Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Recovering the Lost Tome

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For the Twelve, the accumulation of arcane knowledge is a goal surpassing all others.

Recovering the Lost Tome
Heroic level: 2
Epic level: None
Duration: Medium
Heroic XP:  ♣476Solo/Casual ♦862Normal ♥932Hard ♠1,001Elite
Epic XP: N/A
Takes place in: Fallowcrest Library
Bestowed by: Dalsamira Courdry
NPC contact: Dalsamira Courdry
Quest acquired in: The Harbor
Patron: The Coin Lords
Base favor: 3
Purchase: Free to Play
Extreme Challenge: No
M recovering the lost tome.png
Loading screen


Dalsamira Courdry instructed you to steal a magical tome back from the private Fallowcrest Library. Once Dalsamira sends you to the library, try to find and recover the tome with as little conflict as possible.

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Speak with the librarian
  • Follow the librarian to the books
  • Wait for the librarian to leave
  • Search the shelves for Dalsamira's stolen tome
  • Survive Eldamir's traps and find his secret library

What to Expect

  • Runes (optional: require INT checks)

Known Traps

Trap DCs

  • Sonic trap at entrance; control panel is on a pillar shielded from the sonic traps, and can be found and disarmed before the librarian has left the room.
  • Spike trap at entrance - While easily avoided (there's no actual reason to even go near them); there is no control panel for the spikes, only the sonic trap. The lever next to where you get the book that finishes the quest, disarms the spike trap.
  • Lightning traps in southern passage - Turned off via 3 INT (14) runes in the side alcoves. The first rune is on the right; the next two are on the left.
  • Frost trap protecting the chest in the eastern room. Control panel is in the south-east corner of the room.

Tips and Misc

  • The library is in the Stormreach Harbor near Nyx the Drow and Dalsamira is in front of it.
  • Click the bookshelves that light up to advance the quest once the librarian leaves.
  • Runes to stop lightning traps require 14 Intelligence.
  • When you throw the 2 levers in the west, the quest log will show one left. You have to go back into the main room and a new passage will be open to the east.
  • In the new eastern room there will be a rune (14 INT check) on the right wall. If you use the rune before entering the room, the zombies will not come to life, which can rob you of an onslaught bonus.
  • Click the bookshelves in the secret room to collect the stolen tome.
  • The frost trap covering the chest in the eastern room can be deadly for low level characters. If you can jump through to behind the chest, you are safe from the trap, but be careful.
  • The room north of the eastern room has a chest protected by a magical barrier. The rune to disable it is on the northern wall and requires 14 Intelligence. It will also spawn 1 to 2 fairly wicked fire mephits when used.
  • The lever in the far east alcove turns off the unintimidating spike trap back in the main hall, which can be easily walked through.
  • If a magical book remains in your inventory after the quest, you can safely destroy it.

Bonus XP

  • Aggression bonus: 5 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣48 ♦86 ♥93 ♠100 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 10 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣71 ♦129 ♥140 ♠150 )
  • Conquest bonus: 15 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣119 ♦216 ♥233 ♠250 )
  • Tamper bonus: 1 or more trap disarmed +10% Bonus.( ♣48 ♦86 ♥93 ♠100 )
  • Mischief bonus: 6 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣38 ♦69 ♥75 ♠80 )
  • Vandal bonus: 8 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣48 ♦86 ♥93 ♠100 )
Notes: It is not possible to get to Ransack.

External Links


  • Chests: 2
    • 1 trapped (frost) in the east room
    • 1 in the north-east room, behind a magical barrier (use rune to disable; requires an INT check of 14)
  • Collectables: 3

NPC end rewards

Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Elf Zombie( view
Elf Zombie.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦0.50Normal ♥2Hard ♠5Elite Undead Zombie
Fire Mephit( view
Fire Mephit.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦3Normal ♥5Hard ♠8Elite (summoned CRs:  ♦3Normal ♥3Hard ♠3Elite) Fire Outsider Mephit
Skeleton Skirmisher( view
Skeleton Skirmisher.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal ♥2Hard ♠3Elite Undead Skeleton
Skeleton Swordsman( view
Skeleton Swordsman.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal ♥3Hard ♠5Elite Undead Skeleton
Skeleton( view
 • edit )
 ♦0.50Normal ♥1.00Hard ♠3Elite Undead Skeleton
Zombie( view
 • edit )
 ♦0.50Normal ♥2Hard ♠5Elite Undead Zombie