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Alignment in DDO is similar to the PnP alignment. There is one major difference - in DDO, characters are not permitted to be Evil, although many monsters and NPCs are.

Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Good Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good
Neutral Lawful Neutral True Neutral Chaotic Neutral
Evil Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil

Changing alignment[edit]

You set your alignment when you create your character. Alignment change tokens are available from the DDO Store (BtA). Another option is True and Iconic Reincarnation.

Lesser reincarnation does not allow you to change alignment. Also, you cannot use alignment change tokens during lesser reincarnation.

Alignment change tokens do not allow you to change your alignment to one incompatible with the classes you already have selected - see below for restrictions.

Icon DDO Store entry Purchased token
Alignment Change Lawful Goodness store icon.png Alignment Change Lawful Goodness store.png Book of Lawful Goodness.png
Alignment Change Neutral Goodness store icon.png Alignment Change Neutral Goodness store.png Harp of Neutral Goodness.png
Alignment Change Chaotic Neutrality store icon.png Alignment Change Chaotic Neutrality store.png Flame of Chaotic Neutrality.png
Alignment Change Lawful Neutrality store icon.png Alignment Change Lawful Neutrality store.png
Alignment Change True Neutrality store icon.png Alignment Change True Neutrality store.png Scales of True Neutrality.png
Alignment Change Chaotic Goodness store icon.png Alignment Change Chaotic Goodness store.png

Compatibility with Class[edit]

A check mark (✓) means that the class/alignment combination is valid. Alignment changes can be purchased in the DDO Store if you want to pick a class that is incompatible with your alignment.

Table: Alignments Compatibility with Class
Class Restrictions Lawful Good Lawful Neutral Neutral Good True Neutral Chaotic Good Chaotic Neutral
Alchemist (none)
Artificer (none)
Barbarian non-Lawful - -
Bard non-Lawful - -
Druid Neutral - -
Cleric (none)
Favored Soul (none)
Fighter (none)
Monk Lawful - - - -
Paladin Lawful Good - - - - -
Ranger (none)
Rogue (none)
Sorcerer (none)
Warlock varies* Forbids certain
pacts and Acolyte of the Skin
Forbids certain pacts Forbids certain
pacts and Acolyte of the Skin
Forbids certain
pacts and Acolyte of the Skin
Forbids certain pacts
Wizard (none)

* Warlock alignment restrictions are based on the pact they choose at character creation, or when taking their first Warlock level. Alignments other than True Neutral make it impossible to choose certain pacts.
  • Fey and Carceri Storm have no restrictions.
  • Fiend and Abyss warlocks cannot be Good; nor can Acolytes of the Skin.
  • Great Old One warlocks cannot be Lawful.
  • Celestial warlocks cannot be Chaotic (or Evil, but this is presently impossible.)

Archetypes have the same alignment restrictions as their base classes, with the exception of Acolyte of the Skin, which removes the Warlock's Pact option - Acolytes cannot be Good.

Owing to these restrictions, certain classes can never be taken together, as shown in the table below:

Incompatible Classes
Base Class Incompatible Classes (including Archetypes) Incompatible Warlock Pacts (including Acolyte of the Skin)
Bard Monk, Paladin None
Barbarian Monk, Paladin None
Druid Paladin None
Monk Bard, Barbarian Great Old One
Paladin Bard, Barbarian, Druid Abyss, Fiend, Great Old One, Acolyte of the Skin
Warlock (Abyss or Fiend Pact) Paladin All other pacts
Warlock (Great Old One Pact) Monk, Paladin All other pacts
Acolyte of the Skin Paladin All other packs

Compatibility with Weapon Enchantments[edit]

A check mark (✓) means that the character can wield a weapon with this enchantment. Otherwise, a DC 20 UMD skill check is usually required to equip the weapon. In the case of axiomatic, anarchic, holy, and unholy weapons, the wielder suffers negative levels.

Table: Alignments Compatibility with Weapon enchantments
Enchantment (damage type) Lawful Good Lawful Neutral Neutral Good True Neutral Chaotic Good Chaotic Neutral
Axiomatic (2d6 law) - -
Anarchic (2d6 chaos) - -
Holy (2d6 good)
Unholy (2d6 evil) - - -
Evil Burst (1d6 evil +3d6 per crit +d6 per crit x above x2)
Evil Blast (3d6 evil per crit +d6 per crit x above x2 + 4d6 on a natural 20 + confirmation)
True Law (1d6 law) - - - -
Absolute Law (2d6 law) - - - -
True Chaos (1d6 chaos) - - - -
Absolute Chaos (2d6 chaos) - - - -
Pure Good (1d6 good) - - -
Good Burst (1d6 good +3d6 per crit +d6 per crit x above x2)
Good Blast (3d6 good per crit +d6 per crit x above x2 + 4d6 on a natural 20 + confirmation)
Greater Good (2d6 good) - - -
Supreme Good (3d6 good) - - -

Compatibility with Armor Enchantments and item enchantments[edit]

A check mark (✓) means that the character will match the alignment-related equipment and benefit from it.

Unlike weapons, there is no UMD skill check required to equip items with alignment-related enchantments. Anyone can equip them freely (as long as regular requirements are fulfilled, like minimum level, etc.), but the alignment-related enchantment will not bring any effect.

Note that Taint of Evil is actually a penalty. The check mark indicates alignments escaping that penalty.

Table: Alignments Compatibility with Armor enchantments and item enchantments
Enchantment (bonus type) Lawful Good Lawful Neutral Neutral Good True Neutral Chaotic Good Chaotic Neutral
Stability (+2 deflection to AC, +2 resistance to saves) - - - - -
Greater Stability (+4 deflection to AC, +4 resistance to saves) - - - - -
Superior Stability (+6 deflection to AC, +6 resistance to saves) - - - - -
Taint of evil (Negative level for all good aligned characters) Negative level Negative level Negative level