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The Coalescence Chamber

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The Coalescence Chamber is the 5th quest in The Thirteenth Eclipse story arcIcon tooltip.pngStory arcs  are chains of quests that make up a story line.
Completing everything in a story arc often yields a nice reward.
The first five quests can be completed in any order to unlock The Shroud.
Flagging occurs by collecting dedicated items rather than completing these quests.
Running with the Devils • Rainbow in the Dark • Ritual Sacrifice • Let Sleeping Dust Lie • The Coalescence Chamber • The Shroud

The evil power of Shavarath is quickly encroaching the area surrounding the Fallen Temple.

The Vale of Twilight adpack icon.jpg
DDO Point icon.png Requires access to adventure pack: The Vale of Twilight
The Coalescence Chamber
Heroic level: 16
Epic level: None
Duration: Very Long
Heroic XP:  ♣5,359Solo/Casual ♦9,300Normal ♥9,668Hard ♠10,036Elite
Epic XP: N/A
Takes place in: The Fallen Temple
Bestowed by: Walk-up
NPC contact: Ulvar Kypros
Quest acquired in: The Vale of Twilight
Patron: The Twelve
Base favor: 8
Purchase: The Vale of Twilight or VIP
Extreme Challenge: No
M coalescence chamber.png
Vertical structure of the dungeon
3D overview of the dungeon
Loading screen


You encounter the Fallen Temple, it is clear that it is not fully tainted by the evil of Shavarath's touch. Explore the temple's interior to discover how it is able to resist the vile embrace.

The reward NPC (Ulvar Kypros) is located in Meridia's tavern area, south side.

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Cleanse temple of fiendish invaders
  • Find the source of the fiendish creations
  • Close the portal
  • Reach the top of the shaft
  • Search Behadil's chest
  • Use Frokke's key
  • Defeat the fiendish ambush
  • Use the jeweled key
  • Slay Khemko Sadanand
  • (Optional) Slay Hadarach — Bonus (20%): Heroic( ♣1,072 ♦1,860 ♥1,934 ♠2,007 )

What to Expect

  • Point of no return
  • Spawning/respawning monsters

Known Traps

Trap DCs

  • Force traps at random gates; the trap control panel is usually on the left side of the door. If you haven't a rogue or artificer in your party, some of these traps switch off permanently after a short time, or they can be jumped before the gate closes again.

Tips and Misc

  • Useful buffs:
  • Hadarach comes out of the portal at the beginning of the quest if you fight the mobs long enough. He drops the Gold Key that opens the locked chest at the end.
  • Every non-boss monster in this quest can be banished, so bring your banishing weapons and the banishment spell.
  • A Feather Fall item is essential as well. A skilled player with good speed and jump can complete this quest without feather fall, however, a character without ranks in Jump skill and wearing heavy armor will be challenged to complete this quest. Speed items and possibly removing heavy armor will increase jumping if needed.
  • When jumping to climb the shafts, it may be beneficial to remove your jump items. Too high of a Jump skill can cause you to hit your head on the above ledge and get pushed off. This is more likely with larger box races, such as half-orc. Smaller races will need to jump over small steps, but will be less likely to bounce of walls and ceilings.
  • When climbing the shafts, if you have a good ranged attack, stop every half-lap or so and kill what you can see. If you hear arrows or get a spell effect, something can see you, and you can see it and kill it before you advance to where more can join the attack. Look around – often you'll get to attack it before it starts attacking you.
  • In the shafts, there are points where the path seems to end; you have to jump (often down) to another path that continues up.
  • In the caverns, walking over the patches of gravel will cause fiendish bats and scorpions to spawn (h̶i̶r̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ and summons do not seem to trigger them however); watch for them and either jump over them, or stick to the edge of the walls where the stone floor is exposed and you can avoid a lot of fighting.
    • The bats and scorpions stop spawning after you kill the Gelatinous Cube (boss), so you may want to use the constant respawn of bats just before the cube to farm bats for the Monster Manual.
  • There are many gems scattered in the dungeon. Picking them up will not cause any spawns. Do pick them up, if you want a few platinum from gems. Tested extensively solo.
  • There are many enemy casters in this quest, and they frequently cast Dispel Magic. They often use Displacement, making counter-attacks harder without True Seeing or similar effects. They prefer acid rain and web spells, so sources of resist acid and freedom of movement are recommended.
  • You'll often have to backtrack and go through the same area twice, so clearing mobs out the first time is a good idea, but invisibility can let you avoid a lot of fighting, especially in the shafts (some casters cast True Seeing once they engage you, so go invisible before you get any monster aggravation). It's best to clear mobs while you have the high ground, and since trogs can poison (thereby slowing toons) invisibility zerg is a poor idea because red alert grants mobs true seeing automatically.

