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What Goes Up

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It turns out the Netherese are holding Oriphaun captive deep within the glacier. But that's not all - they have also excavated an artifact called a Mythallar, there. Its purpose remains a mystery.

Shadowfell Conspiracy adpack icon.jpg
DDO Point icon.png Requires access to adventure pack: Shadowfell Conspiracy
What Goes Up
Heroic level: 19
Epic level: 27
Duration: long
Heroic XP:  ♣9,174Solo/Casual ♦15,854Normal ♥16,416Hard ♠16,979Elite
Epic XP:  ♣35,652Solo/Casual ♦61,110Normal ♥62,800Hard ♠64,490Elite
Takes place in: Mountain Glacier
Bestowed by: Sherrod Starym
NPC contact: Sherrod Starym
Quest acquired in: Eveningstar
Patron: The Harpers
Base favor: 7
Purchase: Shadowfell Conspiracy
Extreme Challenge: No
What Goes Up - Map 1.jpg
What Goes Up - Map 2.jpg
What Goes Up - Map 3.jpg
What Goes Up - Map 4.jpg
Loading screen


What Goes Up is the 5th quest in The Secret of the Storm Horns story arcIcon tooltip.pngStory arcs  are chains of quests that make up a story line.
Completing everything in a story arc often yields a nice reward.
The first four quests can be completed in any order to unlock What Goes Up.
The Tracker's Trap • Lines of Supply • Breaking the Ranks • A Break In the Ice • What Goes Up

Sherrod Starym was able to scry the captured Oriphaun Huntsilver's location. He is being held inside the Mountain Glacier, at the high peaks of the Storm Horns.

Sherrod also told you that the magical artifact known as the mythallar is growing in power to dangerous proportions, and that you should deal with it at the same time that you rescue Oriphaun.

  • You have to complete all 4 of the Secret of the Storm Horns pre-quests, including turning them in for reward (back at the bridge in Eveningstar), and then speak to Sherrod Starym (nearer the gate to the Storm Horns) to be able to open this quest instance.

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Locate the heart of the glacier
  • Find and rescue Oriphaun
  • Disrupt the Netherese spellcasters
  • Exit the Mythallar Chamber
  • Sink the flying fortress
  • Return to the Mythallar
  • Destroy the flight pillars
  • Defeat the Archwizard Amskar
  • Defeat all the Shadovars
  • Return to the Mythallar
  • (Optional) Find the jeweled keys (two) — Bonus (10%): Heroic( ♣917 ♦1,585 ♥1,642 ♠1,698 ) Epic( ♣3,565 ♦6,111 ♥6,280 ♠6,449 )
  • (Optional) Defeat Vocis the Shade — Bonus (15%): Heroic( ♣1,376 ♦2,378 ♥2,462 ♠2,547 ) Epic( ♣5,348 ♦9,167 ♥9,420 ♠9,674 )
  • (Optional) Find a use for the jeweled keys — Bonus (5%): Heroic( ♣459 ♦793 ♥821 ♠849 ) Epic( ♣1,783 ♦3,056 ♥3,140 ♠3,225 )
  • (Optional) Jump off the flying glacier! — Bonus (10%): Heroic( ♣917 ♦1,585 ♥1,642 ♠1,698 ) Epic( ♣3,565 ♦6,111 ♥6,280 ♠6,449 )

Known Traps

Trap DCs

  • Evil Spell Ward in a room with crates.
  • Telekinetic Spell Ward in another room with crates.
  • Telekinetic Spell Ward in the treasure room
  • Pressure plate in front of the correct chest in the treasure room
(Spell Wards only appear if you fail the skill check to open the rooms safely.)

Tips and Misc

This is a long quest with multiple maps.

