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Artificer Workshops

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This section of the Manufactury is devoted to workshops and laboratories belonging to the House Cannith enclave's highest-ranking officials.


Artificer Workshops is a level 20 (15-25) wilderness adventure area section of the House Cannith Manufactury and is devoted to workshops and laboratories belonging to the House Cannith enclave's highest-ranking officials. The workshops are considered a raid area and is thus non-scaling unlike the previous Manufactury.

To enter this area:

Near the entry to Schemes of the Enemy (in the north of the House Cannith Manufactury), shown on your mini-map as the "Syrania Conduit Floor", is access to the eastern area of the Wilderness* - pull the lever and wait for the lift platform to cycle and take you up. Once there, bear "left", which leads east to the entrance to the Artificer Workshops wilderness area.

(* on the map it may appear that there is also access via the eastern exit from the very first, large southern room - but that lift is "broken")
Artificer Workshops map
First you must complete (and turn in) the 3 quests entered from the House Cannith Manufactury wilderness area.
You enter the Artificer Workshops in the northeast corner of the map. There is a "security switch" in each of the northern and southern wings, which together open the barrier east. Once in the large eastern room (with the large, spinning crystal), on the northern and southern sides there are 3 levers on the wall and a lever covered by a force field opposite them, closer to the center. You have to pull the 3 wall levers to unlock the lone lever on that side, then quickly* pull that. Do it on both sides and the crystal will shatter, opening the way to the raid.
(* Each unlocking crystal stays lit for only 10 seconds after pulling the matching wall lever, making it difficult to solo, and (almost?) impossible without a "pet". The "force field" does not appear to drop once all 3 crystals are lit, but the lever can be pulled at that time. They do not have to stay lit while pulling, only be all lit when the pull is started.)
Continue down the eastern hallway where you'll find a couple small fights, a chest, a shrine, and (finally) the entry to The Master Artificer


In addition to the Rare Encounter / slayer / explorer missions typical to all wilderness adventure areas, the following quests can be found in this zone:

Rare encounters[edit]

Each Rare Encounter is worth 1,150 XP; the bonus for defeating all of them is 2,300 XP.

  • Slay Barricade (Iron Golem), the unstoppable Iron Golem (spawns across the shrine, near the entrance to the crystal room)
  • Slay the Dawnfire Cannon (spawns with Duskfire in the room beyond the 2 big cannith Titans)
  • Slay the Duskfire Cannon (spawns with Dawnfire in the room beyond the 2 big cannith Titans)
  • Slay Crux, the dauntless Iron Defender (can be found in the big crystal room)


  • Slay 10 creatures in Artificer Workshops: 845 XP = 84.5 xp/kill
  • Slay 25 creatures in Artificer Workshops: 1,150 XP = 76.67 xp/kill
  • Slay 50 creatures in Artificer Workshops: 1,535 XP = 61.4 xp/kill
  • Slay 100 creatures in Artificer Workshops: 2,242 XP = 44.84 xp/kill
  • Slay 200 creatures in Artificer Workshops: 3,385 XP = 33.85 xp/kill
  • Slay 400 creatures in Artificer Workshops: 6,050 XP = 30.25 xp/kill
  • Slay 750 creatures in Artificer Workshops: 10,020 XP = 28.63 xp/kill
  • Slay 1,500 creatures in Artificer Workshops: 20,587 XP = 27.45 xp/kill
  • Slay 3,000 creatures in Artificer Workshops: 41,450 XP = 27.63 xp/kill
  • Slay 5,000 creatures in Artificer Workshops: ? XP = ? xp/kill
  • Slay 7,500 creatures in Artificer Workshops: ? XP = ? xp/kill


Artificer Workshops Journals map

Journal works similar to Explorer points and they are worth 575 XP each. The bonus for finding all of them is 1,725 XP.

  • Find Aarren d'Cannith's Ninth Memoir Page
    • The Manufactury is nearly finished. We'll need better security at the site to prevent anyone from wandering down into Eldritch Site Prime. I've recommended a name for our creations: the "Forged". That should help cement the idea among the other houses that these creatures are wrought by Cannith.
  • Find Aarren d'Cannith's Tenth Memoir Page
    • It took only one word to turn my masterpiece into a travesty. My assistant Toven brought word that our creations are to be called "Warforged". Mass production will begin immediately to support the war. Perhaps I made a mistake naming them like objects, rather than the living creatures they are? I've implored my father to reconsider - but ultimately if this is his desire, I am powerless to stop it.
  • Find Aarren d'Cannith's Eleventh Memoir Page
    • What happened to vision? To ambition? To innovation? It's lost to greed and nearsighted goals. I meant for this discovery to expand our lives, not blow them up. War is such a petty use for the Forged - it is nothing compared to the ability to create life itself. It's my own fault for getting caught up in the pure joy of inventing. I was foolish enough to think that my discovery would change things.
  • Find Aarren d'Cannith's Twelfth Memoir Page
    • My work has become nothing more than kindling for an arms race between squabbling nobles. How low we have stooped. So fades the glory of House Cannith by the folly of finances - the whims of warlords. I can't stomach this perversion of our vision. Let other artificers tarnish their names with the grime of warfare. Let them be the ones to create "warforged." I will have no further part in it.
  • Find Toven d'Cannith's Fifth Letter
    • From: Toven d'Cannith
      To: Channa d'Cannith

