When a mad lord of Xoriat roams free, no one can remain sane. Visit an asylum where sanity is the disease, explore the depths of madness in a visit to Xoriat, turn the great Xorian lords against each other, and free the Tower of the Twelve from the grip of insanity.
Quest sequence[edit]
These quests must be completed (and turned in for reward), in any order, before the fourth and final quest, The Lord of Eyes, can be entered. However, there is a note in the final quest (in the "chests" section) that states that these must be completed in the order listed in order to obtain the chain-end reward (see below). needs verification
Reward List[edit]
Following is the list of items that can only be acquired by completing the quest chain, which can be initiated by talking to Basmore Trask in the Tower of the Twelve. The list consists of a selection of 10 semi-random items which can either be the below named items, similar level random BtA loot, potions, or stacks of 20 ingredients to be used on the Altar of Insanity. NOTE: Named items that can appear on this quest arc's end reward list will have a 100% chance of appearing on every third completion of the story arc. Named items which can be used with the Altar of Insanity appear in the chains Reign of Madness, Harbinger of Madness, Disciples of Rage, but ingredients only appear within Reign of Madness arc.
Last Edited
- Update 58.1
- 1 year, 4 months, and 24 days
- Ulfo
Fleshshaper's Docent (edit)
Bound to Account on AcquireBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Reign of Madness, End reward
- Update 58.1
- 1 year, 4 months, and 24 days
- Ulfo
Infused Chaos Docent (edit)
Bound to Account on AcquireBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Reign of Madness, End reward
- Update 67.3.1
- 3 months and 8 days
- BugTime
Fleshshaper's Brigandine (edit)
Bound to Account on AcquireBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Reign of Madness, End reward
- Update 67.2.1
- 3 months and 20 days
- BugTime
Unstable Handwraps (edit)
- +5 Enhancement Bonus+5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Anarchic BurstAnarchic Burst: An anarchic weapon is chaotically aligned and infused with the power of chaos. It makes the weapon chaos-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2 to 12 points of damage against all of lawful alignment and an extra 3 to 18 on a critical for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 4 to 24 for a x3 multiplier, and 5 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
- Axiomatic BurstAxiomatic Burst: An axiomatic weapon is lawfully aligned and infused with the power of law. It makes the weapon law-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2 to 12 points of damage against all of chaotic alignment and an extra 3 to 18 on a critical for weapons with a x2 critical multiplier, 4 to 24 for a x3 multiplier, and 5 to 30 for a x4 multiplier.
- Lawful Outsider BaneLawful Outsider Bane: A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype of creature. Against Lawful Outsiders, this weapon's effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. It deals an extra 2 to 12 points of damage against the foe.
- Chaotic Outsider BaneChaotic Outsider Bane: A bane weapon excels at attacking one type or subtype of creature. Against Chaotic Outsiders, this weapon's effective enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal enhancement bonus. It deals an extra 2 to 12 points of damage against the foe.
- Mind TurbulenceMind Turbulence: This item fills your mind with chaos, disrupting your thoughts and causing a -10 Concentration penalty.
Bound to Account on AcquireBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Reign of Madness, End reward
- Update 67.3
- 3 months and 16 days
- BugTime
Nature's Vengeance (edit)
Bound to Account on AcquireBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Reign of Madness, End reward
- Update 67.3
- 3 months and 15 days
- BugTime
Fang of Siberys (edit)
- +5 Enhancement Bonus+5 Enhancement Bonus: +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
- Peals of ThunderPeals of Thunder: This weapon is filled with the power of a storm cloud. Occasionally, this thunderous power is unleashed, applying a lasting effect that deals 2 to 8 sonic damage every two seconds for six seconds. If the effect is reapplied before it wears off, the effect will stack and the duration will reset. The effect can be stacked up to 3 times.
- CloudburstCloudburst: On Vorpal, this weapon triggers a Cloudburst, striking its target with lightning and dealing sonic damage to surrounding enemies through a powerful thunderclap.
- Pure GoodPure Good: This weapon is infused with the power of Pure Good. It does an additional 1 to 6 damage to non-good targets and can only be wielded by Good-aligned characters.
Bound to Account on AcquireBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
Reign of Madness, End reward
- Update 48.4.3
- 3 years and 6 months
- BugTime
Glorious Obscenity (edit)
Rune Arm
Bound to AccountBound to Account: This item is Bound to Account
Reign of Madness, End reward