Quick Walkthrough (#1)

Extremely short version

  • Assumptions: You are either clearing for CONQUEST or avoiding for ZERG finish and that you hit the rune to turn on the air jets when you pass by.
  • No guidance to tunnels – they are straight forward.
  • 1. 1st shaft – optional first.
  • 2. 2nd shaft – go to NORTH door.
  • 3. 3rd shaft – go to SOUTH door.
  • 4. 4th shaft – Drop, go to 2nd shaft.
  • 5. Up to SOUTH door – get key 1.
  • 6. Down to EAST door – get key 2.
  • 7. Up to NORTH tunnel, go to shaft 3.
  • 8. Up to NORTH door – get key 3.
  • 9. Down to SOUTH door, go to shaft 2. OR Down to bottom and backtrack to previous shaft and use the air vents.
  • 10. Up to EAST door. END FIGHT.

Detailed Walkthrough (#2)

Optional: Kill Hadarach before dropping down (#1) to get the Gold Key (unlocks an extra chest at the end). Once you clear the room just camp on the portal killing mobs as they respawn until Hadarach shows up. Not difficult but it takes time on an already long quest, and the chest only drops standard loot.

  • 1. Drop down the hole.
    • You MUST kill every mob here or the "Close the portal" objective won't complete.
    • Beware of force traps at random gates (see Traps, above).
  • 2. Shaft A. Go up (past the metallic circular Locked door leading east – [#1] requires Iron Key) and take the open passage leading north.
  • 3. Shaft B. Go up (past the metallic circular Locked door leading north – [#2] requires Silver Key) and take the barred gate leading south.
  • 4. Shrine shaft. Drop to bottom (be ready for a fight there, at the shrine), and take the passage leading east.
    • On Normal difficulty, the shrine will most likely have reset by the time you loop around to it again later, so use it now if you need it.
  • 5. Shaft A. Go up once, take the passage through the lever-locked gate leading south and get the Iron Key (Behadil's Key).
    • Use the rune to activate the air jets so you can ride the air jets in the lower half of shaft A if you happen to fall.
  • 6. Shaft A. New mobs here, so kill what you can see from the top – or don't, if you want to live dangerously. Go down thrice but not all the way to bottom, or use Feather Fall to drop in stages (Invisibility works fine here), or drop to bottom and go up once – you're looking for the locked door you passed early in the climb that leads east. Use the Iron Key to open locked door #1 (a bit below the rune you used earlier) and get the Silver Key (Frokke's Key). This is a dead end, so go on back to...
  • 7. Shaft A. Go up once (or ride the air jets twice) and take the open passage leading north, which bends east and then loops back west to...
  • 8. Shaft B. Go up*, use the Silver Key to open locked door #2 (leading north) and get the Jeweled Key (Gelatinous Cube's Key).
    • The Gelatinous Cube cannot fit through the door, so simply range it until its dead. There are infinite bat re-spawns at a relatively reasonable rate; set up a blade barrier on the spawn point and they won't be a problem. The spawns stop when the cube dies. A single Key is dropped where Cube dies, this key is mandatory to open the door towards the end fight.
      • Be aware that this key will drop on death. If the key-bearer dies, picking up the key is more important to quest completion than their soul stone.
    • Defeat the fiendish ambush when you return to shaft B. This is not an optional objective so killing these mobs is mandatory.
    • Dimension Door can be used at this point to make the trip faster. Warning, do not use Dimension Door before triggering Ambush or Completing Ambush. Shortcut shown below (Step #9) is likely faster than Dimension Door anyway.
  • 9. Shaft B. Go up once and take the passage leading south.
    • Shortcut. Shaft B. Go down instead of up, retrace your path to shaft A, take the jump air jet up to the second section of Shaft A then climb to the top end-fight.
  • 10. Shrine shaft. Drop to bottom (shrine here, but also another ambush) and take the passage leading east.
  • 11. Shaft A. Go all the way to the top, take the passage leading east, use the Jeweled Key to open locked door #3 and kill Khemko Sadanand. Optionally, if you have the Gold Key from step 1, you can open the locked chest.