      Channa, I am quite aware that you do not agree with my position regarding the warforged. nonetheless, I am the one in charge of the Manufactury here and I will operate it as I see fit - with the proper authorization from my superiors, of course. I shall send my proposal straight to our Lord Merrix in Sharn. He, and only he, will decide on its merits.
  • Find Toven d'Cannith's Sixth Letter
    • From: Toven d'Cannith
      To: Baron Merrix d'Cannith

      Everywhere I go I see that the warforged are despised and mistrusted. This is no surprise, as the purpose House Cannith built into them vanished when the Last War ended. So the warforged wander aimlessly, drifting into trouble time and time again. We are the ones who made them, so we are the ones responsible for giving them a brighter future. My Lord, you know my proposal for addressing this. All I need is your authorization.
  • Find Toven d'Cannith's Seventh Letter
    • From: Toven d'Cannith
      To: Baron Merrix d'Cannith

      With all due respect, my Lord, I cannot understand why you have rejected my plan. You forbid me to improve the warforged merely because you think it might give the nations of Khorvaire the wrong impression of House Cannith? You know as well as I that these legal quibbles are meaningless. The Treaty of Thronehold does not hold here in Xen'drik. And what does it matter what people say? The welfare of countless living creatures is at stake!
  • Find Toven d'Cannith's Eighth Letter
    • From: Toven d'Cannith
      To: Coin Lord Yorrick Amanatu

      The Bladesworn attack on the Manufactury is indeed a very serious matter but I do not believe that the Coin Lords need to mobilize the City Guard at this time. The Lord of Blades and his troops are confined inside the Manufactury. The situation has stabilized, and I am confident House Cannith will be able to resolve it shortly. Your inflammatory statements concerning me cannot help matters. Your anger is better directed at the misguided warforged that created this crisis in the first place.
  • Find Toven d'Cannith's Ninth Letter
    • From: Toven d'Cannith
      To: Baron Merrix d'Cannith

      My Lord, I am forced to accept your decision to replace me as Manufactury Administrator. However, I must protest it in the strongest possible terms. You are blaming a loyal servant of House Cannith for the actions of an insane warforged, and you are turning your back on the only possible resolution to the warforged issue. Don't be fooled into thinking that your pet protege Channa will be able to handle someone as savage as the Lord of Blades! My plan is the only way to resolve this crisis without a bloodbath.
  • Find Toven d'Cannith's Tenth Letter
    • From: Toven d'Cannith
      To: Coin Lord Yorrick Amanatu

      I wonder whether you and the Coin Lords could ask my superiors to reconsider my plan? It is the only way to deal with the Lord of Blades with no loss of life. If nothing is done, I fear that you must prepare the city for a violent battle. While it is true that my device would permanently change the warforged living in Stormreach, these changes would be for the better. Once my plan has been implemented the city's warforged will lead happier, more productive lives!
  • Find Toven d'Cannith's Eleventh Letter
    • From: Toven d'Cannith
      To: Channa d'Cannith

      I cannot believe that you still resist my arguments. Permitting the warforged to have souls was a design mistake. Surely the Lord of Blades is proof of that! Allow a warforged to do as he wishes and he becomes unhappy, uncontrollable, and violent. All my device does is correct a mistake we never should have made in the first place. Channa, despite our past differences I am still willing to use my device to rescue our House - and your career. I await your reply.
  • Find Toven d'Cannith's Twelfth Letter
    • From: Toven d'Cannith
      To: Channa d'Cannith

      I cannot wait any longer, Channa. I will not allow warforged fanatics to attack my House and my city, not when I hold the key to repairing the warforged without shedding a single drop of blood. So I must act now. By my Device. In an instant all the warforged within Stormreach will become gentle, tractable, and infinitely more happy than they are now. We should never have burdened these pitiful creatures with a burden they were never equipped to handle!


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Augmented Iron Defender( view
Augmented Iron Defender.png
 • edit )
 ♦22Normal Construct Iron Defender
Augmented Iron Juggernaut( view
Augmented Iron Juggernaut.png
 • edit )
 ♦24Normal Construct Golem
Augmented Lightning Guard( view
Augmented Lightning Guard.png
 • edit )
 ♦24Normal Construct Golem
Augmented Magefire Cannon( view
Augmented Magefire Cannon.png
 • edit )
 ♦23Normal Construct Animated Object
Barricade (Iron Golem)( view
Barricade (Iron Golem).png
 • edit )
 ♦25Normal Construct Golem
Cannith Artificer( view
Cannith Artificer.png
 • edit )
 ♦23Normal Humanoid Human
Cannith Rebel Guard( view
Cannith Rebel Guard.png
 • edit )
 ♦23Normal Humanoid Human
Cannith Titan Defender( view
Cannith Titan Defender.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦27Normal Construct Warforged Titan
Cannith Titan( view
Cannith Titan.png
 • edit )
 ♦25Normal Construct Warforged Titan
Crux( view
 • edit )
 ♦25Normal Construct Iron Defender
Dawnfire Cannon( view
Dawnfire Cannon.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦25Normal Construct Animated Object
Duskfire Cannon( view
Duskfire Cannon.png
 • edit )
 ♦25Normal Construct Animated Object
Rebel Captain Rorick( view
Rebel Captain Rorick.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦24Normal Humanoid Human
Soul-Cleansed Warforged( view
Soul-Cleansed Warforged.png
 • edit )
 ♦22Normal Construct Animated Object

Monsters in the zone not found on the rare encounters list.
Monster Information

Named Monsters: