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Tomb of the Shadow Lord

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Tomb of the Shadow Lord is the 4th quest in the Litany of the Dead Part 2 story arcIcon tooltip.pngStory arcs  are chains of quests that make up a story line.
Completing everything in a story arc often yields a nice reward.
The first four quests can be completed in any order to unlock The Shadow Crypt.
Tomb of the Shadow Guard • Tomb of the Shadow King • Tomb of the Shadow Knight • Tomb of the Shadow Lord • The Shadow Crypt

The Shadow Lord's Tomb was built for the creatures of darkness. Hallways split, twist, and turn, separated by bars and gates.

The Necropolis, Part 2 adpack icon.jpg
DDO Point icon.png Requires access to adventure pack: The Necropolis, Part 2
Tomb of the Shadow Lord
Heroic level: 8
Epic level: None
Duration: Long
Heroic XP:  ♣1,672Solo/Casual ♦2,956Normal ♥3,124Hard ♠3,292Elite
Epic XP: N/A
Takes place in: Tomb of the Shadow Lord
Bestowed by: Xaeon Penthrax
NPC contact: Xaeon Penthrax
Quest acquired in: The Necropolis
Patron: The Silver Flame
Base favor: 5
Purchase: The Necropolis, Part 2 or VIP
Extreme Challenge: No
M tomb of the shadow lord.png
Loading screen


The Warforged, Xaeon Penthrax of the Silver Flame enlists your help to enter the Tomb of the Shadow Lord and to defeat the Mummy, Nebtawi. Heed Xaeon's advice, don't go alone and do not lose sight of your party.

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Access the East Chamber
  • Access the Central Junction
  • Access the West Chamber
  • Access Nebtawi's Chamber
  • (Optional) Slay Bernt Soren — Bonus (20%): Heroic( ♣334 ♦591 ♥625 ♠658 )
  • (Optional) Slay Lorenne Filloy — Bonus (20%): Heroic( ♣334 ♦591 ♥625 ♠658 )
  • (Optional) Slay Darek Garent — Bonus (20%): Heroic( ♣334 ♦591 ♥625 ♠658 )
  • (Optional) Slay Kristopher Sint — Bonus (20%): Heroic( ♣334 ♦591 ♥625 ♠658 )

What to Expect

  • Spawning/respawning monsters
  • Requires extra player(s)/hireling(s) (Mandatory: At several points, there are pairs of levers that must be pulled simultaneously.)
  • (Optional: the "first" chest requires 2 extra players/pets.)

Tips and Misc

  • Useful spells: Resist Acid, Cold, Fire.
  • Almost(?) every monster in this quest is Incorporeal; have Ghost Touch attacks or some other means of dealing with them.
  • This quest requires either a hireling or at least two players to use the levers. It will also force the team to split at two points in order to advance.
  • Two lever puzzles will require the levers to be pulled simultaneously. A solo player and careful use of a hireling is possible at both of these.
  • Bug: Since Update 13 patch 2, when the party split up, if you are on the upper area and too close to the bridge when it is dropped down, you will pass through it as if there is no bridge at all. Going back a bit and then crossing it may allow you to pass.
  • Secret door DC
Simple solo route
  • The mission can be completed solo with a hireling; without Dimension Door or recalling; only simple hireling hold ground/pull lever mechanics. At the two places this is necessary: first go through the upper door, then go through the northern door, and you won't get stuck.
Detailed solo walkthrough

To complete this quest, you only need a hireling or a pet that you can command, but you'll skip the "first" chest. This is actually the second chest you can loot, but the first you have to open the path to, so the first that is discussed, below.

  • To also get the first chest, you need either Dimension Door OR two hirelings/pets that you can command (see 2b or 2c, below).
  • Note that with all but the end chest, you first open the path to the chest, then collect the chest later in the quest.

1) Enter the quest, talk to the Shadow Lord, and fight forward until you get to a room that has stairs leading up to a lever. Clear out that room, then drop down through the floor and clear out the room beneath the stairs

2) Deal with the double-lever. If you have...

2a) (skip first chest)... only 1 hireling (and no Dimension Door)
  1. From the lower room, go South and West down the hallway to the red lever. Park your pet/hireling and get your focus on the lever.
  2. Go up the ladder to the upper door marked with a red gem, click on the gear icon of your pet/hireling and quickly on the upper lever, and go through the upper door. You can summon your pet/hireling to you now.
2b) (For the first chest)... 2 hirelings OR a hireling plus a pet that you can command:
  1. Park pet/hireling A in front of the lever that is down the hallway to the South then West
  2. Click on the lever to keep your focus on it
  3. Climb up the ladder and head towards the West door
  4. Click on the gear icon of pet/hireling A. Don't lose the focus on the switch!
  5. Take a few steps into the room, stop, summon pet/hireling B and park it
  6. Click on the gear icon of the pet/hireling A so you can exit the room. Go to the lever that's on top
  7. Summon pet/hireling A and park it next to the lever
  8. Click on the lever to keep your focus on it
  9. Jump down to the bottom and go to the door down there
  10. Click on the gear icon of pet/hireling A to open the door. Go into the room. You can summon to you pet/hireling A if you want
  11. Fight West to clear the room. You'll eventually find a switch a little West of the drawbridge. Throw it to unlock the lever that drops the drawbridge
  12. Head back East until you are close to the door. Climb up the slanted surface to the bars that separate you from pet/hireling B
  13. Press Q (the default key for selecting interactables) to highlight the lever and then click on the gear icon for the pet/hireling B. While the pet/hireling is throwing the lever, run to the door out of the room and exit
  14. Park pet/hireling A by the switch next to the door and get your focus on the switch
  15. Go to the upper door, click on the gear icon of the pet/hireling A and go through the door to join pet/hireling B. You can summon pet/hireling A to you now
2c) (For the first chest)... Dimension Door AND a hireling or a pet that you can command:
  1. Climb up the ladder and go to the lever at the top or the stairs
  2. Park your pet/hireling there. Press 'Q' to get your focus on the lever
  3. Jump down to the room below the stairs and go to the door to the West
  4. Click on the gear icon of your pet/hireling to open the door, then go through it. You can summon your pet/hireling to you if you want
  5. Fight West to clear the room. You'll eventually find a switch a little West of the drawbridge. Throw it to unlock the lever that drops the drawbridge
  6. Cast Dimension Door
  7. Go back to the room with the stairs up to the lever, jump down to the lower room and go to the lever there. Park your pet/hireling and get your focus on the lever
  8. Go to the upper door, click on the gear icon of your pet/hireling and go through the door. You can summon your pet/hireling to you now

3) Now that you're through the upper door and ready to advance, go West a little way and throw the switch that's on the bars to your left. A secret door high up on the other side of the bars will open to reveal the first chest

4) Fight West to a lever in the middle of the room. If you've unlocked it already by throwing the switch beyond the drawbridge, then throw the lever to drop the drawbridge; if it's locked, you skipped 2b or 2c, above, so ignore it and the first chest.

5) Fight West some more to another lever that's along the base of the wall with a glowing symbol above it. You will hear a sound, but nothing will appear to happen. What did happen is the bars on the floor above you moved so that you can access the second chest.

6) Go through the door, up the stairs by the shrine, and turn right to a door. Go through that to re-enter the upper area of the room you just left. Throw the switch on your right to open the secret door to the second chest. The path to it is to hug the ledge against the right-hand wall – loot the second chest.

7) For the "first" chest: return to the upper room, fight your way East to the drawbridge and go across. On your map there will be 3 black squares in the area nearby – one to the left, two grouped to the right – the secret door is on the south wall about in the center of the rightmost two squares. There is a barely visible ladder that leads up the left side of the secret door. You have to have some Jump (10 was enough on Elite) to reach the ladder. Run and jump to land on the ladder, climb up and loot the first chest.

8) Head back to stairs above the shrine, and through the west door. Eventually you'll come to a lowered gate. There are two levers that have to be thrown near simultaneously to open it.

9) Continue West. You'll get to two levers next to two gates with signal crystals above them. Each lever near a gate opens the other (timed) gate – you want your pet/hireling to pull the southern (left) lever so you go through the northern (right) gate.

