Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit
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Update 29 randomly generated loot
- Note: For effects that can be placed in items via Cannith Crafting, see these tables, and/or the main article.
This randomly generated loot system was introduced in Update 29. Some prefix effects (such as skills) only existed as suffixes before. Some few effects (such as Speed and Spell Resistance) do not show up in the item's name. Many effects (such as Spell Lore on rings) can be found in new equipment slots. Many enchantments that were previously only on named items (such as light resistance) are now included.
This system generally remains in place today, although there have been some notable updates:
- Update 46 added some minor changes, introducing dual augments, rare prefixes, blueshine weapons, and rare materials for armor and shields.
- Update 50 decreased the stats of items of minimum level 28 or higher, to compensate for decreases in the difficulty of Legendary content.
- Update 55 increased the level cap to 32, thereby increasing the maximum level of random loot.
Pre-U29 items had fixed Minimum Levels that were calculated as a sum of all effects' levels. U29 allows variable bonuses for all effects (Armor/Weapon+, Prefix, Suffix, Extra) based on an item's base ML and no longer increases it based on multiple effects.
- Minor bug: At the time of this update, many enchantments were bugged and showed up with a +0 bonus, and some still rarely do (eee "update" comment). This does not appear to affect the item's Minimum Level, for better or worse.
Update: Most have been fixed, but some few older reward lists can still produce this +0 bug.
Generation mechanic[edit]
An item can have the following affixes: enhancement bonus, prefix, suffix, and an extra.
- Augment slots still happen on items. These are generated independently of other enchantments.
- Double augment slot items no longer happen.
- Cursed items do not drop anymore. Also, race restriction items (discontinued as of Update 19) continue not to drop.
- Masterful Craftsmanship and Wondrous Craftsmanship items continue to drop, but with a different mechanic.
- Extra effects on random loot will not appear below level 10 loot. (U29P2)
Loot level, chest level and item level[edit]
The loot level affects the item's minimum level. Loot level is broken down into the "base" chest level plus various buffs.
- Chest level is determined by quest base level and quest difficulty (Hard +1, Elite +2).
- For the buffs, Guild Airship buff (Bash the Breakables Cargo Bay, +1), Greater Dragonmark of Finding (+1), Pirate Treasure Map (+1), Blue/Orange Jewel of Fortune (+1/+2), and loot bonus server switch (usually +2) should be taken into account.
- You can tell the loot level by the amount of plat/gold contained in the chest. DDO Forums
Maximum loot level[edit]
Quote: |
Originally Posted by Update 29 Release Notes Our system of randomly-generated loot has been renovated from level 1 all the way up to level 40. |
Quote: |
Originally Posted by Cordovan (Contribs • Message • Email • Cordovan) ![]() The current loot level cap is 40, so yes, technically on a +2 Loot bonus weekend if you max things out you are one over when running a level 34 LE raid. |
Cordovan's statement above is valid as of Update 30. Character level +5 limit for chest loot has been lifted with U30.
- Quest reward list also theoretically still caps at 40, but you cannot have Dragonmark and Treasure Map in this regard. Current highest reward lists are level 32 raids on LE (effective level 34) with guild buff +1, Jewel +2 and server bonus +2, which makes it 39.
- Each enchantment is rolled separately, within a range given by the item level. For example, a Strength bonus on a level 20 item can be +7, +8, or +9.
- DDO Store item Treasure Hunter's Elixirs increases the chance to get better enchantment in this regard. (U30)
- Insight bonus effects on items will not appear below level 10 loot. (U29P2)
- Many of the enchantments have issues of some kind and are in a state of flux at the moment.
- There is a chance for "Extra Lucky" loot (not to be confused with "Extra" affix slot), which increases the range of possible enchantment values beyond the usual limits. This is indicated by having "Masterful Craftsmanship" listed on the description.
Quote: |
Originally Posted by (former developer) NoWorries ![]() Random Loot has a normal range of effect powers that can drop at a given minimum level. Then there is an extra lucky range of slightly more power. This is marked by having Masterful Craftsmanship on the item which indicates at least one of your effects is at the maximum of the normal range or slightly higher. |
- Chest glows blue for the entire party when someone gets "Extra Lucky/Masterful Craftsmanship" loot. (U30)
- Chance for getting "Extra Lucky" is also unknown, however Treasure Hunter's Elixirs lists their effects as +5/+10+15, possibly something like d100 is rolled?.
