Year of the Dragon: Through 26th November, claim your free Hoard of Discovery! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Update 63 Patch 1 Release Notes

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Here are the release notes for Update 63.1, released on Wednesday, November 8th, 2023.

News and Notes:[edit]

Bug Fixes:[edit]

  • Special shield priests now make their allies ethereal in Pilgrims' Peril when shielding them to prevent players from getting stuck in a corner by invulnerable enemies. This also applies to enemies being resurrected.
  • The recipe for creating a Deck of Many Curses now shows the correct card icons, and the tooltip shown when hovering over the icons now shows the correct number of cards required.
  • Fixed a typo in the description of The Curse of the Sentient's Meal. This Curse now also properly increases the value of the item it is applies to by 100,000 platinum.
  • Questgivers for the Illithid Invasion now properly recognize the state of the event when a new instance of the Sharn Clifftop Towers District opens.
  • Fixed an issue in Astral Ambush where some coins that were meant for decoration were hovering in the air

Source: Official U63.1.0 release notes on

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