  • Going through the southern gate leads you back to the drawbridge. The lever on that side opens the northern gate – not very helpful to get back again.

10) Fight west, and up some ramps, past the secret door that leads to the room that may have a shrine in it. On the upper level there's a switch on the bars overlooking the other half of the room; throw it to open the secret door to the third chest.

11) Fight down the passage west, then double back east for the third chest. Getting up to the third chest involves jumping onto an invisible ladder like with the first chest.

12) The gate to the boss mummy is opened by throwing two levers near simultaneously.

Bonus XP

  • Aggression bonus: 34 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣167 ♦296 ♥312 ♠329 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 67 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣251 ♦443 ♥469 ♠494 )
  • Conquest bonus: 100 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣418 ♦739 ♥781 ♠823 )
  • Observance bonus: 1 or more secret door discovered +8% Bonus.( ♣134 ♦236 ♥250 ♠263 )
  • Mischief bonus: 79 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣134 ♦236 ♥250 ♠263 )
  • Vandal bonus: 103 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣167 ♦296 ♥312 ♠329 )
  • Ransack bonus: 127 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣251 ♦443 ♥469 ♠494 )

External Links


  • Chests: 4
    • 3 chests up ladders behind banners
    • end chest
  • Collectables: 7
    • Crude Altar — first split section, south pathIcon tooltip.pngAmber VialVial of Pure WaterVial of ContagionString of Prayer BeadsSmall Wooden IdolIcon of KhyberPage Torn from a Research NotebookKhyber Prayer PamphletTome: Prophecies of KhyberResearch DiaryNecromantic GemTome: Stormreach Imports and Exports, 857YKTome: Myths of Old Xen'drikPhoenix Tavern Purchase OrderCaravan LogbookBlade of the Dark SixFunerary TokenSignet of the DevourerMark of the KeeperShamanic TotemLuminescent DustGlittering DustSkull FragmentPowdered BloodIntact FingerboneSparkling Dust'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest
    • Crude Altar — first split section, north path short after bridge leverIcon tooltip.pngAmber VialVial of Pure WaterVial of ContagionString of Prayer BeadsSmall Wooden IdolIcon of KhyberPage Torn from a Research NotebookKhyber Prayer PamphletTome: Prophecies of KhyberResearch DiaryNecromantic GemTome: Stormreach Imports and Exports, 857YKTome: Myths of Old Xen'drikPhoenix Tavern Purchase OrderCaravan LogbookBlade of the Dark SixFunerary TokenSignet of the DevourerMark of the KeeperShamanic TotemLuminescent DustGlittering DustSkull FragmentPowdered BloodIntact FingerboneSparkling Dust'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest
    • Rubble — in a hallway short after first shrineIcon tooltip.pngAmber VialVial of Pure WaterVial of ContagionString of Prayer BeadsSmall Wooden IdolIcon of KhyberPage Torn from a Research NotebookKhyber Prayer PamphletTome: Prophecies of KhyberSweet WhitecapDeadly FeverblanchPale CreeperResearch DiaryNecromantic GemWithered CryptmossCryptmoss Worm LarvaCryptmossCryptmoss WormLush CryptmossCryptmoss QueenTome: Stormreach Imports and Exports, 857YKTome: Myths of Old Xen'drikPhoenix Tavern Purchase OrderCaravan LogbookBlade of the Dark SixFunerary TokenSignet of the DevourerMark of the KeeperShamanic TotemLuminescent DustGlittering DustSkull FragmentPowdered BloodIntact FingerboneSparkling Dust'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest
    • Adventurer's Pack — in a hallway short before second splitIcon tooltip.pngAmber VialVial of Pure WaterVial of ContagionString of Prayer BeadsSmall Wooden IdolIcon of KhyberPage Torn from a Research NotebookKhyber Prayer PamphletTome: Prophecies of KhyberSweet WhitecapDeadly FeverblanchPale CreeperResearch DiaryNecromantic GemWithered CryptmossCryptmoss Worm LarvaCryptmossCryptmoss WormLush CryptmossCryptmoss QueenTome: Stormreach Imports and Exports, 857YKTome: Myths of Old Xen'drikPhoenix Tavern Purchase OrderCaravan LogbookBlade of the Dark SixFunerary TokenSignet of the DevourerMark of the KeeperShamanic TotemLuminescent DustGlittering DustSkull FragmentPowdered BloodIntact FingerboneSparkling Dust'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest
    • Crude Altar — in south west corner of second split sectionIcon tooltip.pngAmber VialVial of Pure WaterVial of ContagionString of Prayer BeadsSmall Wooden IdolIcon of KhyberPage Torn from a Research NotebookKhyber Prayer PamphletTome: Prophecies of KhyberResearch DiaryNecromantic GemTome: Stormreach Imports and Exports, 857YKTome: Myths of Old Xen'drikPhoenix Tavern Purchase OrderCaravan LogbookBlade of the Dark SixFunerary TokenSignet of the DevourerMark of the KeeperShamanic TotemLuminescent DustGlittering DustSkull FragmentPowdered BloodIntact FingerboneSparkling Dust'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest
    • Crude Altar — near bridge, north pathIcon tooltip.pngAmber VialVial of Pure WaterVial of ContagionString of Prayer BeadsSmall Wooden IdolIcon of KhyberPage Torn from a Research NotebookKhyber Prayer PamphletTome: Prophecies of KhyberResearch DiaryNecromantic GemTome: Stormreach Imports and Exports, 857YKTome: Myths of Old Xen'drikPhoenix Tavern Purchase OrderCaravan LogbookBlade of the Dark SixFunerary TokenSignet of the DevourerMark of the KeeperShamanic TotemLuminescent DustGlittering DustSkull FragmentPowdered BloodIntact FingerboneSparkling Dust'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest
    • Adventurer's Pack — at merge point of second split sectionIcon tooltip.pngAmber VialVial of Pure WaterVial of ContagionString of Prayer BeadsSmall Wooden IdolIcon of KhyberPage Torn from a Research NotebookKhyber Prayer PamphletTome: Prophecies of KhyberSweet WhitecapDeadly FeverblanchPale CreeperResearch DiaryNecromantic GemWithered CryptmossCryptmoss Worm LarvaCryptmossCryptmoss WormLush CryptmossCryptmoss QueenTome: Stormreach Imports and Exports, 857YKTome: Myths of Old Xen'drikPhoenix Tavern Purchase OrderCaravan LogbookBlade of the Dark SixFunerary TokenSignet of the DevourerMark of the KeeperShamanic TotemLuminescent DustGlittering DustSkull FragmentPowdered BloodIntact FingerboneSparkling Dust'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest

