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ToEE: Depths of the Temple

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ToEE: Depths of the Temple is the 5th quest in the Temple of Elemental Evil: Part Two story arcIcon tooltip.pngStory arcs  are chains of quests that make up a story line.
Completing everything in a story arc often yields a nice reward.
The first four quests can be completed in any order to unlock ToEE: Depths of the Temple.
ToEE: Fire Node • ToEE: Water Node • ToEE: Earth Node • ToEE: Air Node • ToEE: Depths of the Temple

The lowest level of the Temple of Elemental Evil surely leads to the malefic force that controls it.

The Temple of Elemental Evil adpack icon.jpg
DDO Point icon.png Requires access to adventure pack: The Temple of Elemental Evil
ToEE: Depths of the Temple
Heroic level: 8
Epic level: 34
(considered Legendary)
Duration: Medium
Heroic XP:  ♣2,018Solo/Casual ♦3,568Normal ♥3,772Hard ♠3,976Elite
Epic XP:  ♣14,822Solo/Casual ♦25,285Normal ♥25,866Hard ♠26,448Elite
Takes place in: Temple Depths
Bestowed by: The Temple of Elemental Evil
NPC contact: Brother Smyth
Quest acquired in: Temple Grounds
Patron: The Gatekeepers
Base favor: 4
Purchase: The Temple of Elemental Evil or VIP
Extreme Challenge: No
Level 1
Level 2: Zuggtmoy's chamber
Loading screen


Travel into the Depths of the Temple to find and slay Zuggtmoy.

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Reach the innermost depths of the Temple of Elemental Evil
  • Retrieve the Door Seal
  • Unseal the Door to the Greater Temple
  • Find the Commanders of the Greater Temple
  • Defeat the Commanders of the Greater Temple
  • Find a path to Zuggtmoy's Chamber
  • Approach Zuggtmoy
  • Defeat Zuggtmoy
  • (Optional) Defeat 10 enemies in the Temple — Bonus (3%): Heroic( ♣61 ♦107 ♥113 ♠119 ) Legendary( ♣445 ♦759 ♥776 ♠793 )
  • (Optional) Defeat 25 enemies in the Temple — Bonus (7%): Heroic( ♣141 ♦250 ♥264 ♠278 ) Legendary( ♣1,038 ♦1,770 ♥1,811 ♠1,851 )
  • (Optional) Defeat 50 enemies in the Temple — Bonus (15%): Heroic( ♣303 ♦535 ♥566 ♠596 ) Legendary( ♣2,223 ♦3,793 ♥3,880 ♠3,967 )
  • (Optional) Defeat 100 enemies in the Temple — Bonus (35%): Heroic( ♣706 ♦1,249 ♥1,320 ♠1,392 ) Legendary( ♣5,188 ♦8,850 ♥9,053 ♠9,257 )
  • (Optional) Defeat 200 enemies in the Temple — Bonus (60%): Heroic( ♣1,211 ♦2,141 ♥2,263 ♠2,386 ) Legendary( ♣8,893 ♦15,171 ♥15,520 ♠15,869 )
  • (Optional) Slay Senshock — Bonus (20%): Heroic( ♣404 ♦714 ♥754 ♠795 ) Legendary( ♣2,964 ♦5,057 ♥5,173 ♠5,290 )
  • (Optional) Slay Supreme Commander Hedrack — Bonus (20%): Heroic( ♣404 ♦714 ♥754 ♠795 ) Legendary( ♣2,964 ♦5,057 ♥5,173 ♠5,290 )
  • (Optional) Find all of the Part Two Audio Commentaries (3 orbs) — Bonus (50%): Heroic( ♣1,009 ♦1,784 ♥1,886 ♠1,988 ) Legendary( ♣7,411 ♦12,643 ♥12,933 ♠13,224 )

What to Expect

  • Secret doors
  • Large spawns (on higher difficulties)
  • Respawns
  • Randomly spawning optional bosses
  • Mysterious Altars and Lockboxes randomly spawn

Known Traps

Trap DCs

  • Bear traps
  • Pressure plates
  • Spell Wards
  • Room with an acid aura on level 2

Tips and Misc

Death Ward is strongly advised as enemies will cast Enervation on higher difficulties.


Head east to find a secret door. After the secret door, keep going east and take the north door to find the Door Seal Key. Head north past the door seal to find two cleric mini bosses and keep going north. There is an infested area that will apply a stacking acid DOT effect on you, go near a cleansing mushroom to remove the stacks. Toxic mushrooms should be killed ASAP. The Zuggmoty fight will use the same mechanics.

Keep going north into Zuggmoty's Chambers and keep going straight to trigger a cutscene before she attacks. At 3 intervals, she will shield herself and summon some trash mobs, kill them to drop her shield. The last wave includes a red named Goristro Barbarian. All waves consist of demons which are immune to electric damage.

