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Acolyte of the Skin

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Acolyte of the Skin is a variant Warlock archetype themed around Demonic power and transformation. Introduced in Update 58.

Changes from Base Class[edit]

Eldritch Blast and Pact dice
Give up Warlock's blast and pact dice progression, instead receive the following feats automatically:
Important Tip: Multiclass characters can pick up these feats (just like Monk stance upgrade feats).
Example) 19 Cleric, 1 Acolyte of the Skin -> They can take Pact Attumement at 6, 12, 18 as their feat choice.
This is a total of 8d8 Blast Dice, 8d6 Pact Dice. For comparison, a standard Warlock at level 18 has 5d8 Blast Dice and 9d6 Pact Dice (can push to 6d8 Blast and 10d6 Pact at level 20).

Dice comparison table[edit]

Level Eldritch Blast Damage Pact Damage Effective original warlock level
1st 2d8 2d6 4th (Blast) / 4th (Pact)
6th 4d8 4d6 12th (Blast) / 8th (Pact)
12th 6d8 6d6 20th (Blast) / 12th (Pact)
18th 8d8 8d6 28th? (Blast)Icon tooltip.pngNot really an existing level, but it's effectively 28th warlock level. / 16th (Pact)

Class Summary[edit]

Any non-good
Bug: There might be a bug that allows some characters take AotS despite having incompatible alignment. However, such characters cannot take the True Patron: Fiend feat. (DDO Forums)
True Patron: Fiend
The only pact option for Acolytes. Same as Fiend pact, except:
  • No autogranted spells
  • Level 6 ability: Instead of Dark One's Luck, gain Fiendskin: +1 profane bonus to Fire Resistance per Warlock Level.

Hit die: d6

Class Skills

Skill points at 1st level: (2 + Intelligence modifier) x4
Skill points at each additional level: 2 + Intelligence modifier
Skill jump (skill).png Jump (Strength)
Skill spellcraft.png Spellcraft (Intelligence)
Skill use magic device.png Use Magic Device (Charisma)
Skill bluff.png Bluff (Charisma)
Skill concentration.png Concentration (Constitution)
Skill intimidate.png Intimidate (Charisma)

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies[edit]

Feat simpleweaponproficiency.png Simple weapons
Feat armorproficiency light.png Light armor

Past Lives[edit]

File:nopic.jpg Past Life: Acolyte of the Skin You were an Acolyte of the Skin in a past life. You occasionally find yourself throwing your hands into the air. Each time you acquire this feat you gain +1 MRR and +5 Fire Spell Power. This feat can be stacked up to three times.

Note: This class counts as a Warlock for the purposes of Completionist.

Past Life: Acolyte of the Skin is a Free Feat, which means it is permanently added to the character that unlocks it and you won't need to choose it, neither at new life nor at level up.

Enhancement Trees[edit]

Advancement table[edit]

