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Slave Lords Crafting

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Augment Slot
Level 1+
Cannith Crafting
Level 1+
Event Items
Levels 1+
Stone of Change
Level 1+
Level 4+
Level 4+
Item Upgrading
Level 6+
Nearly Finished
Level 15+
Epic Crafting
Level 20+
Sentient Weapon
Level 20+
Level 22+
Legendary Green Steel items
Level 26
Slave Lords Crafting
Level 8/28
Schism Shard Crafting
Level 20+
Legendary Crafting
Level 30
Dinosaur Bone crafting
Level 31
Lost Purpose
Level 18/32
Esoteric Table
Level 32
Unholy Defiler of the Hidden Hand
Level 18/32
Deck of Many Curses
Level 32
Level TBA

Against the Slave Lords adpack icon.jpg
DDO Point icon.png Requires access to adventure pack: Against the Slave Lords

Bring me relics of your battles with the Slave Lords. Then, by order of Dame Gold, I shall forge mighty items for you!

All base items are Bound to AccountIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire, requiring access to the pack to craft these items.


Slave Lords crafting allows you to make a set of items (ML 8 or 28) with powerful effects, that together can also give a "set bonus", which all combined can give a much higher bonus for some effects than Cannith Crafting can offer. It also allows full flexibility regarding what effects go into which gear slots (neck, belt, bracers, boots, and/or ring(s)), so many veteran crafters will mix Slave Lords and Cannith-crafted gear to fit what they need in around their favorite named items. This sub-section explains the basics; full details are discussed later in this article, see specific sections for more information.

Step 1: collect ingredients[edit]

The first step is to run the quests and collect the basic ingredients (see below), which drop from special chests and the end chest, and are also available as an option for the chain end-reward. The 3 common (unbound) ingredients are indeed common, and the 3 uncommon (BtA) are not too uncommon, so it's not surprising to have 40-80 of each common and a dozen of each uncommon by the end of the chain. (The 2 rare ingredients are indeed rare - good luck with those!) Plus the chain end-reward* offers 25 of any of the common or 8 of any uncommon, guaranteed, to fill any gaps.

(* Be sure to speak to the NPC again before re-running the chain, or no end reward!)

You'll also want some of the basic items that will become the gear - chains (for necklace/belts), shackles (for wrist/feet slots), and "five rings" (for rings/trinkets). These also drop in the special chests, and are also bound-to-account. Named items also count toward set bonuses (once they are specifically upgraded to do so).

Step 2: trade for gems[edit]

The next step is to speak to a barter NPC to exchange the basic ingredients for "gems" of different sorts (see below), which will be used to give you the effects on your items. Each of the 3 common and 3 uncommon ingredients allows a different kind of effect on the item, and there are 6 possible to create for each item you will create - prefix, suffix, bonus, extra, augment slot (clear, yellow, blue, or green), and set bonus (your choice of 3 possible). Tables below show what sort of effects can go into each of these.

Step 3: create item[edit]

The last step is to use those gems on the item itself to create the effects you want - and your item is complete! If you don't have all the ingredients you want now, you can always upgrade it later, but you cannot "erase" or change an effect - once it's there, it's locked in.

So, plan your gear, farm the ingredients, kill some slavers, and enjoy!

Crafting NPC[edit]

Garvon <Armorer and Outfitter>

  • Located within the the Forsaken Temple (the part 1 quest location), right inside the quest entrance, safely before any challenging encounters.
    • Note: Since there actually are both Heroic and Epic tiers for these upgrades, depending on which version of the instance you are in, you get different version of the barter UI and recipe listing. Everything is listed on this one page here for convenience.

When you speak with Garvon, you will see two options:

  • Option 1) Exchange ingredients for gems
This will allow you to trade your ingredients for the gems that will upgrade your items. The barter window will automatically sense and use ingredients in any green ingredients bag in your inventory. Once you have the gems (and item) you want, go to the next option...
  • Option 2) Use gems to upgrade items
Place the item with the proper gem (see Recipes, below), one at a time, in the barter window, and press the "Upgrade" button - that effect has been added! You can finish the item now, or leave it partly finished and come back later.
  • Slavers' Named items will have a much shorter list of options, as you can only add a Set Bonus or Mythic Bonus to a named item.
  • Important: Plan your items, and get it right the first time! There is no "erasing" or "writing over" a mistake, you'd have to start over with a new item and gems.

