Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Update 25 Release Notes

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Update 25 Release Notes[edit]

Welcome to the Release Notes for Update 25, released on Monday, April 6, 2015.

Of Special Note[edit]

Temple of Elemental Evil![edit]

Explore the classic Temple of Elemental Evil! Featuring the voice of actor/writer Wil Wheaton, this new adventure pack (FREE to VIPs) offers both Heroic and Epic level versions. The NPCs that bestow and take adventurers to the Temple of Elemental Evil can be found in the Stormreach or Eveningstar Hall of Heroes in addition to the Hall of Heroes passport available from the Character Selection screen.

New Monster Manual![edit]

A new volume of the Monster Manual is available in the DDO Store (free to VIPs)! Slay monsters anywhere in DDO and earn cool rewards, such as D&D monster art and cosmetic pets! This is the last Monster Manual edition to feature Astral Shards, so get it today – the next edition of Monster Manual will offer a different type of reward!

News and Notes[edit]


  • Each Swashbuckler Core enhancement had been erroneously granting an extra +1 Doublestrike. This extra Doublestrike has been removed to match the text.


DDO Store[edit]

  • The minimum level to purchase Veteran Status I and II has been removed.


  • The Harper Agent's Enchantment of Righteousness has had its text and functionality updated. It now reads: Your weapon gains stacking +3 Enhancement bonus to attack and damage, an additional +2 to attack bonus and damage against evil creatures, and your weapon is considered Good-aligned.
  • The Ninja Spy's Sting of the Ninja should now work properly with all named weapons (that meet the requirements.)
  • Fighter's Inciting Defense now gives 50/100/150% Hate Generation.
  • Fighter's Threatening Countenance now gives 20/40/60% Hate Generation.
  • Paladin's Divine Righteousness now gives 200% Hate Generation.
  • Paladin's Inciting Defense now gives 50/100/150% Hate Generation.
  • The Monk Mountain Stance now gives 50% Hate Generation, and its upgrades now give 100/150/200% Hate Generation.
  • Warforged's Brute Fighting now gives 25/50/75% Hate Generation.
  • Half Orc's Brutal Fighting now gives 25/50/75% Hate Generation.
  • Half Orc's Brutal Spellcasting now gives 25/50/75% Hate Generation.
  • The Rogue Assassin has been improved:
    • Core Abilities
      • Assassin's Trick now works on all enemies, and no longer has a saving throw. The attack now has a shorter animation. Cooldown is now 6 seconds, and duration is now 15 seconds.
      • Nimbleness no longer requires sneak attacks, and works on any hit. +5 Melee Power.
      • Lethality: +5 Melee Power.
      • Deadly Shadow: You gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Intelligence. You gain 10 Melee Power and +4 Sneak Attack dice. You gain +4 to Reflex Saving Throws. You gain +2 to the DC of your Assassinate.
    • Tier One
      • Poison Strikes now applies an "Assassin's Mark" to an opponent for 10 seconds.
      • Shiv no longer reduces threat when you attack, and instead offers an additional passive bonus that reduces the threat of all your attacks by 5/10/15%. The attack also makes a Bluff check, using your Bluff skill, when you strike an opponent, for one second + .25 seconds per Rogue level.)
      • Stealthy now also gains +20/35/50% movement speed while sneaking.
    • Tier Two
      • Venomed Blades costs 1/1/1 AP, and now scales with 200% Melee Power.
      • Bleed Them Out's bleed damage scales with 200% Melee Power.
      • Damage Boost's cost has been reduced to 1 AP per level. The boost to Melee Power is now 10/20/30.
    • Tier Three
      • Critical Accuracy has been removed.
      • Critical Mastery: (1/1/1 AP) + 1/2/3 bonus to critical damage and to confirm critical hits.
    • Tier Four
      • Critical Damage has been removed.
      • Weakening Strikes reduces the Melee and Ranged Power of opponents by 10 + Rogue Level/2 for 10 seconds if you attack an enemy with an "Assassin's Mark."
      • Execute: If a target is below 30% health, deal 500 damage. This damage scales with 200% Melee Power, and has a cooldown of 15 seconds. This enhancement no longer has a sneak attack requirement.
    • Tier Five
      • Assassinate now has a 12 second cooldown.
      • Measure the Foe: Gain +4 Melee Power, +2 Dodge, +2 Maximum Dodge, +1 to hit and +1 to the DC's of your Assassinate ability for every 4/2/1 seconds you remain stealthed. This effect stacks up to five times, and lasts 10 seconds after you come out of stealth.
      • Deadly Strikes: Your attacks against enemies with an "Assassin's Mark" to +5 damage.
      • Light Armor Mastery: (1/1/1 AP) You gain 1/2/3 to Maximum Dodge. While wearing light armor, gain 2/4/6 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus of your armor and armor check penalty, and gain 2/4/6 Physical Resistance Rating.
  • The Rogue Mechanic has been improved:
    • Core Abilities
      • Arbalester: Your ranged sneak attack and point blank shot range increases by five meters for every trained Mechanic Core enhancement.
