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Feast or Famine

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The Wyrm Cult hunting party will return soon. Can the leader be killed before reinforcements arrive? The orc you spoke to outside told you if you hurry, you may reach the leader before the hunting party returns.

Ruins of Gianthold adpack icon.jpg
DDO Point icon.png Requires access to adventure pack: Ruins of Gianthold
Feast or Famine
Heroic level: 13
Epic level: 24
Duration: Long
Heroic XP:  ♣2,748Solo/Casual ♦4,793Normal ♥5,006Hard ♠5,220Elite
Epic XP:  ♣11,844Solo/Casual ♦20,349Normal ♥20,957Hard ♠21,565Elite
Takes place in: Orc Lair
Bestowed by: Walk-up
NPC contact: Raksool
Quest acquired in: Ruins of Gianthold
Patron: Agents of Argonnessen
Base favor: 6
Purchase: Ruins of Gianthold or VIP
Extreme Challenge: No
M feast or famine.png
Path to quest entrance
Loading screen


Exploring Gianthold you encounter a tribe of orcs intent on your demise. Although, one such orc was eager to offer you information regarding the orc hunting party. Explore this area and defeat the orc leader before the hunting party returns.

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!


  • Slay the Orc Leader
  • Slay Noguk
  • Slay Ruzek
  • Slay Zykir
  • (Optional) Slay the hobgoblin spies (6 total) — Bonus (15%): Heroic( ♣412 ♦719 ♥751 ♠783 ) Epic( ♣1,777 ♦3,052 ♥3,144 ♠3,235 )
  • (Optional) Slay Boghi — Bonus (15%): Heroic( ♣412 ♦719 ♥751 ♠783 ) Epic( ♣1,777 ♦3,052 ♥3,144 ♠3,235 )
  • (Optional) Slay the Orc hunting party (30 total) — Bonus (30%): Heroic( ♣824 ♦1,438 ♥1,502 ♠1,566 ) Epic( ♣3,553 ♦6,105 ♥6,287 ♠6,470 )

What to Expect

  • Spawning/respawning monsters

Known Traps

Trap DCs NOTE: Traps are random, these are merely some of the possible locations.

  • Spikes just beyond the entrance; control panel is on the western side just before the trap, near the floor
  • Spikes around the first door, triggered by opening it; control panel is on the south side of the door past the trap, near the floor
  • Blades in the center of the passage; control panel.
  • Spikes at the end of the tent; control panel is on the southern side just before the trap, on the floor
  • Spikes guarding the lever for the second door; control panel is to the north before the door, near the floor
  • Spikes at the end of the corridor to the west, surrounding a decoy, booby-trapped chest; control panel is on the wall behind the chest; however, if the trap isn't disarmed it'll be empty and can simply be skipped.
  • Spikes where the corridor narrows, south and east of the locked door; control panel is on the western side past the trap, on the ground
  • In the second 4-doored section, one of the levers has a nasty blade trap. Triggering the lever will set off the trap. In addition, a second blade trap fills the entrance to the 4-doored section.

Tips and Misc

  • There may be a chest at the western end of one of the four-room wings. Usually this is trapped but can be disarmed with a Control Panel. † If opened with the trap active, the chest and its contents will be destroyed with a chance to leave a rubble collectable behind. (Also, you'll take some pretty heavy Fire damage, so this is not recommended.)
  • Noguk will be just past the first door.
  • Ruzek will be in one of the closed rooms west of the locked door; he holds the key to get through it.
  • The Hobgoblin Spies are a group of Cloven-Jaw and Arzag-Khor hobgoblins who will appear out of a hidden room at the eastern end of the corridor past the locked door.
  • Useful buffs:
    • Elite: Resist acid, resist fire, true seeing.
  • Raksool, the end reward NPC, is located in Gianthold beside the hireling vendor. His quest turn-in icon does not appear on the map due to a hireling vender icon overlapping his icon.

Walkthrough (thanks to Lost Leader)

The orcs in here tend to be high accuracy and hard hitting melees and archers. There is also an ample amount of priests to support them. The archers and melees tend to have low Will saves, so charm spells are great. Get them to fight each other instead of you. Also, Fearsome can really save you in here.