End fight

Sheltering Mushroom
Cleansing Mushroom
  • The end fight on heroic can be a challenge even for characters approaching epic levels.
  • Zuggtmoy and her summoned demons use a variety of elemental and poison attacks – fire, acid, lightning, cold and poison resists are all helpful.
  • After you approach Zuggtmoy, she has a short speech, allowing you to finish buffing. Shortly after she says "No matter...", it's game on.
  • The entire room is covered by a damage-over-time effect dealing acid damage and stacking up to ten times. Occasionally a Toxic Mushroom spawns which probably increases the damage; kill it. Occasionally a purple Cleansing Mushroom spawns; interact with it to remove the stacks.
  • Zuggtmoy spawns trash multiple times per fight (at 75/50/25% HP). She usually has a shield up until all trash dies. First wave is dretches, second adds some hezrous, third includes a red named Goristro.
  • Starting with the third wave she spawns an AoE attack with high damage and stun. There will be waves on the ground just before this attack. Keep in mind that on higher difficulties, the damage of this attack is often fatal enough to instantly kill even the hardiest of adventurers.
  • You can avoid the attack by getting behind the blue Sheltering Mushrooms.
  • Spell Absorption items like Pale Lavender Ioun Stone absorb the damage, but not the stun. Note that Zuggtmoy's attacks burn through the charges.
  • (Deathblock does not negate, as it is not an instant kill effect).
  • Zuggtmoy's Earthquake spell can take you completely out of the equation. Bring high reflex save or knockdown immunity (e.g., from Unyielding Sentinel stance). Also note, arcane casters can dispel the effect by casting Gust of Wind onto the area.
  • Destruction is another of her favorite and devastating attacks.
  • After the fight, a barrier of vines to the west can be bashed down to proceed to complete the quest and collect the end chest.

Bonus XP

  • Aggression bonus: 34 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣202 ♦357 ♥377 ♠398 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 67 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣303 ♦535 ♥566 ♠596 )
  • Conquest bonus: 100 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣505 ♦892 ♥943 ♠994 )
  • Observance bonus: 1 or more secret door discovered +8% Bonus.( ♣161 ♦285 ♥302 ♠318 )
  • Mischief bonus: 31 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣161 ♦285 ♥302 ♠318 )
  • Vandal bonus: 40 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣202 ♦357 ♥377 ♠398 )
  • Ransack bonus: 49 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣303 ♦535 ♥566 ♠596 )
Notes: Limits are updated when entering the second map. The barracks area is required for Conquest.


  • Chests: 4
    • Ogre Commander's Chest
    • Locked chest in Kitchens (random loot only)
    • Temple Commander's chest (random loot only)
    • End chest (named items & augments may drop)
  • Possible Chests (if Boss spawns)
  • Collectables: 8
    • Adventurer's Pack — in the poisoned room on level 2Icon tooltip.pngResearch DiaryNecromantic GemWithered CryptmossCryptmoss Worm LarvaCryptmossCryptmoss WormLush CryptmossCryptmoss QueenTome: Stormreach Imports and Exports, 857YKTome: Myths of Old Xen'drikPhoenix Tavern Purchase OrderCaravan LogbookBlade of the Dark SixFunerary TokenSignet of the DevourerMark of the KeeperShamanic TotemLuminescent DustGlittering DustSkull FragmentPowdered BloodIntact FingerboneSparkling Dust'Wavecrasher' Cargo ManifestOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Adventurer's Pack — in the poisoned room on level 2Icon tooltip.pngResearch DiaryNecromantic GemWithered CryptmossCryptmoss Worm LarvaCryptmossCryptmoss WormLush CryptmossCryptmoss QueenTome: Stormreach Imports and Exports, 857YKTome: Myths of Old Xen'drikPhoenix Tavern Purchase OrderCaravan LogbookBlade of the Dark SixFunerary TokenSignet of the DevourerMark of the KeeperShamanic TotemLuminescent DustGlittering DustSkull FragmentPowdered BloodIntact FingerboneSparkling Dust'Wavecrasher' Cargo ManifestOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Fungus — just behind the 1st door on level 2Icon tooltip.pngCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodWithered CryptmossCryptmoss Worm LarvaCryptmossCryptmoss WormLush CryptmossCryptmoss Queen
    • Fungus — on the north side of the big roomIcon tooltip.pngCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodWithered CryptmossCryptmoss Worm LarvaCryptmossCryptmoss WormLush CryptmossCryptmoss Queen
    • Fungus — on the north side of the big roomIcon tooltip.pngCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodWithered CryptmossCryptmoss Worm LarvaCryptmossCryptmoss WormLush CryptmossCryptmoss Queen
    • Fungus — on the south side of the big roomIcon tooltip.pngCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodWithered CryptmossCryptmoss Worm LarvaCryptmossCryptmoss WormLush CryptmossCryptmoss Queen
    • Fungus — on the south side of the big roomIcon tooltip.pngCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodWithered CryptmossCryptmoss Worm LarvaCryptmossCryptmoss WormLush CryptmossCryptmoss Queen
    • Fungus — at the end of the questIcon tooltip.pngCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodWithered CryptmossCryptmoss Worm LarvaCryptmossCryptmoss WormLush CryptmossCryptmoss Queen

NPC end rewards

Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.