- Since enchantments are rolled independently, the same quest can generate items with vastly differing power.
- For example, an item with weak prefix , extra lucky suffix, and extra lucky extra enchantment.
Item enchantments at maximum item level[edit]
Quote: |
Originally Posted by (former developer) NoWorries ![]() Random Loot caps at a ML of 30. Treasure level goes up to 40 and the effect powers continue to rise through those treasure levels. Not all ML 30 items are the same. |
- For example, ML 30 stat items have a wider-than-usual range of +11 - +17. On lower treasure level however, you can only hope to get +11 - +14 ML 30 items. At around 32 level raid on LH, you start seeing +15 ML 30 items. For +16 and +17 ML 30 items, you only see these when +2 server bonus is active and running LE raids with various chest buffs.
Enchantments by slot[edit]
Prefix | Suffix | Extra | |
Armor | Fortification, Physical Resistances, Elemental Absorption, Spell Resistance, Combat Mastery, Constitution | Elemental Resistances, Insightful Physical Resistances, False Life, Insightful Combat Mastery, Intimidate, Move Silently, Guard Effects, Vitality, Healing/Repair Amplification | Insightful Fortification, Insightful Elemental Resistances, Parrying, Deathblock, Balance, Insightful Balance, Insightful Intimidate, Insightful Move Silently, Insightful Constitution |
Weapons | Parrying, Seeker, Armor Piercing, Alacrity, Elemental Damages, Vorpal, Paralyzing, Spell Powers | Deadly, Doublestrike, Vertigo, Shatter, Stunning, Tendon Slice, Assassinate, Incite, Diversion, Elemental Critical Damage, Creature Banes, Spell Criticals, Insightful Spell Powers, Banishing, Smiting, Deception, Keen | Insightful Seeker, Insightful Deadly, Insightful Vertigo, Insightful Shatter, Insightful Stunning, Insightful Tendon Slice, Insightful Assassinate, Vampirism, Stat Poison, Spell Penetrations |
Shield | Fortification, Physical Resistances, Elemental Absorption, Spell Resistance, Combat Mastery, Spell Powers | Elemental Resistances, Insightful Physical Resistances, False Life, Insightful Combat Mastery, Intimidate, Move Silently, Guard Effects, Shield Bashing damage/Spikes, Wizardry | Insightful Fortification, Insightful Elemental Resistances, Parrying, Deathblock, Balance, Insightful Balance, Insightful Intimidate, Insightful Move Silently, Insightful Spell Powers, |
Head | Fortification, Wizardry, Sheltering, Insightful Incite, Concentration, Haggle, Intimidate, Listen, Intelligence | Resistance Saves, Parrying, Accuracy, Spell Focuses, Diplomacy, Insightful Intimidate, UMD, Wisdom, Spellsight, Stunning, Search, Spot | Insightful Fortification, Insightful Individual Resistance Saves, Insightful Sheltering, Incite, Deathblock, Insightful Concentration, Insightful Haggle, Insightful Listen, Insightful UMD, Insightful Intelligence, Insightful Search |
Eyes | Seeker, Spell Focuses, Concentration, Disable Device, Search, UMD, Wisdom, Intelligence | Accuracy, Spell Penetrations, Insightful Spell Focuses, Alacrity, Insightful Concentration, Open Lock, Spot, Insightful UMD, Deadly | Insightful Seeker, Insightful Spell Penetrations, Tendon Slice, Assassinate, Insightful Disable Device, Insightful Search, Insightful Spot, Insightful Wisdom, Insightful Intelligence |
Bracers | Elemental Resistances ,Insightful Spell Resistances, Individual Resistance Saves, Protection, Deathblock, Strength | Constitution, Tumble, Move Silently, Intimidate, Insightful Sheltering, Dodge Bonus, Fortification | Physical Resistances, Parrying, Sheltering, Insightful Intimidate, Perform, Insightful Strength |
