Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Heart of Madness

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450 DP Requires access to adventure pack: Heart of Madness

The insane lords of Xoriat return to Eberron in three new adventures. Tour the Palace of Stone, experience the latest in Mind Flayer fashion, and return to the Sleeping Spell Inn for the ultimate excursion into madness in Terminal Delirium. Level 18 (Heroic)/Level 26 (Epic).


All quests are located in The Twelve

Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Fashion Madness18/267The Twelve
Palace of Stone18/267The Twelve
Terminal Delirium18/267The Twelve
Total3 Quests21 
 ♣40,512Epic Casual
 ♦69,481Epic Normal
 ♥71,442Epic Hard
 ♠73,403Epic Elite

See also[edit]