Death Ward or some other way to prevent (or heal) Negative levels (inflicted by Wyrm Cult Heresiarch) is highly recommended.

There are many randomly generated spike and blade traps, so having a rogue with good a Spot skill can be beneficial.

You will only have one way to go for a long way, fighting your way through the orc tunnels. When you reach an unpickable, locked door, you will need to go into a hall with four chambers. Oh, and watch out for that sneaky, not-so-nice, chest.

In one of the chambers will be an orc leader with a key. Usually it is the second door on the right.

Head further in to the tunnels, you will drop down a small pit with a shrine, and further halls. There will be a side passage with a locked door that you can pick, this will lead down to more fighting and an optional chest.

Further in will take you to another series of four chambers, get a key and continue onwards.

The last hallways are filled with orcs, and finally their leader; take him out to get the end chest, which is in the tent.

Optional: After the final battle, you can take on the returning raiding force in the back of the hall. The hunting party enters 30 minutes from entering of quest. Alternatively, you can summon them earlier by ringing the gong.

If you complete the optional, you can leave through the back door to an otherwise unreachable area in the northeast of the Gianthold ruins. There are 22 to 30 more orcs you have to fight, after which you can open a chest. In epic wilderness, this area has an explorer location.

Bonus XP

  • Aggression bonus: 34 or more monsters killed +10% Bonus.( ♣275 ♦479 ♥501 ♠522 )
  • Onslaught bonus: 67 or more monsters killed +15% Bonus.( ♣412 ♦719 ♥751 ♠783 )
  • Conquest bonus: 100 or more monsters killed +25% Bonus.( ♣687 ♦1,198 ♥1,252 ♠1,305 )
  • Tamper bonus: 3 or more traps disarmed +10% Bonus.( ♣275 ♦479 ♥501 ♠522 )
  • Ingenious Debilitation bonus: 4 or more traps disarmed +30% Bonus.( ♣824 ♦1,438 ♥1,502 ♠1,566 )
  • Mischief bonus: 44 or more breakables smashed +8% Bonus.( ♣220 ♦383 ♥400 ♠418 )
  • Vandal bonus: 57 or more breakables smashed +10% Bonus.( ♣275 ♦479 ♥501 ♠522 )
  • Ransack bonus: 70 or more breakables smashed +15% Bonus.( ♣412 ♦719 ♥751 ♠783 )


