, since the colour of the augment slot is not affected by the typical constraints of item types, this is the only way to get items with certain combinations of augment slots (for example, armor or accessories with Orange, Red or Purple slots.)


Fountain of Necrotic Might Upgrades[edit]

Upgradeable Item Upgraded Item
Item Type Enchantments Effects Lost Effects Gained
Breeze Quarterstaff (1d10 damage, 19-20/x2 crit), ScreamingIcon tooltip.pngScreaming: Screaming weapons emit a piercing screech whenever they are used to make a successful attack. This screech does an additional 1 to 6 sonic damage., RoaringIcon tooltip.pngRoaring: This weapon causes targets to become shaken (DC 25 Will save negates) and, on a critical hit, does 2 to 12 sonic damage to the target., TelekineticIcon tooltip.png Telekinetic: Targets that suffer a critical hit from a Telekinetic weapon must make a DC 17 Balance check or be knocked down., Slicing WindsIcon tooltip.png Slicing Winds: This weapon stores the cyclonic might of a windstorm within. When this weapon is used, this power can come to the surface as a series of rushing, cutting winds that deal slashing damage to the target over several seconds., Dexterity Bonus used for to hit & dmg TelekineticIcon tooltip.png Telekinetic: Targets that suffer a critical hit from a Telekinetic weapon must make a DC 17 Balance check or be knocked down. Greater TelekineticIcon tooltip.pngGreater Telekinetic: Targets that suffer a critical hit from a Telekinetic weapon must make a DC 28 Strength or Dexterity check or be knocked down. The target will then be forced to make DC 16 Balance checks to recover from this effect.,
Greater SiroccoIcon tooltip.pngGreater Sirocco: A critical hit with this weapon causes a whirlwind of desert sand to swirl about the target, temporarily blinding it. A successful Reflex save (DC 35) prevents the effect.
Circle of Hatred Ring HarmIcon tooltip.pngHarm
Caster level: 11
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3), Intimidate +15Icon tooltip.pngIntimidate +15: Passive: +15 Competence bonus to the Intimidate skill., Resistance +5Icon tooltip.png Resistance +5: Passive: +5 Resistance bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saving Throws., Incite +20Icon tooltip.png Incite +20: +20% Enhancement bonus to increased threat generation from melee damage
HarmIcon tooltip.pngHarm
Caster level: 11
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3) (3/day)
Incite +20Icon tooltip.png Incite +20: +20% Enhancement bonus to increased threat generation from melee damage
HarmIcon tooltip.pngHarm
Caster level: 11
Charges: 5 (5/day)
5 Charges (Recharged/Day:5) (5/day)
Incite +30Icon tooltip.png Incite +30: +30% Enhancement bonus to increased threat generation from melee damage
Deific Diadem Helm Lesser HeightenIcon tooltip.pngLesser Heighten
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3), Wisdom +6Icon tooltip.png Wisdom +6: This item makes the wearer more in tune with her surroundings, granting a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom., Intelligence +6Icon tooltip.png Intelligence +6: This item focuses the power of the wearer's mind, granting a +6 enhancement bonus to Intelligence.
Lesser HeightenIcon tooltip.pngLesser Heighten
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3)
Lesser HeightenIcon tooltip.pngLesser Heighten
Charges: 5 (5/day)
5 Charges (Recharged/Day:5),
Evocation Focus +2Icon tooltip.png Evocation Focus +2: +2 Equipment bonus to the DC of Evocation spells.
Enduring Conviction Longsword Absolute LawIcon tooltip.pngAbsolute Law: This weapon is infused with the ultimate power of Law. It does an additional 2 to 12 damage to non-lawful targets and can only be wielded by Lawful-aligned characters., Greater GoodIcon tooltip.pngGreater Good: This weapon is infused with the ultimate power of Good. It does an additional 2 to 12 damage to non-good targets and can only be wielded by Good-aligned characters., Evil Outsider BaneIcon tooltip.pngEvil Outsider Bane: A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype of creature. Against Evil Outsiders, this weapon's effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. It deals an extra 2 to 12 points of damage against the foe., requires Good alignment or UMD of 30 (no need to be Lawful) Evil Outsider BaneIcon tooltip.pngEvil Outsider Bane: A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype of creature. Against Evil Outsiders, this weapon's effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. It deals an extra 2 to 12 points of damage against the foe. Greater Evil Outsider BaneIcon tooltip.pngGreater Evil Outsider Bane: A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype of creature. Against Evil Outsiders, this weapon's effective enhancement bonus is +4 better than its normal enhancement bonus. It deals an extra 3 to 18 points of damage against the foe.
