Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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Epic Destiny Feats

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Icon Deity feats.png
Epic Past Life
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Icon Epic Destiny feats.png
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Icon Epic Life feats.png
Icon Iconic Past Life feats.png

Epic Destiny Feats[edit]

All characters are granted their choice at levels 22, 25, 28, 31 and 34 (& levels 37 & 40 when the cap is raised.)

Feat list[edit]

Icon Feat Type Description Prerequisites
Icon Feat Arcane Actions.png Arcane Actions Passive

Whenever you use an Action Boost, you gain a +50 Competence Bonus to Universal Spell Power and +2 Imbue Dice for 6 seconds.

Level 22
Icon Arcane Pulse.png Arcane Pulse Active Cost: 10 Spell points Cooldown: 3 seconds

Gain the spell Arcane Pulse:

  • A magical pulse of force reverberates through the target's body, dealing 3d6+6 force damage every 2 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. This spell can stack on the target up to 5 times, increasing the damage with each stack.
Level 28
Icon Arcane Warrior.png Arcane Warrior Passive
  • Your weapon and unarmed attacks grant you a stack of Arcane Warrior: Magical (+2 Universal Spell Power).
  • Your offensive spells grant you a stack of Arcane Warrior: Physical (+1 Melee and Ranged Power).

Each of these stacks to 20 times and each stack lasts for 12 seconds. You may gain a stack of each no more than once per second.

(Spells that are capable of healing via Positive, Negative, or Repair will not provide stacks, even if they can also have an offensive component).

Level 28
Icon Feat Channel Power.png Channel Power Passive

After blocking with an Orb or Staff for at least 3 seconds, you gain a +100 Competence Bonus to Universal Spell Power and +4 to Spell DCs for 3 seconds.

Level 22
Icon Crush Weakness.png Crush Weakness Passive

+15% damage versus the Helpless

Level 25
Icon Deific Warding.png Deific Warding Passive

+10 PRR and MRR. When you take damage from an enemy's attack or spell, add one stack of Deific Warding (+2 to PRR and MRR). This effect can stack up to 10 times. One stack is removed every 3 seconds.

Level 28
Icon Doubleshot.png Doubleshot (epic destiny feat) Passive

+10% Doubleshot

Level 25
Icon Doublestrike.png Doublestrike Passive

+5% Doublestrike.

Level 22
Icon Dreamscape.png Dreamscape Active Cooldown: 1 minute

Activate to pop off to the land of dreams. You are invulnerable and invisible for five seconds, then return with a random 30-second buff. 1 minute cooldown. The available buffs are:

Level 28
Icon Elemental Form Specialty.png Elemental Form Specialty Passive
  • Your elemental forms grant you mastery over the other three elements as well. Excluding the element of your current form, you gain the following bonuses to air, earth, fire, and water as long as you are in a Sorcerer's Elemental Apotheosis or Druid Elemental Wild Shape form: +3 caster levels with those elements, +3 to max caster level with those elements, +20 to spellpower of those elements, +2% spell critical chance with those elements.
Level 31
Icon Elusive Target.png Elusive Target Passive

Each time you would be physically damaged, you have a +5% chance to completely ignore the damage.

(This applies to physical attacks and spells that deal physical damage.)

Level 25
Icon Embodiment of Law.png Embodiment of Law Passive

+3 Physical and Magical Resistance Rating. If you are lawful, gain +2 Imbue Dice.

Level 28
Icon Enhanced Elemental Dice.png Enhanced Elemental Dice Passive Level 31
Icon Epic Mage Armor.png Epic Mage Armor Active Cost: 5 Spell points

Gain SLA:

  • Effect: +20 Armor bonus to AC for 10 minutes.
  • Target: Friend, Self.
Level 22
Icon Epic Eldritch Blast.png Epic Pact Dice Passive

+1d6 Pact dice, +1d6 per 2 epic levels and legendary levels. For example, a level 32 character receives +1d6 base increase, +5d6 from epic levels, and +1d6 from legendary levels.

Level 22, Warlock 12
[[File:]] Epic Spell Power Passive

This feat has multiple variants: Acid Cold Electricity Fire Force Light Negative Poison Positive Repair Sonic
(acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, light/alignment, negative, poison, positive, repair, sonic).

  • +20 Spell Power of the selected type.
  • +10% spell critical damage with the selected type.
  • +5% universal types of spell critical damage.
Level 22
Icon Feat Face Me.png Face Me Passive

Whenever you use an Action Boost, your threat generation is increased by 200% for 6 seconds.

Level 22
Icon First Blood.png First Blood Passive

Melee weapons and unarmed attacks deal 50-300 extra untyped damage against enemies with 90% or more HP. This extra damage won't trigger twice within three seconds..

