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The Pirates of the Thunder Sea (Heroic)

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The Pirates of the Thunder Sea
Heroic Saga (Saga main article)
Level range: 4-7
Consists of: 10 quests
NPC contact: Drell Jake
Acquired in: Barrel's Bottom
Adventure Pack(s): Free to Play
Three-Barrel Cove
Sentinels of Stormreach
 ♦Normal:Normal  ♦10 saga pointsNormal
 ♥Hard:Hard  ♥17 saga pointsHard
 ♠Elite:Elite  ♠25 saga pointsElite
 ●True Elite:Epic  ●30 saga pointsEpic
Free to Play: No

This is a low level saga and it offers an efficient way to farm guild renown even for characters who cannot complete higher level sagas quickly.

As of Update 23, this saga is now repeatable, and on a three-day raid timer.

Bug: The "three-day" raid timer is actually 100 hours, i.e. 4 days and 4 hours.


Sample rewards[edit]

  • Normal (All on Normal) - One of: 8K XP / One +1 skill tome / 5K guild renown
  • Hard (All + 17 points - 3 on Normal, 7 on Hard) - One of: 13K XP / Choice of one of two +1 skill tomes / 7.5K guild renown
  • Elite (All + 25 points - 5 on Hard, 5 on Elite) - One of: 20K XP / Choice of one of three +1 skill tomes / 10K guild renown
  • True Elite (The total 30 points - all on Elite) - One of: 26K XP / Choice of one of four +1 skill tomes / 15K guild renown

See also[edit]