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Update 59 Patch 2 Release Notes

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Here are the Release Notes for Update 59.2, released on Thursday, May 25th, 2023.

News and Notes:[edit]

Hardcore Server:[edit]

  • The Hardcore server rewards NPC has returned!
  • A display issue has been corrected for the reward item Glittery Golden Eyes Toggle.
  • Fixed some typos in the Hardcore NPC's dialog.

General Changes:[edit]

  • Adjustments have been made to the recently-released Hidden/Danger alert audio and icons. The alert volume has been decreased significantly, the look of the icons have been updated to be more consistent with other game icons that make reference to traps and hidden doors, and the icons are now smaller.
  • The boss fight in the quest "Friends in Low Places" has been rebuilt.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing certain characters that had versioning conflicts to crash upon login.
  • The OpenAI (sound) library has been rolled back to 1.19 for 64-bit game clients. The 32-bit game client had not been upgraded. This rollback is to address a new crashing issue experienced by a some users. Known issue: Some forms of crashes from sound that had been fixed in a previous update may re-appear as a result of this library rollback.

Source: Official U59.2.0 release notes on

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