Getting to the entrance
  • There's a far shifter NPC inside Storm Horns wilderness.
  • The fastest way is to pay 3 Astral Shards to get teleported directly to the entrance.
  • A more reasonable option is to teleport to the North Camp, and then head roughly due east to the Mountain Glacier quest entrance. If you have not found the North Camp, then use the Northwest Camp. If not that, then you have a long hike ahead of you, starting northwest and looping around (see map).
  • Tip (death taxi, soul stone ride): If at least one person has the teleport unlocked (or is willing to pay the AS cost), other party members can die (take off armor/fortification and find a bear, or drown). The surviving person picks up the soul stone(s), teleports to the camp or quest entrance, and resurrects the group.
    • Typing "/death" will not work, as the character returns to their bind point. Note: Apparently it *does* work if you are incapacitated.
First map
  • The only required kills in this part are the first few guards, killing them opens the gate.
  • A player with very high stealth skills can make their way through most of the first map undetected.
  • There are two optional jeweled keys, needed to open two chests later. The first is on this map, at one of the following locations:
    • Under the first stairs
    • In the eastern dead end with wolves
    • Up, behind crates, near the first giant
    • At the top of the second ramp where the frost giants are first encountered, on an ice ledge running around to a door opened with a lever.
  • Don't be in a hurry to use this shrine now – there is some combat ahead, followed by a big fight at the end of the next map. You can return here from that map at any time to use the shrine before continuing.
Second map
  • To proceed, you have to find two crests; Oriphaun Huntsilver has one, and both he and the other are in random side alcoves. Most of the alcoves are (mostly) empty, but you have to get the crests, and optionally kill Vocis if you want the second jeweled key.
  • To unlock the barriers, go to the far eastern, inner passage, use that orb (UMD, Concentration or pay Astral Shards), and fight two mini-bosses. (Input data on this page). Then use the inner "elaborate control orbs", which have a higher DC; If you fail the check, barriers open but spell wards can appear in the rooms (which can be disabled as normal).
  • The "obelisks" and purple orbs look scary, but they are just breakables.
  • Behind the barriers, find (randomly located):
    • Wolf signet to open the way forward.
    • Oriphaun, who carries the other signet.
      • Note – Following Oriphaun to the fight (see below) ends this section, so finish any optionals before that fight. Either do not speak to Oriphaun until you are ready, or, at the barriers, he says "After you..." – he'll wait for you to finish.
    • Optional: After unlocking "all" the barriers, a red barrier remains in the southeast corner. Find the silver key that fits into a concealed golden elaborate control orb (random alcove) to open the way to this optional fight with Vocis the Shade. Defeating Vocis allows you to pick up the second jeweled key after the fight.
  • Slot the signet to proceed to a big orb, the mythallar. Kill mages, then Zeligat. Trash respawns until Zeligat dies.
  • When you defeat Zeligat and his lackeys, you're transported to the Mythallar Chamber with no way back (short of Dimension Door); therefore, if you haven't already used it, you may as well use the shrine (at the end of the previous section) before that fight. You can return to that shrine anytime before killing Zeligat.
    • There are also a couple of resurrection-only shrines en route ahead (always appear) and a final shrine at the ramp before the top of the glacier. If you do not use this shrine at this time, you can come back to use it later (see end fight notes).
Third map
  • Treasure barricade contains slow Spell Ward (only if you fail on the UMD roll to open it) and four chests which all require the jeweled keys to open. Two are empty, two are nice and full – but at best you only have 2 keys (if you found both). Use your Spot skill and walk near each one to see which chest "shows signs of being used recently" (the recently used chest is likely to be full).
    • If your Spot is high enough, you will get a message onscreen and in general chat window. Spot 51 on EN was enough for 1 chest hint. Spot 50 was enough on EH for 1 hint.
    • Be patient – the message can sometimes be delayed.
    • With 50 Spot, some of the trapped chest triggers became visible (well before the Spot message).
End fight
  • If you fall off the plateau to a spot without land below, you will die and your soul stone will be deposited by the first shrine on the glacier map, with a long run back to the fight.
    • If you did not yet use the rest shrine at the end of the last ("second") map, you can go back through the portal and use it.
  • Both shrines right before the boss (near the base of the ramp up to the plateau) will become inaccessible when the final boss fight starts.
  • Between the pillars and near the glacier's edge, there are raised areas of rock and ice, just high enough to hide behind. A ranged character can shoot at the nearby pillars from behind these, out of the line of sight of most(!) patrolling trash.
  • The boss teleports frequently to several spots. If you get too close, he tends to teleport away.
  • Aside from killing the 4 flight pillars, there are 4 parts of the end fight before the glacier goes down:
    • Kill 2 waves of orcs
    • Kill Ice Elementals
    • Kill 4 Shadovars
    • Kill Amskar
  • One tactic is to kill some orcs from the first or second wave and kite around the remaining orcs while the rest of the party destroys the pillars. After the orcs (and the pillars), kite around the elementals and the shadar-kai while the party focuses on one elemental at a time thus killing only the required elementals and not the respawning shadar-kai. The same goes for the Shadovar; kite shadar-kai around while party focuses on shadovars. Same goes for Amskar; kite the orcs and shadar-kai around while the party focuses on Amskar. If the kiter somehow dies, the safest response is for the rest of the party to jump down to a safe point instead of trying to deal with the now rampaging trash mobs.