      • Tanglefoot: Acid Damage that scales with 200% Ranged Power. DCs are now 10+Rogue Level+Intelligence Modifier
      • Improved Detection: You gain +1 to-hit, +1 damage, and 1 extra Sneak Attack die with bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons.
      • Expert Builder: You gain a +1 Critical Multiplier for bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons. Critical Multiplier increases to +2 for Great Crossbows.
      • Hip Flask: The action boost portion of Hip Flask now also heals you for 10d3+30 and adds +10 to Dodge (ignoring Dodge caps) when activated. The healing scales with 200% Ranged Power. The Dodge and Maximum Dodge increase lasts for 10 seconds.
    • Tier One
      • Crossbow Training - now called Sharpshooter: +1 to-hit and damage with all bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons. Non-repeating crossbows increase the damage to +2.
      • Lacerating Shots: The Bleed damage now scaled with 200% Ranged Power.
      • Thunderstone: The damage now scales with 200% Ranged Power. The DC is now 12/16/20 + Rogue Level + Intelligence bonus.
    • Tier Two
      • Crossbow Training - now called Sharpshooter: +1 to hit and damage with all bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons. Non-repeating crossbows increase the damage to +2.
      • Wand and Scroll Mastery: 1/1/1 AP
    • Tier Three
      • Crossbow Training - now called Sharpshooter: +1 to-hit and damage with all bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons. Non-repeating crossbows increase the damage to +2.
      • Wrack Construct: The base attack deals +1[W]. Damage is increased to 3d6/6d6/9d6. Damage scales with 200% Ranged Power. Now reduces fortification by 25%. The debuff's duration has been increased to 20 seconds. (NOTE: The Artificer version has been changed as well.)
      • Ooze Flask: In addition to debuffing Armor Class, this enhancement debuffs PRR by an equal amount. The DC has been increased to 10 + Rogue Level + Intelligence modifier. The damage scales with 200% Ranged Power.
    • Tier Four
      • Crossbow Training - now called Sharpshooter: +1 to-hit and damage with all bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons. Non-repeating crossbows increase the damage to +2.
      • Fletching: You are skilled at enhancing, salvaging, and re-purposing your arrows, bolts, and throwing weapons. You gain 10 Ranged Power and your ammunition gains a 50/65/80% chance of returning.
      • Leg Shot: Now also does +2[W] damage.
    • Tier Five
      • Crossbow Training - now called Sharpshooter: +1 to-hit and damage with all bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons. Non-repeating crossbows increase the damage to +6.
      • Mechanical Reloader: +10 Ranged Power, +10% Ranged Alacrity with repeating crossbows and thrown weapons. +20% Ranged Alacrity with non-repeating crossbows.
      • Time Bomb: Cooldown is now 20 seconds. The time to set the bomb is now very fast, and the time before exploding is now two seconds. Saving Throw to negate knockdown now uses 10/14/18 + Rogue Level + Intelligence Modifier + Trap Bonus as the DC. The Action Point code has been reduced to one per rank.
      • Sniper: 2 AP. You gain 1 extra Sneak Attack die with bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons. Non-repeating crossbows increase this to 2 Sneak Attack dice and also gain +1[W]. Great Crossbows now vorpal on a 19-20.
  • The Rogue Thief-Acrobat has been improved:
    • Core Abilities
      • Tumbler now adds +2 to maximum Dodge.
      • Kip Up now adds +2 to maximum Dodge.
      • Cartwheel Charge now adds +2 to maximum Dodge. You also gain 5% Doublestrike.
    • Tier One
      • Sly Flourish's bonus weapon damage has been increased to 1/2/3[W]. The enhancement comes with a passive ability that reduces the threat of all attacks by 5/10/15%. The cooldown has been reduced to eight seconds.
      • Faster Sneaking has been moved to the Assassin tree.
      • Fast Movement: You run 1% faster for each of your Rogue levels if you are wearing cloth or light armor.
    • Tier Two
      • Haste Boost now costs 1/1/1 AP.
    • Tier Three
      • Improved Glancing Blows has had its chance to produce secondary weapon attacks increased to 4/8/12%.
      • Shadow Dodge (2/2/2 AP) is no longer a toggle, and now adds 1/2/3 to Dodge, Maximum Dexterity while wearing light armor, and Dexterity.
      • Sweeping Strikes has had its cost reduced to 1/1/1
    • Tier Four
      • Staff Lunge has had its cost reduced to 1/1/1 and its damage bonus increased to 2/4/6[W]. Staff Lunge now passes through enemies and delivers an area of effect attack at the end of the lunge.
    • Tier Five
      • Acrobatic Staff Training: You gain +3 to hit and +3 damage with quarterstaves.
      • Spinning Staff Wall (2 AP): Activate to gain 50 Physical Resistance Rating for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 90 seconds. Passive: While wearing cloth or light armor, gain 5% Dodge, 5% Maximum Dodge, and 5 Maximum Dexterity Bonus with Light Armor.
  • Swashbuckler's Low Blow now properly affects undead.