Level 25
Forced Escape.png Forced Escape Active Cost: 30 Spell points Cooldown: 20 seconds

You gain the spell Forced Escape:

  • You radiate destruction, dealing 20d20 sonic damage to enemies around you. Enemies succeeding a Fortitude saving throw vs. (20 + Wisdom modifier) take half damage. This dispels crowd control effects such as stuns on you, and can be used when stunned or otherwise incapacitated (but still conscious).
Level 25
Icon Fount of Life.png Fount of Life Passive

+20 Healing Amplification and Positive Spell Power

Level 28
Icon Feat Guarded Actions.png Guarded Actions Passive

Whenever you use an Action Boost, you take 20% less damage for 6 seconds.

Level 22
Icon Guardian Angel.png Guardian Angel Passive

When you drop below 50% HP, for thirty seconds you gain Physical Resistance equal to your Wisdom and saving throws equal to your epic level. This won't trigger again for three minutes.

Level 22
Icon Harbinger of Chaos.png Harbinger of Chaos Passive

+2% Doublestrike and Doubleshot. If you are Chaotic, gain +2 Imbue Dice.

Level 28
Icon Hellball.png Hellball Active Cost: 45 Spell points Cooldown: 6 seconds

Gain the spell Hellball:

  • Deal 3d20 + 15 acid, electric, fire, and sonic damage to enemies in an area. Successful Reflex saving throws may negate each type of damage.
  • Taking this feat provides two versions, one based on Charisma and another based on Intelligence.
  • Bug: The feat description has incorrect damage and SP cost; however, the Charisma and Intelligence versions it provides are correct.
Level 25
Icon Holy Strike.png Holy Strike Passive

Your weapons gain Ghost Touch. Your vorpal strikes deal 10d6 untyped damage vs. Evil enemies. (This bonus damage works with melee, unarmed, and ranged attacks.)

Level 22
Icon Feat Intimidating Shout.png Intimidating Shout Active

Activate to shout at all nearby creatures, Intimidating them unless they make a Will Saving Throw (DC equal to your Intimidate skill). This works on all creature types, including those normally immune to Intimidate.

Level 22
Icon Lasting Inspiration.png Lasting Inspiration Passive
  • +3 Bard Songs per rest.
  • You sing your Bardic Inspiration as if you had 6 additional Bard levels.
Level 22
Icon Legendary Aim.png Legendary Aim Passive
  • While using a Ranged Weapon, +10 to Attack, +5% Dodge bypass.
Level 31
Icon Legendary Toughness.png Legendary Toughness Passive
  • +100 maximum hit points. This can be taken multiple times.
Level 31, Constitution 21
Icon Perfect Natural Fighting.png Perfect Natural Fighting Passive
  • If in Bear form, your Two-Handed ability modifier increases by .25, and your Bear form's bonus to Armor Class is increased by 5%.
  • If in Wolf form, +20% competence bonus to maximum hit points, and you gain +2d6 sneak attack dice.
Level 22, Natural Fighting
Icon Perfect Shield Mastery.png Perfect Shield Mastery Passive

You are the paragon of shield usage, able to effectively leverage all types of shields in close combat. Your shield gains +1W, and you gain +20% Shield Armor Class and +5 Physical Resistance Rating.

Level 22, Shield Mastery
Icon Perfect Single Weapon Fighting.png Perfect Single Weapon Fighting Passive

While Single Weapon Fighting:

  • Your vorpal threat range is increased by +1 (instead of scoring Vorpal hits only on a roll of 20, you score them on a roll of 19-20, assuming you confirm the critical hit.)
  • Your ability score modifier to damage increases by 25%.
  • +10 Combat Style bonus to Melee Power.
Level 22, Single Weapon Fighting
Icon Perfect Two Handed Fighting.png Perfect Two Handed Fighting Passive

While two-handed fighting: You gain +30% Strikethrough chance. You also gain a +10 Combat Style bonus to Melee Power while two-handed fighting, and your ability score modifier to damage increases by 25% (dwarven axes and bastard swords are not included).

Level 22
Icon Perfect Two Weapon Fighting.png Perfect Two Weapon Fighting Passive
  • Your offhand attacks now doublestrike at 65% of the rate of your main hand, versus the base 50%, up to a maximum of 65%.
Level 22, Two Weapon Fighting
Icon Pierce Adamantine.png Pierce Adamantine Passive

Your equipped weapons are considered Adamantine, allowing them to bypass that form of damage reduction.

Level 22
Icon Pierce Byeshk.png Pierce Byeshk Passive

Your equipped weapons are considered Byeshk, allowing them to bypass that form of damage reduction.

Level 22
Icon Pierce Cold Iron.png Pierce Cold Iron Passive

Your equipped weapons are considered Cold Iron, allowing them to bypass that form of damage reduction.

Level 22
Icon Pierce Silver.png Pierce Silver Passive

Your equipped weapons are considered Silver, allowing them to bypass that form of damage reduction.

Level 22
Icon Shield Mastery Specialty.png Shield Mastery Specialty Passive

While wielding a shield, you gain +10% Doublestrike and a +9 Combat Style bonus to Melee Power. You gain +10 Physical Resistance Rating while using a buckler or small shield. If you are using a large shield, this bonus increases to +15. If you are using a tower shield, this bonus increases to +20. This does not work in animal form. This does not count as a Combat Fighting Style feat.

