Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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The Cerulean Hills

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The Cerulean Hills map Spoilers!

The rich farmland southeast of Stormreach is known as the Cerulean Hills. Recently, refugees have been pouring into the Harbor from these lush sloped plains due to the invasion from the Grul Tribe of orcs and their bugbear allies. This adventure zone is accessed through The Harbor, out the southeastern gates near the southern docks. It replaced the Postern Gate Wilds in Module 4. In Update 46, four entrances for dungeons from The Lost Gatekeepers and a portal to The Gatekeepers' Grove were added.

The Cerulean Hills is a level 3 Wilderness Adventure Area, allowing characters from levels 1 through 6 full XP rewards.

Points of Interest[edit]



Quest Name Quest Level Total Favor Patron Casual Normal Hard Elite
Where There's Smoke... 3 9 The Free Agents
The Captives 3 9 The Free Agents
Total 2 Quests 18  ♣999Solo/Casual  ♦1,800Normal  ♥1,933Hard  ♠2,066Elite

Rare Encounters[edit]

There are tales of elusive and daunting creatures that stalk the Cerulean Hills. You must seek out and best these rare encounters.

Each Rare Encounter is worth 250 XP, with 875 Bonus XP for locating everything.

After completion: You have bested all rare encounters of the Cerulean Hills. This is an achievement of great honor.


Purge the plague of monstrous denizens from the Cerulean Hills.

  • Slay 10 creatures in The Cerulean Hills: 125 XP = 12.5 xp/kill
  • Slay 25 creatures in The Cerulean Hills: 180 XP = 12 xp/kill
  • Slay 50 creatures in The Cerulean Hills: 275 XP = 11 xp/kill
  • Slay 100 creatures in The Cerulean Hills: 487 XP = 9.74 xp/kill
  • Slay 200 creatures in The Cerulean Hills: 920 XP = 9.2 xp/kill
  • Slay 400 creatures in The Cerulean Hills: 1,820 XP = 9.1 xp/kill

After completion: You have dealt a devastating blow to the monstrous inhabitants of the Cerulean Hills. The hills are now a safer place for the farmers and fishermen.

The Cerulean Hills Explorers XP


Discover the magnificent sites and dark haunts of the Cerulean Hills.

Each Explorer is worth 150 XP, the bonus for finding all of them is 525 XP.


  • Find Nash Braza's caravan - A dusty caravan blocks the road to the west.
  • Find the road to the east - The road continues east into territory controlled by hostile Grul tribe orcs.
  • Discover the caravan's fate - This caravan has been looted and ripped to pieces. Judging from the debris this happened quite recently.
  • Find the garden of stone - Carved statues of hideous creatures line this white marble dais.
  • Find the cave-in - The old mine here has long since collapsed, someone must have dug one too many times.
  • Find the wolf feeding grounds - Half-gnawed bones, tufts of fur, and splotches of blood cover the ground here.
  • Find the Temple of Arawai - The ancient white marble ruins are all that remains of the once great Temple to Arawai, goddess of agriculture. Offerings from desperate farmers are still left and from the looks of the land here, rewarded.
  • Find the Tree of Sorrow - A lone tree dots this hill. Legend says that when the temple was ransacked, Arawai cried a single tear and where it landed this tree grew.
  • Find the ancient vineyard - Rotted wood overgrown with several vines now resides where a majestic vineyard once stood. A paper label on the ground reads, 'Vintage 978 YK'.
  • Find Talloak's dam - Several white marble stones have been piled up here as a makeshift dam.

Dungeon Entrances[edit]

  • Find the Quickfoot safehouse - The faint sounds of an argument over the price of several objects escapes from the cave. You're fairly certain none of the items being discussed were legally obtained.
  • Find the Orc's prison - Water rushes down from the rocks above, the crash echoing in your ears.
  • Find the scorpions lair - Large holes and drag marks mar the ground in front of this cave.
  • Find the orc camp - From the loud boisterous sounds coming from this cave, you guess there must be dozens of orcs inside.

Note: These do not include entrances to the U46 dungeons, each of which is connected to a Landmark explorer point.

After completion: You have finished exploring the Cerulean Hills.


The Cerulean Hills Monster Information Table

Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Black Wolf( view
Black Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦3Normal Animal Wolf
Brown Rat( view
Brown Rat.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦0.50Normal Animal Rat
Bugbear Bard( view
Bugbear Bard.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal Goblinoid Bugbear
Bugbear Rogue( view
Bugbear Rogue.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal Goblinoid Bugbear
Bugbear Warrior( view
Bugbear Warrior.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦4Normal Goblinoid Bugbear
Bugbear( view
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal Goblinoid Bugbear
Ebony( view
Rare Encounter Ebony.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦4Normal Vermin Scorpion
Fiendish Lion( view
Fiendish Lion.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦3Normal Magical Beast Lion
Garunt( view
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal Orc Orc
Kargoth( view
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal Orc Orc
Lotigath( view
Rare Encounter Lotigath.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦4Normal Monstrous Humanoid Gargoyle
Medium Monstrous Scorpion( view
Medium Monstrous Scorpion.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal Vermin Scorpion
Orc Barbarian( view
Orc Barbarian.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦3Normal Orc Orc
Orc Cleric( view
Orc Cleric.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal Orc Orc
Orc Ranger( view
Orc Ranger.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal Orc Orc
Orc Scout( view
Orc Scout.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦3Normal Orc Orc
Orc Warrior( view
Orc Warrior.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal Orc Orc
Orc Wizard( view
Orc Wizard.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal Orc Orc
Quickfoot Cat Burglar( view
Quickfoot Cat Burglar.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal Humanoid Human
Quickfoot Fighter( view
Quickfoot Fighter.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦4Normal Humanoid Human
Quickfoot Master Thief( view
Quickfoot Master Thief.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦3Normal Humanoid Human
Thaalan( view
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal Humanoid Human
Twinfang( view
Rare Encounter Twinfang.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦4Normal Magical Beast Lion
Wolf( view
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal Animal Wolf


  • Adventurer's Pack (atop the hill straight out from entrance between trees and pillars)
  • Adventurer's Pack (inside the Quickfoot Safehouse)
  • Mushroom (inside the Orc's Prison)
  • Adventurer's Pack (inside the Scorpions Lair)
  • Adventurer's Pack (center of the Wolf Feeding Grounds)
  • Adventurer's Pack (inside the Orc Camp cavern)