Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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DDO wiki:FAQ

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These are a list of Frequently Asked Questions from readers and new editors of the DDOWiki.

Q - Who can edit the DDOWiki?

A - Anyone - you can! You can do it "anonymously" if it's one-time (your IP number will be logged), or you can create an account if you want your edits to add up and give you more editorial permissions.

Familiarize yourself with the editing guidelines, and thanks for helping!

Q - I'd like to add some information to the site, but I've got a question about how to proceed and I don't know where to ask it.

A - This is also a good thing to hit the Help desk for.

You can also start a new topic on any /Discussion page. See similar discussion pages for formatting.

Q - Should I name a new article "Cool item" or "Cool items"?

A - If you intend to create a list (or category) of cool items, name the topic "Cool items" (or "Category:Cool items"). If you intend to describe what is a cool item, just name it "Cool item". Also check out the Naming policy for more detailed information on this.

Q - Should I name a new article "Cool Items" or "Cool items"?

A - Second choice ("Cool items"). Only the first letter should be capitalized. Exceptions are proper nouns (like named items or monsters), acronyms like FAQ or AC, and cases where the words are all capitalized in-game (like feats or spells). Also check out the Naming policy for more detailed information on this.

Q - How do I upload images on the site?

A - To do that, please follow the "upload file" link on the toolbox side bar.

Q - What's up with the ads?

A - The ads help to pay for the hosting costs of the wiki. That said, there is an easy way to get rid of them. Once you login to the wiki, the ads will disappear! So if you haven't already, please register an account on DDO wiki and start contributing. Not only will you help out the DDO community, you also will no longer have to look at the ads. It's a win-win situation! :)

Q - I saw a bad ad (plat/gold farmer ad.) Does DDO wiki support that?

A - DDO wiki does not support selling in game currency for real money. If you see an ad trying to sell it, please post the ad's information on Xevo's (Site Administrator) talk page. The ad will then get removed from the wiki. Make sure to include the URL of the site the offending ad is for. This can be found at the bottom of the ad.

Q - How can I remove the annoying CAPTCHA? I would like to edit more but find it incredibly annoying.

A - We pride ourselves on providing the best and most accurate information possible and are happy to reward our editors with extra privileges for making that happen. The first step in the promotion ladder turns off the CAPTCHA edit tests and you can check out the details Here.