  • Chests: 4
    • 1 in one of the wings with four rooms (then trapped) (can spawn in multiple locations)
    • 1 optional behind a locked door for killing Boghi (Orc)
    • 1 at the end for killing Rhutha Grimskin (Orc); always contains one elf relic.
    • 1 optional for killing the Orc hunting party (they appear at the back of the end room 30 minutes after the quest has started; the chest is found outside the quest)
  • Collectables: 7
    • Rubble — only if the trapped chest blows upIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering HellscapRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbZygomycota FungusStone FetishWarehouse LedgerEncoded CommuniqueMystical FormulaSlime MoldGlowmoss SporesBlister BeetleScarlet CryptmossGlowmoss ClumpOceanic SphereMortar and PestleFractured FemurPrismatic DustSmoldering EmberOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Fungus Patch — in the north-west room before the first locked doorIcon tooltip.pngGlowmoss SporesScarlet CryptmossCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodSlime MoldBlister BeetleZygomycota FungusGlowmoss ClumpBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering Hellscap
    • Adventurer's Pack — in the hobgoblin spies' tunnelIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering HellscapRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbZygomycota FungusStone FetishWarehouse LedgerEncoded CommuniqueMystical FormulaSlime MoldGlowmoss SporesBlister BeetleScarlet CryptmossGlowmoss ClumpOceanic SphereMortar and PestleFractured FemurPrismatic DustSmoldering EmberOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Fungus Patch — behind the tent covering the ladder downIcon tooltip.pngGlowmoss SporesScarlet CryptmossCrypt MothHairy Trumpet MushroomShimmering Spore PodSlime MoldBlister BeetleZygomycota FungusGlowmoss ClumpBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering Hellscap
    • Crude Altar — south of the second locked door (the one leading to Boghi)Icon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbStone FetishWarehouse LedgerEncoded CommuniqueMystical FormulaOceanic SphereMortar and PestleFractured FemurPrismatic DustSmoldering EmberOrnate CharmAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Rubble — in the eastern room just before the final roomIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering HellscapRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbZygomycota FungusStone FetishWarehouse LedgerEncoded CommuniqueMystical FormulaSlime MoldGlowmoss SporesBlister BeetleScarlet CryptmossGlowmoss ClumpOceanic SphereMortar and PestleFractured FemurPrismatic DustSmoldering EmberOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer
    • Adventurer's Pack — by the back exit to GiantholdIcon tooltip.pngTome: History of the HousesHouse-Sealed LetterBruised Spore PodSour DarkcapExecutioner BeetleFragrant DrowshoodFlowering Spore PodHeadsman BeetleIntact Spore PodDuskbrood TrumpeterFlowering HellscapRomantic SonnetScholarly NotesSilver Flame HymnalTome: Lost Songs of CyreRunic ParchmentTome: Codes of the AurumAmulet of the Lost EmpireSmall Planar CrystalPlanar SpoorAmulet of the SixAmulet of the ArchbishopPlanar TalismanElemental IngotLightning-Split SoarwoodCeramic BowlLodestoneSinged SoarwoodGlass PhialCharred SoarwoodMoonstoneCrystal DecanterStellar OrbZygomycota FungusStone FetishWarehouse LedgerEncoded CommuniqueMystical FormulaSlime MoldGlowmoss SporesBlister BeetleScarlet CryptmossGlowmoss ClumpOceanic SphereMortar and PestleFractured FemurPrismatic DustSmoldering EmberOrnate CharmShimmering Spore PodAdventuring OratorioToken of the SpiderVial of Dragon's Blood InkHairy Trumpet MushroomArchaic LogbookPouch of Bone FragmentsCrypt MothAncient TextFlint KnifeBrass Censer

NPC end rewards

Randomly generated loot, ML correlates with effective quest level.

Named Chest Drop

Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 8 months and 1 day
  • BugTime
Adamantine Knuckles (level 12)
Adamantine Knuckles (Level 12).png
Handwrap  12 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Cabal for One, Feast or Famine, End chest (Heroic Normal)
Madstone Skull (Level 12)
Madstone Skull (Level 12).png
Orb  12 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, End chest (Heroic Normal)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 7 months and 3 days
  • BugTime
Shamanic Fetish (Level 12)
Shamanic Fetish (Level 12).png
Trinket  12 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, end chest (Heroic Normal); The Ruins of Gianthold, quest chain end reward
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 8 months and 1 day
  • BugTime
Adamantine Knuckles (level 13)
Adamantine Knuckles (Level 13).png
Handwrap  13 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Cabal for One, Feast or Famine, End chest (Hard)
Madstone Skull (Level 13)
Madstone Skull (Level 13).png
Orb  13 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, End chest (Heroic Hard)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 7 months and 3 days
  • BugTime
Shamanic Fetish (Level 13)
Shamanic Fetish (Level 13).png
Trinket  13 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, end chest (Heroic Hard)
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 8 months and 1 day
  • BugTime
Adamantine Knuckles (level 14)
Adamantine Knuckles (Level 14).png
Handwrap  14 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Cabal for One, Feast or Famine, End chest (Elite)
Madstone Skull (Level 14)
Madstone Skull (Level 14).png
Orb  14 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, End chest (Heroic Elite)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 7 months and 3 days
  • BugTime
Shamanic Fetish (Level 14)
Shamanic Fetish (Level 14).png
Trinket  14 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, end chest (Heroic Elite)
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 8 months and 1 day
  • BugTime
Adamantine Knuckles (level 23)
Adamantine Knuckles (Level 23).png
Handwrap  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Cabal for One, Feast or Famine, End chest (Epic Normal)
Madstone Skull (Level 23)
Madstone Skull (Level 23).png
Orb  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, End chest (Epic Normal)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 7 months and 3 days
  • BugTime
Shamanic Fetish (Level 23)
Shamanic Fetish (Level 23).png
Trinket  23 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, end chest (Epic Normal); Return to Gianthold, quest chain end reward
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 8 months and 1 day
  • BugTime
Adamantine Knuckles (level 24)
Adamantine Knuckles (Level 24).png
Handwrap  24 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Cabal for One, Feast or Famine, End chest (Epic Hard)
Madstone Skull (Level 24)
Madstone Skull (Level 24).png
Orb  24 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, End chest (Epic Hard)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 7 months and 3 days
  • BugTime
Shamanic Fetish (Level 24)
Shamanic Fetish (Level 24).png
Trinket  24 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, end chest (Epic Hard)
  • Update 67.3.1
  • 8 months and 1 day
  • BugTime
Adamantine Knuckles (level 25)
Adamantine Knuckles (Level 25).png
Handwrap  25 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine End chest (Epic Elite)
Madstone Skull (Level 25)
Madstone Skull (Level 25).png
Orb  25 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, End chest (Epic Elite)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 7 months and 3 days
  • BugTime
Shamanic Fetish (Level 25)
Shamanic Fetish (Level 25).png
Trinket  25 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Return to Cabal for One, and Feast or Famine, end chest (Epic Elite)
⇑   ⇑   Back to top   ⇑   ⇑