Rings | Physical Resistances, Wizardry, Elemental Absorptions, Spell Resistance, Spell Critical Increases, Balance, Diplomacy, Hide, Perform, Constitution, Charisma | Dexterity, Tumble, Swim, Open Lock, Insightful Diplomacy, Bluff, Insightful Balance, Spell Powers, Assassinate, Sheltering, Protection, Insightful Individual Resist Saves, Spell Powers, False Life, Insightful Physical Resistances, Elemental Resistances, Feather Falling, Speed | Insightful Elemental Resistances, Insightful False Life, Insightful Spell Power, Insightful Spell Resistance, Enchantment Saves, Illusion Saves, Parrying, Insightful Spell Power, Insightful Bluff, Insightful Hide, Insightful Perform, Insightful Constitution, Insightful Charisma |
Feet | Dodge Bonus, Seeker, Combat Mastery, Speed, Balance, Move Silently, Tumble, Dexterity | Strength, Guard Effects, Swim, Jump, Insightful Balance, Diversion, Sheltering, Parrying, Feather Falling | Insightful Fortification, False Life, Insightful Dodge Bonus, Insightful Seeker, Insightful Combat Mastery, Insightful Jump, Insightful Move Silently, Insightful Swim, Insightful Tumble, Insightful Dexterity |
Neck | Insightful Spell Resistance, Enchantment Saves, Illusion Saves, Spell Focuses, Heal, Repair, Tumble, Constitution | Charisma, Bluff, Sheltering, False Life, Insightful Wizardry, Natural Armor Bonus, Insightful Intimidate, Spellsight, Search, Spot | Insightful Enchantment Saves, Illusion Saves, Insightful Sheltering, Insightful Heal, Insightful Repair, Insightful Tumble, Insightful Constitution, Insightful Spot |
Hands | Wizardry, Spell Powers, Accuracy, Doublestrike, Spell Penetration, Vertigo, Shatter, Stunning, Assassinate, Alacrity, Bluff, Disable Device, Open Lock, Perform, Dexterity, Strength | Resistance Saves, Shield Bashing (chance to shield bash), Armor Piercing, Tendon Slice, Insightful Assassinate, Insightful Combat Mastery, Universal Spell Power, Universal Spell Crit, Insightful Disable Device, Heal, Intimidate, Repair, UMD, Deadly, Healing/Repair Amp | Insightful Dexterity, Insightful Strength, Insightful Perform, Insightful Open Lock, Insightful Bluff, Incite, Insightful Tendon Slice, Insightful Vertigo, Insightful Shatter, Insightful Stun, Insightful Spell Penetration, Insightful Doublestrike, Insightful Accuracy, Insightful Spell Power, Insightful Wizardry |
Cloak | Elemental Resistance, Spell Resistance, Individual Resist Saves, Diversion, Balance, Hide, Charisma, Intelligence | Wisdom, Intimidate, Diplomacy, Dodge Bonus, Natural Armor Bonus, Resistance Saves, Enchantment/Illusion Saves, Elemental Absorptions, Physical Resistances, Insightful Elemental Resistances, Feather Falling, Spellsight | Insightful Physical Resistances, False Life, Insightful Spell Resistance, Insightful Enchantment Saves, Illusion Saves, Insightful Sheltering, Insightful Diversion, Insightful Balance, Insightful Hide, Insightful Charisma, Insightful Intelligence, Insightful Wisdom |
Belt | Spell Resistance, Dodge Bonus, Doublestrike, Move Silently, Insightful Diversion, Deathblock, Diplomacy, Physical Resistances, Constitution | False Life, Insightful Spell Resistance, Natural Armor Bonus, Parrying, Vertigo, Shatter, Stunning, Balance, Jump, Swim, Tumble, Strength | Insightful Constitution, Insightful Strength, Insightful Tumble, Insightful Swim, Insightful Move Silently, Assassinate, Insightful Doublestrike, Insightful Dodge Bonus, Insightful False Life, Insightful Physical Resistances |
Prefix naming rules[edit]
Base abilities[edit]
- Charisma: Alluring — Charismatic
- Intelligence: Astute — Clever
- Constitution: Hardy — Health
- Strength: Mighty — Ogre Power
- Dexterity: Nimble — Dexterous
- Wisdom: Prudent — Wise
- Alkalescent - Acid Resistance
