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Update 33 Patch 1 Release Notes

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Here are the Release Notes for Update 33 Patch 1, released on Thursday, October 27th, 2016.

News and Notes:[edit]

Auction House:[edit]

  • Handwraps can once again be purchased on the Auction Houses. They are now located under Exotic Weapons.


  • Monk Damage Reduction on handwraps will no longer disappear after zoning or resting.
  • Favored Soul enhancement "Ascendancy" multi-selector options for the new deities all may target the correct target types now instead of "Self, Friend, or Undead".


  • Handwraps no longer take durability damage.
  • The Draught of Midnight works properly again.
  • Fixed a crashing issue with missile weapons.
  • Pet collars now properly apply on-hit effects.
  • Artificer Iron Defender and Druid Wolf Companions are now proficient with handwraps (to allow them to properly use collars).
  • The Reaper's Helm now displays properly on warforged and Bladeforged.
  • "Death's Smile" cosmetic helm flavor text is no longer grammatically incorrect.


  • Headless zombies no longer drop treasure bags.
  • Red and Purple named enemies can no longer erroneously spawn as Champions.

Quests and other Adventure Areas:[edit]

  • Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Plaza no longer has erroneous dungeon event text.
  • It is no longer possible to close a secret door in Getting Ahead in Lordsmarch Plaza that then prevents quest completion.

Known Issues[edit]

Known issues are now available:

Source: Official U33.1.0 release notes on

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