Level 31; at least one of Greater Single Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting or Greater Two Handed Fighting
Icon Single Weapon Specialty.png Single Weapon Specialty Passive
  • While Single Weapon Fighting (fighting with a single one-handed weapon, and wielding only an orb, rune arm, or nothing in your offhand) you gain a +30% Combat Style bonus to attack speed, +6 Combat Style bonus to Melee Power, and +50% more of your appropriate ability score to your damage.
  • For the bastard sword and dwarven waraxe, this adds to their existing 10% bonus.
  • If you have bonuses to ability score modifier to damage from both Single Weapon Fighting and Two Handed Fighting feats (including this one), and are in a situation where both would apply, only the highest of the two applies.
  • This does not work in animal form.
  • This does not count as a Combat Fighting Style feat.
Level 31; at least one of Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Handed Fighting or Greater Shield Mastery
Icon Spell Specialty.png Spell Specialty Passive

This feat allows you to improve potency (+3 DC) in a secondary school. It has multiple variants.

  • Spell Specialty: Abjuration: You gain a secondary spell focus: +3 to the DC of your Abjuration spells.
  • Spell Specialty: Conjuration: You gain a secondary spell focus: +3 to the DC of your Conjuration spells.
  • Spell Specialty: Enchantment: You gain a secondary spell focus: +3 to the DC of your Enchantment spells.
  • Spell Specialty: Evocation: You gain a secondary spell focus: +3 to the DC of your Evocation spells.
  • Spell Specialty: Illusion: You gain a secondary spell focus: +3 to the DC of your Illusion spells.
  • Spell Specialty: Necromancy: You gain a secondary spell focus: +3 to the DC of your Necromancy spells.
  • Spell Specialty: Transmutation: You gain a secondary spell focus: +3 to the DC of your Transmutation spells.


Level 31, Epic Spell Focus
Icon Spirit Blades.png Spirit Blades Active Cost: 20 Cooldown: 4 seconds

Gain the spell Spirit Blades:

  • Create a series of spectral blades which fly at a nearby opponent. Each of the five blades does 10d6 Piercing and 5d6 Force damage.
Level 28
Icon Tactician.png Tactician Passive

Gain +2 to the DCs of your tactical feats.

Level 22
Icon Feat Titan's Blood.png Titan's Blood Passive

You gain a +10% Legendary Bonus to Maximum Hit Points.

Level 34
Icon Feat Toughness.png Toughness Passive

Increases your hit points by +3 at first level, and 1 additional hit point for each additional level.

Icon Two Handed Specialty.png Two Handed Specialty Passive
  • While Two-Handed Fighting:
    • +120% Strikethrough Chance.
    • You also gain a +6 Combat Style bonus to Melee Power while Two-Handed Fighting.
    • For the purpose of this feat,
      • you are considered to be Two-Handed Fighting while using a Two-Handed Melee Weapon (not including Handwraps).
      • You are also considered to be Two-Handed Fighting while wielding a Bastard Sword or Dwarven Waraxe in your main hand and a Shield, Orb, Rune Arm, or Nothing in your off-hand.
      • You are not considered to be Two-Handed Fighting while in Druid Animal Forms.
    • In addition, While using a Two Handed Weapon, you now apply 75% more of your appropriate ability score modifier to damage (This adds to their existing 50% base bonus).
    • When using a Bastard Sword or Dwarven Waraxe in your main hand and a Shield, Orb, Rune Arm, or Nothing in your off-hand you now apply +50% more of your appropriate ability score to your damage. (This adds to the existing 10% bonus for wielding a Hand-and-a-Half weapon. If you have bonuses to ability score modifier to damage from both Single Weapon Fighting and Two Handed Fighting feats (including this one), and are in a situation where both would apply, only the highest of the two applies).
    • Neither bonus applies in Animal Form.
    • This does not count as a Combat Fighting Style feat.
Level 31; at least one of Greater Single Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Weapon Fighting or Greater Shield Mastery
Icon Two Weapon Specialty.png Two Weapon Specialty Passive
  • Reduces the penalty for fighting with two weapons. You gain +60% offhand strike chance. This does not work in animal form. This does not count as a Combat Fighting Style feat.
Level 31; at least one of Greater Single Weapon Fighting, Greater Two Handed Fighting or Greater Shield Mastery
Icon Wild Force.png Wild Force Passive

While in Druid Wild Shape, you gain some of the aspects of the form you aren't in.

  • While in wolf or winter wolf form, you gain bear form's +10% exceptional bonus to AC.
  • While in bear or dire bear form, you gain wolf form's +10% movement speed.
Level 31, Druid level 5
Icon Wind through the Trees.png Wind Through the Trees Passive
  • When enemies hit or miss you, they have a 5% chance to be knocked down with no save. This may only trigger once every 12 seconds.
Level 28