Based on [[Category:Feast or Famine loot]] ( t • e • h )


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Arzag-Khor Loremaster( view
Arzag-Khor Loremaster.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦25Epic Normal ♥29Epic Hard ♠35Epic Elite Goblinoid Hobgoblin
Arzag-Khor Shaman( view
Arzag-Khor Shaman.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦24Epic Normal ♥28Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Goblinoid Hobgoblin
Boghi( view
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite ♦26Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard ♠37Epic Elite Orc Orc
Cloven-Jaw Scout( view
Cloven-Jaw Scout.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ♦24Epic Normal ♥28Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Goblinoid Hobgoblin
Cloven-Jaw Veteran( view
Cloven-Jaw Veteran.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦24Epic Normal ♥28Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Goblinoid Hobgoblin
Cloven-Jaw Warlord( view
Cloven-Jaw Warlord.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦25Epic Normal ♥29Epic Hard ♠36Epic Elite Goblinoid Hobgoblin
Noguk( view
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite ♦26Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard ♠37Epic Elite Orc Orc
Orc Huntmaster( view
Orc Huntmaster.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite ♦26Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard ♠37Epic Elite Orc Orc
Rhutha Grimskin( view
Rhutha Grimskin.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦17Normal ♥19Hard ♠22Elite ♦27Epic Normal ♥31Epic Hard ♠38Epic Elite Orc Orc
Ruzek( view
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite ♦26Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard ♠37Epic Elite Orc Orc
Worg Sentinel( view
Worg Sentinel.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ♦22Epic Normal ♥26Epic Hard ♠31Epic Elite Magical Beast Wolf
Wyrm Cult Bone-Knitter( view
Wyrm Cult Bone-Knitter.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦24Epic Normal ♥28Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Orc Orc
Wyrm Cult Eviscerator( view
Wyrn Cult Eviscerator.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦25Epic Normal ♥29Epic Hard ♠36Epic Elite Orc Orc
Wyrm Cult Heresiarch( view
Wyrm Cult Heresiarch.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♥17Hard ♠20Elite ♦25Epic Normal ♥29Epic Hard ♠36Epic Elite Orc Orc
Wyrm Cult Impaler( view
Wyrm Cult Impaler.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦24Epic Normal ♥28Epic Hard ♠34Epic Elite Orc Orc
Wyrm Cult Sacrificer( view
Wyrm Cult Sacrificer.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ♦22Epic Normal ♥26Epic Hard ♠31Epic Elite Orc Orc
Zykir( view
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥18Hard ♠21Elite ♦26Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard ♠37Epic Elite Orc Orc