Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit
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VIP Subscribers are accounts that pay either a monthly, quarterly, bi-annual, or annual fee to Standing Stone Games, they were introduced on the US Servers with the launch of Module 9 to differentiate between Premium Free To Play and Free To Play accounts. They were formerly known as regular DDO Subscribers.
Length of Term | 1 Month | 3 Month | 6 Month | 12 Month |
Price/term in USD | $14.99 | $29.97 | $59.94 | $99.99 |
Price/month in USD | $14.99 | $9.99 | $8.33 |
- Pricing correct as of: October 2018.
- Pricing may vary for European or Australian customers - but has historically always reflected the correct USD to GBP conversion rate.
In-game benefits[edit]
- Move +10% faster in public spaces! This movement speed boost stacks with all other movement boosts in public areas.
- Ability to create guilds for free.
- Extra +10% XP. This bonus stacks with other sources of experience bonus.
- Chat: Unlimited (same as premium.)
- Idle Auto-logout: Increases to 60 minutes.
- Gold Storage: Officially unlimited, technically limited to about 4.3 million pp. (Same as premium)
- Mail: 50 maximum mails at a time. Anything over that will prevent you from bidding/posting in the AH/SE or receiving mail from other characters.
- Auctions: 50 items up for sale on platinum auction house, 20 items on the Shard Exchange.
- Access to all Adventure Packs (excluding expansion content)
- Enter quests directly on Hard/Elite without having to run prior difficulties
- Monster Manual access.
- Sagas - the ability to skip one quest per quest saga.
- Shared Bank Vault for free (30 slots)
- Shared Bank: Platinum Vault: First tier (50,000 platinum deposit) for free.
- Crafting Storage (FKA Bag Deposit Box): 45 slots for free. (33 more than Premium)
- Daily Dice: One free roll on the Gold Chest each week.
- Harper Agent enhancements: access for all characters to this enhancement tree.
- Update 46 Patch 3 Release Notes: VIP players and Season Pass holders now get a small group bonus to experience. The bonus is per person in the party other than yourself, and provides a +1% XP boost per party member or member in your raid group, for a maximum bonus of +5% for a party and +11% for a raid group. This bonus is not applied for hirelings or other NPC companions in your group. This bonus stacks with other boosts to XP, including weekend XP bonuses, DDO Store elixirs, and Buddy Boost weekends. This is in addition to the standard +10% XP provided to VIP players.
- Classes that prepare spells (e.g., wizard), can swap their prepared spells in any public area.
- Classes that learn spells only when leveling up (e.g., sorcerer), can change spells at the trainer without any cooldown. Bug: The current setup for these classes is a little unreliable - you are automatically given the effect of a Blood of Dragons on each login, but this expires after an hour. You can reactivate the benefit by logging out and in again.
- May create and log into characters on the server Cormyr. Access to Cormyr characters will be suspended if your VIP subscription expires.
VIP loyalty program[edit]
Introduced May 1st, 2024, the VIP Loyalty Program allows active VIPs to unlock something special every month. To claim your bonus, speak to Violet Peregrine in the Hall of Heroes.
Account benefits[edit]
- 11 character slots per server (6 more than Premium, more may be purchased)
- 500 complementary DDO Points per month. More may be purchased or earned by gaining Favor.
- Access to the Alchemist class. Must purchase Artificer (account-wide) or unlock through Favor (per server). Must purchase Favored Soul (account-wide) or unlock through Favor (per server).
- Access to the Dragon Lord and Wild Mage archetypes.
- Access to the Warforged race (also unlockable via Favor) and the Aasimar and Eladrin races, as well as the Deep Gnome Iconic Hero. Must purchase other Iconic Heroes.
Special benefits[edit]
- On rare occasions, VIPs may receive other benefits such as exclusive in-game items (for example, the Alabaster Lioness Figurine of Wondrous Power offered early in 2017).
Out-of-date benefits[edit]
- Login Queue: Priority. Due to a spree of bugs, DDO's login queue was disabled immediately after DDO Unlimited launched. It has never been reactivated, and as such any character logging onto a full server will simply receive an error message - not that this has happened for several years.
- Permanent Customer Service access. DDO no longer offers direct customer service; however, all accounts are permitted to use SSG's support website, which serves much the same purpose nowadays.
- DDO Compendium: Read/post. The in-game Compendium has been non-functional for several years.
- Official forums: Read/post. As of the update to the new forums, all accounts except staff are treated identically.
- Beta priority: High. DDO's limited beta programme was discontinued several years ago, to be replaced with the Player's Council (a fixed roster of players which is updated via applications on a once-yearly basis) and Lamannia preview server (open for a few short periods before each major update, free to all.) Occasional extra Lamannia previews are extended to content creators, including the wiki, but these are very intermittent (one occurs for each Expansion Pack, and there was a special wiki-only preview for the Epic Destiny revamp in U51) and appear to be unrelated to account type.
VIP: Terms & Conditions[edit]
- Terms and conditions apply. DDO Points are distributed monthly based on the day of the month of your subscription activation.
- New and existing subscribers can subscribe to Dungeons & Dragons Online® for only $9.99 a month when you sign-up for three months of service.
- For existing subscribers upgrading their current subscription to the multi-month plan, the upgrade will take effect at the expiration of the subscription plan that is current at the time of the selection.
- Druid Class and Eveningstar Challenge Pack are available with the release of Menace of the Underdark.
- Menace of the Underdark and Shadowfell Conspiracy are expansions and are not included with VIP membership.
Canceling subscription[edit]
- In the store, click the down arrow next to your account name.
- Click "Manage Subscriptions".
- It shows your current VIP Subscription, click "Details".
- Under the "Subscription Details" box there is a "Hold or Cancel" link.
- Note: You will still be a VIP until the time that you have already paid for expires - they do not give refunds
- Optionally, follow up with "Delete Payment Account" option under the "Renewal Details Box".