Table: The Warlock Spells Known
Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Auto-Granted Feats Eldritch Blast Damage Pact Damage Spell Points 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st +0/+0 +0 +0 +2 Eldritch Blast, Fiend Patron, Lesser Pact Attunement, Magical Training, Light armor proficiency, Simple weapon proficiency 2d8 2d6 50 1 - - - - -
2nd +1/+1/+6 +0 +0 +3 Deceive Item 2d8 2d6 75 2 - - - - -
3rd +2/+2/+7/+12 +1 +1 +3 2d8 2d6 100 2 - - - - -
4th +3/+3/+8/+13 +1 +1 +4 Fiendish Resilience 2d8 2d6 125 2 1 - - - -
5th +3/+3/+8/+13 +1 +1 +4 2d8 2d6 150 2 1 - - - -
6th +4/+4/+9/+14 +2 +2 +5 Pact Attunement, Fiendskin 4d8 4d6 175 2 1 - - - -
7th +5/+5/+10/+15 +2 +2 +5 4d8 4d6 200 2 1 1 - - -
8th +6/+6/+11/+16 +2 +2 +6 Fiendish Resilience 4d8 4d6 225 2 2 1 - - -
9th +6/+6/+11/+16 +3 +3 +6 4d8 4d6 250 2 2 1 - - -
10th +7/+7/+12/+17 +3 +3 +7 Fiendish Resistance 4d8 4d6 275 2 2 1 1 - -
11th +8/+8/+13/+18 +3 +3 +7 4d8 4d6 300 2 2 2 1 - -
12th +9/+9/+14/+19 +4 +4 +8 Fiendish Resilience, Greater Pact Attunement, Paragon's Aegis 6d8 6d6 325 2 2 2 1 - -
13th +9/+9/+14/+19 +4 +4 +8 Deceive Item 6d8 6d6 350 2 2 2 1 1 -
14th +10/+10/+15/+20 +4 +4 +9 Paragon's Aegis 6d8 6d6 375 2 2 2 2 1 -
15th +11/+11/+16/+21 +5 +5 +9 Hurl Through Hell 6d8 6d6 400 2 2 2 2 1 -
16th +12/+12/+17/+22 +5 +5 +10 Fiendish Resilience, Paragon's Aegis 6d8 6d6 425 2 2 2 2 1 1
17th +12/+12/+17/+22 +5 +5 +10 6d8 6d6 450 2 2 2 2 2 1
18th +13/+13/+18/+23 +6 +6 +11 Ultimate Pact Attunement, Paragon's Aegis 8d8 8d6 475 2 2 2 2 2 1
19th +14/+14/+19/+24 +6 +6 +11 8d8 8d6 500 2 2 2 2 2 2
20th +15/+15/+20/+25 +6 +6 +12 Fiendish Resilience, Paragon's Aegis 8d8 8d6 525 2 2 2 2 2 2

Class feats[edit]

Level 1[edit]

  • Eldritch Blast (Stance): Fires a ranged magical bolt of energy dealing force (base die) and fire damage (pact die). The base Eldritch Blast die scales with 125% spell power, but different shape or essences can change this percentage.
  • Lesser Pact Attunement: Increases Eldritch Blast base damage by 2d8 and Pact Die by 2d6. These increase by 2d8 and 2d6 at Warlock levels 6, 12 (Greater), and 18 (Ultimate); for a total of 8d8 / 8d6 at level 18.
  • Pact: Fiend (see Pact Choices table for more information). Note: Acolyte of the Skin does not get any Pact spells.

Level 2[edit]

Level 4[edit]

  • Fiendish Resilience: +1 to Fortitude Saving Throws.; increases by +1 at Warlock levels 8, 12, 16, and 20.

Level 6[edit]

  • Pact Attunement: Increases Eldritch Blast base damage by 2d8 and Pact Die by 2d6
  • Fiendskin: +1 profane bonus to Fire Resistance per Warlock level.

Level 10[edit]

  • Fiendish Resistance: +5 Fire Resistance

Level 12[edit]

  • Greater Pact Attunement: Increases Eldritch Blast base damage by 2d8 and Pact Die by 2d6
  • Paragon's Aegis: +5 MRR; increases by +5 at Warlock Levels 14, 16, 18, and 20.

Level 15[edit]

Hurl Through Hell: A spell that instantly kills the target on a failed save (is 'hurled' to hell) or is paralyzed with fear for 6 seconds.

Level 18[edit]

  • Ultimate Pact Attunement: Increases Eldritch Blast base damage by 2d8 and Pact Die by 2d6



  • Acolyte of the Skin casts warlock spells, which are drawn from the Warlock spell list.
  • A Warlock must choose and prepare their spells in advance (see below).
  • To prepare or cast a spell, a warlock must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a warlock's spell is 10 + the spell level + the warlock's Charisma modifier.
  • Like other spellcasters, a warlock can prepare only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day.
  • Their base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Warlock.
  • The Arcane Spell Failure from light armor (but not shields) is ignored by Warlocks when casting Warlock spells. The Enlightened Spirit Tier IV enhancement extends this benefit to medium armor.
  • See also spell usefulness.

See also[edit]