Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Expansion Pack, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 12th February. edit

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City zones

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Complete List of City Zones (49)[edit]

A city or area zone is a distinct public area in the DDO world.

Each zone has connections to access a limited number of other, adjacent zones, to allow travel between them:

  • These connections take the form of gates, magical portals, or NPCs who can send you to where you wish to go (usually via airship or teleportation)
  • It can often require passing through multiple zones to get to your desired end location - there can be several different possible paths to choose from to get from one zone to another

Seven of the more frequently visited zones also offer guild airship portals, to access Guild airships.

Some zones have restricted access:

  • Access is usually by restricted by level or access to a specific adventure pack - this will be displayed if your character does not qualify
  • Other zones may allow access to the zone itself, even if the character does not qualify for or have access to the quests related to that zone

Amrath • City of Sharn • Court of the Wild Hunt • Eveningstar • Falconer's Spire • Gianthold • Hall of Heroes • Harbormaster's House • House Cannith • House Deneith • House Jorasco • House Kundarak • House Phiarlan • Inns • Isle of Forgotten Dreams • Junction of the Spheres • Keep on the Borderlands • Korthos Village • Lordsmarch Palace • Lordsmarch Plaza • Meridia • Morgrave University - Upper Commons • Night Revels Crypt • Outskirts of Myth Drannor • Reaver's Refuge • Shops • Siber Atoll • Smuggler's Rest • Smuggler's Rest (History) • Test Dojo • Tethyamar Mining Outpost • The Catacombs • The Gatekeepers' Grove • The Harbor • The Hut from Beyond • The Inspired Quarter • The Marketplace • The Necropolis • The Thunder Peaks • The Tower of the Twelve • The Twelve • Village of Tanaroa • Wheloon • Wylkes Manor • Wynwood Hall • Zawabi's Refuge

See Also[edit]