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Major Petrify Runestone orb.png
Major Petrify Runestone

Runestones are available through crafting using Cannith Crafting devices since Update 11. These magical stones allow characters to debuff enemy targets. There are three different types of runestones, and they come in four strengths.

Since Update 18ish, Minor runestones are also available from collectables vendors in the Harbor, and Lesser Petrify runestones from one in the Necropolis.


Type Duration Saving throw
Flash 10–15 seconds reflex vs. blinding, will vs. dazing
Major Petrify Runestone icon.png Petrify 20–30 seconds fortitude vs. petrification
Stun 6 seconds fortitude vs. stunning


Strength Minimum level Difficulty class Level to craft
Minor 3 24 8
Lesser 8 29 38
Greater 13 34 68
Major 17 39 98


This table shows the costs, in Cannith Crafting essences and Siberys Dragonshard Fragments, of all craftable Runestones.

Name Minor Lesser Greater Major Siberys Dragonshard Fragment icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSiberys Dragonshard Fragment count
Crafting Level Cannith Essence icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCannith Essence count Crafting Level Cannith Essence icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCannith Essence count Crafting Level Cannith Essence icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCannith Essence count Crafting Level Cannith Essence icon.png Icon tooltip.pngCannith Essence count
Stun Runestone 8 5 38 10 68 20 98 30 144
Flash Runestone 8 5 38 10 68 20 98 30 144
Petrify Runestone 8 5 38 10 68 20 98 30 144


  • Drag to hotbar to use
  • Like a potion, no need to swap out to use
  • Global cooldown of 45 seconds
  • Bound to account
  • Spell resistance does not apply to their effects
  • Created in stacks of 10
  • They are single target - not AoE
  • They have a casting animation and break stealth mode
  • The Flash runestone is bugged with the same blindness issues as Radiance on a Stunned/Danced/Webbed mob