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About Me[edit]

Here she is.
This is her "hired" skeleton...
... and her pet Rust Monster, Fizzle.
Night Revels costume.
  • Hello everyone!
  • I am a player from the United Kingdom.
  • My main character is Cerulle Silverwood, a level 34 Pale Master on Cannith (that's her on the right there.)
  • Since June 2021, I've been one of DDO Wiki's Administrators! This essentially puts me in the role of a troubleshooter, allowing me to block spambots, delete unused pages and check edits from new editors.
  • My primary wiki "project" ("obsession" might be more valid at this point) is monster hunting! Over four years, I've scoured every quest in the game looking for monsters without a record or description photograph on the wiki. In my spare time, I also look after item description templates and categories and write the first drafts of walkthroughs for new content.
  • So far, DDO Wiki has 5,912 monsters recorded, of which 10 lack an image. Since I joined, I've taken 1,867 new photographs of monsters.
  • If there's a monster you'd like photographed, but don't have the time, drop a note in my Talk Page and I'll add it to the wanted list. Or, check the trophy gallery for a list of my successfully photographed monsters in all its glorious madness.
I was really happy with this image, but unfortunately it turned out the monster in question already had one. So I'll put it here.


DDOwikiEditor.jpg DDOwiki Editor since:

November 12, 2019.
DDOwikiVIP.jpg DDOwiki VIP since:

June 10, 2020.
DDOwikiSuperUser.jpg DDOwiki Super User since:

July 8, 2020.
DDOwikiAdmin.jpg DDOwiki Administrator since:

July 14, 2021.
41,000 edits and counting!
Monster Lich.jpg
You are thee legendary master of the dark side!!!

PurpleSerpent has 25,000 edits - keep up the good work!