Year of the Dragon: Through 24th September, claim one free Draconic Raiders Reward Box per server! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Update 2 Release Notes

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Welcome to the Release Notes for Dungeons & Dragons Online! These release notes were posted Wednesday, December 16th 2009.

News & Notes[edit]

Just in time for the holidays, Update 2 contains a challenging new adventure pack with five exciting dungeons that will turn your hair white. And all through December, join in the Festivult Holiday Celebration where you can find special coins and earn seasonal goodies!

Of Special Note[edit]

New Adventure Packs[edit]

Dreaming Dark[edit]

For thousands of years the Dreaming Dark have watched and waited in our dreams. Now at long last they strike. Horrific creatures from the Plane of Nightmares threaten to overrun Xen’drik and it’s up to you to defeat them. Explore five new dungeons that will send you back in time, explain ancient mysteries of the Giants, and take you to the Plane of Nightmares itself.

  • Delve deeper into the mystery of the inspired visitors in the Stormreach Harbor.
  • Unravel the forgotten secrets of the Warforged Titan and it’s tragic use by the Dreaming Dark.
  • Travel to the ancient ruins on a remote island in an effort understand the Inspired.
  • Discover the secrets of the Dreamforge.
  • Thwart the plans of the Inspired for “vessel domination”!

This level 18 to 20 adventure pack includes 5 hand-crafted adventures, and will be available for purchase Friday, December 18th! This adventure pack is available free for VIPs today, December 16th! Adventurers seeking to confront the Dreaming Dark should visit the Inspired Quarter.

Known Issues[edit]

Known issues are now available:

Source: Official U2.0.0 release notes on

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