Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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Deity feats

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Icon Class feats.png
Icon General feats.png
Icon Favor feats.png
Inherent Feats icon.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Racial feats.png
Icon Deity feats.png
Epic Past Life
Icon Epic feats.png
Icon Epic Destiny feats.png
Icon Legendary feats.png
Icon Past Life feats.png
Icon Racial Past Life feats.png
Icon Epic Life feats.png
Icon Iconic Past Life feats.png

This page is about Deity-based feats for Divine classes, for the lore aspect of each deities, see Deities.

Deity Based Feats

Starting World Religion Favored weapon Level 1 feat°* Level 3 feat° Level 6 feat°* Level 12 feat° Level 20 feat°†
Fav Weapon: Proficiency & +1 To Hit Fav Weapon:
+1 Attack & Damage (exotic);
+2 Attack & Damage (simple/martial)
Unique Active Ability Fav Weapon:
+1 Attack & Damage (exotic);
+2 Attack & Damage (martial);
+3 Attack & Damage (simple)
Damage Reduction 10, bypassed by named material
Eberron Aureon
(excluding Bladeforged)
Quarterstaff Follower of Aureon Child of Faith Aureon's Instruction Beloved of Aureon Damage Reduction: Cold Iron
Blood of Vol
(excluding Bladeforged)
Dagger Follower of the Blood of Vol Child of Faith The Blood is The Life Beloved of the Blood of Vol Damage Reduction: Good
Lord of Blades
(Bladeforged, Warforged only)
Greatsword Follower of the Lord of Blades Child of Faith Bladesworn Transformation Beloved of the Lord of Blades Damage Reduction: Adamantine
(excluding Bladeforged)
Sickle Follower of Olladra Child of Faith Luck of Olladra Beloved of Olladra Damage Reduction: Cold Iron
(excluding Bladeforged)
Warhammer Follower of Onatar Child of Faith Onatar's Forge Beloved of Onatar Damage Reduction: Cold Iron
Silver Flame
(excluding Bladeforged)
Longbow Follower of the Silver Flame Child of Faith Silver Flame Exorcism Beloved of the Silver Flame Damage Reduction: Silver
Sovereign Host
(excluding Bladeforged)
Longsword Follower of the Sovereign Host Child of Faith Unyielding Sovereignty Beloved of the Sovereign Host Damage Reduction: Cold Iron, Silver
Undying Court
(Elf, Half-Elf, Wood Elf, Eladrin only)
Scimitar Follower of the Undying Court Child of Faith Undying Call Beloved of the Undying Court Damage Reduction: Cold Iron
(Drow only)
Shortsword Follower of Vulkoor Child of Faith Vulkoor's Avatar Beloved of Vulkoor Damage Reduction: Good
Forgotten Realms Amaunator Heavy Mace Favored by Amaunator Child of Faith Amaunator's Brilliance Beloved of Amaunator Damage Reduction: Silver
(excluding Morninglord)
Bastard Sword Favored by Helm Child of Faith Ever Watchful Beloved of Helm Damage Reduction: Adamantine
(excluding Morninglord)
Maul Favored by Silvanus Child of Faith Blessing of Silvanus Beloved of Silvanus Damage Reduction: Silver