  • For the "Jump off the flying glacier!" optional, jump from the upper glacier (where Amskar and all his spawning mobs are) to the lower glacier (the section between exiting from the Mythallar chamber until the final gate). Do not jump off the glacier entirely; this will merely kill you without completing the optional. Delay your jump for as long as possible also, to ensure the optional.
    • The safest spot to jump seems to be the east side of the top glacier, over the wooden battlements. Wait for a few seconds after the optional appears. You want to land at the very first draw bridge, the one that is opened by killing all the orcs near the bones collectable with the words, and which displays the message about "Angry giant bellows" when opened. If done correctly, you should get the optional XP when landing at the entrance to the drawbridge.
    • If you jump wrong (i.e., off the glacier entirely), your Soul stone will appear with everyone else's at the end, near a shrine.
  • To get the end chests, characters must proceed to the glacier area, even if only after the fight is over.

Bonus XP

  • Discreet bonus: 62 or fewer monsters killed +5% Bonus.( ♣459 ♦793 ♥821 ♠849 )
  • Aggression bonus: 33 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣917 ♦1,585 ♥1,642 ♠1,698 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 67 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣1,376 ♦2,378 ♥2,462 ♠2,547 )
  • Conquest bonus: 100 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣2,294 ♦3,964 ♥4,104 ♠4,245 )
  • Tamper bonus: 1 or more trap disarmed +10% Bonus.( ♣917 ♦1,585 ♥1,642 ♠1,698 )
  • Neutralization bonus: 3 or more traps disarmed +20% Bonus.( ♣1,835 ♦3,171 ♥3,283 ♠3,396 )
  • Mischief bonus: 70 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣734 ♦1,268 ♥1,313 ♠1,358 )
  • Vandal bonus: 91 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣917 ♦1,585 ♥1,642 ♠1,698 )
  • Ransack bonus: 112 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣1,376 ♦2,378 ♥2,462 ♠2,547 )
Notes: Breakable requirements reset after you kill Zeligat