- Charred - Cold Resistance
- Favorable - Negative Resistance
- Frigid - Fire Resistance
- Grounded - Electricity Resistance
- Muffled - Sonic Resistance
- Murky - Light Resistance
- Alkaline - Acid Absorption
- Blazing - Cold Absorption
- Chilled - Fire Absorption
- Damping - Sonic Absorption
- Insulated - Electricity Absorption
Name on item | Skill |
Acrobat's | Tumble |
Arcanum's | Use Magic Device |
Bartered | Haggle |
Burglar's | Open Lock |
Covert | Hide |
Daunting | Intimidate |
Delightful | Perform |
Feigned | Bluff |
Focused | Concentration |
Gracious | Diplomacy |
Harkening | Listen |
Inspected | Search |
Refurbished | Repair |
Sneaking | Move Silently |
Soothing | Heal |
Sturdy | Balance |
Tactful | Disable Device |
Visionary's | Spellcraft |
Springing | Jump |
Spot | Spot |
Swimming | Swim |
Resistance bonus to saves[edit]
- Agile - Reflex saves
- Disciplined - Will saves
- Disenchanted - Enchantment saves
- Lucid - Illusion saves
- Realistic - Spell saves
- Resilient - Disease saves
- Robust - Poison saves
- Stalwart - Fortitude saves
- Staunch - Resistance bonus to saves
- Evasive - Dodge Bonus
- Ricocheting - Deflection bonus to AC
- Defensive - Sheltering PRR & MRR Bonus
- Reinforced - Fortification (ML30: 136, 148)
- Requiting - Riposte
- Deft - Seeker (ML30: +13)
- Hasty - Doublestrike/Doubleshot
- Deadly - Deadly
- Murderous - Assassinate DC (ML30: +6)
- Dazed - Stunning
- Destructive - Shatter
- Dizzying - Vertigo
- Warrior's - Combat Mastery
- Enraging - Incite (Melee threat increase)
- Serene - Diversion (Melee threat reduction)
Spell Power[edit]
- Combustive - Combustion (Fire)
- Corrosive - Corrosion (Acid)
- Devoted - Devotion (Healing)
- Glaciated - Glaciation (Cold)
- Impulsive - Impulse (Force)
- Magnetic - Magnetism (Electric)
- Resonating - Sonic
- Reconstructed - Repair/Rust
- Nullified - Nullification
- Radiant - Radiance
Spell Focus[edit]
- Blasting - Evocation Focus
- Charming - Enchantment Focus
- Deceiving - Illusion Focus
- Metamorphic - Transmutation Focus
- Nullified - Abjuration Focus
- Reanimating - Necromantic Focus
- Summoning - Conjuration Focus
Spellcasting Misc[edit]
- Dire *Spell Power name* - Spell Lore (Shows up as Dire Combustive, etc.) «*»
Note that some combinations are mixed up - Impulsive = Radiance Lore; Nullified = Repair Lore; Reconstructed = Sonic Lore; Resonating = Kinetic Lore; Radiant likely = Kinetic Lore)
- Invasive - Spell penetration
- Invigorating - Wizardry
Weapon Damage[edit]
- Biting - Acid damage
- Smoldering - Fire damage
- Chilled - Cold damage
- Orderly - True Law
- Venomous - Poison damage
- Shocking - Electrical damage
Hidden enchantments[edit]
- Alignment damage (Xd6 Chaotic, Evil, Good, presumably Lawful)
- Armor-Piercing
- Fortification
- Poison Resistance
- Speed
- Spell Resistance
Suffix naming rules[edit]
- of Strength
- of Dexterity
- of Constitution
- of Intelligence
- of Wisdom
- of Charisma
- of Magical Resistance
- of Physical Resistance
- of Physical and Magical Resistance - Sheltering
- of Assassinate
- of Accuracy
- Healing Amplification
- Repair Amplification (ML30: +53)
- of Combat Mastery
- of Vertigo
Hidden Suffixes[edit]
- of Intelligence
Weapon damage[edit]
- of Slaying - Xd10 Bane damage «*»
vs. a specific creature type (Aberrations, Giants, Evil Outsiders, etc.), which doesn't show in the armor/weapon's name; the description will show "Weapon's *creature type* Specific Damage Effect"
- of Critical Piercing - xd6 piercing damage on critical hits (piercing weapons)
External links[edit]
- Randomized Loot (Lamannia)
- Randomized Loot: Look Two (Lamannia)
- Random Loot: Effects Per Slot (Lamannia)