Related items[edit]

Base items[edit]

There are only 3 base items that drop, and only one type of base item drops in each quest. These are found in the small "ingredients" chests and also in the end chest for each quest (drop rate approximately 20-30% for each chest on elite). Each finished item can be equipped in either of two possible equipment slots (so a possible 7 slots in all, as you can equip 2 rings). (Set bonuses trigger at 3 and 5 items equipped, see Set Bonuses, at bottom.)

(There is also only one type each of un/common ingredient that drops in each quest; those are listed here for easy reference. Rare ingredients drop in all quests. All base items may use all ingredients. See below for more information on Ingredients and Recipes.)

Base Item Icon Slots ML Bind Obtained from common / uncommon ingredients
Chains / Legendary Chains icon.png Neck/Waist  ♦8Normal ●28Epic BtA Part 1, Slave Pits
of the Undercity
Broken Shackles / Shattered
Symbol of the Slave Lords
Five Rings / Legendary Five Rings icon.png Trinket/Ring Part 2, Secret of the
Slavers' Stockade
Chain Links /
Frayed Leather
Shackles / Legendary Shackles icon.png Wrist/Feet Part 3, Assault on the
Aerie of the Slave Lords
Broken Collar /
Staff Splinter
  • Bold indicates the slots they go into when clicked to swap from a hotbar or doubleclicked from Inventory. It must be drag/dropped from inventory to slot it in the alternate location. DDO Forums
  • All items remain BtA after crafting effects applied.
  • On Reaper difficulty, base items can drop with Reaper bonus.


There are eight different ingredients that drop in the small chests and end chest throughout the quests, 3 common, 3 uncommon, and 2 rare. Each common and uncommon ingredient drops only in one quest, so if you need some of those, you know where to find them (see table, above). Only the common ingredients are unbound (so can be traded, mailed, sold on the AH, etc.), the uncommon and rare ingredients are Bound to Account.

  • 3 common ingredients (Broken Collars, Chain Links, Broken Shackles)
  • Used for: all effect slots (except Mythic bonuses)
  • Unbound
  • Amount of  ♦1-2Normal ♥6-8, with a 5% Chance for 20Hard ♠9-11, with a 5% Chance for 30Elite
  • Rarely up to 30 as a bonus reward (% increases with increased difficulty level)
  • As a choice from a chain reward list, in stack of 25
  • 3 uncommon ingredients (Shattered Symbol of the Slave Lords, Frayed Leather, Staff Splinter)
  • Used for: "Bonus" slot, Augment slot, Set Bonus
  • Bound to Account
  • Amount of  ♦1-2Normal ♥6-8Hard ♠6-11?Elite
  • Rarely up to 30 as a bonus reward (% increases with increased difficulty level)
  • As a choice from a chain reward list, in stack of 8
  • 2 rare ingredients (Statuette of the Gods, Slave Master's Bust)
  • Used for: Mythic upgrade
  • Bound to Account
  • Found in small chests and end chests of all 3 quests.
  • Very rare (% increases with increased difficulty level)
Ingredient Icon Bind Obtained from Used for
Broken Shackle Broken Shackle icon.png Icon tooltip.pngBroken Shackle Unbound Part 1, Slave Pits of the Undercity Gem
Prefix effect
Blue Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngPrefix/Blue GemYellow Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngExtra 2/Yellow GemBlack Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngAugment Slot/Black GemSilver Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSet bonus/Silver Gem
Chain Links Chain Links icon.png Icon tooltip.pngChain Links Part 2, Secret of the Slavers' Stockade Suffix effect
Red Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSuffix/Red GemYellow Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngExtra 2/Yellow GemBlack Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngAugment Slot/Black GemSilver Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSet bonus/Silver Gem
Broken Collar Broken Collar icon.png Icon tooltip.pngBroken Collar Part 3, Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords Extra effect
Green Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngExtra/Green GemYellow Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngExtra 2/Yellow GemBlack Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngAugment Slot/Black GemSilver Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSet bonus/Silver Gem
Shattered Symbol of the Slave Lords Shattered Symbol icon.png Icon tooltip.pngShattered Symbol of the Slave Lords BtA Part 1, Slave Pits of the Undercity Gem
Set Bonus
Silver Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSet bonus/Silver Gem
Frayed Leather Frayed Leather icon.png Icon tooltip.pngFrayed Leather Part 2, Secret of the Slavers' Stockade Bonus effect
Yellow Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngExtra 2/Yellow Gem
Staff Splinter Staff Splinter icon.png Icon tooltip.pngStaff Splinter Part 3, Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords Augment Slot
Black Gem icon.png Icon tooltip.pngAugment Slot/Black Gem
Statuette of the Gods Statuette to the Gods icon.png Icon tooltip.pngStatuette to the Gods BtA All parts +1 Mythic upgrade to Heroic Crafted and Named Gear
Legendary Statuette of the Gods Statuette to the Gods icon.png Icon tooltip.pngStatuette to the Gods BtA +1 Mythic upgrade to all Crafted and Named Gear
Slave Master's Bust Slave Master's Bust icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSlave Master's Bust BtA +3 Mythic upgrade to Heroic Crafted and Named Gear
Legendary Slave Master's Bust Slave Master's Bust icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSlave Master's Bust BtA +3 Mythic upgrade to all Crafted and Named Gear