  • New Veteran status characters now receive a contract for a cleric hireling from the Minotaur Crewman on the Heart of Wind.


  • The Ruby Eyes of Righteousness and Force now correctly state in their long descriptions that they do 3 to 12 damage, instead of 4 to 16.
  • PRR and MRR values for Heavy/Medium/Light armors are now:
    • Heavy: 30 + Base Attack Bonus + 6
    • Medium: 20 + (2*BAB)/3 +4
    • Light: 10 + BAB/2 + 2.
  • Ammunition found in chests will now appear in stacks of 100.
  • Thieves' Tools now stack up to one thousand in a stack.
  • Mysterious Cloaks and Bracers that had non-functioning Green Augment slots now work correctly.
  • Fixed a text error in the description of MRR for Mysterious Cloaks and Bracers.


  • The Champion Hunter vendor in the Hall of Heroes is now an Orc Gatekeeper.

Quests and Adventure Areas[edit]

  • Eveningstar
  • Gianthold
    • The Crucible
      • The optional objectives at the start of the quest no longer give XP.
      • XP for completing the quest has been boosted to be equivalent to the XP removed from optionals.
  • The Marketplace
    • A new teleporter has been located in the Marketplace.
    • There is a new NPC near the Airship Tower that tells players how to get to the Temple of Elemental Evil.
    • Vertigo, the Crafting tutorial NPC, has moved next to the big pillar between the Airship Tower and the new Teleporter.
    • Kipling Vranch, a Collectibles Trader, has been moved to Vertigo's old spot.
    • Zerchi Spire-Keeper, who takes players to the Restless Isles, has moved south of his old location, and is now near the Auctioneer Churchwarden.
    • Kupper-Nickel, who takes players to Zawabi's Refuge, has moved west of the Airship Tower along with some of his friends.
    • Loghan d'Deneith, who gives the quest Gladewatch Outpost Defense, has moved west of his old spot to the entrance of House Deneith.
    • Jasper Cruikshank, who gives the quest Archer Point Defense, has moved west of his old spot to the entrance of House Deneith.
  • Wheloon
    • Gangs of criminals and other miscreants are now less likely to appear in the Wheloon landscape.


  • Traps that deal damage now show floaty-text damage numbers, and report in the Combat Log like most damage.
  • The time to place traps has been reduced to 1 second.
  • The time for traps to "arm" after being placed has been reduced to 1 second.
  • The general cooldown on placing traps has been reduced from fifteen seconds to eight seconds.
  • Small and Weak elemental traps now have a larger damage area, matching Average traps.
  • Device Workstations now have recipes for elemental traps from minimum levels 13-27.


  • Resetting Enhancements and Epic Destiny trees may now take slightly longer to improve server performance.
  • Up to twelve maps are now visible at a time if you've unlocked their associated "Fog of War."
  • Fixed an issue with mouselook mode that could cause confirmation dialogs to become unclickable.

Known Issues[edit]

Known issues are now available:

Source: Official U25.0.0 release notes on

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