Quick Walkthrough (#3)

How to get to the end boss room (assuming all the keys were found and all the doors were opened):

  • Drop down the hole → Shaft A (go up twice), if air jets are active continue using air jets as high as possible then climb up to End room, otherwise follow the rest of instructions: → Shaft B (go up twice) → Shrine shaft (drop to bottom) → Shaft A (go all the way to the top) → End room

Bonus XP

  • Aggression bonus: 34 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣536 ♦930 ♥967 ♠1,004 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 67 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣804 ♦1,395 ♥1,450 ♠1,505 )
  • Conquest bonus: 100 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣1,340 ♦2,325 ♥2,417 ♠2,509 )
  • Tamper bonus: 4 or more traps disarmed +10% Bonus.( ♣536 ♦930 ♥967 ♠1,004 )
  • Neutralization bonus: 5 or more traps disarmed +20% Bonus.( ♣1,072 ♦1,860 ♥1,934 ♠2,007 )
  • Ingenious Debilitation bonus: 6 or more traps disarmed +30% Bonus.( ♣1,608 ♦2,790 ♥2,900 ♠3,011 )
  • Mischief bonus: 25 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣429 ♦744 ♥773 ♠803 )
  • Vandal bonus: 32 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣536 ♦930 ♥967 ♠1,004 )
  • Ransack bonus: 40 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣804 ♦1,395 ♥1,450 ♠1,505 )
Notes: With the new conquest mechanic (Update 60) conquest is almost guaranteed.


NPC end rewards

Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Behadil( view
 • edit )
 ♦18Normal ♠28Elite Gnoll Gnoll
Fiend-Blood Bat( view
Fiend-Blood Bat.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦11Normal ♠16Elite Magical Beast Bat
Fiend-Blood Gnoll( view
Fiend-Blood Gnoll.jpg
 • edit )
 ♠23Elite Gnoll Gnoll
Fiend-Blood Scorpion( view
Fiend-Blood Scorpion.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♠17Elite Magical Beast Scorpion
Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Ranger( view
Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Ranger.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♠22Elite ♥22Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Reptilian Troglodyte
Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Stalker( view
Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Stalker.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♠22Elite Reptilian Troglodyte
Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Theurge( view
Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Theurge.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♠23Elite Reptilian Troglodyte
Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Warmaster( view
Fiend-Blood Troglodyte Warmaster.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♠23Elite Reptilian Troglodyte
Fiend-Blood Troll( view
Fiend-Blood Troll.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♠23Elite Giant Troll
Frokke( view
 • edit )
 ♦18Normal ♠28Elite Giant Troll
Gelatinous Cube( view
Gelatinous Cube.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦18Normal ♥21Hard ♠23Elite Ooze Gelatinous Cube
Hadarach( view
 • edit )
 ♦18Normal ♠28Elite Reptilian Troglodyte
Khemko Sadanand( view
Khemko Sadanand.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦19Normal ♠28Elite Native Outsider Tiefling