Upgrading Gems[edit]

These Gems come in 6 colors (Blue/Red/Green/Yellow/Black/Silver). They are direct purchase from the crafting NPC using above raw ingredients as currency. These are then used in the same NPC's barter UI to perform an upgrade on an item. These will allow you to add on a prefix, suffix, extra, bonus, an augment slot, and a Set bonus (the Set Bonus will be crafted onto the named items as well, each item can only count for 1 of the sets). The gems are Bound to Account, go into the Ingredients Bag, do not have the color in their names, and have inconsistent names (i.e. "Slaver's Spellsight," "Slaver Constitution," and "Slave Lord's Might," so be careful what search strings you use when hunting for them)

Once applied, these Gems can not be removed or overwritten. See below Recipes section for details.

Named items[edit]

Named items dropping throughout the quest chain also are considered part of this crafting "set" for 3-piece and/or 5-piece set bonus purposes. However, these named items are not "customizable", but rather are named items you can plug in that count for Slavers Crafting Set Bonuses.

All named-set items are ML 8 Heroic, ML 28 Epic:

Item type Quest
(Legendary) Executioner's Platemail armor Part 1, Slave Pits of the Undercity
(Legendary) Executioner's Docent docent Part 1, Slave Pits of the Undercity
(Legendary) Spinneret ring Part 1, Slave Pits of the Undercity
(Legendary) Symbol of the Slave Lords trinket Part 1, Slave Pits of the Undercity
(Legendary) Executioner's Helm helm Part 2, Secret of the Slavers' Stockade
(Legendary) Mutilator of Minds orb Part 2, Secret of the Slavers' Stockade
(Legendary) Slave Master's Cloak cloak Part 2, Secret of the Slavers' Stockade
(Legendary) Slave Rags outfit Part 2, Secret of the Slavers' Stockade
(Legendary) Breaker of Bodies shield Part 3, Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords
(Legendary) Hardened Hide Helm helm Part 3, Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords
(Legendary) Ring of Power ring Part 3, Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords
(Legendary) Slave Master's Staff weapon Part 3, Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords


For each of the 6 possible basic* effects on an item, you need either 1 of the common ingredients, or 1 of the uncommon and all 3 of the common. So, depending which effect you're trying to add to an item, you need...

  • Prefix effect: broken shackles
  • Suffix effect: chain links
  • Extra effect: broken collars
  • Bonus effect: frayed leathers (and all 3 common ingredients)
  • Augment slot: staff splinters (and all 3 common ingredients)
  • Set Bonus: shattered symbols of the slave lords (and all 3 common ingredients)
(* 1 rare ingredient is all you need for a mythic bonus upgrade, see table below)

Exact numbers are listed in the table below, and differ between Heroic vs. Epic items.