  • Chests: 4 to 6
    • 0–2 in treasure barricade with jeweled keys (other 2 are empty... and you can only open 2 total)
    • 1 large chest that can contain the rare named items (to the right as you look at the valley)
      • +1 on Casual/Normal (to left of shrine)
      • +2 on Hard (to left of shrine)
      • +3 on Elite (to left of shrine)
  • Collectables: 6
    • Bones — where you can see that the "massive shape of the Mythallar has been almost fully excavated."Icon tooltip.pngGlowmoss SporesScarlet CryptmossCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodSlime MoldBlister BeetleSwaying Mushroom ClusterZygomycota FungusRuddy FungusSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusSwaying Mushroom Spore PodGlowmoss Clump
    • Bones — behind the closed gate after climbing the rampIcon tooltip.pngGlowmoss SporesScarlet CryptmossCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodSlime MoldBlister BeetleSwaying Mushroom ClusterZygomycota FungusRuddy FungusSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusSwaying Mushroom Spore PodGlowmoss Clump
    • Adventurer's Pack — in Vocis' chamberIcon tooltip.pngBlessed CandleRuddy FungusChipped Bone TalismanSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusTome: Alchemist's ChapbookAcademic TreatiseTear of VulkoorIvory Scorpion IconSilver BowlRitual AthameCryptic MessageSwaying Mushroom ClusterSwaying Mushroom Spore PodPolished OreVial of Heavy WaterRitual CandleZygomycota FungusStone FetishWarehouse LedgerEncoded CommuniqueMystical FormulaSlime MoldGlowmoss SporesBlister BeetleScarlet CryptmossGlowmoss ClumpOceanic SphereMortar and PestleFractured FemurPrismatic DustSmoldering EmberOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Adventurer's Pack — in the Mythallar chamber (be sure to get it before killing Zeligat)Icon tooltip.pngBlessed CandleRuddy FungusChipped Bone TalismanSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusTome: Alchemist's ChapbookAcademic TreatiseTear of VulkoorIvory Scorpion IconSilver BowlRitual AthameCryptic MessageSwaying Mushroom ClusterSwaying Mushroom Spore PodPolished OreVial of Heavy WaterRitual CandleZygomycota FungusStone FetishWarehouse LedgerEncoded CommuniqueMystical FormulaSlime MoldGlowmoss SporesBlister BeetleScarlet CryptmossGlowmoss ClumpOceanic SphereMortar and PestleFractured FemurPrismatic DustSmoldering EmberOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Adventurer's Pack — around the corner from the first bridge on top of the glacier, to the westIcon tooltip.pngBlessed CandleRuddy FungusChipped Bone TalismanSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusTome: Alchemist's ChapbookAcademic TreatiseTear of VulkoorIvory Scorpion IconSilver BowlRitual AthameCryptic MessageSwaying Mushroom ClusterSwaying Mushroom Spore PodPolished OreVial of Heavy WaterRitual CandleZygomycota FungusStone FetishWarehouse LedgerEncoded CommuniqueMystical FormulaSlime MoldGlowmoss SporesBlister BeetleScarlet CryptmossGlowmoss ClumpOceanic SphereMortar and PestleFractured FemurPrismatic DustSmoldering EmberOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Bones — before the first closed gate on the glacier, to the eastIcon tooltip.pngGlowmoss SporesScarlet CryptmossCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodSlime MoldBlister BeetleSwaying Mushroom ClusterZygomycota FungusRuddy FungusSanguine MothBloodfeast FungusSwaying Mushroom Spore PodGlowmoss Clump

NPC end rewards

Always contain following 3 named rings

Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
  • Update 48.4.2
  • 3 years, 7 months, and 29 days
  • BugTime
Guardian's Ring (Level 19)
Guardian's Ring (Level 19).png
Ring  19 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire What Goes Up, End reward
  • Update 48.4.2
  • 3 years, 7 months, and 29 days
  • BugTime
Skirmisher's Ring (Level 19)
Skirmisher's Ring (Level 19).png
Ring  19 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire What Goes Up, End reward
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 4 months and 12 days
  • BugTime
Sage's Ring (Level 19)
Sage's Ring (Level 19).png
Ring  19 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire What Goes Up, End reward
  • Update 48.4.2
  • 3 years, 7 months, and 29 days
  • BugTime
Guardian's Ring (Level 27)
Guardian's Ring (Level 27).png
Ring  27 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire What Goes Up, End reward
  • Update 48.4.2
  • 3 years, 7 months, and 29 days
  • BugTime
Sage's Ring (Level 27)
Sage's Ring (Level 27).png
Ring  27 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire What Goes Up, End reward
  • Update 48.4.3
  • 3 years, 7 months, and 20 days
  • BugTime
Skirmisher's Ring (Level 27)
Skirmisher's Ring (Level 27).png
Ring  27 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire What Goes Up, End reward
⇑   ⇑   Back to top   ⇑   ⇑