Litany of the Dead Trinket Turn the PageIcon tooltip.pngTurn the Page
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3), Taint of EvilIcon tooltip.pngTaint of Evil: Good aligned characters equipping this item suffer a temporary negative level until the item is removed., Litany of the Dead - Ability BonusIcon tooltip.pngLitany of the Dead - Ability Bonus: The Litany of the Dead enhances the physical and mental abilities of its owner. Grants a +1 Profane bonus to all Abilities., Litany of the Dead - Combat BonusIcon tooltip.pngLitany of the Dead - Combat Bonus: The Litany of the Dead enhances the combat abilities of its owner. Grants a +1 Profane bonus to attack bonus and damage.
Taint of EvilIcon tooltip.pngTaint of Evil: Good aligned characters equipping this item suffer a temporary negative level until the item is removed.
Noxious Embers Necklace Lesser MaximizeIcon tooltip.pngLesser Maximize
Caster level: 12
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3), Combustion +78Icon tooltip.pngCombustion +78: Passive: +78 Equipment bonus to Fire Spell Power., Efficient Metamagic - Enlarge IIcon tooltip.pngEfficient Metamagic - Enlarge I: The additional spell point cost for using the Enlarge Metamagic feat is reduced by 1 SP., Spell Lore IIIIcon tooltip.pngSpell Lore III: Passive: All of your spells gain a 3% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit.
Lesser MaximizeIcon tooltip.pngLesser Maximize
Caster level: 12
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3),
Spell Lore IIIIcon tooltip.pngSpell Lore III: Passive: All of your spells gain a 3% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit.
Lesser MaximizeIcon tooltip.pngLesser Maximize
Caster level: 12
Charges: 5 (5/day)
5 Charges (Recharged/Day:5),
Spell Lore VIIcon tooltip.pngSpell Lore VI: Passive: All of your spells gain a 6% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit.
Purging the Pantheon Belt Fortification +75%Icon tooltip.pngFortification +75%: +75% Enhancement bonus to reduced chance of taking critical damage on a critical hit., Protection +5Icon tooltip.pngProtection +5: Passive: +5 Deflection bonus to Armor Class., Quell (spell)Icon tooltip.pngQuell (spell)
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3), Exclusive
Fortification +75%Icon tooltip.pngFortification +75%: +75% Enhancement bonus to reduced chance of taking critical damage on a critical hit.,
Quell (spell)Icon tooltip.pngQuell (spell)
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3)
Fortification +100%Icon tooltip.pngFortification +100%: +100% Enhancement bonus to reduced chance of taking critical damage on a critical hit.,
Quell (spell)Icon tooltip.pngQuell (spell)
Charges: 5 (5/day)
5 Charges (Recharged/Day:5)
Quiver of Alacrity* Quiver Ranged Alacrity 10%Icon tooltip.pngRanged Alacrity 10%: Gain 10% enhancement bonus to Ranged attack speed. Does not stack with the Haste spell., Capacity 1,500 / 3 Slot Striding +30%Icon tooltip.pngStriding +30%: Makes the wearer more fleet of foot, giving a 30% bonus to run speed.
Shroud of the Abbot Robe Armor Bonus +4Icon tooltip.pngArmor Bonus +4: This item surrounds the wearer with an invisible but tangible field of force, granting +4 armor bonus to AC, just as though he were wearing armor., Natural Armor +4Icon tooltip.pngNatural Armor +4: Passive: +4 Natural Armor Bonus to Armor Class., Boon of UndeathIcon tooltip.pngBoon of Undeath: Undead take solace in the hate of others. Every time a character wearing a Boon of Undeath item is struck in combat, an Inflict Light Wounds spell will be cast on the character., Void Lore VIcon tooltip.pngVoid Lore V: Passive: Your Negative Energy and Poison spells gain a 15% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Lightning Lore VIcon tooltip.pngLightning Lore V: Passive: Your Electricity spells gain a 15% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit., Light Resistance +20Icon tooltip.pngLight Resistance +20: Passive: +20 Enhancement bonus to your Light Resistance. Light Resistance +20Icon tooltip.pngLight Resistance +20: Passive: +20 Enhancement bonus to your Light Resistance. Light Resistance +30Icon tooltip.pngLight Resistance +30: Passive: +30 Enhancement bonus to your Light Resistance.,
Lesser Arcane Augmentation IXIcon tooltip.pngLesser Arcane Augmentation IX: Increases the wearer's caster level when casting ninth level or lower sorcerer or wizard spells by one.