To save you the math, for a single item with all 6 effects/slots, you will need:

  • Broken Shackle: 110 (heroic) / 250 (legendary)
  • Chain Links: 110 (heroic) / 250 (legendary)
  • Broken Collar: 110 (heroic) / 250 (legendary)
  • Frayed Leather: 20 (heroic) / 50 (legendary)
  • Shattered Symbol of the Slave Lords: 20 (heroic) / 50 (legendary)
  • Staff Splinter: 20 (heroic) / 50 (legendary) (or 30/100 for a green slot)

Of course, the totals become less if you can live without an augment slot, or the (smallish) "Bonus" effect, or if you don't need that item to have a set bonus, etc.

  • example level 8 finished item: [1]
  • example level 28 finished item: [2]

Note: If you're including any Slavers named item(s) (see previous) in your 3- or 5-piece set, you can only add a (single) "set bonus" effect to that named item; they are not otherwise customizable.

Here are the effects possible for each slot:

Group Enchantment name Enchantment value Ingredient cost
ML 8
ML 28
Heroic Legendary
Blue Gem icon.png
Attributes +5 +13
False Life +18 +50
Fortification +70% +142%
Sheltering +12 +33
Wizardry +96 +269
Red Gem icon.png
Accuracy +8 +20
Armor Piercing +8 +20
Damage Guards (don't stack with each other) +2d8 +8d8
Deadly +4 +10
Deception (no bluff effect) +3 +10
Resistance +4 +10
Seeker +5 +13
Spell Lore (single type) (Equipment Bonus) +10 +21
Spell Power (single type) (Equipment Bonus) +70 +142
Green Gem icon.png
Skills (except UMD) +10 +20
UMD (note: barter displays incorrect values.) +1 +5
Shatter +6 +15
Spell Focus Mastery +2 +4
Spell Penetration +3 +8
Stunning +6 +15
Tendon Slice +4 +10
Vertigo +6 +15
Yellow Gem icon.png

Note: In the Heroic version of the barter window, the values displayed are incorrect for Quality Attributes, Quality Fortification, and Quality False Life. These are the correct values.

Quality Attributes +1 +3
Quality False Life +4 +12
Quality Fortification +17% +35%
Quality MRR +2 +8
Quality PRR +2 +8
Quality Skills +2 +5
Augment Slot addition
Black Gem icon.png
Colorless Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngColorless Augments

TIP: Don't make a Colorless slot; make a Blue or Yellow slot instead. All three can accept Colorless augments, and the cost is the same. If you slot a Colorless augment in one of these slots, you have the option in future to replace it with a Blue or Yellow one.
Blue Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngBlue AugmentsColorless Augments
Yellow Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngYellow AugmentsColorless Augments
Green Augment SlotIcon tooltip.pngGreen AugmentsBlue AugmentsYellow AugmentsColorless Augments
Set bonus addition
Silver Gem icon.png
Slave Lord's Might
Slave Lord's Sorcery
Slaver's Endurance
Mythic upgrades Mythic Boost +1 +1 *1 Statuette to the Gods icon.png Icon tooltip.pngStatuette to the Gods Statuette of the Gods *1 Statuette to the Gods icon.png Icon tooltip.pngStatuette to the Gods Legendary Statuette of the Gods
Mythic Boost +3 +3 *1 Slave Master's Bust icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSlave Master's Bust Slave Master's Bust *1 Slave Master's Bust icon.png Icon tooltip.pngSlave Master's Bust Legendary Slave Master's Bust

(When this system was released, it was possible to use the Mythic upgrades on any item sharing a slot with a Slave Lords crafted or named item. This was patched out soon afterwards.)

Further notes: Legendary Statuettes do not change item minimum level (tested on level 13 Cannith crafted ring, Sept 2020). The Mythic upgrades can be applied on named items and then can have 2 mythic bonus, 1 by drop and 1 applied (confirmed on a spinneret on live). Note: That you do not get a benefit from both (Ring of Power U35). That bonus can be overridden with a new one too.

Set bonuses[edit]

You can also add a set bonus to preset named items that drop as is and listed above. Preset items and crafted items all count toward the following set bonuses. And here are the 3 possible sets:

Name Heroic Legendary
3 pieces 5 pieces 3 pieces 5 pieces
Slave Lord's Might
Slave Lord's Sorcery
Slaver's Endurance