Named Chest Drop

Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Consuming Darkness (Level 17)
Consuming Darkness (Level 17).png
Ring  17 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, jeweled key chest, end chest (Heroic Normal); The Secret of the Storm Horns, quest chain end reward (Heroic)
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Consuming Darkness (Level 18)
Consuming Darkness (Level 18).png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, jeweled key chest, end chest (Heroic Hard)
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Consuming Darkness (Level 19)
Consuming Darkness (Level 19).png
Ring  19 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, jeweled key chest, end chest (Heroic Elite)
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Consuming Darkness (Level 26)
Consuming Darkness (Level 26).png
Ring  26 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, jeweled key chest, end chest (Epic Normal); The Secret of the Storm Horns, quest chain end reward (Epic)
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Consuming Darkness (Level 27)
Consuming Darkness (Level 27).png
Ring  27 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, jeweled key chest, end chest (Epic Hard)
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Consuming Darkness (Level 28)
Consuming Darkness (Level 28).png
Ring  28 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, jeweled key chest, end chest (Epic Elite)
Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Goatskin Boots (level 17)
Goatskin Boots (level 17).png
Boots  17 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, end chest, jeweled key chest (heroic normal)
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Goatskin Boots (Level 18)
Goatskin Boots (Level 18).png
Boots  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, end chest, jeweled key chest (heroic hard)
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Goatskin Boots (Level 19)
Goatskin Boots (Level 19).png
Boots  19 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, end chest, jeweled key chest (heroic elite)
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Goatskin Boots (Level 26)
Goatskin Boots (Level 26).png
Boots  26 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, end chest, jeweled key chest (epic normal); The Secret of the Storm Horns, quest chain end reward (epic)
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Goatskin Boots (Level 27)
Goatskin Boots (Level 27).png
Boots  27 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, end chest, jeweled key chest (epic hard)
  • Update 70
  • 1 day
Goatskin Boots (Level 28)
Goatskin Boots (Level 28).png
Boots  28 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, end chest, jeweled key chest (epic elite)
Item Type Enchantments ML Damage type Bind Quests Unusual Characteristics
Thunder and Lightning (Level 17) Handwrap 17 [1d6] + 3 Bludgeon, Silver, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, End chest (Heroic Normal)
  • Critical Profile: 19-20 / x2
Thunder and Lightning (Level 18) Handwrap 18 [1d6] + 4 Bludgeon, Silver, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, End chest (Heroic Hard)
  • Critical Profile: 19-20 / x2
Thunder and Lightning (Level 19) Handwrap 19 [1d6] + 4 Bludgeon, Silver, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, End chest (Heroic Elite)
  • Critical Profile: 19-20 / x2
Thunder and Lightning (Level 26) Handwrap 26 [1d6] + 6 Bludgeon, Silver, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, End chest (Epic Normal);
The Secret of the Storm Horns, Quest chain end reward (Epic)
  • Critical Profile: 19-20 / x2
Thunder and Lightning (Level 27) Handwrap 27 [1d6] + 7 Bludgeon, Silver, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, End chest (Epic Hard)
  • Critical Profile: 19-20 / x2
Thunder and Lightning (Level 28) Handwrap 28 [1d6] + 7 Bludgeon, Silver, Magic Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, End chest (Epic Elite)
  • Critical Profile: 19-20 / x2


