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The Mines of Tethyamar

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The Dwarves have returned to the Mines of Tethyamar to seek fabulous treasure, only to find the Drow of the Underdark are after it as well. Five level 15 (Heroic)/Level 31 (Epic) quests with an appearance by one of the Forgotten Realms' most intriguing villains.

The Mines of Tethyamar adpack icon.jpg
725 DP Requires access to adventure pack: The Mines of Tethyamar


Dwarves have uncovered riches in a long lost outpost in the Underdark. They urge you to join them:

  • Help them take on the deadly drow threatening their excavation, and you can share in the spoils!
  • Their offer seems too good to be true, yet who can resist the promise of the Jewels of Ardor?
  • Claim your share of the fortune!

The Mines of Tethyamar (sometimes referred to as the Jewels of Ardor) is a Heroic level 15 / Legendary level 31 adventure pack with 5 quests, introduced in Update 36.

The adventure pack is accessed from the Tethyamar Mining Outpost public area

  • Arman Argentine, the Mines of Tethyamar Recruiter, provides transport from Eveningstar (located just to the West of the Main Square)
  • Contains a Spirit Binder, bar, shop, and quest givers

The quest arc is bestowed by Asta the Deep-Minded, located outside the tavern within the mining outpost. The quest arc reward list does not include named items.

Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Graveyard Shift15/315The Harpers
Records of the Past15/315The Harpers
Third Time's a Charm15/315The Harpers
Strike Back15/315The Harpers
Desire in the Dark15/315The Harpers
Total5 Quests25 
 ♣73,233Epic Casual
 ♦125,152Epic Normal
 ♥128,245Epic Hard
 ♠131,337Epic Elite

See also[edit]