Staff of the Petitioner Quarterstaff Power StoreIcon tooltip.pngPower Store: This item collects and stores magical energy. Any spellcaster can use this energy to partially power their spells. All spells cast while using this item receive an enhancement bonus of -10% to their spell point costs., Enchantment Focus +2Icon tooltip.png Enchantment Focus +2: +2 Equipment bonus to the DC of Enchantment spells., Necromancy Focus +2Icon tooltip.png Necromancy Focus +2: +2 Equipment bonus to the DC of Necromancy spells., Constitution Skills - Exceptional Bonus +5Icon tooltip.pngConstitution Skills - Exceptional Bonus +5: Passive +5 Exceptional bonus to the Constitution based skills of: Concentration, Spell Penetration IIIIcon tooltip.png Spell Penetration III: Passive: +3 Equipment bonus to Spell Penetration checks. Potency +48Icon tooltip.pngPotency +48: Passive: +48 Equipment bonus to each Spell Power.,
Spellcasting Implement +15Icon tooltip.pngSpellcasting Implement +15: Passive: +15 Implement bonus to Universal Spell Power.
Unwavering Ardency Longbow (2d12 +3 damage, 19-20/x3 crit), Immunity to FearIcon tooltip.pngImmunity to Fear: The wearer of this item is immune to all fear effects., Flaming BurstIcon tooltip.pngFlaming Burst: This weapon is sheathed in fire, and deals 1 to 6 fire damage each hit. Critical hits deal an additional 1 to 10 fire damage for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 2 to 20 for a x3 multiplier and 3 to 30 for a x4 multiplier., Smoke ScreenIcon tooltip.pngSmoke Screen: You are surrounded by wisps of concealing smoke, giving opponents a 20% concealment chance to miss you. Blinding EmbersIcon tooltip.png Blinding Embers: This weapon sheds tiny embers that can impair a creatures sight. If you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the target will become blinded by a burst of fiery sparks.
Vile Blasphemy Gloves Power Drain (clicky)Icon tooltip.pngPower Drain (clicky)
Caster level: 12
Charges: 1 (1/day)
1 Charges (Recharged/Day:1), Dexterity +6Icon tooltip.png Dexterity +6: This item makes the wearer more nimble and dexterous, granting a +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity., Use Magic Device +3Icon tooltip.pngUse Magic Device +3: Passive: +3 Competence bonus to the Use Magic Device skill.
Power Drain (clicky)Icon tooltip.pngPower Drain (clicky)
Caster level: 12
Charges: 1 (1/day)
1 Charges (Recharged/Day:1)
Power Drain (clicky)Icon tooltip.pngPower Drain (clicky)
Caster level: 12
Charges: 3 (3/day)
3 Charges (Recharged/Day:3),
Greater Dispelling GuardIcon tooltip.pngGreater Dispelling Guard: This item is infused with a power that purges out the magical energies of those that strike the wearer. When the wearer is hit in melee it will apply a Greater Dispel Magic effect to the attacker, stripping away its protective spells.
Wretched Twilight Cloak GhostlyIcon tooltip.png Ghostly: Equipping this item causes you to become partially incorporeal. Your melee attacks do not roll a miss chance for Incorporeal targets. Enemy attacks have a 10% chance to miss you due to incorporeality. You receive a +5 enhancement bonus to your Hide and Move Silently skills., Nullification +72Icon tooltip.pngNullification +72: Passive: +72 Equipment bonus to Negative (Necrotic) and Poison Spell Power., Stealth StrikeIcon tooltip.pngStealth Strike: Reduces the threat generated by ranged attacks and spells by 15%., Sneak Attack Bonus +4Icon tooltip.pngSneak Attack Bonus +4: Provides a +4 to attack bonus and a +6 to damage for any attack that would qualify as a Sneak Attack, even if the wielder is not a Rogue. Sneak Attack Bonus +4Icon tooltip.pngSneak Attack Bonus +4: Provides a +4 to attack bonus and a +6 to damage for any attack that would qualify as a Sneak Attack, even if the wielder is not a Rogue. Sneak Attack Bonus +5Icon tooltip.pngSneak Attack Bonus +5: Provides a +5 to attack bonus and a +8 to damage for any attack that would qualify as a Sneak Attack, even if the wielder is not a Rogue.,
Void Lore VIcon tooltip.pngVoid Lore V: Passive: Your Negative Energy and Poison spells gain a 15% Equipment bonus to their chance to critical hit.

For reference on the pre-U12 stats, see Ascension Chamber loot history.

Minor bug: For all items with clicky charges except the Litany of the Dead and Purging the Pantheon, the altar claims the items gain more charges than they actually gain (the amount of extra charges you don't get is equal to the base amount).

* Note: Upgrading the Quiver of Alacrity from the old version to the upgradable base version will destroy any arrows/bolts it contains at the time. Upgrading it to the 30% striding version does not affect its contents. (DDO Forums).