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Amskar( view
 • edit )
 ♦22Normal ♥26Hard ♠32Elite ♦30Epic Normal ♥34Epic Hard ♠38Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Animated Object( view
Animated Object.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥12Hard ♠12Elite ♦20Epic Normal ♥24Epic Hard ♠25Epic Elite Construct Animated Object
Flight Pillar( view
Flight Pillar.jpg
 • edit )
0.00 Construct Inanimate Object
Frost Giant Hetman( view
Frost Giant Hetman.png
 • edit )
 ♦20Normal ♥24Hard ♠30Elite ♦28Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard ♠35Epic Elite Giant Giant
Frost Giant Iceblade( view
Frost Giant Iceblade.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦20Normal ♥24Hard ♠30Elite ♦28Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard ♠35Epic Elite Giant Giant
Gnoll Skirmisher( view
Gnoll Skirmisher.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦23Epic Normal ♥27Epic Hard ♠29Epic Elite Gnoll Gnoll
Gnoll Tracker( view
Gnoll Tracker.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦19Normal ♥23Hard ♠29Elite ♦27Epic Normal ♥31Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Gnoll Gnoll
Gnoll Warlock( view
Gnoll Warlock.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦19Normal ♥23Hard ♠29Elite ♦27Epic Normal ♥31Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Gnoll Gnoll
Harpy Warbler( view
Harpy Warbler.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦19Normal ♥23Hard ♠29Elite ♦27Epic Normal ♥31Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Monstrous Humanoid Harpy
Ice Elemental( view
Ice Elemental.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦18Normal ♥22Hard ♠28Elite ♦28Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard ♠35Epic Elite Elemental Ice Elemental
Ithran( view
 • edit )
 ♦20Normal ♥24Hard ♠30Elite ♦28Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard ♠36Epic Elite Dragon Pseudodragon
Netherese Arcanist( view
Netherese Arcanist.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦20Normal ♥24Hard ♠30Elite ♦28Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard ♠35Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Netherese Archwizard( view
Netherese Archwizard.png
 • edit )
 ♦21Normal ♥25Hard ♠31Elite ♦29Epic Normal ♥33Epic Hard ♠36Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Netherese Mage( view
Netherese Mage.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦19Normal ♥23Hard ♠29Elite ♦27Epic Normal ♥31Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Orc Archer( view
Orc Archer.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦17Normal ♥20Hard ♠25Elite ♦26Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard ♠32Epic Elite Orc Orc
Orc Battle Priest( view
Orc Battle Priest.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦17Normal ♥20Hard ♠25Elite ♦26Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard ♠32Epic Elite Orc Orc
Orc Berserker( view
Orc Berserker.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦17Normal ♥20Hard ♠25Elite ♦26Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard ♠32Epic Elite Orc Orc
Shadar-Kai Assassin (Monster)( view
Shadar-kai Assassin (Monster).jpg
 • edit )
 ♦19Normal ♥23Hard ♠29Elite ♦27Epic Normal ♥31Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Humanoid Shadar-kai
Shadar-Kai Blackguard( view
Shadar-kai Blackguard.jpg
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 ♦19Normal ♥23Hard ♠29Elite ♦27Epic Normal ♥31Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Humanoid Shadar-kai
Shadovar( view
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 ♦21Normal ♥25Hard ♠31Elite ♦29Epic Normal ♥33Epic Hard ♠36Epic Elite Humanoid Shade
Vocis( view
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 ♦22Normal ♥26Hard ♠32Elite ♦30Epic Normal ♥34Epic Hard ♠38Epic Elite Humanoid Shade
Worg( view
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 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦23Epic Normal ♥27Epic Hard ♠29Epic Elite Magical Beast Wolf
Zeligat( view
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 ♦22Normal ♥26Hard ♠32Elite ♦30Epic Normal ♥34Epic Hard ♠38Epic Elite Humanoid Human

Elaborate Control Orb DCs

You are not required to succeed on the skill checks to proceed on the quest. However, failing the skill check will create Spell Wards at the failed rooms.

The left orb controls the south rooms. The right orb controls the north rooms. The Dark Room requires the Silver Key to unlock the control orb in the Wizards' quarters.

Bug: As of Update 20, if you try to use the "Open all barriers" options, you will always be forced to make a UMD check, even if you had chosen to make a Concentration check before.

Storeroom Orb
