Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Resurrection Chamber

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"When Mabar draws nigh, darkness falls and the dead become restless..."

Resurrection Chamber
Level Range: 7-35
Duration: Quest-like, no time limit
Base XP Range: 700-3500
Takes place in: The Night Revels
Challenge entrance(s) in: Night Revels Crypt
Patron: None
Free to Play: Yes
Group Difficulty: Easy
Solo Difficulty: Easy
5 Star Difficulty: Easy
Resurrection Chamber map (legend)
Loading screen


Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!

Star Objectives

  • Slay Lord Harryhausen, Giant Skeleton
  • Slay Zanaduul, the Night Hag
  • (Optional) Slay the undead in the temple
  • (Optional) Open 10 mysterious packages
  • (Optional) Open all of the mysterious packages

Scoring: Base (Level +5)

★ 1 (2)
★★ 3 (5)
★★★ 5 (8)
★★★★ 9 (14)
★★★★★ 15 (23)

Note: You must complete all non-optional star objectives to receive experience & rewards from this Challenge.

Known Traps

As in the Coalescence Chamber, all doors may be trapped

Tips and Misc


  • Enter and head down the ramp to speak to the NPC (who will then drop the barrier into the Main Temple (A)
  • Slay the undead in the temple (A) to get an optional star
    • This requires staying to fight the mobs that spawn from the mist before you drop down
    • Eventually, a named werewolf, Chaney, will appear – Killing him completes the objective
  • For the Open mysterious packages optionals, 10 (1st star) or 16 (2nd star) need to be opened
    • Opening each mysterious package spawns a pack of monsters (one spawns no monsters and contains treasure instead)
    • 4 packages are in the Main Temple (A) before the drop down (B)
    • 9 packages are in the lower passage between the down shaft (B) and the up shaft (D)
    • 1 package is behind a secret door to the side of the lower passage (the flat wall immediately after the first door) – True Seeing is enough to locate the door on CR28
    • 1 package is at the bottom of the up shaft (D)
    • 1 package is just after the door at the top of the up shaft, next to the shrine
    • There are only 16 mysterious packages in total i.e. collecting ALL packages for the objective does mean ALL – If going for both objectives, you should only have 1 package remaining before the start of the ascent (it's behind the door at the top).
  • Drop down the first shaft (B), follow the lower passage then fight Lord Harryhausen (C), then ascend to the top of the second shaft (D)
    • During the descent and ascent of the shafts (B and D), there are power-ups that can be collected (identical to those in some of the Cannith and Eveningstar challenges)
    • Air jets in the up shaft (D) are active by default – they can be used to skip large portions of the climb
    • The high jump power-up combined with any air jet will take a character all the way to the top
    • The Broken Adventurer at the bottom of the up shaft (D) will provide an option to teleport any character to the top of the shaft after at least one person has reached the top
  • Grab the last mysterious package behind the round door at the top – if that isn't all of them, you missed some (possibly the one behind the secret door?)
  • Head down the passageway to Zanaduul's chamber (E), kill the Mysterious Stranger, then kill Zanaduul (and the mobs that spawn with her)
  • Loot the end chests
    • The first is on the platform in the centre of the chamber; The second is up on some rocks to the right of the platform
    • The mobs do not stop spawning after completion of the challenge.
    • From the second chest, a ledge runs along to behind a pillar where any remaining/respawning archers can not interrupt recall


  • Chests: 3
    • 1 of the Mysterious Packages (random; not guaranteed but occurs most runs)
    • 2 End Chests


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Bloodthirsty Bat( view
Bloodthirsty Bat.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Animal Bat
Bone Scavenger Rat( view
Bone Scavenger Rat.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Animal Rat
Chaney( view
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 2 Monstrous Humanoid Werewolf
Lord Harryhausen( view
Lord Harryhausen.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 2 Undead Skeleton
Mysterious Stranger( view
Mysterious Stranger.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 5 Humanoid Human
Skeletal Archer( view
Skeletal Archer.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Undead Skeleton
Skeletal Mage( view
Monster Skeletal Mage.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Undead Skeleton
Skeletal Warrior( view
Skeletal Warrior (common).png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Undead Skeleton
Tormented Ghoul( view
Tormented Ghoul.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Undead Ghoul
Tormented Shadow (Shadowfell)( view
Tormented Shadow (Shadowfell).png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Undead Shadow
Undead Adventurer( view
Undead Adventurer.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Undead Zombie
Werewolf( view
 • edit )
Challenge Level Monstrous Humanoid Werewolf
Wight Sorcerer( view
Wight Sorcerer.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Undead Wight
Zanaduul( view
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 5 Humanoid Hag

External Links

Aldbar's Solo Walkthrough & Guide