NPC end rewards

Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Aphotic( view
 • edit )
 ♠15Elite Undead Shadow
Bernt Soren( view
Bernt Soren.png
 • edit )
 ♠14Elite Undead Spectre
Darek Garent( view
Darek Garent.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♠14Elite Undead Wraith
Dread Wraith( view
Dread Wraith.jpg
 • edit )
 ♠18Elite ♦25Epic Normal ♠34Epic Elite Undead Wraith
Drifting Scourge Mage( view
Drifting Scourge Mage.png
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite Undead Spectre
Drifting Scourge( view
Drifting Scourge.png
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Undead Spectre
Dun Butcher( view
Dun Butcher.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Humanoid Human
Fated Revenant( view
Fated Revenant.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Humanoid Human
Gloomstreaker( view
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Humanoid Human
Kristopher Sint( view
Kristopher Sint.jpg
 • edit )
 ♥11Hard ♠14Elite Undead Spectre
Lorenne Filloy( view
Lorenne Filloy.jpg
 • edit )
 ♠14Elite Undead Shadow
Nebtawi( view
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♠15Elite Undead Mummy
Shadow (Mabar)( view
Shadow (mabar).jpg
 • edit )
 ♦7Normal ♥9Hard ♠12Elite Undead Shadow
Shrouded Terror Mage( view
Shrouded Terror Mage.png
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite Undead Wraith
Shrouded Terror( view
Shrouded Terror.png
 • edit )
 ♦7Normal ♥9Hard ♠12Elite Undead Wraith
Twilight Channeler( view
Twilight Channeler.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Humanoid Human
Umbral Worg( view
Umbral Worg.png
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠12Elite Undead Shadow