Named Chest Drop

Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
Elemental Victory
Elemental Victory.png
Helm  7 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest (confirmed), ToEE: Air Node, dragon's hoard chests, ToEE: Fire Node, Periron chest, ToEE: Water Node, Jotun Rimeblade chest, and ToEE: Earth Node, Hyrelgas chest
Emblem of Elemental Evil
Emblem of Elemental Evil.png
Trinket  8 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
  • Update 57
  • 1 year, 7 months, and 21 days
  • Cru121
Eyes of the Lady of Rot and Decay
Eyes of the Lady of Rot and Decay.jpg
Goggles  8 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
  • Update 57
  • 1 year, 7 months, and 20 days
  • LrdSlvrhnd
The Earth and the Sky
The Earth and the Sky.png
Ring  8 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
  • Update 57
  • 1 year, 7 months, and 20 days
  • LrdSlvrhnd
The Flame and the Frost
The Flame and the Frost.png
Ring  8 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
Bracelets of Subtle Life
Bracelets of Subtle Life.png
Bracers  8 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
  • Update 61.2
  • 9 months and 19 days
  • Bladedge
Flame Priest's Focus
Flame Priest's Focus.png
Helmet  8 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
Epic Elemental Victory
Epic Elemental Victory.png
Helm  26 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest (confirmed), ToEE: Air Node, dragon's hoard chests, ToEE: Fire Node, Periron chest, ToEE: Water Node, Jotun Rimeblade chest, and ToEE: Earth Node, Hyrelgas chest
Legendary Emblem of Elemental Evil
Legendary Emblem of Elemental Evil.png
Trinket  31 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
  • Update 57
  • 1 year, 7 months, and 21 days
  • SarcFa
Legendary Eyes of the Lady of Rot and Decay
Legendary Eyes of the Lady of Rot and Decay.png
Goggles  31 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
  • Update 57
  • 1 year, 7 months, and 20 days
  • LrdSlvrhnd
Legendary The Earth and the Sky
Legendary The Earth and the Sky.png
Ring  31 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
  • Update 57
  • 1 year, 7 months, and 20 days
  • LrdSlvrhnd
Legendary The Flame and the Frost
Legendary The Flame and the Frost.png
Ring  31 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
Legendary Bracelets of Subtle Life
Legendary Bracelets of Subtle Life.png
Bracers  31 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
  • Update 61.2
  • 9 months and 19 days
  • Bladedge
Legendary Flame Priest's Focus
Legendary Flame Priest's Focus.png
Helmet  31 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire ToEE: Depths of the Temple, end chest
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This quest may also drop the following named augments:


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Barkinar( view
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Deggum( view
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Elf Half-Elf
Goristro Barbarian( view
Goristro Barbarian.png
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ♦36Epic Normal ♥40Epic Hard ♠45Epic Elite Evil Outsider Demon
Large Noxious Gray Ooze( view
Large Noxious Gray Ooze.png
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Ooze Gray Ooze
Ogre Chieftan( view
Ogre Chieftan.png
 • edit )
 ♦11Normal ♥13Hard ♠16Elite ♦36Epic Normal ♥40Epic Hard ♠45Epic Elite Giant Ogre
Ogre Commander( view
Ogre Commander.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Giant Ogre
Ogre Lackey( view
Ogre Lackey.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥9Hard ♠12Elite ♦30Epic Normal ♥34Epic Hard ♠38Epic Elite Giant Ogre
Ogre Leader (red-named)( view
Ogre Leader (red-name).png
 • edit )
 ♦11Normal ♥13Hard ♠16Elite ♦36Epic Normal ♥40Epic Hard ♠45Epic Elite Giant Ogre
Orc Sentry( view
Orc Sentry.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Orc Orc
Orc Shaman( view
Orc Shaman.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Orc Orc
Orc Tracker( view
Orc Tracker.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Orc Orc
Ravenous Dretch( view
Ravenous Dretch.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦7Normal ♥9Hard ♠12Elite ♦30Epic Normal ♥34Epic Hard ♠38Epic Elite Evil Outsider Demon
Ravenous Hezrou( view
Ravenous Hezrou.png
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Evil Outsider Demon
Senshock( view
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ♦36Epic Normal ♥40Epic Hard ♠45Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Supreme Commander Hedrack( view
Sumreme Commander Hedrack.png
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ♦36Epic Normal ♥40Epic Hard ♠45Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Temple Cleric( view
Temple Cleric.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Temple Cultist( view
Temple Cultist.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦7Normal ♥8Hard ♠10Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠41Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Temple Gargoyle( view
Temple Gargoyle.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Monstrous Humanoid Gargoyle
Temple Guard( view
Temple Guard.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Humanoid Human
Temple Warrior( view
Temple Warrior.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Humanoid Human
The Cook( view
The Cook.png
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Giant Ogre
Toxic Mushroom( view
Toxic Mushroom.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦7Normal ♥9Hard ♠12Elite ♦30Epic Normal ♥34Epic Hard ♠38Epic Elite Plant Plant Creature
Zuggtmoy( view
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦38Epic Normal ♥42Epic Hard ♠47Epic Elite Plant Plant Creature